Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
- data ElabWhat
- data ElabInfo = EInfo {}
- toplevel :: ElabInfo
- eInfoNames :: ElabInfo -> [Name]
- data IOption = IOption {
- opt_logLevel :: Int
- opt_logcats :: [LogCat]
- opt_typecase :: Bool
- opt_typeintype :: Bool
- opt_coverage :: Bool
- opt_showimp :: Bool
- opt_errContext :: Bool
- opt_repl :: Bool
- opt_verbose :: Bool
- opt_nobanner :: Bool
- opt_quiet :: Bool
- opt_codegen :: Codegen
- opt_outputTy :: OutputType
- opt_ibcsubdir :: FilePath
- opt_importdirs :: [FilePath]
- opt_triple :: String
- opt_cpu :: String
- opt_cmdline :: [Opt]
- opt_origerr :: Bool
- opt_autoSolve :: Bool
- opt_autoImport :: [FilePath]
- opt_optimise :: [Optimisation]
- opt_printdepth :: Maybe Int
- opt_evaltypes :: Bool
- opt_desugarnats :: Bool
- opt_autoimpls :: Bool
- defaultOpts :: IOption
- data PPOption = PPOption {}
- data Optimisation = PETransform
- defaultOptimise :: [Optimisation]
- defaultPPOption :: PPOption
- verbosePPOption :: PPOption
- ppOption :: IOption -> PPOption
- ppOptionIst :: IState -> PPOption
- data LanguageExt
- data OutputMode
- data ConsoleWidth
- data IState = IState {
- tt_ctxt :: Context
- idris_constraints :: Set ConstraintFC
- idris_infixes :: [FixDecl]
- idris_implicits :: Ctxt [PArg]
- idris_statics :: Ctxt [Bool]
- idris_classes :: Ctxt ClassInfo
- idris_records :: Ctxt RecordInfo
- idris_dsls :: Ctxt DSL
- idris_optimisation :: Ctxt OptInfo
- idris_datatypes :: Ctxt TypeInfo
- idris_namehints :: Ctxt [Name]
- idris_patdefs :: Ctxt ([([(Name, Term)], Term, Term)], [PTerm])
- idris_flags :: Ctxt [FnOpt]
- idris_callgraph :: Ctxt CGInfo
- idris_docstrings :: Ctxt (Docstring DocTerm, [(Name, Docstring DocTerm)])
- idris_moduledocs :: Ctxt (Docstring DocTerm)
- idris_tyinfodata :: Ctxt TIData
- idris_fninfo :: Ctxt FnInfo
- idris_transforms :: Ctxt [(Term, Term)]
- idris_autohints :: Ctxt [Name]
- idris_totcheck :: [(FC, Name)]
- idris_defertotcheck :: [(FC, Name)]
- idris_totcheckfail :: [(FC, String)]
- idris_options :: IOption
- idris_name :: Int
- idris_lineapps :: [((FilePath, Int), PTerm)]
- idris_metavars :: [(Name, (Maybe Name, Int, [Name], Bool, Bool))]
- idris_coercions :: [Name]
- idris_errRev :: [(Term, Term)]
- syntax_rules :: SyntaxRules
- syntax_keywords :: [String]
- imported :: [FilePath]
- idris_scprims :: [(Name, (Int, PrimFn))]
- idris_objs :: [(Codegen, FilePath)]
- idris_libs :: [(Codegen, String)]
- idris_cgflags :: [(Codegen, String)]
- idris_hdrs :: [(Codegen, String)]
- idris_imported :: [(FilePath, Bool)]
- proof_list :: [(Name, (Bool, [String]))]
- errSpan :: Maybe FC
- parserWarnings :: [(FC, Err)]
- lastParse :: Maybe Name
- indent_stack :: [Int]
- brace_stack :: [Maybe Int]
- lastTokenSpan :: Maybe FC
- idris_parsedSpan :: Maybe FC
- hide_list :: Ctxt Accessibility
- default_access :: Accessibility
- default_total :: Bool
- ibc_write :: [IBCWrite]
- compiled_so :: Maybe String
- idris_dynamic_libs :: [DynamicLib]
- idris_language_extensions :: [LanguageExt]
- idris_outputmode :: OutputMode
- idris_colourRepl :: Bool
- idris_colourTheme :: ColourTheme
- idris_errorhandlers :: [Name]
- idris_nameIdx :: (Int, Ctxt (Int, Name))
- idris_function_errorhandlers :: Ctxt (Map Name (Set Name))
- module_aliases :: Map [Text] [Text]
- idris_consolewidth :: ConsoleWidth
- idris_postulates :: Set Name
- idris_externs :: Set (Name, Int)
- idris_erasureUsed :: [(Name, Int)]
- idris_whocalls :: Maybe (Map Name [Name])
- idris_callswho :: Maybe (Map Name [Name])
- idris_repl_defs :: [Name]
- elab_stack :: [(Name, Bool)]
- idris_symbols :: Map Name Name
- idris_exports :: [Name]
