{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module HaskellWorks.Data.Simd.Comparison.Avx2 where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as DVS
import qualified Foreign.ForeignPtr as F
import qualified Foreign.Marshal.Unsafe as F
import qualified Foreign.Ptr as F
import qualified HaskellWorks.Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified HaskellWorks.Data.Simd.Internal.Foreign as F
import qualified HaskellWorks.Data.Vector.AsVector8 as V
import qualified HaskellWorks.Data.Vector.Storable as DVS
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Redundant do" :: String) #-}
class CmpEqWord8s a where
type Target a
cmpEqWord8s :: Word8 -> a -> Target a
instance CmpEqWord8s (DVS.Vector Word8) where
type Target (DVS.Vector Word8) = DVS.Vector Word8
cmpEqWord8s w8 v = F.unsafeLocalState $ do
tgtFptr <- F.mallocForeignPtrBytes bufLen
F.withForeignPtr srcFptr $ \srcPtr -> do
F.withForeignPtr tgtFptr $ \tgtPtr -> do
_ <- F.avx2Cmpeq8 (fromIntegral w8) (F.castPtr tgtPtr) (fromIntegral w64sLen) (srcPtr `F.plusPtr` srcOffset)
when (disalignment /= 0) $ do
let ending = DVS.padded ((DVS.length v + 63) `div` 64) (DVS.drop alignment v)
let (endFptr, _, _) = DVS.unsafeToForeignPtr ending
F.withForeignPtr endFptr $ \endPtr -> do
void $ F.avx2Cmpeq8 (fromIntegral w8) (tgtPtr `F.plusPtr` (w64sLen * 64)) (fromIntegral w64sLen) (F.castPtr endPtr)
return $ DVS.unsafeFromForeignPtr tgtFptr 0 tgtLen
where (srcFptr, srcOffset, srcLen) = DVS.unsafeToForeignPtr v
bufLen = (srcLen + 63) `div` 8
tgtLen = (srcLen + 7) `div` 8
w64sLen = srcLen `div` 64
alignment = w64sLen * 64
disalignment = srcLen - alignment
{-# INLINE cmpEqWord8s #-}
instance CmpEqWord8s (DVS.Vector Word64) where
type Target (DVS.Vector Word64) = DVS.Vector Word64
cmpEqWord8s w8 v = case DVS.unsafeCast v :: DVS.Vector Word8 of
u -> case DVS.unsafeToForeignPtr u of
(srcFptr, srcOffset, srcLength) -> if disalignment == 0
then F.unsafeLocalState $ do
targetFptr <- F.mallocForeignPtrBytes srcLength
F.withForeignPtr srcFptr $ \srcPtr -> do
F.withForeignPtr targetFptr $ \targetPtr -> do
_ <- F.avx2Cmpeq8
(fromIntegral w8)
(F.castPtr targetPtr)
(fromIntegral w64sLen)
(F.castPtr srcPtr `F.plusPtr` srcOffset)
return $ DVS.unsafeFromForeignPtr targetFptr 0 w64sLen
else error $ "Unaligned byte string: " <> show disalignment
where w64sLen = srcLength `div` 64
disalignment = srcLength - w64sLen * 64
{-# INLINE cmpEqWord8s #-}
instance CmpEqWord8s [DVS.Vector Word64] where
type Target [DVS.Vector Word64] = [DVS.Vector Word64]
cmpEqWord8s w8 vs = cmpEqWord8s w8 <$> vs
{-# INLINE cmpEqWord8s #-}
instance CmpEqWord8s [DVS.Vector Word8] where
type Target [DVS.Vector Word8] = [DVS.Vector Word8]
cmpEqWord8s w8 vs = cmpEqWord8s w8 <$> vs
{-# INLINE cmpEqWord8s #-}
instance CmpEqWord8s [BS.ByteString] where
type Target [BS.ByteString] = [BS.ByteString]
cmpEqWord8s w8 vs = BS.toByteString . cmpEqWord8s w8 . V.asVector8 <$> vs
{-# INLINE cmpEqWord8s #-}