Maintainer | |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | portable (depends on ghc) |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
A strategy is a context-free grammar with rules as symbols. Strategies can be labeled with strings. A type class is introduced to lift all the combinators that work on strategies, only to prevent that you have to insert these lifting functions yourself.
- data Strategy a
- data LabeledStrategy a
- class IsStrategy f where
- toStrategy :: f a -> Strategy a
- derivationList :: IsStrategy f => (Rule a -> Rule a -> Ordering) -> f a -> a -> [Derivation (Rule a, Environment) a]
- (<*>) :: (IsStrategy f, IsStrategy g) => f a -> g a -> Strategy a
- (<|>) :: (IsStrategy f, IsStrategy g) => f a -> g a -> Strategy a
- (<%>) :: (IsStrategy f, IsStrategy g) => f a -> g a -> Strategy a
- succeed :: Strategy a
- fail :: Strategy a
- atomic :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
- label :: (IsId l, IsStrategy f) => l -> f a -> LabeledStrategy a
- sequence :: IsStrategy f => [f a] -> Strategy a
- alternatives :: IsStrategy f => [f a] -> Strategy a
- interleave :: IsStrategy f => [f a] -> Strategy a
- permute :: IsStrategy f => [f a] -> Strategy a
- fix :: (Strategy a -> Strategy a) -> Strategy a
- many :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
- many1 :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
- replicate :: IsStrategy f => Int -> f a -> Strategy a
- option :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
- check :: (a -> Bool) -> Strategy a
- not :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
- repeat :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
- repeat1 :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
- try :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
- (|>) :: (IsStrategy f, IsStrategy g) => f a -> g a -> Strategy a
- (>|>) :: (IsStrategy f, IsStrategy g) => f a -> g a -> Strategy a
- exhaustive :: IsStrategy f => [f a] -> Strategy a
- while :: IsStrategy f => (a -> Bool) -> f a -> Strategy a
- until :: IsStrategy f => (a -> Bool) -> f a -> Strategy a
- multi :: (IsId l, IsStrategy f) => l -> f a -> Strategy a
- type DependencyGraph node key = (Graph, Vertex -> (node, key, [key]), key -> Maybe Vertex)
- dependencyGraph :: IsStrategy f => DependencyGraph (f a) key -> Strategy a
- module Ideas.Common.Strategy.Traversal
- module Ideas.Common.Strategy.Configuration
- remove :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
- collapse :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
- hide :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
- strategyLocations :: LabeledStrategy a -> [([Int], Id)]
- checkLocation :: Id -> LabeledStrategy a -> Bool
- subTaskLocation :: LabeledStrategy a -> Id -> Id -> Id
- nextTaskLocation :: LabeledStrategy a -> Id -> Id -> Id
- data Prefix a
- emptyPrefix :: IsStrategy f => f a -> a -> Prefix a
- noPrefix :: Prefix a
- replayPath :: IsStrategy f => Path -> f a -> a -> ([Step a], Prefix a)
- replayPaths :: IsStrategy f => [Path] -> f a -> a -> Prefix a
- replayStrategy :: (Monad m, IsStrategy f) => Path -> f a -> a -> m (a, Prefix a)
- data Step a
- stepRule :: Step a -> Rule a
- stepEnvironment :: Step a -> Environment
- data Path
- emptyPath :: Path
- readPath :: Monad m => String -> m Path
- readPaths :: Monad m => String -> m [Path]
- prefixPaths :: Prefix a -> [Path]
- majorPrefix :: Prefix a -> Prefix a
- isEmptyPrefix :: Prefix a -> Bool
- cleanUpStrategy :: (a -> a) -> LabeledStrategy a -> LabeledStrategy a
- cleanUpStrategyAfter :: (a -> a) -> LabeledStrategy a -> LabeledStrategy a
- rulesInStrategy :: IsStrategy f => f a -> [Rule a]
Data types and type classes
Abstract data type for strategies
data LabeledStrategy a Source
A strategy which is labeled with an identifier
class IsStrategy f where Source
Type class to turn values into strategies
toStrategy :: f a -> Strategy a Source
Running strategies
derivationList :: IsStrategy f => (Rule a -> Rule a -> Ordering) -> f a -> a -> [Derivation (Rule a, Environment) a] Source
Strategy combinators
Basic combinators
(<*>) :: (IsStrategy f, IsStrategy g) => f a -> g a -> Strategy a infixr 5 Source
Put two strategies in sequence (first do this, then do that)
(<|>) :: (IsStrategy f, IsStrategy g) => f a -> g a -> Strategy a infixr 3 Source
Choose between the two strategies (either do this or do that)
(<%>) :: (IsStrategy f, IsStrategy g) => f a -> g a -> Strategy a infixr 2 Source
Interleave two strategies
atomic :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a Source
Makes a strategy atomic (w.r.t. parallel composition)
label :: (IsId l, IsStrategy f) => l -> f a -> LabeledStrategy a Source
sequence :: IsStrategy f => [f a] -> Strategy a Source
Puts a list of strategies into a sequence
alternatives :: IsStrategy f => [f a] -> Strategy a Source
Combines a list of alternative strategies
interleave :: IsStrategy f => [f a] -> Strategy a Source
Merges a list of strategies (in parallel)
permute :: IsStrategy f => [f a] -> Strategy a Source
Allows all permutations of the list
fix :: (Strategy a -> Strategy a) -> Strategy a Source
A fix-point combinator on strategies (to model recursion). Powerful (but dangerous) combinator
EBNF combinators
many :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a Source
Repeat a strategy zero or more times (non-greedy)
many1 :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a Source
Apply a certain strategy at least once (non-greedy)
replicate :: IsStrategy f => Int -> f a -> Strategy a Source
Apply a strategy a certain number of times
option :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a Source
Apply a certain strategy or do nothing (non-greedy)
Negation and greedy combinators
check :: (a -> Bool) -> Strategy a Source
Checks whether a predicate holds for the current term. The check is considered to be a minor step.
