html-minimalist-0.12: Minimalist haskell html library

Safe HaskellNone




(x)html related constants.


Named non-ascii characters

copy :: ContentSource

The copyright character.

darr :: ContentSource

The down arrow character.

dArr :: ContentSource

The double down arrow character.

deg :: ContentSource

The degree character.

hellip :: ContentSource

The horizontal ellipsis character.

larr :: ContentSource

The left double arrow character.

empty :: ContentSource

The empty set symbol.

lArr :: ContentSource

The left arrow character.

laquo :: ContentSource

The right double angle quote character.

nbsp :: ContentSource

The non-breaking space character.

rarr :: ContentSource

The right arrow character.

rArr :: ContentSource

The right double arrow character.

raquo :: ContentSource

The right double angle quote character.

uarr :: ContentSource

The up arrow character.

uArr :: ContentSource

The up double arrow character.

Version and document type strings

xml_1_0 :: StringSource

The xml version 1.0 string with UTF-8 encoding set.

type DocType = StringSource

A type synonym for document type strings.

xhtml_1_0_strict :: DocTypeSource

The xhtml 1.0 strict document type string.

xhtml_1_0_transitional :: DocTypeSource

The xhtml 1.0 transitional document type string.

html5_dt :: DocTypeSource

The HTML5 document type string.