{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, BangPatterns, RecordWildCards, ViewPatterns,
             DoAndIfThenElse, PatternGuards, ScopedTypeVariables,
             TupleSections #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns -fwarn-unused-imports #-}
-- | HTTP downloader tailored for web-crawler needs.
--  * Handles all possible http-client exceptions and returns
--    human readable error messages.
--  * Handles some web server bugs (returning @deflate@ data instead of @gzip@,
--    invalid @gzip@ encoding).
--  * Uses OpenSSL instead of @tls@ package (since @tls@ doesn't handle all sites and works slower than OpenSSL).
--  * Ignores invalid SSL sertificates.
--  * Receives data in 32k chunks internally to reduce memory fragmentation
--    on many parallel downloads.
--  * Download timeout.
--  * Total download size limit.
--  * Returns HTTP headers for subsequent redownloads
--    and handles @Not modified@ results.
--  * Can be used with external DNS resolver (hsdns-cache for example).
--  * Keep-alive connections pool (thanks to http-client).
--  Typical workflow in crawler:
--  @
--  withDnsCache $ \ c -> withDownloader $ \ d -> do
--  ... -- got URL from queue
--  ra <- resolveA c $ hostNameFromUrl url
--  case ra of
--      Left err -> ... -- uh oh, bad host
--      Right ha -> do
--          ... -- crawler politeness stuff (rate limits, queues)
--          dr <- download d url (Just ha) opts
--          case dr of
--              DROK dat redownloadOptions ->
--                  ... -- analyze data, save redownloadOpts for next download
--              DRRedirect .. -> ...
--              DRNotModified -> ...
--              DRError e -> ...
--  @
-- It's highly recommended to use
-- <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/concurrent-dns-cache>
-- (preferably with single resolver pointing to locally running BIND)
-- for DNS resolution since @getAddrInfo@ used in @http-client@ can be
-- buggy and ineffective when it needs to resolve many hosts per second for
-- a long time.
module Network.HTTP.Conduit.Downloader
    ( -- * Download operations
      urlGetContents, urlGetContentsPost
    , download, post, downloadG, rawDownload
    , DownloadResult(..), RawDownloadResult(..), DownloadOptions

      -- * Downloader
    , DownloaderSettings(..)
    , Downloader, withDownloader, withDownloaderSettings, newDownloader

      -- * Utils
    , postRequest
    ) where

import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as B
import Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Data.Default as C
import Data.String
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Foreign
import qualified Network.Socket as NS
import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as NS
import qualified OpenSSL as SSL
import qualified OpenSSL.Session as SSL
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as N
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as C
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.Internal as C
import System.Timeout
import Codec.Compression.Zlib.Raw as Deflate
import Network.URI
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX

-- | Result of 'download' operation.
data DownloadResult
    = DROK       B.ByteString DownloadOptions
      -- ^ Successful download with data and options for next download.
    | DRRedirect String
      -- ^ Redirect URL
    | DRError    String
      -- ^ Error
    | DRNotModified
      -- ^ HTTP 304 Not Modified
    deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

-- | Result of 'rawDownload' operation.
data RawDownloadResult
    = RawDownloadResult
      { rdrStatus :: N.Status
      , rdrHttpVersion :: N.HttpVersion
      , rdrHeaders :: N.ResponseHeaders
      , rdrBody :: B.ByteString
      , rdrCookieJar :: C.CookieJar
    deriving Show

-- | @If-None-Match@ and/or @If-Modified-Since@ headers.
type DownloadOptions = [String]

-- | Settings used in downloader.
data DownloaderSettings
    = DownloaderSettings
      { dsUserAgent :: B.ByteString
        -- ^ User agent string. Default: @\"Mozilla\/5.0 (compatible; HttpConduitDownloader\/1.0; +http:\/\/hackage.haskell.org\/package\/http-conduit-downloader)\"@.
        -- Be a good crawler. Provide your User-Agent please.
      , dsTimeout :: Int
        -- ^ Download timeout. Default: 30 seconds.
      , dsManagerSettings :: C.ManagerSettings
        -- ^ Conduit 'Manager' settings.
        -- Default: ManagerSettings with SSL certificate checks removed.
      , dsMaxDownloadSize :: Int
        -- ^ Download size limit in bytes. Default: 10MB.
-- http://wiki.apache.org/nutch/OptimizingCrawls
-- use 10 seconds as default timeout (too small).