- idris_highlightedRegions :: [(FC, OutputAnnotation)]
- idris_parserHighlights :: [(FC, OutputAnnotation)]
- idris_deprecated :: Ctxt String
- idris_inmodule :: Set Name
- idris_ttstats :: Map Term (Int, Term)
- data SizeChange
- type SCGEntry = (Name, [Maybe (Int, SizeChange)])
- type UsageReason = (Name, Int)
- data CGInfo = CGInfo {}
- primDefs :: [Name]
- data IBCWrite
- = IBCFix FixDecl
- | IBCImp Name
- | IBCStatic Name
- | IBCClass Name
- | IBCRecord Name
- | IBCInstance Bool Bool Name Name
- | IBCDSL Name
- | IBCData Name
- | IBCOpt Name
- | IBCMetavar Name
- | IBCSyntax Syntax
- | IBCKeyword String
- | IBCImport (Bool, FilePath)
- | IBCImportDir FilePath
- | IBCObj Codegen FilePath
- | IBCLib Codegen String
- | IBCCGFlag Codegen String
- | IBCDyLib String
- | IBCHeader Codegen String
- | IBCAccess Name Accessibility
- | IBCMetaInformation Name MetaInformation
- | IBCTotal Name Totality
- | IBCFlags Name [FnOpt]
- | IBCFnInfo Name FnInfo
- | IBCTrans Name (Term, Term)
- | IBCErrRev (Term, Term)
- | IBCCG Name
- | IBCDoc Name
- | IBCCoercion Name
- | IBCDef Name
- | IBCNameHint (Name, Name)
- | IBCLineApp FilePath Int PTerm
- | IBCErrorHandler Name
- | IBCFunctionErrorHandler Name Name Name
- | IBCPostulate Name
- | IBCExtern (Name, Int)
- | IBCTotCheckErr FC String
- | IBCParsedRegion FC
- | IBCModDocs Name
- | IBCUsage (Name, Int)
- | IBCExport Name
- | IBCAutoHint Name Name
- | IBCDeprecate Name String
- idrisInit :: IState
- type Idris = StateT IState (ExceptT Err IO)
- catchError :: Idris a -> (Err -> Idris a) -> Idris a
- throwError :: Err -> Idris a
- data Codegen
- data HowMuchDocs
- data Command
- = Quit
- | Help
- | Eval PTerm
- | NewDefn [PDecl]
- | Undefine [Name]
- | Check PTerm
- | Core PTerm
- | DocStr (Either Name Const) HowMuchDocs
- | TotCheck Name
- | Reload
- | Watch
- | Load FilePath (Maybe Int)
- | ChangeDirectory FilePath
- | ModImport String
- | Edit
- | Compile Codegen String
- | Execute PTerm
- | ExecVal PTerm
- | Metavars
- | Prove Bool Name
- | AddProof (Maybe Name)
- | RmProof Name
- | ShowProof Name
- | Proofs
- | Universes
- | LogLvl Int
- | LogCategory [LogCat]
- | Spec PTerm
- | WHNF PTerm
- | TestInline PTerm
- | Defn Name
- | Missing Name
- | DynamicLink FilePath
- | ListDynamic
- | Pattelab PTerm
- | Search [String] PTerm
- | CaseSplitAt Bool Int Name
- | AddClauseFrom Bool Int Name
- | AddProofClauseFrom Bool Int Name
- | AddMissing Bool Int Name
- | MakeWith Bool Int Name
- | MakeCase Bool Int Name
- | MakeLemma Bool Int Name
- | DoProofSearch Bool Bool Int Name [Name]
- | SetOpt Opt
- | UnsetOpt Opt
- | NOP
- | SetColour ColourType IdrisColour
- | ColourOn
- | ColourOff
- | ListErrorHandlers
- | SetConsoleWidth ConsoleWidth
- | SetPrinterDepth (Maybe Int)
- | Apropos [String] String
- | WhoCalls Name
- | CallsWho Name
- | Browse [String]
- | MakeDoc String
- | Warranty
- | PrintDef Name
- | PPrint OutputFmt Int PTerm
- | TransformInfo Name
- | DebugInfo Name
- | DebugUnify PTerm PTerm
- data OutputFmt
- data LogCat
- strLogCat :: LogCat -> String
- codegenCats :: [LogCat]
- parserCats :: [LogCat]
- elabCats :: [LogCat]
- loggingCatsStr :: String
- data Opt
- = Filename String
- | Quiet
- | NoBanner
- | ColourREPL Bool
- | Idemode
- | IdemodeSocket
- | ShowLibs
- | ShowLibdir
- | ShowIncs
- | ShowPkgs
- | ShowLoggingCats
- | NoBasePkgs
- | NoPrelude
- | NoBuiltins
- | NoREPL
- | OLogging Int
- | OLogCats [LogCat]
- | Output String
- | Interface
- | TypeCase
- | TypeInType
- | DefaultTotal
- | DefaultPartial
- | WarnPartial
- | WarnReach
- | EvalTypes
- | NoCoverage
- | ErrContext
- | ShowImpl
- | Verbose
- | Port String
