
-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- Support for the UTF8 encoding



module Ideas.Text.UTF8

   ( encode, encodeM, decode, decodeM

   , isUTF8, allBytes, propEncoding

   ) where

import Control.Monad

import Data.Char

import Data.Maybe

import Test.QuickCheck


-- Interface

-- | Encode a string to UTF8 format

encode :: String -> String

encode = either error id . encodeM

-- | Decode an UTF8 format string to unicode points

decode :: String -> String

decode = either error id . decodeM

-- | Encode a string to UTF8 format (monadic)

encodeM :: Monad m => String -> m String

encodeM = fmap (map chr . concat) . mapM (toUTF8 . ord)

-- | Decode an UTF8 format string to unicode points (monadic)

decodeM :: Monad m => String -> m String

decodeM = fmap (map chr) . fromUTF8 . map ord

-- | Test whether the argument is a proper UTF8 string

isUTF8 :: String -> Bool

isUTF8 = isJust . decodeM

-- | Test whether all characters are in the range 0-255

allBytes :: String -> Bool

allBytes = all ((`between` (0, 255)) . ord)


-- Helper functions

toUTF8 :: Monad m => Int -> m [Int]

toUTF8 n

   | n < 128 = -- one byte

        return [n]

   | n < 2048 = -- two bytes

        let (a, d) = n `divMod` 64

        in return [a+192, d+128]

   | n < 65536 = -- three bytes

        let (a, d1) = n  `divMod` 4096

            (b, d2) = d1 `divMod` 64

        in return [a+224, b+128, d2+128]

   | n < 1114112 = -- four bytes

        let (a, d1) = n  `divMod` 262144

            (b, d2) = d1 `divMod` 4096

            (c, d3) = d2 `divMod` 64

        in return [a+240, b+128, c+128, d3+128]

   | otherwise =

        fail "invalid character in UTF8"

fromUTF8 :: Monad m => [Int] -> m [Int]

fromUTF8 xs

   | null xs   = return []

   | otherwise = do

        (i, rest) <- f xs

        is <- fromUTF8 rest

        return (i:is)


   f (a:rest) | a < 128 = -- one byte

      return (a, rest)

   f (a:b:rest) | a `between` (192, 223) = do -- two bytes

      unless (isHigh b) $

         fail "invalid UTF8 character (two bytes)"

      return ((a-192)*64 + b-128, rest)

   f (a:b:c:rest) | a `between` (224, 239) = do -- three bytes

      unless (isHigh b && isHigh c) $

         fail "invalid UTF8 character (three bytes)"

      return ((a-224)*4096 + (b-128)*64 + c-128, rest)

   f (a:b:c:d:rest) | a >= 240 && a < 248 = do -- four bytes

      let value = (a-240)*262144 + (b-128)*4096 + (c-128)*64 + d-128

      unless (isHigh b && isHigh c && isHigh d && value <= 1114111) $

         fail "invalid UTF8 character (four bytes)"

      return (value, rest)

   f _ = fail "invalid character in UTF8"

isHigh :: Int -> Bool

isHigh i = i `between` (128, 191)

between :: Ord a => a -> (a, a) -> Bool

between a (low, high) = low <= a && a <= high


-- Test encoding

-- | QuickCheck internal encoding/decoding functions

propEncoding :: Property

propEncoding = forAll (sized gen) valid


   gen n = replicateM n someChar

   someChar = chr <$> oneof

      -- To get a nice distribution over the number of bytes used

      -- in the encoding

      [ choose (0, 127), choose (128, 2047)

      , choose (2048, 65535), choose (65536, 1114111)


valid :: String -> Bool

valid xs = fromMaybe False $

   do us <- encodeM xs

      bs <- decodeM us

      return (xs == bs)