{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | Similar to Data.Pool from resource-pool, but resources are
-- identified by some key. To clarify semantics of this module:
-- * The pool holds onto and tracks idle resources. Active resources
-- (those checked out via 'takeKeyedPool') are not tracked at all by
-- 'KeyedPool' itself.
-- * The pool limits the number of idle resources per key and the
-- total number of idle resources.
-- * There is no limit placed on /active/ resources. As such: there
-- will be no delay when calling 'takeKeyedPool': it will either use
-- an idle resource already present, or create a new one
-- immediately.
-- * Once the garbage collector cleans up the 'kpAlive' value, the
-- pool will be shut down, by placing a 'PoolClosed' into the
-- 'kpVar' and destroying all existing idle connection.
-- * A reaper thread will destroy unused idle resources regularly. It
-- will stop running once 'kpVar' contains a 'PoolClosed' value.
-- * 'takeKeyedPool' is async exception safe, but relies on the
-- /caller/ to ensure prompt cleanup. See its comment for more
-- information.
module Data.KeyedPool
    ( KeyedPool
    , createKeyedPool
    , takeKeyedPool
    , Managed
    , managedResource
    , managedReused
    , managedRelease
    , Reuse (..)
    , dummyManaged
    ) where

import Control.Concurrent (forkIOWithUnmask, threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception (mask_, catch, SomeException)
import Control.Monad (join, unless, void)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Time (UTCTime, getCurrentTime, addUTCTime)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, mkWeakIORef)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import GHC.Conc (unsafeIOToSTM)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

data KeyedPool key resource = KeyedPool
    { kpCreate :: !(key -> IO resource)
    , kpDestroy :: !(resource -> IO ())
    , kpMaxPerKey :: !Int
    , kpMaxTotal :: !Int
    , kpVar :: !(TVar (PoolMap key resource))
    , kpAlive :: !(IORef ())

data PoolMap key resource
    = PoolClosed
    | PoolOpen
        -- Total number of resources in the pool
        {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
        !(Map key (PoolList resource))
    deriving F.Foldable

-- | A non-empty list which keeps track of its own length and when
-- each resource was created.
data PoolList a
    = One a {-# UNPACK #-} !UTCTime
    | Cons

        -- size of the list from this point and on
        {-# UNPACK #-} !Int

        {-# UNPACK #-} !UTCTime
        !(PoolList a)
    deriving F.Foldable

plistToList :: PoolList a -> [(UTCTime, a)]
plistToList (One a t) = [(t, a)]
plistToList (Cons a _ t plist) = (t, a) : plistToList plist

plistFromList :: [(UTCTime, a)] -> Maybe (PoolList a)
plistFromList [] = Nothing
plistFromList [(t, a)] = Just (One a t)
plistFromList xs =
    Just . snd . go $ xs
    go [] = error "plistFromList.go []"
    go [(t, a)] = (2, One a t)
    go ((t, a):rest) =
        let (i, rest') = go rest
            i' = i + 1
         in i' `seq` (i', Cons a i t rest')

-- | Create a new 'KeyedPool' which will automatically clean up after
-- itself when all referenced to the 'KeyedPool' are gone. It will
-- also fork a reaper thread to regularly kill off unused resource.
    :: Ord key
    => (key -> IO resource) -- ^ create a new resource
    -> (resource -> IO ())
       -- ^ Destroy a resource. Note that exceptions thrown by this will be
       -- silently discarded. If you want reporting, please install an
       -- exception handler yourself.
    -> Int -- ^ number of resources per key to allow in the pool
    -> Int -- ^ number of resources to allow in the pool across all keys
    -> (SomeException -> IO ()) -- ^ what to do if the reaper throws an exception
    -> IO (KeyedPool key resource)
createKeyedPool create destroy maxPerKey maxTotal onReaperException = do
    var <- newTVarIO $ PoolOpen 0 Map.empty

    -- We use a different IORef for the weak ref instead of the var
    -- above since the reaper thread will always be holding onto a
    -- reference.
    alive <- newIORef ()
    void $ mkWeakIORef alive $ destroyKeyedPool' destroy var

    -- Make sure to fork _after_ we've established the mkWeakIORef. If
    -- we did it the other way around, it would be possible for an
    -- async exception to happen before our destroyKeyedPool' handler
    -- was installed, and then reap would have to rely on detecting an
    -- STM deadlock before it could ever exit. This way, the reap
    -- function will only start running when we're guaranteed that
    -- cleanup will be triggered.