- | IBCSubDir String
- | ImportDir String
- | PkgBuild String
- | PkgInstall String
- | PkgClean String
- | PkgCheck String
- | PkgREPL String
- | PkgMkDoc String
- | PkgTest String
- | PkgIndex FilePath
- | WarnOnly
- | Pkg String
- | BCAsm String
- | DumpDefun String
- | DumpCases String
- | UseCodegen Codegen
- | CodegenArgs String
- | OutputTy OutputType
- | Extension LanguageExt
- | InterpretScript String
- | EvalExpr String
- | TargetTriple String
- | TargetCPU String
- | OptLevel Int
- | AddOpt Optimisation
- | RemoveOpt Optimisation
- | Client String
- | ShowOrigErr
- | AutoWidth
- | AutoSolve
- | UseConsoleWidth ConsoleWidth
- | DumpHighlights
- | DesugarNats
- | NoElimDeprecationWarnings
- | NoOldTacticDeprecationWarnings
- data ElabShellCmd
- data Fixity
- data FixDecl = Fix Fixity String
- data Static
- data Plicity
- is_scoped :: Plicity -> Maybe ImplicitInfo
- impl :: Plicity
- forall_imp :: Plicity
- forall_constraint :: Plicity
- expl :: Plicity
- expl_param :: Plicity
- constraint :: Plicity
- tacimpl :: PTerm -> Plicity
- data FnOpt
- type FnOpts = [FnOpt]
- inlinable :: FnOpts -> Bool
- dictionary :: FnOpts -> Bool
- data ProvideWhat' t
- = ProvTerm t t
- | ProvPostulate t
- type ProvideWhat = ProvideWhat' PTerm
- data PDecl' t
- = PFix FC Fixity [String]
- | PTy (Docstring (Either Err t)) [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] SyntaxInfo FC FnOpts Name FC t
- | PPostulate Bool (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC FC FnOpts Name t
- | PClauses FC FnOpts Name [PClause' t]
- | PCAF FC Name t
- | PData (Docstring (Either Err t)) [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] SyntaxInfo FC DataOpts (PData' t)
- | PParams FC [(Name, t)] [PDecl' t]
- | PNamespace String FC [PDecl' t]
- | PRecord (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC DataOpts Name FC [(Name, FC, Plicity, t)] [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] [(Maybe (Name, FC), Plicity, t, Maybe (Docstring (Either Err t)))] (Maybe (Name, FC)) (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo
- | PClass (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC [(Name, t)] Name FC [(Name, FC, t)] [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] [(Name, FC)] [PDecl' t] (Maybe (Name, FC)) (Docstring (Either Err t))
- | PInstance (Docstring (Either Err t)) [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] SyntaxInfo FC [(Name, t)] Accessibility FnOpts Name FC [t] t (Maybe Name) [PDecl' t]
- | PDSL Name (DSL' t)
- | PSyntax FC Syntax
- | PMutual FC [PDecl' t]
- | PDirective Directive
- | PProvider (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC FC (ProvideWhat' t) Name
- | PTransform FC Bool t t
- | PRunElabDecl FC t [String]
- data Directive
- = DLib Codegen String
- | DLink Codegen String
- | DFlag Codegen String
- | DInclude Codegen String
- | DHide Name
- | DFreeze Name
- | DAccess Accessibility
- | DDefault Bool
- | DLogging Integer
- | DDynamicLibs [String]
- | DNameHint Name FC [(Name, FC)]
- | DErrorHandlers Name FC Name FC [(Name, FC)]
- | DLanguage LanguageExt
- | DDeprecate Name String
- | DAutoImplicits Bool
- | DUsed FC Name Name
- data RDeclInstructions
- = RTyDeclInstrs Name FC [PArg] Type
- | RClausesInstrs Name [([(Name, Term)], Term, Term)]
- | RAddInstance Name Name
- | RDatatypeDeclInstrs Name [PArg]
- | RDatatypeDefnInstrs Name Type [(Name, [PArg], Type)]
- data EState = EState {
- case_decls :: [(Name, PDecl)]
- delayed_elab :: [(Int, Elab' EState ())]
- new_tyDecls :: [RDeclInstructions]
- highlighting :: [(FC, OutputAnnotation)]
- auto_binds :: [Name]
- implicit_warnings :: [(FC, Name)]
