module I3IPC
, Response(..)
, subscribe
, receive
, receive'
, receiveMsg
, receiveMsg'
, getReply
, connecti3
, receiveEvent
, receiveEvent'
, runCommand
, runCommand'
, getWorkspaces
, getWorkspaces'
, getOutputs
, getOutputs'
, getTree
, getTree'
, getMarks
, getMarks'
, getVersion
, getVersion'
, getBarConfig
, getBarConfig'
, getBarIds
, getBindingModes
, getBindingModes'
, getConfig
, getConfig'
, getTick
, getTick'
, getSync
, getSync'
import qualified I3IPC.Message as Msg
import qualified I3IPC.Subscribe as Sub
import qualified I3IPC.Event as Evt
import I3IPC.Reply
import System.Environment ( lookupEnv )
import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
import Data.Semigroup ( (<>) )
import System.Process.Typed ( proc
, readProcess
import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..)
, exitFailure
import Network.Socket hiding ( send
, sendTo
, recv
, recvFrom
import Network.Socket.ByteString.Lazy
import Data.Aeson ( encode )
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Bifunctor ( second )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
import Data.Bits ( testBit
, clearBit
getSocketPath :: IO (Maybe BL.ByteString)
getSocketPath = do
res <- lookupEnv "I3SOCK"
if isJust res
then pure $ fmap BL.pack res
else do
(exitCode, out, _) <- readProcess $ proc "i3" ["--get-socketpath"]
if exitCode /= ExitSuccess
then pure Nothing
else pure $ Just (BL.filter (/= '\n') out)
subscribe :: (Either String Evt.Event -> IO ()) -> [Sub.Subscribe] -> IO ()
subscribe handle subtypes = do
soc <- socket AF_UNIX Stream 0
addr <- getSocketPath
case addr of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Failed to get i3 socket path" >> exitFailure
Just addr' ->
connect soc (SockAddrUnix $ BL.unpack addr')
>> Msg.sendMsgPayload soc Msg.Subscribe (encode subtypes)
>> receiveMsg soc
>> handleSoc soc
>> close soc
handleSoc soc = do
r <- receiveEvent soc
handle r
handleSoc soc
connecti3 :: IO Socket
connecti3 = do
soc <- socket AF_UNIX Stream 0
addr <- getSocketPath
case addr of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Failed to get i3 socket path" >> exitFailure
Just addr' -> do
connect soc (SockAddrUnix $ BL.unpack addr')
pure soc
data Response = Message MsgReply | Event Evt.Event deriving (Show, Eq)
getReply :: Socket -> IO (Either String (Int, BL.ByteString))
getReply soc = do
magic <- recv soc 6
if magic == "i3-ipc"
then do
len <- fromIntegral . runGet getWord32le <$> recv soc 4
ty <- fromIntegral . runGet getWord32le <$> recv soc 4
body <- recv soc len
pure $ Right (ty, body)
else pure $ Left "Failed to get reply"
test :: Int -> BL.ByteString -> IO Int
test ty body = do
putStrLn $ "type " <> show (ty `clearBit` 31)
BL.putStrLn $ "body " <> body
BL.putStrLn ""
pure ty
receive :: Socket -> IO (Either String Response)
receive soc = do
reply <- getReply soc
case reply of
Right (ty, body) -> pure $ if testBit ty 31
then Event `second` Evt.toEvent (ty `clearBit` 31) body
else Message `second` toMsgReply ty body
_ -> pure $ Left "Get Reply failed"
receive' :: Socket -> IO (Either String Response)
receive' soc = do
reply <- getReply soc
case reply of
Right (ty, body) -> pure $ if testBit ty 31
then Event `second` Evt.toEvent' (ty `clearBit` 31) body
else Message `second` toMsgReply' ty body
_ -> pure $ Left "Get Reply failed"
receiveMsg :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
receiveMsg soc = do
r <- getReply soc
pure $ do
(ty, body) <- r
toMsgReply ty body
receiveMsg' :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
receiveMsg' soc = do
r <- getReply soc
pure $ do
(ty, body) <- r
toMsgReply' ty body
receiveEvent :: Socket -> IO (Either String Evt.Event)
receiveEvent soc = do
r <- getReply soc
pure $ do
(ty, body) <- r
Evt.toEvent (ty `clearBit` 31) body
receiveEvent' :: Socket -> IO (Either String Evt.Event)
receiveEvent' soc = do
r <- getReply soc
pure $ do
(ty, body) <- r
Evt.toEvent' (ty `clearBit` 31) body
runCommand :: Socket -> BL.ByteString -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
runCommand soc b = Msg.sendMsgPayload soc Msg.RunCommand b >> receiveMsg soc
runCommand' :: Socket -> BL.ByteString -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
runCommand' soc b = Msg.sendMsgPayload soc Msg.RunCommand b >> receiveMsg' soc
getWorkspaces :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getWorkspaces soc = Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.Workspaces >> receiveMsg soc
getWorkspaces' :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getWorkspaces' soc = Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.Workspaces >> receiveMsg' soc
getOutputs :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getOutputs soc = Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.Outputs >> receiveMsg soc
getOutputs' :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getOutputs' soc = Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.Outputs >> receiveMsg' soc
getTree :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getTree soc = Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.Tree >> receiveMsg soc
getTree' :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getTree' soc = Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.Tree >> receiveMsg' soc
getMarks :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getMarks soc = Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.Marks >> receiveMsg soc
getMarks' :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getMarks' soc = Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.Marks >> receiveMsg' soc
getBarIds :: Socket -> IO (Either String BarIds)
getBarIds soc = do
_ <- Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.BarConfig
r <- getReply soc
pure $ do
body <- r
decodeBarIds (snd body)
getBarConfig :: Socket -> BL.ByteString -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getBarConfig soc b = Msg.sendMsgPayload soc Msg.BarConfig b >> receiveMsg' soc
getBarConfig' :: Socket -> BL.ByteString -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getBarConfig' soc b = Msg.sendMsgPayload soc Msg.BarConfig b >> receiveMsg' soc
getVersion :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getVersion soc = Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.Version >> receiveMsg soc
getVersion' :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getVersion' soc = Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.Version >> receiveMsg' soc
getBindingModes :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getBindingModes soc = Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.BindingModes >> receiveMsg soc
getBindingModes' :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getBindingModes' soc = Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.BindingModes >> receiveMsg' soc
getConfig :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getConfig soc = Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.Config >> receiveMsg soc
getConfig' :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getConfig' soc = Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.Config >> receiveMsg' soc
getTick :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getTick soc = Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.Tick >> receiveMsg soc
getTick' :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getTick' soc = Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.Tick >> receiveMsg' soc
getSync :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getSync soc = Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.Sync >> receiveMsg soc
getSync' :: Socket -> IO (Either String MsgReply)
getSync' soc = Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.Sync >> receiveMsg' soc