Haskell Xml Toolbox 7.5: The Filter APISource codeContentsIndex

basic XmlTree filter

Version : $Id: XmlTreeFilter.hs,v 1.4 20061112 14:53:00 hxml Exp $

isRoot :: XmlFilter
isTag :: String -> XmlFilter
isNsTag :: String -> String -> XmlFilter
hasLocalPart :: String -> XmlFilter
hasPrefix :: String -> XmlFilter
hasNamespace :: String -> XmlFilter
isOfTag :: (TagName -> Bool) -> XmlFilter
hasAttr :: String -> XmlFilter
hasNsAttr :: String -> String -> XmlFilter
hasValue :: String -> (String -> Bool) -> XmlFilter
isPi :: String -> XmlFilter
isXmlPi :: XmlFilter
isOfPi :: (TagName -> Bool) -> XmlFilter
isXCdata :: XmlFilter
isXCharRef :: XmlFilter
isXCmt :: XmlFilter
isXDTD :: XmlFilter
isXEntityRef :: XmlFilter
isXError :: XmlFilter
isXPi :: XmlFilter
isXTag :: XmlFilter
isXAttr :: XmlFilter
isAttr :: String -> XmlFilter
isNsAttr :: String -> String -> XmlFilter
isOfAttr :: (AttrName -> Bool) -> XmlFilter
isXText :: XmlFilter
isText :: String -> XmlFilter
isOfText :: (String -> Bool) -> XmlFilter
isWhiteSpace :: XmlFilter
isDoctype :: XmlFilter
isAttlist :: XmlFilter
isElement :: XmlFilter
isEntity :: XmlFilter
isPeRef :: XmlFilter
isDTDName :: XmlFilter
isCondSect :: XmlFilter
isParameterEntity :: XmlFilter
isNotation :: XmlFilter
isDefaultAttrKind :: XmlFilter
isEnumAttrType :: XmlFilter
isFixedAttrKind :: XmlFilter
isIdAttrType :: XmlFilter
isIdRefAttrType :: XmlFilter
isNotationAttrType :: XmlFilter
isRequiredAttrKind :: XmlFilter
isAttlistParameterEntity :: XmlFilter
isEmptyElement :: XmlFilter
isMixedContentElement :: XmlFilter
isElemWithContent :: XmlFilter
isAttlistOfElement :: String -> XmlFilter
isElemContentParamEntity :: XmlFilter
isUnparsedEntity :: XmlFilter
isExternalParameterEntity :: XmlFilter
isInternalParameterEntity :: XmlFilter
isWarning :: XmlFilter
isError :: XmlFilter
isFatalError :: XmlFilter
mkXTag :: String -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
mkQTag :: QName -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
mkXNsTag :: String -> String -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
mkXAttr :: String -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
mkQAttr :: QName -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
mkXNsAttr :: String -> String -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
mkXText :: String -> XmlFilter
mkXCharRef :: Int -> XmlFilter
mkXEntityRef :: String -> XmlFilter
mkXCmt :: XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
mkXDTD :: DTDElem -> Attributes -> XmlTrees -> XmlFilter
mkXCdata :: XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
mkXPi :: String -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
mkXError :: Int -> String -> XmlFilter
getName :: XmlFilter
getAttrl :: XmlFilter
getValue :: String -> XmlFilter
getNsValue :: String -> String -> XmlFilter
getDTDValue :: String -> XmlFilter
getXCmt :: XmlFilter
getXCdata :: XmlFilter
replaceQName :: String -> XmlFilter
modifyText :: (String -> String) -> XmlFilter
modifyQName :: (TagName -> TagName) -> XmlFilter
processAttrl :: XmlSFilter -> XmlFilter
processAttr :: XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
replaceAttrl :: XmlTrees -> XmlFilter
del1Attr :: String -> XmlFilter
add1Attr :: XmlTree -> XmlFilter
addAttrl :: XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
addAttr :: String -> String -> XmlFilter
addAttrInt :: String -> Int -> XmlFilter
modifyAttr :: String -> (String -> String) -> XmlFilter
addDTDAttr :: String -> String -> XmlFilter
(+=) :: XmlFilter -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
(++=) :: XmlFilter -> [XmlFilter] -> XmlFilter
valueOf :: String -> XmlTree -> String
intValueOf :: String -> XmlTree -> Int
tag :: String -> [XmlFilter] -> [XmlFilter] -> XmlFilter
stag :: String -> [XmlFilter] -> XmlFilter
atag :: String -> [XmlFilter] -> XmlFilter
etag :: String -> XmlFilter
qetag :: QName -> XmlFilter
qtag :: QName -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
rootTag :: [XmlFilter] -> [XmlFilter] -> XmlFilter
attr :: String -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
qattr :: QName -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
sattr :: String -> String -> XmlFilter
txt :: String -> XmlFilter
cmt :: String -> XmlFilter
spi :: String -> String -> XmlFilter
cdata :: String -> XmlFilter
dtd :: DTDElem -> [XmlFilter] -> [XmlFilter] -> XmlFilter
warn :: String -> XmlFilter
err :: String -> XmlFilter
fatal :: String -> XmlFilter
hasOption :: String -> XmlFilter
isRoot :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a document root node.
isTag :: String -> XmlFilter