not :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a Source
Check whether or not the argument strategy cannot be applied: the result strategy only succeeds if this is not the case (otherwise it fails).
repeat :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a Source
Repeat a strategy zero or more times (greedy version of many
repeat1 :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a Source
Apply a certain strategy at least once (greedy version of many1
try :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a Source
Apply a certain strategy if this is possible (greedy version of option
(|>) :: (IsStrategy f, IsStrategy g) => f a -> g a -> Strategy a infixr 4 Source
Left-biased choice: if the left-operand strategy can be applied, do so. Otherwise, try the right-operand strategy
(>|>) :: (IsStrategy f, IsStrategy g) => f a -> g a -> Strategy a infixr 4 Source
Choose between the two strategies, with a preference for steps from the left hand-side strategy.
exhaustive :: IsStrategy f => [f a] -> Strategy a Source
Apply the strategies from the list exhaustively (until this is no longer possible)
while :: IsStrategy f => (a -> Bool) -> f a -> Strategy a Source
Repeat the strategy as long as the predicate holds
until :: IsStrategy f => (a -> Bool) -> f a -> Strategy a Source
Repeat the strategy until the predicate holds
multi :: (IsId l, IsStrategy f) => l -> f a -> Strategy a Source
Apply a strategy at least once, but collapse into a single step
dependencyGraph :: IsStrategy f => DependencyGraph (f a) key -> Strategy a Source
Create a strategy from a dependency graph with strategies as nodes Does not check for cycles
Traversal combinators
Configuration combinators
remove :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a Source
collapse :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a Source
hide :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a Source
Strategy locations
strategyLocations :: LabeledStrategy a -> [([Int], Id)] Source
Returns a list of all strategy locations, paired with the label
checkLocation :: Id -> LabeledStrategy a -> Bool Source
subTaskLocation :: LabeledStrategy a -> Id -> Id -> Id Source
nextTaskLocation :: LabeledStrategy a -> Id -> Id -> Id Source
emptyPrefix :: IsStrategy f => f a -> a -> Prefix a Source
Construct the empty prefix for a labeled strategy
replayPath :: IsStrategy f => Path -> f a -> a -> ([Step a], Prefix a) Source
Construct a prefix for a path and a labeled strategy. The third argument is the current term.
replayPaths :: IsStrategy f => [Path] -> f a -> a -> Prefix a Source
Construct a prefix for a list of paths and a labeled strategy. The third argument is the current term.
replayStrategy :: (Monad m, IsStrategy f) => Path -> f a -> a -> m (a, Prefix a) Source
Construct a prefix for a path and a labeled strategy. The third argument is the initial term.
The steps during the parsing process: enter (or exit) a labeled sub-strategy, or a rule.
stepEnvironment :: Step a -> Environment Source
A path encodes a location in a strategy. Paths are represented as a list of integers.
prefixPaths :: Prefix a -> [Path] Source
Returns the current Path
majorPrefix :: Prefix a -> Prefix a Source
Transforms the prefix such that only major steps are kept in the remaining strategy.
isEmptyPrefix :: Prefix a -> Bool Source
cleanUpStrategy :: (a -> a) -> LabeledStrategy a -> LabeledStrategy a Source
Use a function as do-after hook for all rules in a labeled strategy, but also use the function beforehand
cleanUpStrategyAfter :: (a -> a) -> LabeledStrategy a -> LabeledStrategy a Source
Use a function as do-after hook for all rules in a labeled strategy
rulesInStrategy :: IsStrategy f => f a -> [Rule a] Source
Returns a list of all major rules that are part of a labeled strategy