hsoptions- Haskell library that supports command-line flag processing

MaintainerJose Raymundo Cruz (jose.r.cruz01@gmail.com)
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Modules that contains all types and data types created in the library.



data Flag a Source

Data type that represents a defined flag. It contains:

  • the name of the flag * help text for the flag * list of configurations for the flags such as type, default values, etc.


Flag String String [FlagConf a] 

data FlagError Source

Data type for a flag error. It will contain the error message and what kind of error occurred:

  • FatalError: an error that the system can't recover from * NonFatalError: an error that does not stop the process


Show FlagError

Making FlagError an instance of Show

type FlagData = (FlagDataMap, FlagAliasMap, [GlobalRule])Source

Type that represents a collection of all defined flags.

It has three components:

  • A flag map: The key is the flag name and the value is the flag data * An alias map: A map that connects any flag alias with it's unique flag name. This is used to convert each flag alias to it's flag name when parsing. * A list of global validation rules

type FlagDataMap = Map String (String, [FlagDataConf])Source

Type that holds a collection of all flags.

It's a map from flag name to flag data. The flag data holds all defined configuration for each flag such as flag type, parser, default, etc.

type FlagAliasMap = Map String StringSource

Type that holds a map from flag alias to flag name.

It is used to identify the corresponding flag given a flag alias. For example if the user_id flag has two alias, u and uid, this map will have these entries: { uid => user_id, u => user_id }.

type FlagResults = Map String FlagArgumentSource

Type that represents the final result of the parse process.

It maps a flag name to it's value. This value is of type FlagArgument, which means that it can be empty or not.

This type is used by the user to get each flag value in the main method by using the get method and passing a flag variable.

data FlagArgument Source

Data type that represents an input flag argument.

It's type will vary depending on the user input. For example if the user calls the program that expects the user_id flag:

>>> ./runhaskell Program.hs
FlagArgument = FlagMissing "user_id"
>>> ./runhaskell Program.hs --user_id
FlagArgument = FlagValueMissing "user_id"'
>>> ./runhaskell Program.hs --user_id 8
FlagArgument = FlagValue "user_id" "8"


FlagMissing String

argument not provided

FlagValueMissing String

argument provided but not it's value

FlagValue String String

argument with value provided

type ArgsResults = [String]Source

Type that is the list of remaining positional arguments after the parse process is completed. For example:

 ./runhaskell Program.hs --user_id 8 one two three

ArgsResults will contain the list ["one", "two", "three"]

type ParseResults = (FlagResults, ArgsResults)Source

Type that holds the FlagResults and ArgsResults together.

type ProcessResults = (FlagResults, ArgsResults)Source

Type of the return value of the process function and it's sub-functions.

type PipelineFunction = (FlagData, FlagResults) -> ([FlagError], FlagResults)Source

Type that represents a pipeline validation/processing function.

It takes a previous state as a parameter and does a set of modifications to this state.

It returns a list of errors (if any error occurred) and a modified state that will be passed in to the next function in the pipeline.

type GlobalRule = FlagResults -> Maybe StringSource

Type that represents a global validation rule for a FlagResults.

It is used to create global validation after the flags are processed. If the result is a Nothing then the rule passed. Otherwise if a Just err' is returned then the ruled failed with the message "err".

type TokenizeResult = Either [FlagError] [Token]Source

Type that represents the result of the tokenize function and it's sub-functions.

It returns either a list of errors or a valid list of tokens.

data ValidationResult Source

Type that specifies whether a given validation was successful or not.

If it was not successful it contains a FlagError that explains what failed.

data FlagConf a Source

Data type that represent a flag configuration.

It is used when a flag is created to set the type of the flag, how it is parsed, if the flag is required or optional, etc.


FlagConf_Parser (FlagArgument -> Maybe a)

Function that parses the input value of the flag to it's corresponding type, see charParser for an example of this type of function.

The flag input text is of type FlagArgument, so you can determine how to map the value if it's missing or it's value is missing or if it's value was provided.

The function returns a 'Maybe a' type, Nothing if the string value cannot be parsed from the input text and Just value if it can be parsed.

FlagConf_DefaultIf (FlagResults -> Maybe a)

Function that sets a dependent default value to the flag.

If the flag was not provided by the user this will be the default value for the flag if the default value getter function returns Just.

FlagConf_RequiredIf (FlagResults -> Bool)

Function that given a FlagResults constraints the flag to be either required or not required.

If this function returns true then the flag will be required, and if not present a flag is required message will be displayed to the user.

If this function returns false then the flag presence will be ignored.

FlagConf_EmptyValueIs a

Default value for the flag when the flag was provided by the user but not the flag value (i.e. runhaskell Program.hs --user_id).

In this example user_id will take the default value configured with this flag configuration since it's value is FlagValueMissing

FlagConf_Alias [String]

Alias for the flags. Allows the user to specify multiple names for the same flag, such as short name or synonyms.

FlagConf_DefaultOperation OperationToken

Default operation for flag when no operation is specified.

>>> runhaskell Program.hs --user_name += batman
Operation was specified: Operation = "Append value"
>>> runhaskell Program.hs --user_name batman
Operation not specified: Operation = 'FlagConf_DefaultOperation'

data FlagDataConf Source

Data type that represents a generic flag type configuration.

It is mapped from the FlagConf of each flag so that it can be bundled together with all other flag's data. It is used at the validation/parsing phase of the process method to verify that the input flag value is valid for each flag (i.e. if a required flag was not provided by the user but this flag has a default value then an error does not occur).

It has a direct mapping of each FlagData to a non-generic version.


FlagDataConf_Validator (FlagArgument -> Bool)

Determines if a flag value is valid for a given flag.

Corresponds to FlagConf_Parser and returns True if the result value of the FlagConf_Parser is Just, returns False otherwise

FlagDataConf_HasDefault (FlagResults -> Bool)

Determines if a flag has a dependent default value configured.

Corresponds just to the predicate part of FlagConf_DefaultIf.

FlagDataConf_RequiredIf (FlagResults -> Bool)

Exactly the same as FlagConf_RequiredIf


Determines if a flag has a empty value configured.

It is mapped from an FlagConf_EmptyValueIs.

FlagDataConf_Alias [String]

Exactly the same as FlagConf_Alias

FlagDataConf_DefaultOperation OperationToken

Exactly the same as FlagConf_DefaultOperation

data FlagValueToken Source

Data type that represents the value for a flag when parsed from the input stream.

data Token Source

Data type that represents a flag stream using tokens.


FlagToken String OperationToken FlagValueToken

Token for a flag. Contains name, operation and value.

ArgToken String

Token for a positional argument. Contains the value of the argument.

type DefaultOp = Map String OperationTokenSource

Type that contains a map from flag name to default flag operation.