- initEState :: EState
- type ElabD a = Elab' EState a
- highlightSource :: FC -> OutputAnnotation -> ElabD ()
- data PClause' t
- data PData' t
- mapPDataFC :: (FC -> FC) -> (FC -> FC) -> PData -> PData
- type PDecl = PDecl' PTerm
- type PData = PData' PTerm
- type PClause = PClause' PTerm
- mapPDeclFC :: (FC -> FC) -> (FC -> FC) -> PDecl -> PDecl
- declared :: PDecl -> [Name]
- tldeclared :: PDecl -> [Name]
- defined :: PDecl -> [Name]
- updateN :: [(Name, Name)] -> Name -> Name
- updateNs :: [(Name, Name)] -> PTerm -> PTerm
- data PunInfo
- = IsType
- | IsTerm
- | TypeOrTerm
- data PTerm
- = PQuote Raw
- | PRef FC [FC] Name
- | PInferRef FC [FC] Name
- | PPatvar FC Name
- | PLam FC Name FC PTerm PTerm
- | PPi Plicity Name FC PTerm PTerm
- | PLet FC Name FC PTerm PTerm PTerm
- | PTyped PTerm PTerm
- | PApp FC PTerm [PArg]
- | PAppImpl PTerm [ImplicitInfo]
- | PAppBind FC PTerm [PArg]
- | PMatchApp FC Name
- | PIfThenElse FC PTerm PTerm PTerm
- | PCase FC PTerm [(PTerm, PTerm)]
- | PTrue FC PunInfo
- | PResolveTC FC
- | PRewrite FC PTerm PTerm (Maybe PTerm)
- | PPair FC [FC] PunInfo PTerm PTerm
- | PDPair FC [FC] PunInfo PTerm PTerm PTerm
- | PAs FC Name PTerm
- | PAlternative [(Name, Name)] PAltType [PTerm]
- | PHidden PTerm
- | PType FC
- | PUniverse Universe
- | PGoal FC PTerm Name PTerm
- | PConstant FC Const
- | Placeholder
- | PDoBlock [PDo]
- | PIdiom FC PTerm
- | PReturn FC
- | PMetavar FC Name
- | PProof [PTactic]
- | PTactics [PTactic]
- | PElabError Err
- | PImpossible
- | PCoerced PTerm
- | PDisamb [[Text]] PTerm
- | PUnifyLog PTerm
- | PNoImplicits PTerm
- | PQuasiquote PTerm (Maybe PTerm)
- | PUnquote PTerm
- | PQuoteName Name Bool FC
- | PRunElab FC PTerm [String]
- | PConstSugar FC PTerm
- data PAltType
- mapPTermFC :: (FC -> FC) -> (FC -> FC) -> PTerm -> PTerm
- mapPT :: (PTerm -> PTerm) -> PTerm -> PTerm
- data PTactic' t
- = Intro [Name]
- | Intros
- | Focus Name
- | Refine Name [Bool]
- | Rewrite t
- | DoUnify
- | Induction t
- | CaseTac t
- | Equiv t
- | Claim Name t
- | Unfocus
- | MatchRefine Name
- | LetTac Name t
- | LetTacTy Name t t
- | Exact t
- | Compute
- | Trivial
- | TCInstance
- | ProofSearch Bool Bool Int (Maybe Name) [Name] [Name]
- | Solve
- | Attack
- | ProofState
- | ProofTerm
- | Undo
- | Try (PTactic' t) (PTactic' t)
- | TSeq (PTactic' t) (PTactic' t)
- | ApplyTactic t
- | ByReflection t
- | Reflect t
- | Fill t
- | GoalType String (PTactic' t)
- | TCheck t
- | TEval t
- | TDocStr (Either Name Const)
- | TSearch t
- | Skip
- | TFail [ErrorReportPart]
- | Qed
- | Abandon
- | SourceFC
- type PTactic = PTactic' PTerm
- data PDo' t
- type PDo = PDo' PTerm
- data PArg' t
- = PImp { }
- | PExp { }
- | PConstraint { }
- | PTacImplicit { }
- data ArgOpt
- pimp :: Name -> t -> Bool -> PArg' t
- pexp :: t -> PArg' t
- pconst :: t -> PArg' t
- ptacimp :: Name -> t -> t -> PArg' t
- type PArg = PArg' PTerm
- highestFC :: PTerm -> Maybe FC
- data ClassInfo = CI {
- instanceCtorName :: Name
- class_methods :: [(Name, (FnOpts, PTerm))]
- class_defaults :: [(Name, (Name, PDecl))]
- class_default_superclasses :: [PDecl]
- class_params :: [Name]
- class_instances :: [(Name, Bool)]
- class_determiners :: [Int]
- data RecordInfo = RI {
- record_parameters :: [(Name, PTerm)]
- record_constructor :: Name
- record_projections :: [Name]
- data TIData
- = TIPartial
- | TISolution [Term]
- data FnInfo = FnInfo {}
- data OptInfo = Optimise {
- inaccessible :: [(Int, Name)]
- detaggable :: Bool
- data DSL' t = DSL {
- dsl_bind :: t
- dsl_return :: t
- dsl_apply :: t
- dsl_pure :: t
- dsl_var :: Maybe t
- index_first :: Maybe t
- index_next :: Maybe t
