{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
Module      : Foreign.Lua.Types.Peekable
Copyright   : © 2007–2012 Gracjan Polak,
                2012–2016 Ömer Sinan Ağacan,
                2017-2018 Albert Krewinkel
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : Albert Krewinkel <tarleb+hslua@zeitkraut.de>
Stability   : beta
Portability : non-portable (depends on GHC)

Sending haskell objects to the lua stack.
module Foreign.Lua.Types.Peekable
  ( Peekable (..)
  , peekKeyValuePairs
  , peekList
  , reportValueOnFailure
  ) where

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Map (Map, fromList)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Foreign.Lua.Core as Lua
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)

import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as Catch
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Foreign.Lua.Utf8 as Utf8

-- | Use @test@ to check whether the value at stack index @n@ has the correct
-- type and use @peekfn@ to convert it to a haskell value if possible. A
-- successfully received value is wrapped using the @'Success'@ constructor,
-- while a type mismatch results in an @Error@ with the given error message.
typeChecked :: String
            -> (StackIndex -> Lua Bool)
            -> (StackIndex -> Lua a)
            -> StackIndex -> Lua a
typeChecked expectedType test peekfn idx = do
  v <- test idx
  if v then peekfn idx else mismatchError expectedType idx

-- | Report the expected and actual type of the value under the given index if
-- conversion failed.
reportValueOnFailure :: String
                     -> (StackIndex -> Lua (Maybe a))
                     -> StackIndex -> Lua a
reportValueOnFailure expected peekMb idx = do
  res <- peekMb idx
  case res of
    (Just x) -> return x
    Nothing -> mismatchError expected idx

-- | Return a Result error containing a message about the assertion failure.
mismatchError :: String -> StackIndex -> Lua a
mismatchError expected idx = do
  actualType <- ltype idx >>= typename
  actualValue <- Utf8.toString <$> tostring' idx <* pop 1
  let msg = "expected " <> expected <> ", got '" <>
            actualValue <> "' (" <> actualType <> ")"
  Lua.throwException msg

-- | A value that can be read from the Lua stack.
class Peekable a where
  -- | Check if at index @n@ there is a convertible Lua value and if so return
  -- it.  Throws a @'Lua.Exception'@ otherwise.
  peek :: StackIndex -> Lua a

instance Peekable () where
  peek = reportValueOnFailure "nil" $ \idx -> do
    isNil <- isnil idx
    return (if isNil then Just () else Nothing)

instance Peekable Lua.Integer where
  peek = reportValueOnFailure "integer" tointeger

instance Peekable Lua.Number where
  peek = reportValueOnFailure "number" tonumber

instance Peekable ByteString where
  peek = reportValueOnFailure "string" $ \idx -> do
    -- copy value, as tostring converts numbers to strings *in-place*.
    pushvalue idx
    tostring stackTop <* pop 1

instance Peekable Bool where
  peek = toboolean

instance Peekable CFunction where
  peek = reportValueOnFailure "C function" tocfunction

instance Peekable (Ptr a) where
  peek = reportValueOnFailure "userdata" touserdata

instance Peekable Lua.State where
  peek = reportValueOnFailure "Lua state (i.e., a thread)" tothread

instance Peekable T.Text where
  peek = fmap Utf8.toText . peek

instance Peekable BL.ByteString where
  peek = fmap BL.fromStrict . peek

instance Peekable Prelude.Integer where
  peek = peekInteger

instance Peekable Int where
  peek = fmap fromIntegral <$> peekInteger

instance Peekable Float where
  peek = peekRealFloat

instance Peekable Double where
  peek = peekRealFloat

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Peekable [Char] where
  peek = fmap Utf8.toString . peek

instance Peekable a => Peekable [a] where
  peek = peekList

instance (Ord a, Peekable a, Peekable b) => Peekable (Map a b) where
  peek = fmap fromList . peekKeyValuePairs

instance (Ord a, Peekable a) => Peekable (Set a) where
  peek = -- All keys with non-nil values are in the set
    fmap (Set.fromList . map fst . filter snd) . peekKeyValuePairs

-- | Retrieve an @Int@ value from the stack.
peekInteger :: StackIndex -> Lua Prelude.Integer
peekInteger idx = ltype idx >>= \case
  TypeString -> do
    s <- peek idx
    case readMaybe s of
      Just x -> return x
      Nothing -> mismatchError "integer" idx
  _ -> fromIntegral <$> (peek idx :: Lua Lua.Integer)

