-- |
-- Stability: provisional
module Test.Hspec.Core.Runner (
-- * Running a spec
, runSpec

-- * Config
, Config (..)
, ColorMode (..)
, Path
, defaultConfig
, configAddFilter
, readConfig

-- * Summary
, Summary (..)
, isSuccess
, evaluateSummary

-- * Legacy
-- | The following primitives are deprecated.  Use `runSpec` instead.
, hspecWith
, hspecResult
, hspecWithResult

#ifdef TEST
, rerunAll
) where

import           Prelude ()
import           Test.Hspec.Core.Compat

import           Data.Maybe
import           System.IO
import           System.Environment (getArgs, withArgs)
import           System.Exit
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import           System.Random
import           Control.Monad.ST
import           Data.STRef

import           System.Console.ANSI (hHideCursor, hShowCursor)
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC

import           Test.Hspec.Core.Util (Path)
import           Test.Hspec.Core.Spec
import           Test.Hspec.Core.Config
import           Test.Hspec.Core.Formatters
import           Test.Hspec.Core.Formatters.Internal
import           Test.Hspec.Core.FailureReport
import           Test.Hspec.Core.QuickCheckUtil
import           Test.Hspec.Core.Shuffle

import           Test.Hspec.Core.Runner.Eval

-- | Filter specs by given predicate.
-- The predicate takes a list of "describe" labels and a "requirement".
filterSpecs :: Config -> [EvalTree] -> [EvalTree]
filterSpecs c = go []
    p :: Path -> Bool
    p path = (fromMaybe (const True) (configFilterPredicate c) path) &&
               not (fromMaybe (const False) (configSkipPredicate c) path)

    go :: [String] -> [EvalTree] -> [EvalTree]
    go groups = mapMaybe (goSpec groups)

    goSpecs :: [String] -> [EvalTree] -> ([EvalTree] -> b) -> Maybe b
    goSpecs groups specs ctor = case go groups specs of
      [] -> Nothing
      xs -> Just (ctor xs)

    goSpec :: [String] -> EvalTree -> Maybe (EvalTree)
    goSpec groups spec = case spec of
      Leaf item -> guard (p (groups, evalItemDescription item)) >> return spec
      Node group specs -> goSpecs (groups ++ [group]) specs (Node group)
      NodeWithCleanup action specs -> goSpecs groups specs (NodeWithCleanup action)

applyDryRun :: Config -> [SpecTree ()] -> [SpecTree ()]
applyDryRun c
  | configDryRun c = map (removeCleanup . fmap markSuccess)
  | otherwise = id
    markSuccess :: Item () -> Item ()
    markSuccess item = item {itemExample = safeEvaluateExample (Result "" Success)}

    removeCleanup :: SpecTree () -> SpecTree ()
    removeCleanup spec = case spec of
      Node x xs -> Node x (map removeCleanup xs)
      NodeWithCleanup _ xs -> NodeWithCleanup (\() -> return ()) (map removeCleanup xs)
      leaf@(Leaf _) -> leaf

-- | Run a given spec and write a report to `stdout`.
-- Exit with `exitFailure` if at least one spec item fails.
-- /Note/: `hspec` handles command-line options and reads config files.  This
-- is not always desired.  Use `runSpec` if you need more control over these
-- aspects.
hspec :: Spec -> IO ()
hspec spec =
  >>= readConfig defaultConfig
  >>= doNotLeakCommandLineArgumentsToExamples . runSpec spec
  >>= evaluateSummary

-- Add a seed to given config if there is none.  That way the same seed is used
-- for all properties.  This helps with --seed and --rerun.
ensureSeed :: Config -> IO Config
ensureSeed c = case configQuickCheckSeed c of
  Nothing -> do
    seed <- newSeed
    return c {configQuickCheckSeed = Just (fromIntegral seed)}
  _       -> return c