instance Default DownloaderSettings where
    def =
        { dsUserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; HttpConduitDownloader/1.0; +http://hackage.haskell.org/package/http-conduit-downloader)"
        , dsTimeout = 30
        , dsManagerSettings =
            { C.managerTlsConnection = getOpenSSLConnection
            , C.managerTlsProxyConnection = getOpenSSLProxyConnection
            , C.managerProxyInsecure = C.proxyFromRequest
            , C.managerProxySecure = C.proxyFromRequest
        , dsMaxDownloadSize = 10*1024*1024

-- tls package doesn't handle some sites:
-- https://github.com/vincenthz/hs-tls/issues/53
-- using OpenSSL instead
-- Network.HTTP.Client.TLS.getTlsConnection with ability to use HostAddress
-- since Network.Connection.connectTo uses Network.connectTo that uses
-- getHostByName (passed HostAddress is ignored)
getOpenSSLConnection :: IO (Maybe NS.HostAddress -> String -> Int
                            -> IO C.Connection)
getOpenSSLConnection =
    return $ \ mbha host port -> do
        let c sock = makeSSLConnection sock host
        case mbha of
            Nothing -> openSocketByName host port c
            Just ha -> openSocket ha port c

getOpenSSLProxyConnection :: IO (B.ByteString -> (C.Connection -> IO ()) -> String -> Maybe NS.HostAddress -> String -> Int -> IO C.Connection)
getOpenSSLProxyConnection =
    return $ \ connstr checkConn serverName _mbha host port -> do
        openSocketByName host port $ \ sock -> do
            sc <- C.makeConnection
                (NS.recv sock 8129)
                (NS.sendAll sock)
                (return ())
                -- No NS.close since C.makeConnection creates finalizer which
                -- calls it prematurely since sc is never used after checkConn.
            C.connectionWrite sc connstr
            checkConn sc
            makeSSLConnection sock serverName

globalSSLContext :: SSL.SSLContext
globalSSLContext = unsafePerformIO $ do
    ctx <- SSL.context
--     SSL.contextSetCiphers ctx "DEFAULT"
--     SSL.contextSetVerificationMode ctx SSL.VerifyNone
--     SSL.contextAddOption ctx SSL.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3
--     SSL.contextAddOption ctx SSL.SSL_OP_ALL
    return ctx
{-# NOINLINE globalSSLContext #-}

makeSSLConnection :: NS.Socket -> String -> IO C.Connection
makeSSLConnection sock host = do
    ssl <- SSL.connection globalSSLContext sock
    SSL.setTlsextHostName ssl host
    SSL.connect ssl
        (SSL.read ssl bufSize
         \ (_ :: SSL.ConnectionAbruptlyTerminated) -> return ""
        (SSL.write ssl)
        -- Closing an SSL connection gracefully involves writing/reading
        -- on the socket.  But when this is called the socket might be
        -- already closed, and we get a @ResourceVanished@.
        (NS.close sock `E.catch` \(_ :: E.IOException) -> return ())
--         ((SSL.shutdown ssl SSL.Bidirectional >> return ()) `E.catch` \(_ :: E.IOException) -> return ())
-- segmentation fault in GHCi with SSL.shutdown / tryShutdown SSL.Unidirectional
-- hang with SSL.Bidirectional

