if-instance- Branch on whether a constraint is satisfied
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module defines the constraint disjunction typeclass ||, with method dispatch:

dispatch :: ( c || d ) => ( c => r ) -> ( d => r ) -> r

An expression of the form dispatch @c @d yes no denotes a selection between the two branches yes and no:

  • if the constraint c can be determined to hold at the point of solving c || d, then the yes branch is selected, which has access to evidence for the c constraint;
  • otherwise, the fallback branch no is selected, which has access to evidence for d.

If you don't need additional constraints in the fallback branch, you can also use:

ifSat :: IfSat c => ( c => r ) -> r -> r

This is the special case of dispatch which takes d to be the trivial constraint, d ~ ( () :: Constraint ).

This module also provides the type family IsSat :: Constraint -> Bool, which, when reduced, will check whether the constraint provided as an argument is satisfied.

To use this functionality, you must enable the corresponding plugin, by adding {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=IfSat.Plugin #-} to the header of your module.


We can select the more efficient nubOrd function when an Ord instance is available:

myNub :: forall (a :: Type). ( Eq a, IfSat (Ord a) ) => [a] -> [a]
myNub = ifSat @(Ord a) nubOrd nub
 -- 'nubOrd' when 'Ord a' is satisfied, 'nub' otherwise.

When a user calls myNub, e.g.:

foo :: [(Int, Int)]
foo = myNub [(1,2), (3,3), (1,2), (2,2), (1,2), (1,4)]

GHC will discharge the IfSat (Ord (Int,Int)) constraint by trying to solve the Ord (Int, Int) constraint. In this case, GHC can solve the constraint using the two top-level instances (which we assume are in scope):

instance Ord Int
instance (Ord a, Ord b) => Ord (a,b)

As the Ord (Int,Int) can be solved, GHC thus choose the first branch in ifSat, which in this case is nubOrd.

When does branch selection occur?

What is important to understand is that the branch selection happens precisely when the IfSat ct constraint is solved.

{ -# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=IfSat.Plugin #- }
module M1 where

showFun :: forall (a :: Type). IfSat ( Show ( a -> a ) ) => ( a -> a ) -> String
showFun = ifSat @( Show (a -> a) ) show ( \ _ -> "<<function>>" )

test1 :: ( Bool -> Bool ) -> String
test1 fun = showFun fun


{ -# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=IfSat.Plugin #- }
module M2 where

import M1

instance Show ( Bool -> Bool ) where
  show f = show [ f False, f True ]

test2 :: ( a -> a ) -> String
test2 fun = showFun fun

test3 :: ( Bool -> Bool ) -> String
test3 fun = showFun fun

After loading M2, we get the following results:

>>> test1 not

In this example, to typecheck test1 we need to solve IfSat (Show (Bool -> Bool)) inside module M1. As no instance for Show (Bool -> Bool) is available in M1, we pick the second branch, resulting in "<<function>>".

>>> test2 not

In this example, we must solve IfSat (Show (a -> a)) within M2. There is no such instance in M2, so we pick the second branch. It doesn't matter that we are calling test2 with a function of type Bool -> Bool: we had to solve IfSat (Show (a -> a)) when type-checking the type signature of test2.

>>> test3 not
"[True, False]"

In this last example, we must solve IfSat (Show (Bool -> Bool)), but as we're in M2, such an instance is available, so we choose the first branch.

Note in particular that test1 and test3 have the exact same definition (same type signature, same body), but produce a different result. This is because the satisfiability check happens in different contexts.



class c || d where infixr 2 Source #


dispatch :: ((IsSat c ~ True, c) => r) -> ((IsSat c ~ False, IsSat d ~ True, d) => r) -> r Source #

dispatch @c @d a b returns a if the constraint c is satisfied, otherwise b.

dispatch :: ( c || d ) => ( c => r ) -> ( d => r ) -> r

Requires the if-instance plugin: add {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=IfSat.Plugin #-} to the header of your module.

Note: the selection happens at the point in the code where the c || d constraint is solved.

type IfSat ct = ct || () Source #

ifSat :: forall ct r. IfSat ct => ((IsSat ct ~ True, ct) => r) -> (IsSat ct ~ False => r) -> r Source #

ifSat @ct a b returns a if the constraint ct is satisfied, and b otherwise.

Requires the if-instance plugin: add {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=IfSat.Plugin #-} to the header of your module.

Note: the selection happens at the point in the code where the IfSat ct constraint is solved.

type family IsSat ct where ... Source #

IsSat ct returns True if ct is satisfied, and False otherwise.

The satisfiability check occurs at the moment of performing type-family reduction.