- dsl_lambda :: Maybe t
- dsl_let :: Maybe t
- dsl_pi :: Maybe t
- type DSL = DSL' PTerm
- data SynContext
- data Syntax
- syntaxNames :: Syntax -> [Name]
- syntaxSymbols :: Syntax -> [SSymbol]
- data SSymbol
- newtype SyntaxRules = SyntaxRules {
- syntaxRulesList :: [Syntax]
- emptySyntaxRules :: SyntaxRules
- updateSyntaxRules :: [Syntax] -> SyntaxRules -> SyntaxRules
- initDSL :: DSL' PTerm
- data Using
- data SyntaxInfo = Syn {
- using :: [Using]
- syn_params :: [(Name, PTerm)]
- syn_namespace :: [String]
- no_imp :: [Name]
- imp_methods :: [Name]
- decoration :: Name -> Name
- inPattern :: Bool
- implicitAllowed :: Bool
- maxline :: Maybe Int
- mut_nesting :: Int
- dsl_info :: DSL
- syn_in_quasiquote :: Int
- syn_toplevel :: Bool
- defaultSyntax :: SyntaxInfo
- expandNS :: SyntaxInfo -> Name -> Name
- bi :: FC
- inferTy :: Name
- inferCon :: Name
- inferDecl :: PData' PTerm
- inferOpts :: [t]
- infTerm :: PTerm -> PTerm
- infP :: TT Name
- getInferTerm :: Term -> Term
- getInferType :: Term -> Term
- primNames :: [Name]
- unitTy :: Name
- unitCon :: Name
- falseDoc :: Docstring (Err' t)
- falseTy :: Name
- pairTy :: Name
- pairCon :: Name
- upairTy :: Name
- upairCon :: Name
- eqTy :: Name
- eqCon :: Name
- eqDoc :: Docstring (Either (Err' t) b)
- eqDecl :: PData' PTerm
- eqParamDoc :: [(Name, Docstring (Either (Err' t) b))]
- eqOpts :: [t]
- modDocName :: Name
- sigmaTy :: Name
- sigmaCon :: Name
- piBind :: [(Name, PTerm)] -> PTerm -> PTerm
- piBindp :: Plicity -> [(Name, PTerm)] -> PTerm -> PTerm
- annotationColour :: IState -> OutputAnnotation -> Maybe IdrisColour
- consoleDecorate :: IState -> OutputAnnotation -> String -> String
- isPostulateName :: Name -> IState -> Bool
- prettyImp :: PPOption -> PTerm -> Doc OutputAnnotation
- prettyIst :: IState -> PTerm -> Doc OutputAnnotation
- pprintPTerm :: PPOption -> [(Name, Bool)] -> [Name] -> [FixDecl] -> PTerm -> Doc OutputAnnotation
- basename :: Name -> Name
- isHoleName :: Name -> Bool
- containsHole :: PTerm -> Bool
- prettyName :: Bool -> Bool -> [(Name, Bool)] -> Name -> Doc OutputAnnotation
- showCImp :: PPOption -> PClause -> Doc OutputAnnotation
- showDImp :: PPOption -> PData -> Doc OutputAnnotation
- showDecls :: PPOption -> [PDecl] -> Doc OutputAnnotation
- showDeclImp :: PPOption -> PDecl' PTerm -> Doc OutputAnnotation
- getImps :: [PArg] -> [(Name, PTerm)]
- getExps :: [PArg] -> [PTerm]
- getShowArgs :: [PArg] -> [PArg]
- getConsts :: [PArg] -> [PTerm]
- getAll :: [PArg] -> [PTerm]
- showName :: Maybe IState -> [(Name, Bool)] -> PPOption -> Bool -> Name -> String
- showTm :: IState -> PTerm -> String
- showTmImpls :: PTerm -> String
- showTmOpts :: PPOption -> PTerm -> String
- getPArity :: PTerm -> Int
- allNamesIn :: PTerm -> [Name]
- boundNamesIn :: PTerm -> [Name]
- implicitNamesIn :: [Name] -> IState -> PTerm -> [Name]
- namesIn :: [(Name, PTerm)] -> IState -> PTerm -> [Name]
- usedNamesIn :: [Name] -> IState -> PTerm -> [Name]
- getErasureInfo :: IState -> Name -> [Int]
eInfoNames :: ElabInfo -> [Name] Source
IOption | |
PPOption | |
defaultPPOption :: PPOption Source
Pretty printing options with default verbosity.
verbosePPOption :: PPOption Source
Pretty printing options with the most verbosity.
ppOptionIst :: IState -> PPOption Source
Get pretty printing options from an idris state record.
data LanguageExt Source
TypeProviders | |
ErrorReflection |
data OutputMode Source
The output mode in use
RawOutput Handle | Print user output directly to the handle |
IdeMode Integer Handle | Send IDE output for some request ID to the handle |
data ConsoleWidth Source
How wide is the console?