-- slightly modified Network.HTTP.Client.Connection.openSocketConnection
openSocket :: NS.HostAddress
           -> Int -- ^ port
           -> (NS.Socket -> IO a)
           -> IO a
openSocket ha port act =
        { NS.addrFlags = []
        , NS.addrFamily = NS.AF_INET
        , NS.addrSocketType = NS.Stream
        , NS.addrProtocol = 6 -- tcp
        , NS.addrAddress = NS.SockAddrInet (toEnum port) ha
        , NS.addrCanonName = Nothing
openSocket' :: NS.AddrInfo -> (NS.Socket -> IO a) -> IO a
openSocket' addr act = do
        (NS.socket (NS.addrFamily addr) (NS.addrSocketType addr)
                   (NS.addrProtocol addr))
        (\sock -> do
            NS.setSocketOption sock NS.NoDelay 1
            NS.connect sock (NS.addrAddress addr)
            act sock)

openSocketByName :: NS.HostName -> Int -> (NS.Socket -> IO a) -> IO a
openSocketByName host port act = do
    let hints = NS.defaultHints
                { NS.addrFlags = []-- [NS.AI_ADDRCONFIG, NS.AI_NUMERICSERV]
                , NS.addrFamily = NS.AF_INET
                , NS.addrSocketType = NS.Stream
                , NS.addrProtocol = 6 -- tcp
    (addrInfo:_) <- NS.getAddrInfo (Just hints) (Just host) (Just $ show port)
    openSocket' addrInfo act

-- | Keeps http-client 'Manager' and 'DownloaderSettings'.
data Downloader
    = Downloader
      { manager :: C.Manager
      , settings :: DownloaderSettings

-- | Create a 'Downloader' with settings.
newDownloader :: DownloaderSettings -> IO Downloader
newDownloader s = do
    SSL.withOpenSSL $ return () -- init in case it wasn't initialized yet
    m <- C.newManager $ dsManagerSettings s
    return $ Downloader m s

-- | Create a new 'Downloader', use it in the provided function,
-- and then release it.
withDownloader :: (Downloader -> IO a) -> IO a
withDownloader = withDownloaderSettings def

-- | Create a new 'Downloader' with provided settings,
-- use it in the provided function, and then release it.
withDownloaderSettings :: DownloaderSettings -> (Downloader -> IO a) -> IO a
withDownloaderSettings s f = f =<< newDownloader s

parseUrl :: String -> Either E.SomeException C.Request
parseUrl = C.parseRequest . takeWhile (/= '#')

-- | Perform download
download  ::    Downloader
             -> String -- ^ URL
             -> Maybe NS.HostAddress -- ^ Optional resolved 'HostAddress'
             -> DownloadOptions
             -> IO DownloadResult
download = downloadG return

-- | Perform HTTP POST.
post :: Downloader -> String -> Maybe NS.HostAddress -> B.ByteString
     -> IO DownloadResult
post d url ha dat =
    downloadG (return . postRequest dat) d url ha []

-- | Make HTTP POST request.
postRequest :: B.ByteString -> C.Request -> C.Request
postRequest dat rq =
    rq { C.method = N.methodPost
       , C.requestBody = C.RequestBodyBS dat }

-- | Generic version of 'download'
-- with ability to modify http-client 'Request'.
downloadG ::    (C.Request -> IO C.Request)
                -- ^ Function to modify 'Request'
                -- (e.g. sign or make 'postRequest')
             -> Downloader
             -> String -- ^ URL
             -> Maybe NS.HostAddress -- ^ Optional resolved 'HostAddress'
             -> DownloadOptions
             -> IO (DownloadResult)
downloadG f d u h o = fmap fst $ rawDownload f d u h o