    -- Ensure that we have a normal masking state in the new thread.
    _ <- forkIOWithUnmask $ \restore -> keepRunning $ restore $ reap destroy var
    return KeyedPool
        { kpCreate = create
        , kpDestroy = destroy
        , kpMaxPerKey = maxPerKey
        , kpMaxTotal = maxTotal
        , kpVar = var
        , kpAlive = alive
    keepRunning action =
        loop = action `catch` \e -> onReaperException e >> loop

-- | Make a 'KeyedPool' inactive and destroy all idle resources.
destroyKeyedPool' :: (resource -> IO ())
                  -> TVar (PoolMap key resource)
                  -> IO ()
destroyKeyedPool' destroy var = do
    m <- atomically $ swapTVar var PoolClosed
    F.mapM_ (ignoreExceptions . destroy) m

-- | Run a reaper thread, which will destroy old resources. It will
-- stop running once our pool switches to PoolClosed, which is handled
-- via the mkWeakIORef in the creation of the pool.
reap :: forall key resource.
        Ord key
     => (resource -> IO ())
     -> TVar (PoolMap key resource)
     -> IO ()
reap destroy var =
    loop = do
        threadDelay (5 * 1000 * 1000)
        join $ atomically $ do
            m'' <- readTVar var
            case m'' of
                PoolClosed -> return (return ())
                PoolOpen idleCount m
                    | Map.null m -> retry
                    | otherwise -> do
                        (m', toDestroy) <- findStale idleCount m
                        writeTVar var m'
                        return $ do
                            mask_ (mapM_ (ignoreExceptions . destroy) toDestroy)

    findStale :: Int
              -> Map key (PoolList resource)
              -> STM (PoolMap key resource, [resource])
    findStale idleCount m = do
        -- We want to make sure to get the time _after_ any delays
        -- occur due to the retry call above. Since getCurrentTime has
        -- no side effects outside of the STM block, this is a safe
        -- usage.
        now <- unsafeIOToSTM getCurrentTime
        let isNotStale time = 30 `addUTCTime` time >= now
        let findStale' toKeep toDestroy [] =
                (Map.fromList (toKeep []), toDestroy [])
            findStale' toKeep toDestroy ((key, plist):rest) =
                findStale' toKeep' toDestroy' rest
                -- Note: By definition, the timestamps must be in
                -- descending order, so we don't need to traverse the
                -- whole list.
                (notStale, stale) = span (isNotStale . fst) $ plistToList plist
                toDestroy' = toDestroy . (map snd stale++)
                toKeep' =
                    case plistFromList notStale of
                        Nothing -> toKeep
                        Just x -> toKeep . ((key, x):)
        let (toKeep, toDestroy) = findStale' id id (Map.toList m)
        let idleCount' = idleCount - length toDestroy
        return (PoolOpen idleCount' toKeep, toDestroy)

-- | Check out a value from the 'KeyedPool' with the given key.
-- This function will internally call 'mask_' to ensure async safety,
-- and will return a value which uses weak references to ensure that
-- the value is cleaned up. However, if you want to ensure timely
-- resource cleanup, you should bracket this operation together with
-- 'managedRelease'.
takeKeyedPool :: Ord key => KeyedPool key resource -> key -> IO (Managed resource)
takeKeyedPool kp key = mask_ $ join $ atomically $ do
    (m, mresource) <- fmap go $ readTVar (kpVar kp)
    writeTVar (kpVar kp) $! m
    return $ do
        resource <- maybe (kpCreate kp key) return mresource
        alive <- newIORef ()
        isReleasedVar <- newTVarIO False

        let release action = mask_ $ do
                isReleased <- atomically $ swapTVar isReleasedVar True
                unless isReleased $
                    case action of
                        Reuse -> putResource kp key resource
                        DontReuse -> ignoreExceptions $ kpDestroy kp resource