InfinitelyWide | Have pretty-printer assume that lines should not be broken |
ColsWide Int | Manually specified - must be positive |
AutomaticWidth | Attempt to determine width, or 80 otherwise |
The global state used in the Idris monad
IState | |
data SizeChange Source
type UsageReason = (Name, Int) Source
type Idris = StateT IState (ExceptT Err IO) Source
The monad for the main REPL - reading and processing files and updating global state (hence the IO inner monad). type Idris = WriterT [Either String (IO ())] (State IState a))
throwError :: Err -> Idris a Source
data HowMuchDocs Source
FullDocs | |
OverviewDocs |
REPL commands
HTMLOutput | |
LaTeXOutput |
Recognised logging categories for the Idris compiler.
@TODO add in sub categories.
codegenCats :: [LogCat] Source
parserCats :: [LogCat] Source
data ElabShellCmd Source
EQED | |
EAbandon | |
EUndo | |
EProofState | |
EProofTerm | |
EEval PTerm | |
ECheck PTerm | |
ESearch PTerm | |
EDocStr (Either Name Const) |
Imp | |
Exp | |
Constraint | |
TacImp | |
is_scoped :: Plicity -> Maybe ImplicitInfo Source
Inlinable | |
TotalFn | |
PartialFn | |
CoveringFn | |
Coinductive | |
AssertTotal | |
Dictionary | |
Implicit | |
NoImplicit | |
CExport String | |
ErrorHandler | ^ an error handler for use with the ErrorReflection extension |
ErrorReverse | ^ attempt to reverse normalise before showing in error |
Reflection | |
Specialise [(Name, Maybe Int)] | |
Constructor | |
AutoHint | |
PEGenerated |
dictionary :: FnOpts -> Bool Source
data ProvideWhat' t Source
Type provider - what to provide
ProvTerm t t | the first is the goal type, the second is the term |
ProvPostulate t | goal type must be Type, so only term |
Functor ProvideWhat' Source | |
Eq t => Eq (ProvideWhat' t) Source | |
Show t => Show (ProvideWhat' t) Source |
type ProvideWhat = ProvideWhat' PTerm Source
Top-level declarations such as compiler directives, definitions, datatypes and typeclasses.
PFix FC Fixity [String] | Fixity declaration |
PTy (Docstring (Either Err t)) [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] SyntaxInfo FC FnOpts Name FC t | Type declaration (last FC is precise name location) |
PPostulate Bool (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC FC FnOpts Name t | Postulate, second FC is precise name location |
PClauses FC FnOpts Name [PClause' t] | Pattern clause |
PCAF FC Name t | Top level constant |
PData (Docstring (Either Err t)) [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] SyntaxInfo FC DataOpts (PData' t) | Data declaration. |
PParams FC [(Name, t)] [PDecl' t] | Params block |
PNamespace String FC [PDecl' t] | New namespace, where FC is accurate location of the namespace in the file |
PRecord (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC DataOpts Name FC [(Name, FC, Plicity, t)] [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] [(Maybe (Name, FC), Plicity, t, Maybe (Docstring (Either Err t)))] (Maybe (Name, FC)) (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo | Record declaration |
PClass (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC [(Name, t)] Name FC [(Name, FC, t)] [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] [(Name, FC)] [PDecl' t] (Maybe (Name, FC)) (Docstring (Either Err t)) | Type class: arguments are documentation, syntax info, source location, constraints, class name, class name location, parameters, method declarations, optional constructor name |
PInstance (Docstring (Either Err t)) [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] SyntaxInfo FC [(Name, t)] Accessibility FnOpts Name FC [t] t (Maybe Name) [PDecl' t] | Instance declaration: arguments are documentation, syntax info, source location, constraints, class name, parameters, full instance type, optional explicit name, and definitions |
PDSL Name (DSL' t) | DSL declaration |
PSyntax FC Syntax | Syntax definition |
PMutual FC [PDecl' t] | Mutual block |
PDirective Directive | Compiler directive. |
PProvider (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC FC (ProvideWhat' t) Name | Type provider. The first t is the type, the second is the term. The second FC is precise highlighting location. |
PTransform FC Bool t t | Source-to-source transformation rule. If bool is True, lhs and rhs must be convertible |
PRunElabDecl FC t [String] | FC is decl-level, for errors, and Strings represent the namespace |
The set of source directives
data RDeclInstructions Source
A set of instructions for things that need to happen in IState after a term elaboration when there's been reflected elaboration.
