{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Text.ICalendar.Parser.Parameters where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.RWS (MonadWriter (tell))
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI)
import Data.Char
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Codec.MIME.Parse (parseMIMEType)
import Codec.MIME.Type (MIMEType, mimeType)
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import Text.Parsec.Combinator hiding (optional)
import Text.Parsec.Perm
import Text.Parsec.Prim hiding ((<|>))
import Text.ICalendar.Parser.Common
import Text.ICalendar.Types
parseAlarmTriggerRelationship :: CI Text
-> ContentParser AlarmTriggerRelationship
parseAlarmTriggerRelationship "START" = return Start
parseAlarmTriggerRelationship "END" = return End
parseAlarmTriggerRelationship x =
throwError $ "parseAlarmTriggerRelationship: " ++ show x
parseRelationshipType :: CI Text -> RelationshipType
parseRelationshipType "PARENT" = Parent
parseRelationshipType "CHILD" = Child
parseRelationshipType "SIBLING" = Sibling
parseRelationshipType x = RelationshipTypeX x
parseBool :: CI Text -> ContentParser Bool
parseBool "TRUE" = return True
parseBool "FALSE" = return False
parseBool x = throwError $ "parseBool: " ++ show x
parseRange :: CI Text -> ContentParser Range
parseRange "THISANDFUTURE" = return ThisAndFuture
parseRange "THISANDPRIOR" = do tell ["THISANDPRIOIR RANGE is deprecated."]
return ThisAndPrior
parseRange x = throwError $ "parseRange: " ++ show x
parseFBType :: CI Text -> FBType
parseFBType "FREE" = Free
parseFBType "BUSY" = Busy
parseFBType "BUSY-UNAVAILABLE" = BusyUnavailable
parseFBType "BUSY-TENTATIVE" = BusyTentative
parseFBType x = FBTypeX x
parsePartStat :: CI Text -> PartStat
parsePartStat "NEEDS-ACTION" = PartStatNeedsAction
parsePartStat "ACCEPTED" = Accepted
parsePartStat "DECLINED" = Declined
parsePartStat "TENTATIVE" = Tentative
parsePartStat "DELEGATED" = Delegated
parsePartStat "COMPLETED" = PartStatCompleted
parsePartStat "IN-PROCESS" = InProcess
parsePartStat x = PartStatX x
parseRole :: CI Text -> Role
parseRole "CHAIR" = Chair
parseRole "REQ-PARTICIPANT" = ReqParticipant
parseRole "OPT-PARTICIPANT" = OptParticipant
parseRole "NON-PARTICIPANT" = NonParticipant
parseRole x = RoleX x
parseCUType :: CI Text -> CUType
parseCUType "INDIVIDUAL" = Individual
parseCUType "GROUP" = Group
parseCUType "RESOURCE" = Resource
parseCUType "ROOM" = Room
parseCUType "UNKNOWN" = Unknown
parseCUType x = CUTypeX x
parseMime :: Text -> ContentParser MIMEType
parseMime t = let m = mimeType .: parseMIMEType $ T.toStrict t
in maybe (throwError $ "parseMime: " ++ show t) return m
parseDuration :: String
-> ByteString
-> ContentParser Duration
parseDuration what bs =
case runParser dur def what bs of
Left e -> throwError $ "Invalid duration: "
++ unlines [show bs, show e]
Right x -> return x
where dur = do si <- sign
_ <- P.char 'P'
day <- optional . try $ digits <* P.char 'D'
time <- optional $ do
_ <- P.char 'T'
h <- optional . try $ digits <* P.char 'H'
m <- optional . try $ digits <* P.char 'M'
s <- optional . try $ digits <* P.char 'S'
return (h, m, s)
week <- optional . try $ digits <* P.char 'W'
case (day, time, week) of
(Just d, x, Nothing) ->
let (h, m, s) = deMHms x
in return $ DurationDate si d h m s
(Nothing, x@(Just _), Nothing) ->
let (h, m, s) = deMHms x
in return $ DurationTime si h m s
(Nothing, Nothing, Just w) ->
return $ DurationWeek si w
(_, _, _) -> fail "Invalid."
