
-- Copyright 2019, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)



module Domain.Math.Data.Primes
   ( primes, isPrime, coprime, primeFactors, factors
   , testPrimes
   ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Ideas.Utils.TestSuite
import Test.QuickCheck
import qualified Data.Sequence as S


-- | All prime numbers smaller than 1000

-- | An infinite list of prime numbers

primes :: [Int]
primes = 1 : 2 : 3 : 5 : sieve (candidates 7)

-- | All prime factors of a number

primeFactors :: Int -> [Int]
primeFactors n
   | n > 0     = rec (tail primes1000) n
   | otherwise = error "primeFactors: non-positive argument"
   rec [] a
      | a < 1000000 = [a] -- primes up to 1000 have been checked

      | otherwise   = sort (rhos a)
   rec list@(p:ps) a
      | a == 1    = []
      | m == 0    = p : rec list d
      | otherwise = rec ps a
      (d, m) = a `divMod` p

   rhos a =
      case pollardsRho a of
         Just d  -> rhos d ++ rhos (a `div` d)
         Nothing -> [a] -- probably a prime

primes1000 :: [Int]
primes1000 =

-- Pollard's rho algorithm

--    see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollard_rho

pollardsRho :: Int -> Maybe Int
pollardsRho n = msum (map try [1..10]) -- ten attempts

   try :: Int -> Maybe Int
   try c = rec 2 2 1
      rec :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
      rec x y d
         | d == 1    = rec nx ny (abs (nx-ny) `gcd` n)
         | d == n    = Nothing
         | otherwise = Just d -- a non-trivial factor of n

         nx = f x
         ny = f (f y)

      f :: Int -> Int
      f x = (x*x+c) `mod` n

-- | Testing for primality

isPrime :: Int -> Bool
isPrime a =
   case primeFactors a of
      b:_ -> a == b
      _   -> True

-- | Two numbers are coprime if they do not share a prime factor

coprime :: Int -> Int -> Bool
coprime = rec `on` primeFactors
   rec xs@(x:xr) ys@(y:yr) =
      case compare x y of
         LT -> rec xr ys
         EQ -> False
         GT -> rec xs yr
   rec _ _ = True

-- | All factors of a (positive) number

factors :: Int -> [Int]
factors = sort . rec . primeFactors . abs
   rec []     = [1]
   rec (x:xs) = [ a*b | b <- take n (powers x), a <- rec zs ]
      (ys, zs) = break (/= x) xs
      n = 2 + length ys

-- helper functions

sieveSlow :: [Int] -> [Int]
sieveSlow []     = []
sieveSlow (x:xs) = x : sieveSlow (filter (noDivisorOf x) xs)

sieve :: [Int] -> [Int]
sieve = rec S.empty
   rec _ [] = []
   rec q (x:xs) =
      case S.viewl q of
         (y:ys) S.:< qr | x == y ->
            rec qr (ys `removeFrom` xs)
         _ -> x : rec (q S.|> map (*x) (candidates x)) xs

   -- remove a sorted list from another list

   removeFrom xs@(x:xr) ys@(y:yr) =
      case compare x y of
         LT -> removeFrom xr ys
         EQ -> removeFrom xr yr
         GT -> y:removeFrom xs yr
   removeFrom _ _ = []

-- infinite list starting from n, without factors of 2, 3, or 5

candidates :: Int -> [Int]
candidates n = dropWhile (< n)
   [ 30*k+i | k <- [n `div` 30..], i <- [1,7,11,13,17,19,23,29] ]

divisorOf :: Int -> Int -> Bool
divisorOf x y = y `mod` x == 0

noDivisorOf :: Int -> Int -> Bool
noDivisorOf x y = y `mod` x /= 0

powers :: Int -> [Int]
powers a = iterate (*a) 1

-- a trusted implementation

primesSlow :: [Int]
primesSlow = 1 : 2 : sieveSlow [3, 5 ..]

testPrimes :: TestSuite
testPrimes = suite "primes"
   [ assertTrue "first 1000 primes" (take 1000 primesSlow == take 1000 primes)
   , assertTrue "isPrime" (all isPrime primes1000)
   , useProperty "product of prime factors" $
        forAll (choose (1, 1000000)) $ \n ->
        product (primeFactors n) == n
   , useProperty "primality of prime factors" $
        forAll (choose (1, 1000000)) $ \n ->
        all isPrime (primeFactors n)
   , useProperty "factoring product of two primes" $
        forAll (elements $ tail primes1000) $ \a ->
        forAll (elements $ tail primes1000) $ \b ->
        primeFactors (a*b) == sort [a, b]
   , useProperty "factors" $
        forAll (choose (1, 10000)) $ \n ->
        all (`divisorOf` n) (factors n)
   , useProperty "factors of product" $
        forAll (choose (1, 1000)) $ \a ->
        forAll (choose (1, 1000)) $ \b ->
        all (`elem` factors (a*b)) [a, b]