-- | Even more generic version of 'download', which returns 'RawDownloadResult'.
-- 'RawDownloadResult' is optional since it can not be determined on timeouts
-- and connection errors.
rawDownload ::  (C.Request -> IO C.Request)
                -- ^ Function to modify 'Request'
                -- (e.g. sign or make 'postRequest')
             -> Downloader
             -> String -- ^ URL
             -> Maybe NS.HostAddress -- ^ Optional resolved 'HostAddress'
             -> DownloadOptions
             -> IO (DownloadResult, Maybe RawDownloadResult)
rawDownload f (Downloader {..}) url hostAddress opts =
  case parseUrl url of
    Left e ->
        fmap (, Nothing) $
        maybe (return $ DRError $ show e) (httpExceptionToDR url)
              (E.fromException e)
    Right rq -> do
        let dl req firstTime = do
                r <- (timeout (dsTimeout settings * 1000000) $ C.withResponse req manager $ \ r -> do
                    let s = C.responseStatus r
                        h = C.responseHeaders r
                        rdr d =
                            { rdrStatus = s
                            , rdrHttpVersion = C.responseVersion r
                            , rdrHeaders = h
                            , rdrBody = d
                            , rdrCookieJar = C.responseCookieJar r
                        readLen = B.foldl' (\ a d -> a * 10 + ord d - ord '0') 0
                    mbb <- case lookup "Content-Length" h of
                        Just l
                            | B.all (\ c -> c >= '0' && c <= '9') l
                              && not (B.null l)
                              && readLen l > dsMaxDownloadSize settings
                            -> do
                               -- liftIO $ putStrLn "Content-Length too large"
                               return Nothing
                               -- no reason to download body
                        _ ->
                            sinkByteString (C.brRead $ C.responseBody r)
                                (dsMaxDownloadSize settings)
--                    liftIO $ print ("sink", mbb)
                    case mbb of
                        Just b -> do
                            let d = tryDeflate h b
                            curTime <- getCurrentTime
                                (makeDownloadResultC curTime url s h d
                                , Just $ rdr d)
                        Nothing ->
                            return (DRError "Too much data", Just $ rdr ""))
                    (fmap (Just . (, Nothing)) . httpExceptionToDR url)
--                   `E.catch`
--                     (return . Just . handshakeFailed)
                    (return . (Just . (, Nothing)) . someException)
                case r of
                    Just (DRError e, _)
                        | ("EOF reached" `isSuffixOf` e
                           || e == "Invalid HTTP status line:\n"
                           || e == "Incomplete headers"
                          ) && firstTime ->
                            dl req False
                        -- "EOF reached" or empty HTTP status line
                        -- can happen on servers that fails to
                        -- implement HTTP/1.1 persistent connections.
                        -- Try again
                        -- https://github.com/snoyberg/http-conduit/issues/89
                        -- Fixed in
                        -- https://github.com/snoyberg/http-conduit/issues/117
                        | "ZlibException" `isPrefixOf` e && firstTime ->
                            -- some sites return junk instead of gzip data.
                            -- retrying without compression
                            dl (disableCompression req) False
                    _ ->
                        return $ fromMaybe (DRError "Timeout", Nothing) r
            disableCompression req =
                req { C.requestHeaders =
                          ("Accept-Encoding", "") : C.requestHeaders req }
            rq1 = rq { C.requestHeaders =
                               [("Accept", "*/*")
                               ,("User-Agent", dsUserAgent settings)
                               ++ map toHeader opts
                               ++ C.requestHeaders rq
                     , C.redirectCount = 0
                     , C.responseTimeout = C.responseTimeoutNone
                       -- We have timeout for connect and downloading
                       -- while http-client timeouts only when waits for
                       -- headers.
                     , C.hostAddress = hostAddress
                     , C.checkResponse = \ _ _ -> return ()
        req <- f rq1
        dl req True
    where toHeader :: String -> N.Header
          toHeader h = let (a,b) = break (== ':') h in
                       (fromString a, fromString (tail b))
          someException :: E.SomeException -> DownloadResult
          someException e = case show e of
              "<<timeout>>" -> DRError "Timeout"
              s -> DRError s
          tryDeflate headers b
              | Just d <- lookup "Content-Encoding" headers
              , B.map toLower d == "deflate"
                  = BL.toStrict $ Deflate.decompress $ BL.fromStrict b
              | otherwise = b

httpExceptionToDR :: Monad m => String -> C.HttpException -> m DownloadResult
httpExceptionToDR url exn = return $ case exn of
    C.HttpExceptionRequest _ ec -> httpExceptionContentToDR url ec
    C.InvalidUrlException _ e
        | e == "Invalid URL" -> DRError e
        | otherwise -> DRError $ "Invalid URL: " ++ e

