{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Network.GRPC.Client (
, Authority
, Timeout(..)
, open
, RawReply
, singleRequest
, streamReply
, streamRequest
, StreamDone(..)
, InvalidState(..)
, StreamReplyDecodingError(..)
, UnallowedPushPromiseReceived(..)
, Compression
, gzip
, uncompressed
) where
import Control.Exception (Exception(..), throwIO)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
import Data.Binary.Builder (toLazyByteString)
import Data.Binary.Get (Decoder(..), pushChunk, pushEndOfInput)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as ByteString
import Data.ProtoLens.Service.Types (Service(..), HasMethod, HasMethodImpl(..), StreamingType(..))
import Network.GRPC.HTTP2.Types
import Network.GRPC.HTTP2.Encoding
import Network.HTTP2
import Network.HPACK
import Network.HTTP2.Client
import Network.HTTP2.Client.Helpers
type RawReply a = Either ErrorCode (HeaderList, Maybe HeaderList, (Either String a))
data UnallowedPushPromiseReceived = UnallowedPushPromiseReceived deriving Show
instance Exception UnallowedPushPromiseReceived where
throwOnPushPromise :: PushPromiseHandler
throwOnPushPromise _ _ _ _ _ = throwIO UnallowedPushPromiseReceived
waitReply :: (Service s, HasMethod s m) => RPC s m -> Compression -> Http2Stream -> IncomingFlowControl -> IO (RawReply (MethodOutput s m))
waitReply rpc compress stream flowControl = do
format . fromStreamResult <$> waitStream stream flowControl throwOnPushPromise
format rsp = do
(hdrs, dat, trls) <- rsp
let res =
case lookup grpcMessageH hdrs of
Nothing -> fromDecoder $ pushEndOfInput $ flip pushChunk dat $ decodeOutput rpc compress
Just errMsg -> Left $ unpack errMsg
return (hdrs, trls, res)
data StreamReplyDecodingError = StreamReplyDecodingError String deriving Show
instance Exception StreamReplyDecodingError where
data InvalidState = InvalidState String deriving Show
instance Exception InvalidState where
newtype RPCCall a = RPCCall {
runRPC :: Http2Client -> Http2Stream -> IncomingFlowControl -> OutgoingFlowControl -> IO a
open :: (Service s, HasMethod s m)
=> RPC s m
-> Http2Client
-> Authority
-> HeaderList
-> Timeout
-> Compression
-> RPCCall a
-> IO (Either TooMuchConcurrency a)
open rpc conn authority extraheaders timeout compression doStuff = do
let request = [ (":method", "POST")
, (":scheme", "http")
, (":authority", authority)
, (":path", path rpc)
, (grpcTimeoutH, showTimeout timeout)
, (grpcEncodingH, grpcCompressionHV compression)
, (grpcAcceptEncodingH, mconcat [grpcAcceptEncodingHVdefault, ",", grpcCompressionHV compression])
, ("content-type", grpcContentTypeHV)
, ("te", "trailers")
] <> extraheaders
withHttp2Stream conn $ \stream ->
initStream = headers stream request (setEndHeader)
handler isfc osfc = do
(runRPC doStuff) conn stream isfc osfc
in StreamDefinition initStream handler
:: (Service s, HasMethod s m, MethodStreamingType s m ~ 'ServerStreaming)
=> RPC s m
-> Compression
-> a
-> MethodInput s m
-> (a -> HeaderList -> MethodOutput s m -> IO a)
-> RPCCall (a, HeaderList, HeaderList)
streamReply rpc compress v0 req handler = RPCCall $ \conn stream isfc osfc -> do
let {
loop v1 decode hdrs = _waitEvent stream >>= \case
(StreamPushPromiseEvent _ _ _) ->
throwIO (InvalidState "push promise")
(StreamHeadersEvent _ trls) ->
return (v1, hdrs, trls)
(StreamErrorEvent _ _) ->
throwIO (InvalidState "stream error")
(StreamDataEvent _ dat) -> do
_addCredit isfc (ByteString.length dat)
_ <- _consumeCredit isfc (ByteString.length dat)
_ <- _updateWindow isfc
handleAllChunks v1 hdrs decode dat loop
} in do
let ocfc = _outgoingFlowControl conn
sendSingleMessage rpc req compress setEndStream conn ocfc stream osfc
_waitEvent stream >>= \case
StreamHeadersEvent _ hdrs ->
loop v0 (decodeOutput rpc compress) hdrs
_ ->
throwIO (InvalidState "no headers")
handleAllChunks v1 hdrs decode dat exitLoop =
case pushChunk decode dat of
(Done unusedDat _ (Right val)) -> do
v2 <- handler v1 hdrs val
handleAllChunks v2 hdrs (decodeOutput rpc compress) unusedDat exitLoop
(Done unusedDat _ (Left err)) -> do
throwIO (StreamReplyDecodingError $ "done-error: " ++ err)
(Fail _ _ err) -> do
throwIO (StreamReplyDecodingError $ "fail-error: " ++ err)
partial@(Partial _) ->
exitLoop v1 partial hdrs
data StreamDone = StreamDone
:: (Service s, HasMethod s m, MethodStreamingType s m ~ 'ClientStreaming)
=> RPC s m
-> a
-> (a -> IO (Compression, a, Either StreamDone (MethodInput s m)))
-> RPCCall (a, RawReply (MethodOutput s m))
streamRequest rpc v0 handler = RPCCall $ \conn stream isfc streamFlowControl ->
let ocfc = _outgoingFlowControl conn
go v1 = do
(compress, v2, nextEvent) <- handler v1
case nextEvent of
Right msg -> do
sendSingleMessage rpc msg compress id conn ocfc stream streamFlowControl
go v2
Left _ -> do
sendData conn stream setEndStream ""
reply <- waitReply rpc compress stream isfc
pure (v2, reply)
in go v0
:: (Service s, HasMethod s m)
=> RPC s m
-> MethodInput s m
-> Compression
-> FlagSetter
-> Http2Client
-> OutgoingFlowControl
-> Http2Stream
-> OutgoingFlowControl
-> IO ()
sendSingleMessage rpc msg compression flagMod conn connectionFlowControl stream streamFlowControl = do
let goUpload dat = do
let !wanted = ByteString.length dat
gotStream <- _withdrawCredit streamFlowControl wanted
got <- _withdrawCredit connectionFlowControl gotStream
_receiveCredit streamFlowControl (gotStream - got)
if got == wanted
sendData conn stream flagMod dat
else do
sendData conn stream id (ByteString.take got dat)
goUpload (ByteString.drop got dat)
goUpload . toStrict . toLazyByteString . encodeInput rpc compression $ msg
:: (Service s, HasMethod s m)
=> RPC s m
-> Compression
-> MethodInput s m
-> RPCCall (RawReply (MethodOutput s m))
singleRequest rpc compress msg = RPCCall $ \conn stream isfc osfc -> do
let ocfc = _outgoingFlowControl conn
sendSingleMessage rpc msg compress setEndStream conn ocfc stream osfc
waitReply rpc compress stream isfc