RTyDeclInstrs Name FC [PArg] Type | |
RClausesInstrs Name [([(Name, Term)], Term, Term)] | |
RAddInstance Name Name | |
RDatatypeDeclInstrs Name [PArg] | |
RDatatypeDefnInstrs Name Type [(Name, [PArg], Type)] | Datatype, constructors |
For elaborator state
EState | |
highlightSource :: FC -> OutputAnnotation -> ElabD () Source
One clause of a top-level definition. Term arguments to constructors are:
- The whole application (missing for PClauseR and PWithR because they're within a "with" clause)
- The list of extra
patterns - The right-hand side
- The where block (PDecl' t)
Data declaration
PDatadecl | Data declaration |
PLaterdecl | Placeholder for data whose constructors are defined later |
mapPDataFC :: (FC -> FC) -> (FC -> FC) -> PData -> PData Source
Transform the FCs in a PData and its associated terms. The first function transforms the general-purpose FCs, and the second transforms those that are used for semantic source highlighting, so they can be treated specially.
mapPDeclFC :: (FC -> FC) -> (FC -> FC) -> PDecl -> PDecl Source
Transform the FCs in a PTerm. The first function transforms the general-purpose FCs, and the second transforms those that are used for semantic source highlighting, so they can be treated specially.
tldeclared :: PDecl -> [Name] Source
IsType | |
IsTerm | |
TypeOrTerm |
High level language terms
PQuote Raw | Inclusion of a core term into the high-level language |
PRef FC [FC] Name | A reference to a variable. The FC is its precise source location for highlighting. The list of FCs is a collection of additional highlighting locations. |
PInferRef FC [FC] Name | A name to be defined later |
PPatvar FC Name | A pattern variable |
PLam FC Name FC PTerm PTerm | A lambda abstraction. Second FC is name span. |
PPi Plicity Name FC PTerm PTerm | (n : t1) -> t2, where the FC is for the precise location of the variable |
PLet FC Name FC PTerm PTerm PTerm | A let binding (second FC is precise name location) |
PTyped PTerm PTerm | Term with explicit type |
PApp FC PTerm [PArg] | e.g. IO (), List Char, length x |
PAppImpl PTerm [ImplicitInfo] | Implicit argument application (introduced during elaboration only) |
PAppBind FC PTerm [PArg] | implicitly bound application |
PMatchApp FC Name | Make an application by type matching |
PIfThenElse FC PTerm PTerm PTerm | Conditional expressions - elaborated to an overloading of ifThenElse |
PCase FC PTerm [(PTerm, PTerm)] | A case expression. Args are source location, scrutinee, and a list of pattern/RHS pairs |
PTrue FC PunInfo | Unit type..? |
PResolveTC FC | Solve this dictionary by type class resolution |
PRewrite FC PTerm PTerm (Maybe PTerm) | "rewrite" syntax, with optional result type |
PPair FC [FC] PunInfo PTerm PTerm | A pair (a, b) and whether it's a product type or a pair (solved by elaboration). The list of FCs is its punctuation. |
PDPair FC [FC] PunInfo PTerm PTerm PTerm | A dependent pair (tm : a ** b) and whether it's a sigma type or a pair that inhabits one (solved by elaboration). The [FC] is its punctuation. |
PAs FC Name PTerm | @-pattern, valid LHS only |
PAlternative [(Name, Name)] PAltType [PTerm] | (| A, B, C|). Includes unapplied unique name mappings for mkUniqueNames. |
PHidden PTerm | Irrelevant or hidden pattern |
PType FC |
PUniverse Universe | Some universe |
PGoal FC PTerm Name PTerm | quoteGoal, used for %reflection functions |
PConstant FC Const | Builtin types |
Placeholder | Underscore |
PDoBlock [PDo] | Do notation |
PIdiom FC PTerm | Idiom brackets |
PReturn FC | |
PMetavar FC Name | A metavariable, ?name, and its precise location |
PProof [PTactic] | Proof script |
PTactics [PTactic] | As PProof, but no auto solving |
PElabError Err | Error to report on elaboration |
PImpossible | Special case for declaring when an LHS can't typecheck |
PCoerced PTerm | To mark a coerced argument, so as not to coerce twice |
PDisamb [[Text]] PTerm | Preferences for explicit namespaces |
PUnifyLog PTerm | dump a trace of unifications when building term |
PNoImplicits PTerm | never run implicit converions on the term |
PQuasiquote PTerm (Maybe PTerm) | `(Term [: Term]) |
PUnquote PTerm | ~Term |
PQuoteName Name Bool FC | `{n} where the FC is the precise highlighting for the name in particular. If the Bool is False, then it's `{{n}} and the name won't be resolved. |
PRunElab FC PTerm [String] | %runElab tm - New-style proof script. Args are location, script, enclosing namespace. |
PConstSugar FC PTerm | A desugared constant. The FC is a precise source location that will be used to highlight it later. |
ExactlyOne Bool | flag sets whether delay is allowed |
FirstSuccess | |
TryImplicit |
mapPTermFC :: (FC -> FC) -> (FC -> FC) -> PTerm -> PTerm Source
Transform the FCs in a PTerm. The first function transforms the general-purpose FCs, and the second transforms those that are used for semantic source highlighting, so they can be treated specially.