-- | Run given spec with custom options.
-- This is similar to `hspec`, but more flexible.
hspecWith :: Config -> Spec -> IO ()
hspecWith config spec = getArgs >>= readConfig config >>= doNotLeakCommandLineArgumentsToExamples . runSpec spec >>= evaluateSummary

-- | `True` if the given `Summary` indicates that there were no
-- failures, `False` otherwise.
isSuccess :: Summary -> Bool
isSuccess summary = summaryFailures summary == 0

-- | Exit with `exitFailure` if the given `Summary` indicates that there was at
-- least one failure.
evaluateSummary :: Summary -> IO ()
evaluateSummary summary = unless (isSuccess summary) exitFailure

-- | Run given spec and returns a summary of the test run.
-- /Note/: `hspecResult` does not exit with `exitFailure` on failing spec
-- items.  If you need this, you have to check the `Summary` yourself and act
-- accordingly.
hspecResult :: Spec -> IO Summary
hspecResult spec = getArgs >>= readConfig defaultConfig >>= doNotLeakCommandLineArgumentsToExamples . runSpec spec

-- | Run given spec with custom options and returns a summary of the test run.
-- /Note/: `hspecWithResult` does not exit with `exitFailure` on failing spec
-- items.  If you need this, you have to check the `Summary` yourself and act
-- accordingly.
hspecWithResult :: Config -> Spec -> IO Summary
hspecWithResult config spec = getArgs >>= readConfig config >>= doNotLeakCommandLineArgumentsToExamples . runSpec spec

-- |
-- `runSpec` is the most basic primitive to run a spec. `hspec` is defined in
-- terms of @runSpec@:
-- @
-- hspec spec =
--       `getArgs`
--   >>= `readConfig` `defaultConfig`
--   >>= `withArgs` [] . runSpec spec
--   >>= `evaluateSummary`
-- @
runSpec :: Spec -> Config -> IO Summary
runSpec spec c_ = do
  oldFailureReport <- readFailureReportOnRerun c_

  c <- ensureSeed (applyFailureReport oldFailureReport c_)

  if configRerunAllOnSuccess c
    -- With --rerun-all we may run the spec twice. For that reason GHC can not
    -- optimize away the spec tree. That means that the whole spec tree has to
    -- be constructed in memory and we loose constant space behavior.
    -- By separating between rerunAllMode and normalMode here, we retain
    -- constant space behavior in normalMode.
    -- see: https://github.com/hspec/hspec/issues/169
    then rerunAllMode c oldFailureReport
    else normalMode c
    normalMode c = runSpec_ c spec
    rerunAllMode c oldFailureReport = do
      summary <- runSpec_ c spec
      if rerunAll c oldFailureReport summary
        then runSpec spec c_
        else return summary

failFocused :: Item a -> Item a
failFocused item = item {itemExample = example}
    failure = Failure Nothing (Reason "item is focused; failing due to --fail-on-focused")
      | itemIsFocused item = \ params hook p -> do
          Result info status <- itemExample item params hook p
          return $ Result info $ case status of
            Success -> failure
            Pending _ _ -> failure
            Failure{} -> status
      | otherwise = itemExample item

failFocusedItems :: Config -> Spec -> Spec
failFocusedItems config spec
  | configFailOnFocused config = mapSpecItem_ failFocused spec
  | otherwise = spec

focusSpec :: Config -> Spec -> Spec
focusSpec config spec
  | configFocusedOnly config = spec
  | otherwise = focus spec

runSpec_ :: Config -> Spec -> IO Summary
runSpec_ config spec = do
  withHandle config $ \h -> do
    let formatter = fromMaybe specdoc (configFormatter config)
        seed = (fromJust . configQuickCheckSeed) config
        qcArgs = configQuickCheckArgs config

    concurrentJobs <- case configConcurrentJobs config of
      Nothing -> getDefaultConcurrentJobs
      Just n -> return n

    useColor <- doesUseColor h config

      focusedSpec = focusSpec config (failFocusedItems config spec)
      params = Params (configQuickCheckArgs config) (configSmallCheckDepth config)
        | configRandomize config = randomizeForest seed
        | otherwise = id

    filteredSpec <- randomize . filterSpecs config . mapMaybe (toEvalTree params) . applyDryRun config <$> runSpecM focusedSpec

