Dependencies for idris-0.9.10
- ansi-terminal
- ansi-wl-pprint
- base (>=4 && <5)
- binary
- bytestring
- Cabal
- containers
- deepseq
- directory (>=1.2)
- filepath
- haskeline (>=0.7)
- language-java (>=0.2.6)
- mtl
- network
- parsers (==0.9)
- pretty
- process
- split
- text
- time (>=1.4)
- transformers
- trifecta (==1.1)
- unordered-containers
- utf8-string
- vector
- vector-binary-instances
- xml
- if os(linux)
- if os(freebsd)
- if os(osx)
- if os(windows)
- if flag(llvm)
- llvm-general (>=3.3.8 && <3.3.9)
- llvm-general-pure (>=3.3.8 && <3.3.9)
- if flag(ffi)
- if flag(gmp)
Manual Flags
Name | Description | Default |
llvm | Build the LLVM backend | Disabled |
ffi | Build support for libffi | Disabled |
gmp | Use GMP for Integers | Disabled |
Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info