test whether the root of a tree contains a tag node.

see also: isNsTag

isNsTag :: String -> String -> XmlFilter

namespace aware test whether the root of a tree contains a tag node. Parameters are the local part and namespace. Only usable after namespace propagation.

see also: isTag

hasLocalPart :: String -> XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree has a given local name see also : hasNamespace, hasPrefix, isTag, isAttr
hasPrefix :: String -> XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree has a given prefix name see also : hasNamespace, hasLocalPart, isTag, isAttr
hasNamespace :: String -> XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree belongs to a given namespace see also : isTag, isAttr, hasLocalPart, hasPrefix
isOfTag :: (TagName -> Bool) -> XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a tag node with a special name.
hasAttr :: String -> XmlFilter

test whether the node of a tree is a XTag node or a XPi node with an attibute of a specific name

see also: isAttr, hasNsAttr

hasNsAttr :: String -> String -> XmlFilter

test whether the tree is a XTag node with an attibute of a specific local name and namespace uri

see also: hasAttr, isNsAttr

hasValue :: String -> (String -> Bool) -> XmlFilter

test whether the given node is a XTag node or a XPI node with an attribute with a value with a specific property. In case of a match, the attribute value represented by a text node is returned as single element list, else the empty list is the result.

see also : getValue

isPi :: String -> XmlFilter
test whether the tree is a processing instruction with a given name.
isXmlPi :: XmlFilter
test whether the tree is a <?xml ... ?> declaration
isOfPi :: (TagName -> Bool) -> XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a processing instruction of a special name.
isXCdata :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a CDATA node.
isXCharRef :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a character reference node.
isXCmt :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a comment node.
isXDTD :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a DTD part.
isXEntityRef :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains an entity reference node.
isXError :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains an error node.
isXPi :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a processing instruction node.
isXTag :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a tag node.
isXAttr :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains an attribute node.
isAttr :: String -> XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree is an attribute node for a given attribute name
isNsAttr :: String -> String -> XmlFilter

namespace aware test whether the tree contains an attribute node. Parameters are the local part of the atribute name and the namespace. Only usable after namespace propagation.

see also: isNsTag, isAttr, hasNsAttr

isOfAttr :: (AttrName -> Bool) -> XmlFilter
general test for an attribute name
isXText :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a text node.
isText :: String -> XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a special text.
isOfText :: (String -> Bool) -> XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a text node with a special property
isWhiteSpace :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a text node only with whitespace.
isDoctype :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a DOCTYPE DTD part.
isAttlist :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains an ATTLIST DTD part.
isElement :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains an ELEMENT DTD part.
isEntity :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains an ENTITY DTD part.
isPeRef :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a parameter ENTITY reference.
isDTDName :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a DTD name part.
isCondSect :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a conditional section DTD part.
isParameterEntity :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a parameter entity declaration.
isNotation :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains a NOTATION DTD part.
isDefaultAttrKind :: XmlFilter
isEnumAttrType :: XmlFilter
isFixedAttrKind :: XmlFilter
isIdAttrType :: XmlFilter
isIdRefAttrType :: XmlFilter
isNotationAttrType :: XmlFilter
isRequiredAttrKind :: XmlFilter
isAttlistParameterEntity :: XmlFilter
isEmptyElement :: XmlFilter
isMixedContentElement :: XmlFilter
isElemWithContent :: XmlFilter
isAttlistOfElement :: String -> XmlFilter
isElemContentParamEntity :: XmlFilter
isUnparsedEntity :: XmlFilter
isExternalParameterEntity :: XmlFilter
isInternalParameterEntity :: XmlFilter
isWarning :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains an error node for a warning.
isError :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains an error node for an error.
isFatalError :: XmlFilter
test whether the root of a tree contains an error node for a fatal error.
mkXTag :: String -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter

constructor filter for a tag node. a new tree is constructed. the attributes and the children are computed by applying the aproprate filter to the input tree

