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ideas-1.7: Feedback services for intelligent tutoring systems

Portabilityportable (depends on ghc)
Safe HaskellNone




The Context datatype places a value in a context consisting of an environment with bindings and a point of focus. The datatype is an instance of the HasEnvironment type class (for accessing the environment) and the Navigator type class (for traversing the term).


Abstract data type

data Context a Source #

Abstract data type for a context: a context stores an environment.

newContext :: ContextNavigator a -> Context a Source #

Construct a context

fromContext :: Monad m => Context a -> m a Source #

fromContextWith :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> Context a -> m b Source #

fromContextWith2 :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c) -> Context a -> Context b -> m c Source #

Context navigator


liftToContext :: LiftView f => f a -> f (Context a) Source #

Lift a rule to operate on a term in a context

use :: (LiftView f, IsTerm a, IsTerm b) => f a -> f (Context b) Source #

useC :: (LiftView f, IsTerm a, IsTerm b) => f (Context a) -> f (Context b) Source #

applyTop :: (a -> a) -> Context a -> Context a Source #

Apply a function at top-level. Afterwards, try to return the focus to the old position

changeInContext :: (a -> a) -> Context a -> Context a Source #