http2-1.5.4: HTTP/2.0 library including frames and HPACK

Safe HaskellSafe




This is partial implementation of the priority of HTTP/2.

This implementation does support structured priority queue but not support re-structuring. This means that it is assumed that an entry created by a Priority frame is never closed. The entry behaves an intermediate node, not a leaf.

This queue is fair for weight. Consider two weights: 201 and 101. Repeating enqueue/dequeue probably produces 201, 201, 101, 201, 201, 101, ...

Only one entry per stream should be enqueued.



data Precedence Source

Internal representation of priority in priority queues. The precedence of a dequeued entry should be specified to enqueue when the entry is enqueued again.

defaultPrecedence :: Precedence Source

Default precedence.

toPrecedence :: Priority -> Precedence Source

Converting Priority to Precedence. When an entry is enqueued at the first time, this function should be used.


data PriorityTree a Source

Abstract data type for priority trees.

newPriorityTree :: IO (PriorityTree a) Source

Creating a new priority tree.

PriorityTree functions

prepare :: PriorityTree a -> StreamId -> Priority -> IO () Source

Bringing up the structure of the priority tree. This must be used for Priority frame.

enqueue :: PriorityTree a -> StreamId -> Precedence -> a -> IO () Source

Enqueuing an entry to the priority tree. This must be used for Header frame.

dequeue :: PriorityTree a -> IO (StreamId, Precedence, a) Source

Dequeuing an entry from the priority tree.

dequeueSTM :: PriorityTree a -> STM (StreamId, Precedence, a) Source

Dequeuing an entry from the priority tree.

isEmpty :: PriorityTree a -> IO Bool Source

Checking if the priority tree is empty.

isEmptySTM :: PriorityTree a -> STM Bool Source

Checking if the priority tree is empty.

delete :: PriorityTree a -> StreamId -> Precedence -> IO (Maybe a) Source

Deleting the entry corresponding to StreamId. delete and enqueue are used to change the priority of a live stream.