  • 1.parameter n : the tag name
  • 2.parameter af : the filter for the attribute list
  • 3.parameter cf : the filter for the children
  • returns : the constructor filter
mkQTag :: QName -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
Version with qualified names of mkXTag
mkXNsTag :: String -> String -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter

constructor filter for a tag node. a new tree is constructed. the attributes and the children are computed by applying the aproprate filter to the input tree

  • 1.parameter n : the tag name in form of prefix:localpart
  • 2.parameter ns: the namespace uri
  • 3.parameter af : the filter for the attribute list
  • 4.parameter cf : the filter for the children
  • returns : the constructor filter
mkXAttr :: String -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
filter for attribute construction. a new tree with attribute name and a value computed by a filter is build.
mkQAttr :: QName -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
Qualified version mkXAttr
mkXNsAttr :: String -> String -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
filter for attribute construction. a new tree with attribute name and namespace and a value computed by a filter is build.
mkXText :: String -> XmlFilter
constructor filter for a text node. a new tree is constructed. the input tree is ignored.
mkXCharRef :: Int -> XmlFilter
constructor filter for a character reference node. a new tree is constructed. the input tree is ignored.
mkXEntityRef :: String -> XmlFilter
constructor filter for an entity reference node. a new tree is constructed. the input tree is ignored.
mkXCmt :: XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
constructor filter for a comment node. a new tree is constructed. the xml string representation of the filter result forms the comment
mkXDTD :: DTDElem -> Attributes -> XmlTrees -> XmlFilter
constructor filter for a DTD part. a new tree is constructed. the input tree is ignored.
mkXCdata :: XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
constructor filter for a CDATA section node. a new tree is constructed. the input tree is ignored.
mkXPi :: String -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
constructor filter for a processing instruction a new tree is constructed from the text representation of the input tree
mkXError :: Int -> String -> XmlFilter
constructor filter for an error message node. a new tree is constructed. the input tree is ignored.
getName :: XmlFilter
filter for selecting the name of a tag node, an attribute node or a pi node. Result of the filter is a single element list with a text node or the empty list
getAttrl :: XmlFilter
filter for selecting the attibute list
getValue :: String -> XmlFilter

filter for selecting the value of an attribute in a tag node. Result of the filter is a single element list with a text node or the empty list

see also : hasValue, getNsValue

getNsValue :: String -> String -> XmlFilter

filter for selecting the value of an attribute with namespace in a tag node. Result of the filter is a single element list with a text node or the empty list

see also : getValue, isNsAttr

getDTDValue :: String -> XmlFilter
filter for selecting an attribute of a DTD node. Result of the filter is a single element list with a text node or the empty list
getXCmt :: XmlFilter
filter for selecting content of a comment. Result of the filter is a single element list with a text node or the empty list
getXCdata :: XmlFilter
filter for selecting the CDATA content. Result of the filter is a single element list with a text node or the empty list
replaceQName :: String -> XmlFilter
edit filter for changing the name of a tag node, an attribute or a pi. result of the filter is a single element list with a tag node or the empty list
modifyText :: (String -> String) -> XmlFilter

edit filter for changing the text of a text node. result of the filter is a single element list with a text node or the empty list

example for editing all text nodes of a tree with an edit function f:

processBottomUp (modifyText f `when` isXText)
modifyQName :: (TagName -> TagName) -> XmlFilter
edit filter for changing the name of a tag node. result of the filter is a single element list with a text node or the empty list
processAttrl :: XmlSFilter -> XmlFilter
process the attribute list of a tag node with a tree list filter. for other trees this filter acts like none
processAttr :: XmlFilter -> XmlFilter

elementwise processing of the attributes of a tag. for other trees this filter acts like none

see also : processAttrl

replaceAttrl :: XmlTrees -> XmlFilter
replace an attribute list to be renamed when replaceAttrl is eliminated
del1Attr :: String -> XmlFilter
delete an attribute from the attribute list of a tag tree
add1Attr :: XmlTree -> XmlFilter

add an attribute to the attribute list of a tag. If the attribute already exists, it's substituted,

see also: sattr, +=

addAttrl :: XmlFilter -> XmlFilter

adds an attribute list computed by a filter, uses add1Attr.

see also: +=

addAttr :: String -> String -> XmlFilter
add or change an attribute with a given string as value for a XTag or XPi tree, uses add1Attr.
addAttrInt :: String -> Int -> XmlFilter
add or change an attribute with an Int value. uses addAttr.
modifyAttr :: String -> (String -> String) -> XmlFilter

edit filter for changing the value of an attribute in a tag node. result of the filter is a single element list with the tag node or the empty list.