        _ <- mkWeakIORef alive $ release DontReuse
        return Managed
            { _managedResource = resource
            , _managedReused = isJust mresource
            , _managedRelease = release
            , _managedAlive = alive
    go PoolClosed = (PoolClosed, Nothing)
    go pcOrig@(PoolOpen idleCount m) =
        case Map.lookup key m of
            Nothing -> (pcOrig, Nothing)
            Just (One a _) ->
                (PoolOpen (idleCount - 1) (Map.delete key m), Just a)
            Just (Cons a _ _ rest) ->
                (PoolOpen (idleCount - 1) (Map.insert key rest m), Just a)

-- | Try to return a resource to the pool. If too many resources
-- already exist, then just destroy it.
putResource :: Ord key => KeyedPool key resource -> key -> resource -> IO ()
putResource kp key resource = do
    now <- getCurrentTime
    join $ atomically $ do
        (m, action) <- fmap (go now) (readTVar (kpVar kp))
        writeTVar (kpVar kp) $! m
        return action
    go _ PoolClosed = (PoolClosed, kpDestroy kp resource)
    go now pc@(PoolOpen idleCount m)
        | idleCount >= kpMaxTotal kp = (pc, kpDestroy kp resource)
        | otherwise = case Map.lookup key m of
            Nothing ->
                let cnt' = idleCount + 1
                    m' = PoolOpen cnt' (Map.insert key (One resource now) m)
                 in (m', return ())
            Just l ->
                let (l', mx) = addToList now (kpMaxPerKey kp) resource l
                    cnt' = idleCount + maybe 1 (const 0) mx
                    m' = PoolOpen cnt' (Map.insert key l' m)
                 in (m', maybe (return ()) (kpDestroy kp) mx)

-- | Add a new element to the list, up to the given maximum number. If we're
-- already at the maximum, return the new value as leftover.
addToList :: UTCTime -> Int -> a -> PoolList a -> (PoolList a, Maybe a)
addToList _ i x l | i <= 1 = (l, Just x)
addToList now _ x l@One{} = (Cons x 2 now l, Nothing)
addToList now maxCount x l@(Cons _ currCount _ _)
    | maxCount > currCount = (Cons x (currCount + 1) now l, Nothing)
    | otherwise = (l, Just x)

-- | A managed resource, which can be returned to the 'KeyedPool' when
-- work with it is complete. Using garbage collection, it will default
-- to destroying the resource if the caller does not explicitly use
-- 'managedRelease'.
data Managed resource = Managed
    { _managedResource :: !resource
    , _managedReused :: !Bool
    , _managedRelease :: !(Reuse -> IO ())
    , _managedAlive :: !(IORef ())

-- | Get the raw resource from the 'Managed' value.
managedResource :: Managed resource -> resource
managedResource = _managedResource

-- | Was this value taken from the pool?
managedReused :: Managed resource -> Bool
managedReused = _managedReused

-- | Release the resource, after which it is invalid to use the
-- 'managedResource' value. 'Reuse' returns the resource to the
-- pool; 'DontReuse' destroys it.
managedRelease :: Managed resource -> Reuse -> IO ()
managedRelease = _managedRelease

data Reuse = Reuse | DontReuse

-- | For testing purposes only: create a dummy Managed wrapper
dummyManaged :: resource -> Managed resource
dummyManaged resource = Managed
    { _managedResource = resource
    , _managedReused = False
    , _managedRelease = const (return ())
    , _managedAlive = unsafePerformIO (newIORef ())

ignoreExceptions :: IO () -> IO ()
ignoreExceptions f = f `catch` \(_ :: SomeException) -> return ()