    (total, failures) <- withHiddenCursor useColor h $ do
        formatConfig = FormatConfig {
          formatConfigHandle = h
        , formatConfigUseColor = useColor
        , formatConfigUseDiff = configDiff config
        , formatConfigHtmlOutput = configHtmlOutput config
        , formatConfigPrintCpuTime = configPrintCpuTime config
        , formatConfigUsedSeed =  seed
        evalConfig = EvalConfig {
          evalConfigFormat = formatterToFormat formatter formatConfig
        , evalConfigConcurrentJobs = concurrentJobs
        , evalConfigFastFail = configFastFail config
      runFormatter evalConfig filteredSpec

    dumpFailureReport config seed qcArgs failures
    return (Summary total (length failures))

toEvalTree :: Params -> SpecTree () -> Maybe EvalTree
toEvalTree params = go
    go :: Tree (() -> c) (Item ()) -> Maybe (Tree c EvalItem)
    go t = case t of
      Node s xs -> Just $ Node s (mapMaybe go xs)
      NodeWithCleanup c xs -> Just $ NodeWithCleanup (c ()) (mapMaybe go xs)
      Leaf (Item requirement loc isParallelizable isFocused e) ->
        guard isFocused >> return (Leaf (EvalItem requirement loc (fromMaybe False isParallelizable) (e params $ ($ ()))))

dumpFailureReport :: Config -> Integer -> QC.Args -> [Path] -> IO ()
dumpFailureReport config seed qcArgs xs = do
  writeFailureReport config FailureReport {
      failureReportSeed = seed
    , failureReportMaxSuccess = QC.maxSuccess qcArgs
    , failureReportMaxSize = QC.maxSize qcArgs
    , failureReportMaxDiscardRatio = QC.maxDiscardRatio qcArgs
    , failureReportPaths = xs

doNotLeakCommandLineArgumentsToExamples :: IO a -> IO a
doNotLeakCommandLineArgumentsToExamples = withArgs []

withHiddenCursor :: Bool -> Handle -> IO a -> IO a
withHiddenCursor useColor h
  | useColor  = E.bracket_ (hHideCursor h) (hShowCursor h)
  | otherwise = id

doesUseColor :: Handle -> Config -> IO Bool
doesUseColor h c = case configColorMode c of
  ColorAuto  -> (&&) <$> hIsTerminalDevice h <*> (not <$> isDumb)
  ColorNever -> return False
  ColorAlways -> return True

withHandle :: Config -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withHandle c action = case configOutputFile c of
  Left h -> action h
  Right path -> withFile path WriteMode action

rerunAll :: Config -> Maybe FailureReport -> Summary -> Bool
rerunAll _ Nothing _ = False
rerunAll config (Just oldFailureReport) summary =
     configRerunAllOnSuccess config
  && configRerun config
  && isSuccess summary
  && (not . null) (failureReportPaths oldFailureReport)

isDumb :: IO Bool
isDumb = maybe False (== "dumb") <$> lookupEnv "TERM"

-- | Summary of a test run.
data Summary = Summary {
  summaryExamples :: Int
, summaryFailures :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Monoid Summary where
  mempty = Summary 0 0
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
  (Summary x1 x2) `mappend` (Summary y1 y2) = Summary (x1 + y1) (x2 + y2)
instance Semigroup Summary where
  (Summary x1 x2) <> (Summary y1 y2) = Summary (x1 + y1) (x2 + y2)

randomizeForest :: Integer -> [Tree c a] -> [Tree c a]
randomizeForest seed t = runST $ do
  ref <- newSTRef (mkStdGen $ fromIntegral seed)
  shuffleForest ref t