{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Network.HTTP2.Server.Run where

import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread)
import qualified Control.Exception as E

import Imports
import Network.HTTP2
import Network.HTTP2.Server.API
import Network.HTTP2.Server.EncodeFrame
import Network.HTTP2.Server.Manager
import Network.HTTP2.Server.Receiver
import Network.HTTP2.Server.Sender
import Network.HTTP2.Server.Worker
import Network.HTTP2.Server.Context


-- | Running HTTP/2 server.
run :: Config -> Server -> IO ()
run conf@Config{..} server = do
    ok <- checkPreface
    when ok $ do
        ctx <- newContext
        -- Workers, worker manager and timer manager
        mgr <- start
        setAction mgr $ worker ctx mgr server
        -- The number of workers is 3.
        -- This was carefully chosen based on a lot of benchmarks.
        -- If it is 1, we cannot avoid head-of-line blocking.
        -- If it is large, huge memory is consumed and many
        -- context switches happen.
        replicateM_ 3 $ spawnAction mgr
        -- Receiver
        tid <- forkIO $ frameReceiver ctx confReadN
        -- Sender
        -- frameSender is the main thread because it ensures to send
        -- a goway frame.
        frameSender ctx conf mgr `E.finally` do
            clearContext ctx
            stop mgr
            killThread tid
    checkPreface = do
        preface <- confReadN connectionPrefaceLength
        if connectionPreface /= preface then do
            goaway conf ProtocolError "Preface mismatch"
            return False
            return True

-- connClose must not be called here since Run:fork calls it
goaway :: Config -> ErrorCodeId -> ByteString -> IO ()
goaway Config{..} etype debugmsg = confSendAll bytestream
    bytestream = goawayFrame 0 etype debugmsg