httpExceptionContentToDR :: String -> C.HttpExceptionContent -> DownloadResult
httpExceptionContentToDR url ec = case ec of
    C.StatusCodeException r b ->
      makeDownloadResultC (posixSecondsToUTCTime 0) url
      (C.responseStatus r) (C.responseHeaders r) b
    C.TooManyRedirects _ -> DRError "Too many redirects"
    C.OverlongHeaders -> DRError "Overlong HTTP headers"
    C.ResponseTimeout -> DRError "Timeout"
    C.ConnectionTimeout -> DRError "Connection timeout"
    C.ConnectionFailure e -> DRError $ "Connection failed: " ++ show e
    C.InvalidStatusLine l -> DRError $ "Invalid HTTP status line:\n" ++ B.unpack l
    C.InvalidHeader h -> DRError $ "Invalid HTTP header:\n" ++ B.unpack h
    C.InvalidRequestHeader h -> DRError $ "Invalid HTTP request header:\n" ++ B.unpack h
    C.InternalException e ->
        case show e of
            "<<timeout>>" -> DRError "Timeout"
            s -> DRError s
    C.ProxyConnectException _ _ _ -> DRError "Can't connect to proxy"
    C.NoResponseDataReceived -> DRError "No response data received"
    C.TlsNotSupported -> DRError "TLS not supported"
    C.WrongRequestBodyStreamSize e a ->
        DRError $ "The request body provided did not match the expected size "
        ++ ea e a
    C.ResponseBodyTooShort e a -> DRError $ "Response body too short " ++ ea e a
    C.InvalidChunkHeaders -> DRError "Invalid chunk headers"
    C.IncompleteHeaders -> DRError "Incomplete headers"
    C.InvalidDestinationHost _ -> DRError "Invalid destination host"
    C.HttpZlibException e -> DRError $ show e
    C.InvalidProxyEnvironmentVariable n v ->
        DRError $ "Invalid proxy environment variable "
        ++ show n ++ "=" ++ show v
    C.InvalidProxySettings s -> DRError $ "Invalid proxy settings:\n" ++ T.unpack s
    C.ConnectionClosed -> DRError "Connection closed"
    where ea expected actual =
              "(expected " ++ show expected ++ " bytes, actual is "
              ++ show actual ++ " bytes)"

bufSize :: Int
bufSize = 32 * 1024 - overhead -- Copied from Data.ByteString.Lazy.
    where overhead = 2 * sizeOf (undefined :: Int)

newBuf :: IO B.ByteString
newBuf = do
    fp <- B.mallocByteString bufSize
    return $ B.PS fp 0 0

addBs :: [B.ByteString] -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
      -> IO ([B.ByteString], B.ByteString)
addBs acc (B.PS bfp _ bl) (B.PS sfp offs sl) = do
    let cpSize = min (bufSize - bl) sl
        bl' = bl + cpSize
    withForeignPtr bfp $ \ dst -> withForeignPtr sfp $ \ src ->
        B.memcpy (dst `plusPtr` bl) (src `plusPtr` offs) (toEnum cpSize)
    if bl' == bufSize then do
        buf' <- newBuf
--        print ("filled", cpSize)
        addBs (B.PS bfp 0 bufSize : acc) buf'
              (B.PS sfp (offs + cpSize) (sl - cpSize))
    else do
--        print ("ok", cpSize, bl')
        return (acc, B.PS bfp 0 bl')

-- | Sink data using 32k buffers to reduce memory fragmentation.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if downloaded too much data.
sinkByteString :: IO B.ByteString -> Int -> IO (Maybe B.ByteString)
sinkByteString readChunk limit = do
    buf <- newBuf
    go 0 [] buf
    where go len acc buf = do
              inp <- readChunk
              if B.null inp then
                  return $ Just $ B.concat $ reverse (buf:acc)
              else do
                  (acc', buf') <- addBs acc buf inp
                  let len' = len + B.length inp
                  if len' > limit then
                      return Nothing
                      go len' acc' buf'

