Module      : Foreign.Lua.Module.System
Copyright   : © 2019 Albert Krewinkel
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : Albert Krewinkel <albert+hslua@zeitkraut.de>
Stability   : alpha
Portability : Requires GHC 8 or later.

Provide a Lua module containing a selection of @'System'@ functions.
module Foreign.Lua.Module.System (

  -- * Module
  , preloadModule

  -- * Fields
  , arch
  , compiler_name
  , compiler_version
  , os

  -- * Functions
  , env
  , getwd
  , getenv
  , ls
  , mkdir
  , rmdir
  , setenv
  , setwd
  , tmpdirname
  , with_env
  , with_tmpdir
  , with_wd

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Control.Monad.Catch (bracket)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Version (versionBranch)
import Foreign.Lua (Lua, NumResults (..), Optional (..))
import Foreign.Lua.Module.SystemUtils

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Foreign.Lua as Lua
import qualified System.Directory as Directory
import qualified System.Environment as Env
import qualified System.Info as Info
import qualified System.IO.Temp as Temp

-- Module

-- | Pushes the @system@ module to the Lua stack.
pushModule :: Lua NumResults
pushModule = do
  addField "arch" arch
  addField "compiler_name" compiler_name
  addField "compiler_version" compiler_version
  addField "os" os
  addFunction "env" env
  addFunction "getenv" getenv
  addFunction "getwd" getwd
  addFunction "ls" ls
  addFunction "mkdir" mkdir
  addFunction "rmdir" rmdir
  addFunction "setenv" setenv
  addFunction "setwd" setwd
  addFunction "tmpdirname" tmpdirname
  addFunction "with_env" with_env
  addFunction "with_tmpdir" with_tmpdir
  addFunction "with_wd" with_wd
  return 1

-- | Add the @system@ module under the given name to the table of
-- preloaded packages.
preloadModule :: String -> Lua ()
preloadModule = flip addPackagePreloader pushModule

-- Fields

-- | The machine architecture on which the program is running.
arch :: String
arch = Info.arch

-- | The Haskell implementation with which the host program was
-- compiled.
compiler_name :: String
compiler_name = Info.compilerName

-- | The version of `compiler_name` with which the host program was
-- compiled.
compiler_version :: [Int]
compiler_version = versionBranch Info.compilerVersion

-- | The operating system on which the program is running.
os :: String
os = Info.os

-- Functions

-- | Retrieve the entire environment
env :: Lua NumResults
env = do
  kvs <- ioToLua Env.getEnvironment
  let addValue (k, v) = Lua.push k *> Lua.push v *> Lua.rawset (-3)
  mapM_ addValue kvs
  return (NumResults 1)

-- | Return the current working directory as an absolute path.
getwd :: Lua FilePath
getwd = ioToLua Directory.getCurrentDirectory

-- | Returns the value of an environment variable
getenv :: String -> Lua (Optional String)
getenv name = ioToLua (Optional <$> Env.lookupEnv name)

-- | List the contents of a directory.
ls :: Optional FilePath -> Lua [FilePath]
ls fp = do
  let fp' = fromMaybe "." (fromOptional fp)
  ioToLua (Directory.listDirectory fp')

-- | Create a new directory which is initially empty, or as near to
-- empty as the operating system allows.
-- If the optional second parameter is `false`, then create the new
-- directory only if it doesn't exist yet. If the parameter is `true`,
-- then parent directories are created as necessary.
mkdir :: FilePath -> Bool -> Lua ()
mkdir fp createParent =
  if createParent
  then ioToLua (Directory.createDirectoryIfMissing True fp)
  else ioToLua (Directory.createDirectory fp)

-- | Remove an existing directory.
rmdir :: FilePath -> Bool -> Lua ()
rmdir fp recursive =
  if recursive
  then ioToLua (Directory.removeDirectoryRecursive fp)
  else ioToLua (Directory.removeDirectory fp)

-- | Set the specified environment variable to a new value.
setenv :: String -> String -> Lua ()
setenv name value = ioToLua (Env.setEnv name value)

-- | Change current working directory.
setwd :: FilePath -> Lua ()
setwd fp = ioToLua $ Directory.setCurrentDirectory fp

-- | Get the current directory for temporary files.
tmpdirname :: Lua FilePath
tmpdirname = ioToLua Directory.getTemporaryDirectory

-- | Run an action in a different directory, then restore the old
-- working directory.
with_wd :: FilePath -> Callback -> Lua NumResults
with_wd fp callback =
  bracket (Lua.liftIO Directory.getCurrentDirectory)
          (Lua.liftIO . Directory.setCurrentDirectory)
          $ \_ -> do
              Lua.liftIO (Directory.setCurrentDirectory fp)
              callback `invokeWithFilePath` fp

-- | Run an action, then restore the old environment variable values.
with_env :: Map.Map String String -> Callback -> Lua NumResults
with_env environment callback =
  bracket (Lua.liftIO Env.getEnvironment)
          (\_ -> setEnvironment (Map.toList environment) >> invoke callback)
  setEnvironment newEnv = Lua.liftIO $ do
    -- Crude, but fast enough: delete all entries in new environment,
    -- then restore old environment one-by-one.
    curEnv <- Env.getEnvironment
    forM_ curEnv (Env.unsetEnv . fst)
    forM_ newEnv (uncurry Env.setEnv)

with_tmpdir :: String            -- ^ parent dir or template
            -> AnyValue          -- ^ template or callback
            -> Optional Callback -- ^ callback or nil
            -> Lua NumResults
with_tmpdir parentDir tmpl callback =
  case fromOptional callback of
    Nothing -> do
      -- At most two args. The first arg (parent dir) has probably been
      -- omitted, so we shift arguments and use the system's canonical
      -- temporary directory.
      let tmpl' = parentDir
      callback' <- Lua.peek (fromAnyValue tmpl)
      Temp.withSystemTempDirectory tmpl' (invokeWithFilePath callback')
    Just callback' -> do
      -- all args given. Second value must be converted to a string.
      tmpl' <- Lua.peek (fromAnyValue tmpl)
      Temp.withTempDirectory parentDir tmpl' (invokeWithFilePath callback')