Intro [Name] | |
Intros | |
Focus Name | |
Refine Name [Bool] | |
Rewrite t | |
DoUnify | |
Induction t | |
CaseTac t | |
Equiv t | |
Claim Name t | |
Unfocus | |
MatchRefine Name | |
LetTac Name t | |
LetTacTy Name t t | |
Exact t | |
Compute | |
Trivial | |
TCInstance | |
ProofSearch Bool Bool Int (Maybe Name) [Name] [Name] | the bool is whether to search recursively |
Solve | |
Attack | |
ProofState | |
ProofTerm | |
Undo | |
Try (PTactic' t) (PTactic' t) | |
TSeq (PTactic' t) (PTactic' t) | |
ApplyTactic t | |
ByReflection t | |
Reflect t | |
Fill t | |
GoalType String (PTactic' t) | |
TCheck t | |
TEval t | |
TDocStr (Either Name Const) | |
TSearch t | |
Skip | |
TFail [ErrorReportPart] | |
Qed | |
Abandon | |
SourceFC |
PImp | |
PExp | |
PConstraint | |
PTacImplicit | |
AlwaysShow | |
HideDisplay | |
InaccessibleArg | |
UnknownImp |
CI | |
data RecordInfo Source
RI | |
TIPartial | a function with a partially defined type |
TISolution [Term] | possible solutions to a metavariable in a type |
Miscellaneous information about functions
Optimise | |
Syntactic sugar info
DSL | |
syntaxNames :: Syntax -> [Name] Source
syntaxSymbols :: Syntax -> [SSymbol] Source
newtype SyntaxRules Source
SyntaxRules | |
updateSyntaxRules :: [Syntax] -> SyntaxRules -> SyntaxRules Source
data SyntaxInfo Source
Syn | |
expandNS :: SyntaxInfo -> Name -> Name Source
getInferTerm :: Term -> Term Source
getInferType :: Term -> Term Source
modDocName :: Name Source
The special name to be used in the module documentation context - not for use in the main definition context. The namespace around it will determine the module to which the docs adhere.
annotationColour :: IState -> OutputAnnotation -> Maybe IdrisColour Source
Colourise annotations according to an Idris state. It ignores the names in the annotation, as there's no good way to show extended information on a terminal.
consoleDecorate :: IState -> OutputAnnotation -> String -> String Source
Colourise annotations according to an Idris state. It ignores the names in the annotation, as there's no good way to show extended information on a terminal. Note that strings produced this way will not be coloured on Windows, so the use of the colour rendering functions in Idris.Output is to be preferred.
isPostulateName :: Name -> IState -> Bool Source
:: PPOption | ^ pretty printing options |
-> PTerm | ^ the term to pretty-print |
-> Doc OutputAnnotation |
Pretty-print a high-level closed Idris term with no information about precedence/associativity
prettyIst :: IState -> PTerm -> Doc OutputAnnotation Source
Serialise something to base64 using its Binary instance.
Do the right thing for rendering a term in an IState
:: PPOption | ^ pretty printing options |
-> [(Name, Bool)] | ^ the currently-bound names and whether they are implicit |
-> [Name] | ^ names to always show in pi, even if not used |
-> [FixDecl] | ^ Fixity declarations |
-> PTerm | ^ the term to pretty-print |
-> Doc OutputAnnotation |
Pretty-print a high-level Idris term in some bindings context with infix info
isHoleName :: Name -> Bool Source
Determine whether a name was the one inserted for a hole or guess by the delaborator
containsHole :: PTerm -> Bool Source
Check whether a PTerm has been delaborated from a Term containing a Hole or Guess
:: Bool | ^ whether the name should be parenthesised if it is an infix operator |
-> Bool | ^ whether to show namespaces |
-> [(Name, Bool)] | ^ the current bound variables and whether they are implicit |
-> Name | ^ the name to pprint |
-> Doc OutputAnnotation |
Pretty-printer helper for names that attaches the correct annotations
showDeclImp :: PPOption -> PDecl' PTerm -> Doc OutputAnnotation Source
getShowArgs :: [PArg] -> [PArg] Source
:: Maybe IState | ^ the Idris state, for information about names and colours |
-> [(Name, Bool)] | ^ the bound variables and whether they're implicit |
-> PPOption | ^ pretty printing options |
-> Bool | ^ whether to colourise |
-> Name | ^ the term to show |
-> String |
Show Idris name
showTmImpls :: PTerm -> String Source
Show a term with implicits, no colours
showTmOpts :: PPOption -> PTerm -> String Source
Show a term with specific options
allNamesIn :: PTerm -> [Name] Source
boundNamesIn :: PTerm -> [Name] Source
getErasureInfo :: IState -> Name -> [Int] Source