sign = fromMaybe Positive <$> optional (Positive <$ P.char '+'
<|> Negative <$ P.char '-')
deMHms (Just (h, m, s)) = (fromMaybe 0 h, fromMaybe 0 m, fromMaybe 0 s)
deMHms Nothing = (0, 0, 0)
parseRecur :: DTStart -> TextParser (ContentParser Recur)
parseRecur dts =
permute (mkRecur <$$> (freq <* term)
<|?> (Nothing, untilCount <* term)
<|?> (1, istring "INTERVAL=" *> digits <* term)
<|?> ([], istring "BYSECOND=" *> digitsN <* term)
<|?> ([], istring "BYMINUTE=" *> digitsN <* term)
<|?> ([], istring "BYHOUR=" *> digitsN <* term)
<|?> ([], istring "BYDAY=" *> sepBy wday (P.char ',')
<* term)
<|?> ([], istring "BYMONTHDAY=" *> onum <* term)
<|?> ([], istring "BYYEARDAY=" *> onum <* term)
<|?> ([], istring "BYWEEKNO=" *> onum <* term)
<|?> ([], istring "BYMONTH=" *> digitsN <* term)
<|?> ([], istring "BYSETPOS=" *> onum <* term)
<|?> (Monday, istring "WKST=" *> weekday <* term))
<* P.eof
where freq = istring "FREQ=" *> frequency
frequency = Secondly <$ istring "SECONDLY"
<|> Minutely <$ istring "MINUTELY"
<|> Hourly <$ istring "HOURLY"
<|> Daily <$ istring "DAILY"
<|> Weekly <$ istring "WEEKLY"
<|> Monthly <$ istring "MONTHLY"
<|> Yearly <$ istring "YEARLY"
weekday = Sunday <$ istring "SU"
<|> Monday <$ istring "MO"
<|> Tuesday <$ istring "TU"
<|> Wednesday <$ istring "WE"
<|> Thursday <$ istring "TH"
<|> Friday <$ istring "FR"
<|> Saturday <$ istring "SA"
wday = Right <$> weekday
<|> (Left .) . (,) <$> (neg <*> digits) <*> weekday
onum = sepBy1 (neg <*> digits) (P.char ',')
untilCount = istring "UNTIL=" *> until'
<|> istring "COUNT=" *> (Just . Right <$> digits)
until' = do txt <- manyTill P.anyChar (void (P.char ';') <|> P.eof)
return . Just . Left $
case dts of
DTStartDateTime _ _ ->
Right <$> parseDateTime Nothing (B.pack txt)
DTStartDate _ _ ->
Left <$> parseDate (B.pack txt)
term = optional (P.char ';')
istring :: String -> TextParser ()
istring = void . try . mapM (\c -> P.char c <|> P.char (toLower c))
mkRecur f uc i s m h d md yd wn mo sp wkst = do
uc' <- case uc of
Just (Left x) -> Just . Left <$> x
Just (Right y) -> return . Just $ Right y
Nothing -> return Nothing
return $ Recur f uc' i s m h d md yd wn mo sp wkst
parseUTCPeriod :: ByteString -> ContentParser UTCPeriod
parseUTCPeriod bs = do
let (dateTime', x) = B.drop 1 <$> B.break (=='/') bs
when (B.null x) . throwError $ "Invalid UTCperiod: " ++ show bs
dateTime <- mustBeUTC =<< parseDateTime Nothing dateTime'
case B.head x of
z | z `elem` ("+-P"::String) -> UTCPeriodDuration dateTime
<$> parseDuration "period" x
_ -> UTCPeriodDates dateTime <$> (mustBeUTC =<< parseDateTime Nothing x)
parsePeriod :: Maybe Text -> ByteString -> ContentParser Period
parsePeriod tzid bs = do
let (dateTime', x) = B.drop 1 <$> B.break (=='/') bs
when (B.null x) . throwError $ "Invalid period: " ++ show bs
dateTime <- parseDateTime tzid dateTime'
case B.head x of
z | z `elem` ("+-P"::String) -> PeriodDuration dateTime
<$> parseDuration "period" x
_ -> PeriodDates dateTime <$> parseDateTime tzid x