-- | Retrieve a @'RealFloat'@ (e.g., Float or Double) from the stack.
peekRealFloat :: (Read a, RealFloat a) => StackIndex -> Lua a
peekRealFloat idx = ltype idx >>= \case
  TypeString -> do
    s <- peek idx
    case readMaybe s of
      Just x -> return x
      Nothing -> mismatchError "number" idx
  _ -> realToFrac <$> (peek idx :: Lua Lua.Number)

-- | Read a table into a list
peekList :: Peekable a => StackIndex -> Lua [a]
peekList = typeChecked "table" istable $ \idx -> do
  let elementsAt [] = return []
      elementsAt (i : is) = do
        x <- (rawgeti idx i *> peek (nthFromTop 1)) `Catch.finally` pop 1
        (x:) <$> elementsAt is
  listLength <- fromIntegral <$> rawlen idx
  inContext "Could not read list: " (elementsAt [1..listLength])

-- | Read a table into a list of pairs.
peekKeyValuePairs :: (Peekable a, Peekable b)
                      => StackIndex -> Lua [(a, b)]
peekKeyValuePairs = typeChecked "table" istable $ \idx -> do
  let remainingPairs = do
        res <- nextPair (if idx < 0 then idx - 1 else idx)
        case res of
          Nothing -> [] <$ return ()
          Just a  -> (a:) <$> remainingPairs
    -- ensure the remaining key is removed from the stack on exception
    `Catch.onException` pop 1

-- | Get the next key-value pair from a table. Assumes the last key to be on the
-- top of the stack and the table at the given index @idx@.
nextPair :: (Peekable a, Peekable b)
         => StackIndex -> Lua (Maybe (a, b))
nextPair idx = do
  hasNext <- next idx
  if hasNext
    then let pair = (,) <$> inContext "Could not read key of key-value pair: "
                                      (peek (nthFromTop 2))
                        <*> inContext "Could not read value of key-value pair: "
                                      (peek (nthFromTop 1))
         in Just <$> pair `Catch.finally` pop 1
            -- removes the value, keeps the key
    else return Nothing

inContext :: String -> Lua a -> Lua a
inContext ctx = Lua.withExceptionMessage (ctx <>)

-- Tuples

instance (Peekable a, Peekable b) => Peekable (a, b) where
  peek = typeChecked "table" istable $ \idx ->
    (,) <$> nthValue idx 1 <*> nthValue idx 2

instance (Peekable a, Peekable b, Peekable c) =>
         Peekable (a, b, c)
  peek = typeChecked "table" istable $ \idx ->
    (,,) <$> nthValue idx 1 <*> nthValue idx 2 <*> nthValue idx 3

instance (Peekable a, Peekable b, Peekable c, Peekable d) =>
         Peekable (a, b, c, d)
  peek = typeChecked "table" istable $ \idx ->
    (,,,) <$> nthValue idx 1 <*> nthValue idx 2 <*> nthValue idx 3
          <*> nthValue idx 4

instance (Peekable a, Peekable b, Peekable c,
          Peekable d, Peekable e) =>
         Peekable (a, b, c, d, e)
  peek = typeChecked "table" istable $ \idx ->
    (,,,,) <$> nthValue idx 1 <*> nthValue idx 2 <*> nthValue idx 3
           <*> nthValue idx 4 <*> nthValue idx 5

instance (Peekable a, Peekable b, Peekable c,
          Peekable d, Peekable e, Peekable f) =>
         Peekable (a, b, c, d, e, f)
  peek = typeChecked "table" istable $ \idx ->
    (,,,,,) <$> nthValue idx 1 <*> nthValue idx 2 <*> nthValue idx 3
            <*> nthValue idx 4 <*> nthValue idx 5 <*> nthValue idx 6

instance (Peekable a, Peekable b, Peekable c, Peekable d,
          Peekable e, Peekable f, Peekable g) =>
         Peekable (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
  peek = typeChecked "table" istable $ \idx ->
    (,,,,,,) <$> nthValue idx 1 <*> nthValue idx 2 <*> nthValue idx 3
             <*> nthValue idx 4 <*> nthValue idx 5 <*> nthValue idx 6
             <*> nthValue idx 7

instance (Peekable a, Peekable b, Peekable c, Peekable d,
          Peekable e, Peekable f, Peekable g, Peekable h) =>
         Peekable (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
  peek = typeChecked "table" istable $ \idx ->
    (,,,,,,,) <$> nthValue idx 1 <*> nthValue idx 2 <*> nthValue idx 3
              <*> nthValue idx 4 <*> nthValue idx 5 <*> nthValue idx 6
              <*> nthValue idx 7 <*> nthValue idx 8

-- | Helper function to get the nth table value
nthValue :: Peekable a => StackIndex -> Lua.Integer -> Lua a
nthValue idx n = do
  rawgeti idx n
  peek (-1) `Catch.finally` pop 1