{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Network.HTTP.Client.Headers
    ( parseStatusHeaders
    , validateHeaders
    , HeadersValidationResult (..)
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative            as A ((<$>), (<*>))
import           Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString                as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8          as S8
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive           as CI
import           Data.Char (ord)
import           Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid
import           Network.HTTP.Client.Connection
import           Network.HTTP.Client.Types
import           System.Timeout                 (timeout)
import           Network.HTTP.Types
import Data.Word (Word8)

charSpace, charColon, charPeriod :: Word8
charSpace = 32
charColon = 58
charPeriod = 46

parseStatusHeaders :: Connection -> Maybe Int -> Maybe (IO ()) -> IO StatusHeaders
parseStatusHeaders conn timeout' cont
    | Just k <- cont = getStatusExpectContinue k
    | otherwise      = getStatus
    withTimeout = case timeout' of
        Nothing -> id
        Just  t -> timeout t >=> maybe (throwHttp ResponseTimeout) return

    getStatus = withTimeout next
        next = nextStatusHeaders >>= maybe next return

    getStatusExpectContinue sendBody = do
        status <- withTimeout nextStatusHeaders
        case status of
            Just  s -> return s
            Nothing -> sendBody >> getStatus

    nextStatusHeaders = do
        (s, v) <- nextStatusLine
        if statusCode s == 100
            then connectionDropTillBlankLine conn >> return Nothing
            else Just . StatusHeaders s v A.<$> parseHeaders (0 :: Int) id

    nextStatusLine :: IO (Status, HttpVersion)
    nextStatusLine = do
        -- Ensure that there is some data coming in. If not, we want to signal
        -- this as a connection problem and not a protocol problem.
        bs <- connectionRead conn
        when (S.null bs) $ throwHttp NoResponseDataReceived
        connectionReadLineWith conn bs >>= parseStatus 3

    parseStatus :: Int -> S.ByteString -> IO (Status, HttpVersion)
    parseStatus i bs | S.null bs && i > 0 = connectionReadLine conn >>= parseStatus (i - 1)
    parseStatus _ bs = do
        let (ver, bs2) = S.break (== charSpace) bs
            (code, bs3) = S.break (== charSpace) $ S.dropWhile (== charSpace) bs2
            msg = S.dropWhile (== charSpace) bs3
        case (,) <$> parseVersion ver A.<*> readInt code of
            Just (ver', code') -> return (Status code' msg, ver')
            Nothing -> throwHttp $ InvalidStatusLine bs

    stripPrefixBS x y
        | x `S.isPrefixOf` y = Just $ S.drop (S.length x) y
        | otherwise = Nothing
    parseVersion bs0 = do
        bs1 <- stripPrefixBS "HTTP/" bs0
        let (num1, S.drop 1 -> num2) = S.break (== charPeriod) bs1
        HttpVersion <$> readInt num1 <*> readInt num2

    readInt bs =
        case S8.readInt bs of
            Just (i, "") -> Just i
            _ -> Nothing

    parseHeaders 100 _ = throwHttp OverlongHeaders
    parseHeaders count front = do
        line <- connectionReadLine conn
        if S.null line
            then return $ front []
            else do
                mheader <- parseHeader line
                case mheader of
                    Just header ->
                        parseHeaders (count + 1) $ front . (header:)
                    Nothing ->
                        -- Unparseable header line; rather than throwing
                        -- an exception, ignore it for robustness.
                        parseHeaders count front

    parseHeader :: S.ByteString -> IO (Maybe Header)
    parseHeader bs = do
        let (key, bs2) = S.break (== charColon) bs
        if S.null bs2
            then return Nothing
            else return (Just (CI.mk $! strip key, strip $! S.drop 1 bs2))

    strip = S.dropWhile (== charSpace) . fst . S.spanEnd (== charSpace)

data HeadersValidationResult
    = GoodHeaders
    | BadHeaders S.ByteString -- contains a message with the reason

validateHeaders :: RequestHeaders -> HeadersValidationResult
validateHeaders headers =
    case mapMaybe validateHeader headers of
        [] -> GoodHeaders
        reasons -> BadHeaders (S8.unlines reasons)
    validateHeader (k, v)
        | S8.elem '\n' v = Just ("Header " <> CI.original k <> " has newlines")
        | True = Nothing