{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module WebsocketServer (
) where

import Control.Concurrent (modifyMVar_, readMVar)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TBQueue (readTBQueue)
import Control.Exception (SomeAsyncException, SomeException, finally, fromException, catch, throwIO)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Data.Aeson (Value)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.UUID
import System.Random (randomIO)

import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.Time.Clock.POSIX as Clock
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Header as HttpHeader
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.URI as Uri

import Config (Config (..))
import Core (Core (..), ServerState, Updated (..), getCurrentValue, withCoreMetrics)
import Store (Path)
import AccessControl (AccessMode(..))
import JwtMiddleware (AuthResult (..), isRequestAuthorized, errorResponseBody)

import qualified Metrics
import qualified Subscription

newUUID = randomIO

-- send the updated data to all subscribers to the path
broadcast :: [Text] -> Value -> ServerState -> IO ()
broadcast =
    send :: WS.Connection -> Value -> IO ()
    send conn value =
      WS.sendTextData conn (Aeson.encode value)

    sendFailed :: SomeException -> IO ()
    sendFailed exc
      -- Rethrow async exceptions, they are meant for inter-thread communication
      -- (e.g. ThreadKilled) and we don't expect them at this point.
      | Just asyncExc <- fromException exc = throwIO (asyncExc :: SomeAsyncException)
      -- We want to catch all other errors in order to prevent them from
      -- bubbling up and disrupting the broadcasts to other clients.
      | otherwise = pure ()
    Subscription.broadcast send

-- Called for each new client that connects.
acceptConnection :: Core -> WS.PendingConnection -> IO ()
acceptConnection core pending = do
  -- printRequest pending
  -- TODO: Validate the path and headers of the pending request
  authResult <- authorizePendingConnection core pending
  case authResult of
    AuthRejected err ->
      WS.rejectRequestWith pending $ WS.RejectRequest
        { WS.rejectCode = 401
        , WS.rejectMessage = "Unauthorized"
        , WS.rejectHeaders = [(HttpHeader.hContentType, "application/json")]
        , WS.rejectBody = LBS.toStrict $ errorResponseBody err
    AuthAccepted -> do
      let path = fst $ Uri.decodePath $ WS.requestPath $ WS.pendingRequest pending
      connection <- WS.acceptRequest pending
      -- Fork a pinging thread, for each client, to keep idle connections open and to detect
      -- closed connections. Sends a ping message every 30 seconds.
      -- Note: The thread dies silently if the connection crashes or is closed.
      WS.withPingThread connection 30 (pure ()) $ handleClient connection path core

-- * Authorization

authorizePendingConnection :: Core -> WS.PendingConnection -> IO AuthResult
authorizePendingConnection core conn
  | configEnableJwtAuth (coreConfig core) = do
      now <- Clock.getPOSIXTime
      let req = WS.pendingRequest conn
          (path, query) = Uri.decodePath $ WS.requestPath req
          headers = WS.requestHeaders req
      return $ isRequestAuthorized headers query now (configJwtSecret (coreConfig core)) path ModeRead
  | otherwise = pure AuthAccepted

-- * Client handling

handleClient :: WS.Connection -> Path -> Core -> IO ()
handleClient conn path core = do
  uuid <- newUUID
    state = coreClients core
    onConnect = do
      modifyMVar_ state (pure . Subscription.subscribe path uuid conn)
      withCoreMetrics core Metrics.incrementSubscribers
    onDisconnect = do
      modifyMVar_ state (pure . Subscription.unsubscribe path uuid)
      withCoreMetrics core Metrics.decrementSubscribers
    sendInitialValue = do
      currentValue <- getCurrentValue core path
      WS.sendTextData conn (Aeson.encode currentValue)

    -- simply ignore connection errors, otherwise, warp handles the exception
    -- and sends a 500 response in the middle of a websocket connection, and
    -- that violates the websocket protocol.
    -- Note that subscribers are still properly removed by the finally below
    handleConnectionError :: WS.ConnectionException -> IO ()
    handleConnectionError _ = pure ()
  -- Put the client in the subscription tree and keep the connection open.
  -- Remove it when the connection is closed.
  finally (onConnect >> sendInitialValue >> keepTalking conn) onDisconnect
    `catch` handleConnectionError

-- We don't send any messages here; sending is done by the update
-- loop; it finds the client in the set of subscriptions. But we do
-- need to keep the thread running, otherwise the connection will be
-- closed. So we go into an infinite loop here.
keepTalking :: WS.Connection -> IO ()
keepTalking conn = forever $ do
    -- Note: WS.receiveDataMessage will handle control messages automatically and e.g.
    -- do the closing handshake of the websocket protocol correctly
    WS.receiveDataMessage conn

-- loop that is called for every update and that broadcasts the values to all
-- subscribers of the updated path
processUpdates :: Core -> IO ()
processUpdates core = go
    go = do
      maybeUpdate <- atomically $ readTBQueue (coreUpdates core)
      case maybeUpdate of
        Just (Updated path value) -> do
          clients <- readMVar (coreClients core)
          broadcast path value clients
        -- Stop the loop when we receive a Nothing.
        Nothing -> pure ()