makeDownloadResultC :: UTCTime -> String -> N.Status -> N.ResponseHeaders
                    -> B.ByteString -> DownloadResult
makeDownloadResultC curTime url c headers b = do
    if N.statusCode c == 304 then
    else if N.statusCode c `elem`
          [ 300 -- Multiple choices
          , 301 -- Moved permanently
          , 302 -- Found
          , 303 -- See other
          , 307 -- Temporary redirect
          , 308 -- Permanent redirect
          ] then
        case lookup "location" headers of
            Just (B.unpack -> loc) ->
                redirect $
                    relUri (takeWhile (/= '#') $ dropWhile (== ' ') loc)
                    --  ^ Location can be relative and contain #fragment
            _ ->
                DRError $ "Redirect status, but no Location field\n"
                    ++ B.unpack (N.statusMessage c) ++ "\n"
                    ++ unlines (map show headers)
    else if N.statusCode c >= 300 then
        DRError $ "HTTP " ++ show (N.statusCode c) ++ " "
                    ++ B.unpack (N.statusMessage c)
        DROK b (redownloadOpts [] headers)
    where redirect r
--              | r == url = DRError $ "HTTP redirect to the same url?"
              | otherwise = DRRedirect r
          redownloadOpts acc [] = reverse acc
          redownloadOpts _ (("Pragma", B.map toLower -> tag) : _)
              | "no-cache" `B.isInfixOf` tag = []
          redownloadOpts _ (("Cache-Control", B.map toLower -> tag) : _)
              | any (`B.isInfixOf` tag)
                ["no-cache", "no-store", "must-revalidate", "max-age=0"] = []
          redownloadOpts acc (("Expires", time):xs)
              | ts <- B.unpack time
              , Just t <- parseHttpTime ts
              , t > curTime =
                   redownloadOpts acc xs
              | otherwise = [] -- expires is non-valid or in the past
          redownloadOpts acc (("ETag", tag):xs) =
              redownloadOpts (("If-None-Match: " ++ B.unpack tag) : acc) xs
          redownloadOpts acc (("Last-Modified", time):xs)
              | ts <- B.unpack time
              , Just t <- parseHttpTime ts
              , t <= curTime = -- use only valid timestamps
              redownloadOpts (("If-Modified-Since: " ++ B.unpack time) : acc) xs
          redownloadOpts acc (_:xs) = redownloadOpts acc xs
          fixNonAscii =
                  (\ x -> ord x <= 0x7f && x `notElem` (" []{}|\"" :: String)) .
          relUri (fixNonAscii -> r) =
              fromMaybe r $
              fmap (($ "") . uriToString id) $
              liftM2 relativeTo
                  (parseURIReference r)
                  (parseURI $ fixNonAscii url)

-- fmap utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds $

tryParseTime :: [String] -> String -> Maybe UTCTime
tryParseTime formats string =
    foldr mplus Nothing $
    map (\ fmt -> parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale fmt (trimString string))

trimString :: String -> String
trimString = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace

parseHttpTime :: String -> Maybe UTCTime
parseHttpTime =
    ["%a, %e %b %Y %k:%M:%S %Z" -- Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT
    ,"%A, %e-%b-%y %k:%M:%S %Z" -- Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT
    ,"%a %b %e %k:%M:%S %Y"     -- Sun Nov  6 08:49:37 1994

globalDownloader :: Downloader
globalDownloader = unsafePerformIO $ newDownloader def
{-# NOINLINE globalDownloader #-}

-- | Download single URL with default 'DownloaderSettings'.
-- Fails if result is not 'DROK'.
urlGetContents :: String -> IO B.ByteString
urlGetContents url = do
    r <- download globalDownloader url Nothing []
    case r of
        DROK c _ -> return c
        e -> fail $ "urlGetContents " ++ show url ++ ": " ++ show e

-- | Post data and download single URL with default 'DownloaderSettings'.
-- Fails if result is not 'DROK'.
urlGetContentsPost :: String -> B.ByteString -> IO B.ByteString
urlGetContentsPost url dat = do
    r <- post globalDownloader url Nothing dat
    case r of
        DROK c _ -> return c
        e -> fail $ "urlGetContentsPost " ++ show url ++ ": " ++ show e