  • 1.parameter n : the name of the attribute
  • 2.parameter f : the edit function for the attribute value
  • returns : the edit filter
addDTDAttr :: String -> String -> XmlFilter
add or change an attribute of a DTD tree
(+=) :: XmlFilter -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter

convenient function for tag node tree construction

infixl 7

filter combinator for tag tree constrcution take a 1. filter for computing a tag node tree (or a whole list of tag node trees) then add all trees computed by the 2. filter to the attribute list when they represent attributes else append them to the list of children.

if the 1. filter computes a list of tag nodes, the results of the 2. filter are added to all trees

example: etag "a" += sattr "href" "#42" += txt "the answer" gives the tree <a href="#42">the answer</a>

example: ( etag "a" +++ etag "b" ) += sattr "x" "42" gives the tree <a x="42"/><b x="42"/>

see also : etag, tag, add1Attr, modifyChildren, ++=

(++=) :: XmlFilter -> [XmlFilter] -> XmlFilter

convenient filter function adding a whole list of trees, just for not writing to many ( ... ).

infixl 7

 f ++= gl  == f += cat gl 

see also : +=

valueOf :: String -> XmlTree -> String
combination of getValue and conversion into a String
intValueOf :: String -> XmlTree -> Int
combination of getValue and conversion to a Int
tag :: String -> [XmlFilter] -> [XmlFilter] -> XmlFilter

variant of mkXTag with a list of filters for the attributes and a list of filters for the children. this variant leads to a more readable source for a complicated construction filter than the simple solution with a combination of mkXTag and cat.

see also : mkXTag, stag, etag, cat, +=

stag :: String -> [XmlFilter] -> XmlFilter

variant of tag, useful for tags without attributes and with a list of filters for constructing the children

see also : mkXTag, tag, etag, cat, +=

atag :: String -> [XmlFilter] -> XmlFilter

variant of tag, useful for tags with attributes but without children

see also : mkXTag, tag, stag, etag, cat

etag :: String -> XmlFilter

Short cut for empty tags without attributes

see also : tag, atag, stag, mkXTag and +=

qetag :: QName -> XmlFilter
Qualified version of etag
qtag :: QName -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
Alias for mkQTag
rootTag :: [XmlFilter] -> [XmlFilter] -> XmlFilter

filter for creating a document root node with a list of filters for the attributes and a list of filters for the document.

see also : tag

attr :: String -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
Alias for mkXAttr
qattr :: QName -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
Alias for mkQAttr
sattr :: String -> String -> XmlFilter

short cut for attribute construction with string constants

set also : attr, mkXAttr and mkXText

txt :: String -> XmlFilter
short cut for mkXText
cmt :: String -> XmlFilter

short cut for simple comment the input tree is ignored

see also : mkXCmt

spi :: String -> String -> XmlFilter

short cut for generating simple processing instructions (spi) the input tree is ignored

spi "xyz" "abc" is equal to mkXPi "xyz" (txt "abc") (the name pi is already used in prelude)

cdata :: String -> XmlFilter
short cut for generating simple cdata sections, the input tree is ignored
dtd :: DTDElem -> [XmlFilter] -> [XmlFilter] -> XmlFilter
DTD part generation with filter for attributes and children see also: mkXDTDTree
warn :: String -> XmlFilter

short cut for mkXError c_warn.

see also : mkXError

err :: String -> XmlFilter

short cut for mkXError c_fatal.

see also : mkXError

fatal :: String -> XmlFilter

short cut for mkXError c_fatal.

see also : mkXError

hasOption :: String -> XmlFilter

check whether an option is set

reads the value of an attribute, usually applied to a document root node, and checks if the value represents True. The following strings are interpreted as true: "1", "True", "true", "yes", "Yes".

Produced by Haddock version 0.8