Haskell Xml Toolbox 7.5: The Filter APISource codeContentsIndex

basic Namespace and QName predicates and functions

$Id: NamespacePredicates.hs,v 1.3 20061112 14:53:00 hxml Exp $

setNamespace :: NsEnv -> QName -> QName
xmlnsQN :: QName
isNCName :: String -> Bool
isWellformedQualifiedName :: String -> Bool
isWellformedQName :: QName -> Bool
isWellformedNSDecl :: QName -> Bool
isDeclaredNamespace :: QName -> Bool
setNamespace :: NsEnv -> QName -> QName

Compute the name prefix and the namespace uri for a qualified name.

This function does not test whether the name is a wellformed qualified name. see Namespaces in XML Rule [6] to [8]. Error checking is done with separate functions, see isWellformedQName and isWellformedQualifiedName for error checking.

xmlnsQN :: QName
isNCName :: String -> Bool
test for wellformed NCName, rule [4] XML Namespaces
isWellformedQualifiedName :: String -> Bool
test for wellformed QName, rule [6] XML Namespaces predicate is used in filter valdateNamespaces.
isWellformedQName :: QName -> Bool
test for wellformed QName values. A QName is wellformed, if the local part is a NCName, the namePrefix, if not empty, is also a NCName. predicate is used in filter valdateNamespaces.
isWellformedNSDecl :: QName -> Bool
test for a wellformed namespace declaration all namespace prefixes starting with "xml" are reserved for XML related definitions. predicate is used in filter valdateNamespaces.
isDeclaredNamespace :: QName -> Bool
predicate is used in filter valdateNamespaces.
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