module Config (
Config (..),
MetricsConfig (..),
StorageBackend (..),
) where
import Control.Applicative (optional)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Options.Applicative
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import qualified Text.Read as Read
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.String (fromString)
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Web.JWT as JWT
data StorageBackend = File | Sqlite
data Config = Config
{ configDataFile :: Maybe FilePath
, configPort :: Int
, configEnableJwtAuth :: Bool
, configJwtSecret :: Maybe JWT.Signer
, configMetricsEndpoint :: Maybe MetricsConfig
, configQueueCapacity :: Word
, configSyncIntervalMicroSeconds :: Maybe Int
, configEnableJournaling :: Bool
, configDisableSentryLogging :: Bool
, configSentryDSN :: Maybe String
, configStorageBackend :: StorageBackend
data MetricsConfig = MetricsConfig
{ metricsConfigHost :: Warp.HostPreference
, metricsConfigPort :: Warp.Port
periodicSyncingEnabled :: Config -> Bool
periodicSyncingEnabled = isJust . configSyncIntervalMicroSeconds
type EnvironmentConfig = [(String, String)]
configParser :: EnvironmentConfig -> Parser Config
configParser environment = Config
<$> optional (strOption (long "data-file" <>
metavar "DATA_FILE" <>
help "File where data is persisted to. Default: icepeak.json"))
<*> option auto (long "port" <>
metavar "PORT" <>
maybe (value 3000) value (readFromEnvironment "ICEPEAK_PORT") <>
help "Port to listen on, defaults to the value of the ICEPEAK_PORT environment variable if present, or 3000 if not")
<*> switch (long "enable-jwt-auth" <>
help "Enable authorization using JSON Web Tokens.")
<*> optional (secretOption (
long "jwt-secret" <>
metavar "JWT_SECRET" <>
environ "JWT_SECRET" <>
help "Secret used for JWT verification, defaults to the value of the JWT_SECRET environment variable if present. If no secret is passed, JWT tokens are not checked for validity."))
<*> optional (option metricsConfigReader
(long "metrics" <>
metavar "HOST:PORT" <>
help "If provided, Icepeak collects various metrics and provides them to Prometheus on the given endpoint."
<*> option auto
(long "queue-capacity" <>
metavar "INTEGER" <>
value 256 <>
help ("Smaller values decrease the risk of data loss during a crash, while " <>
"higher values result in more requests being accepted in rapid succession."))
<*> optional (option timeDurationReader
(long "sync-interval" <>
metavar "DURATION" <>
help ("If supplied, data is only persisted to disc every DURATION time units." <>
"The units 'm' (minutes), 's' (seconds) and 'ms' (milliseconds) can be used. " <>
"When omitting this argument, data is persisted after every modification")))
<*> switch (long "journaling" <>
help "Enable journaling. This only has an effect when periodic syncing is enabled.")
<*> switch (long "disable-sentry-logging" <>
help "Disable error logging via Sentry")
<*> optional (strOption (
long "sentry-dsn" <>
metavar "SENTRY_DSN" <>
environ "SENTRY_DSN" <>
help "Sentry DSN used for Sentry logging, defaults to the value of the SENTRY_DSN environment variable if present. If no secret is passed, Sentry logging will be disabled."))
<*> storageBackend
environ var = foldMap value (lookup var environment)
readFromEnvironment :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
readFromEnvironment var = lookup var environment >>= Read.readMaybe
secretOption m = JWT.hmacSecret . Text.pack <$> strOption m
configInfo :: EnvironmentConfig -> ParserInfo Config
configInfo environment = info parser description
parser = helper <*> configParser environment
description = fullDesc <>
header "Icepeak - Fast Json document store with push notification support."
storageBackend :: Parser StorageBackend
storageBackend = fileBackend <|> sqliteBackend
fileBackend :: Parser StorageBackend
fileBackend = flag File File (long "file" <> help "Use a file as the storage backend." )
sqliteBackend :: Parser StorageBackend
sqliteBackend = flag' Sqlite (long "sqlite" <> help "Use a sqlite file as the storage backend." )
metricsConfigReader :: ReadM MetricsConfig
metricsConfigReader = eitherReader $ \input ->
case List.break (== ':') input of
(hostStr, ':':portStr) -> MetricsConfig (fromString hostStr) <$> Read.readEither portStr
(_, _) -> Left "no port specified"
timeDurationReader :: ReadM Int
timeDurationReader = eitherReader $ \input ->
case List.break Char.isLetter input of
("", _) -> Left "no amount specified"
(amount, unit) -> case lookup unit units of
Nothing -> Left "invalid unit"
Just factor -> fmap (* factor) $ Read.readEither amount
units = [ ("s", 1000000)
, ("ms", 1000)
, ("m", 60000000)