{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-| Module: Data.Constraint.If This module defines the constraint disjunction typeclass '||', with method 'dispatch': > dispatch :: ( c || d ) => ( c => r ) -> ( d => r ) -> r An expression of the form @ dispatch \@c \@d yes no @ denotes a selection between the two branches @yes@ and @no@: - if the constraint @c@ can be determined to hold at the point of solving @c || d@, then the @yes@ branch is selected, which has access to evidence for the @c@ constraint; - otherwise, the fallback branch @no@ is selected, which has access to evidence for @d@. If you don't need additional constraints in the fallback branch, you can also use: > ifSat :: IfSat c => ( c => r ) -> r -> r This is the special case of 'dispatch' which takes @d@ to be the trivial constraint, @d ~ ( () :: Constraint )@. This module also provides the type family @'IsSat' :: Constraint -> Bool@, which, when reduced, will check whether the constraint provided as an argument is satisfied. To use this functionality, you must enable the corresponding 'IfSat.Plugin.plugin', by adding @\{\-\# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=IfSat.Plugin \#\-\}@ to the header of your module. == Example We can select the more efficient 'nubOrd' function when an 'Ord' instance is available: > myNub :: forall (a :: Type). ( Eq a, IfSat (Ord a) ) => [a] -> [a] > myNub = ifSat @(Ord a) nubOrd nub > -- 'nubOrd' when 'Ord a' is satisfied, 'nub' otherwise. When a user calls @myNub@, e.g.: > foo :: [(Int, Int)] > foo = myNub [(1,2), (3,3), (1,2), (2,2), (1,2), (1,4)] GHC will discharge the @IfSat (Ord (Int,Int))@ constraint by trying to solve the @Ord (Int, Int)@ constraint. In this case, GHC can solve the constraint using the two top-level instances (which we assume are in scope): > instance Ord Int > instance (Ord a, Ord b) => Ord (a,b) As the @ Ord (Int,Int) @ can be solved, GHC thus choose the first branch in 'ifSat', which in this case is 'nubOrd'. == When does branch selection occur? What is important to understand is that the branch selection happens precisely when the @IfSat ct@ constraint is solved. > { -# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=IfSat.Plugin #- } > module M1 where > > showFun :: forall (a :: Type). IfSat ( Show ( a -> a ) ) => ( a -> a ) -> String > showFun = ifSat @( Show (a -> a) ) show ( \ _ -> "<<function>>" ) > > test1 :: ( Bool -> Bool ) -> String > test1 fun = showFun fun > > ---------------------------------------- > > { -# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=IfSat.Plugin #- } > module M2 where > > import M1 > > instance Show ( Bool -> Bool ) where > show f = show [ f False, f True ] > > test2 :: ( a -> a ) -> String > test2 fun = showFun fun > > test3 :: ( Bool -> Bool ) -> String > test3 fun = showFun fun After loading @M2@, we get the following results: >>> test1 not "<<function>>" In this example, to typecheck @test1@ we need to solve @IfSat (Show (Bool -> Bool))@ inside module @M1@. As no instance for @Show (Bool -> Bool)@ is available in @M1@, we pick the second branch, resulting in @"\<\<function\>\>"@. >>> test2 not "<<function>>" In this example, we must solve @IfSat (Show (a -> a))@ within @M2@. There is no such instance in @M2@, so we pick the second branch. It doesn't matter that we are calling @test2@ with a function of type @Bool -> Bool@: we had to solve @IfSat (Show (a -> a))@ when type-checking the type signature of @test2@. >>> test3 not "[True, False]" In this last example, we must solve @IfSat (Show (Bool -> Bool))@, but as we're in @M2@, such an instance is available, so we choose the first branch. Note in particular that @test1@ and @test3@ have the exact same definition (same type signature, same body), but produce a different result. This is because the satisfiability check happens in different contexts. -} module Data.Constraint.If ( type (||)(dispatch), IfSat, ifSat, IsSat ) where -- base import Data.Kind ( Constraint ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type (||) :: Constraint -> Constraint -> Constraint class c || d where -- | @dispatch \@c \@d a b@ returns @a@ if the constraint @c@ is satisfied, -- otherwise @b@. -- -- > dispatch :: ( c || d ) => ( c => r ) -> ( d => r ) -> r -- -- Requires the if-instance 'IfSat.Plugin.plugin': -- add @{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=IfSat.Plugin #-}@ -- to the header of your module. -- -- Note: the selection happens at the point in the code where the @c || d@ -- constraint is solved. dispatch :: ( ( IsSat c ~ True, c ) => r ) -> ( ( IsSat c ~ False, IsSat d ~ True, d ) => r ) -> r type IfSat :: Constraint -> Constraint type IfSat ct = ( ct || () ) -- IfSat must be a type synonym, not a class newtype such as -- -- > class ( ct || () ) => IfSat ct -- > instance ( ct || () ) => IfSat ct -- -- Otherwise, mentions of 'IfSat' can cause GHC to rewrite -- too early. -- | @ ifSat \@ct a b@ returns @a@ if the constraint @ct@ is satisfied, -- and @b@ otherwise. -- -- Requires the if-instance 'IfSat.Plugin.plugin': -- add @{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=IfSat.Plugin #-}@ -- to the header of your module. -- -- Note: the selection happens at the point in the code where the @IfSat ct@ -- constraint is solved. ifSat :: forall ct r . ( IfSat ct ) => ( ( IsSat ct ~ True, ct ) => r ) -> ( ( IsSat ct ~ False ) => r ) -> r ifSat :: forall (ct :: Constraint) r. IfSat ct => ((IsSat ct ~ 'True, ct) => r) -> ((IsSat ct ~ 'False) => r) -> r ifSat (IsSat ct ~ 'True, ct) => r f (IsSat ct ~ 'False) => r g = forall (c :: Constraint) (d :: Constraint) r. (c || d) => ((IsSat c ~ 'True, c) => r) -> ((IsSat c ~ 'False, IsSat d ~ 'True, d) => r) -> r dispatch @ct @() (IsSat ct ~ 'True, ct) => r f (IsSat ct ~ 'False) => r g -- | @IsSat ct@ returns @True@ if @ct@ is satisfied, and @False@ otherwise. -- -- The satisfiability check occurs at the moment of performing type-family reduction. type IsSat :: Constraint -> Bool type family IsSat ct where