
-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- Collection of common operation on XML documents



module Ideas.Text.XML.Interface

   ( Element(..), Content, Attribute(..), Attributes

   , normalize, parseXML, compactXML

   , children, findAttribute, findChildren, findChild, getData

   ) where

import Control.Arrow

import Data.Char (chr, ord)

import Data.Maybe

import Ideas.Text.XML.Document (Name, prettyElement)

import Ideas.Text.XML.Parser (document)

import Ideas.Text.XML.Unicode (decoding)

import Ideas.Utils.Parsing (parseSimple)

import qualified Ideas.Text.XML.Document as D

data Element = Element

   { name       :: Name

   , attributes :: Attributes

   , content    :: Content


instance Show Element where

   show = show . extend

compactXML :: Element -> String

compactXML = show . prettyElement True . extend

type Content = [Either String Element]

type Attributes = [Attribute]

data Attribute = Name := String

normalize :: D.XMLDoc -> Element

normalize doc = toElement (D.root doc)


   toElement :: D.Element -> Element

   toElement (D.Element n as c) =

      Element n (map toAttribute as) (toContent c)

   toAttribute :: D.Attribute -> Attribute

   toAttribute (n D.:= v) =

      n := concatMap (either return refToString) v

   toContent :: D.Content -> Content

   toContent = merge . concatMap f


      f :: D.XML -> Content

      f (D.Tagged e)    = [Right (toElement e)]

      f (D.CharData s)  = [Left s]

      f (D.CDATA s)     = [Left s]

      f (D.Reference r) = refToContent r

   refToString :: D.Reference -> String

   refToString (D.CharRef i)   = [chr i]

   refToString (D.EntityRef s) = maybe "" return (lookup s general)

   refToContent :: D.Reference -> Content

   refToContent (D.CharRef i)   = [Left [chr i]]

   refToContent (D.EntityRef s) = fromMaybe [] (lookup s entities)

   entities :: [(String, Content)]

   entities =

      [ (n, toContent (snd ext)) | (n, ext) <- D.externals doc ] ++

      -- predefined entities

      map (second (return . Left . return)) general

   general :: [(String, Char)]

   general = [("lt",'<'), ("gt",'>'), ("amp",'&'), ("apos",'\''), ("quot",'"')]

   merge :: Content -> Content

   merge (Left s:Left t:rest) = merge (Left (s++t) : rest)

   merge (x:xs) = x:merge xs

   merge []     = []

extend :: Element -> D.Element

extend (Element n as c) =

   D.Element n (map toAttribute as) (concatMap toXML c)


   toAttribute :: Attribute -> D.Attribute

   toAttribute (m := s) = (D.:=) m (map Left s)

   toXML :: Either String Element -> [D.XML]

   toXML = either fromString (return . D.Tagged . extend)

   fromString :: String -> [D.XML]

   fromString [] = []

   fromString xs@(hd:tl)

      | null xs1  = D.Reference (D.CharRef (ord hd)) : fromString tl

      | otherwise = D.CharData xs1 : fromString xs2


      (xs1, xs2) = break ((> 127) . ord) xs


parseXML :: String -> Either String Element

parseXML xs = do

   input <- decoding xs

   doc   <- parseSimple document input

   return (normalize doc)


findAttribute :: Monad m => String -> Element -> m String

findAttribute s (Element _ as _) =

   case [ t | n := t <- as, s==n ] of

      [hd] -> return hd

      _    -> fail $ "Invalid attribute: " ++ show s

findChildren :: String -> Element -> [Element]

findChildren s = filter ((==s) . name) . children

findChild :: Monad m => String -> Element -> m Element

findChild s e =

   case findChildren s e of

      []  -> fail $ "Child not found: " ++ show s

      [a] -> return a

      _   -> fail $ "Multiple children found: " ++ show s

children :: Element -> [Element]

children e = [ c | Right c <- content e ]

getData :: Element -> String

getData e = concat [ s | Left s <- content e ]