module HsImport.Types where

import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as HS

type SrcLine        = Int
type SrcColumn      = Int
type SrcSpan        = HS.SrcSpan
type SrcLoc         = HS.SrcLoc
type Annotation     = (HS.SrcSpanInfo, [HS.Comment])
type Decl           = HS.Decl Annotation
type ImportDecl     = HS.ImportDecl Annotation
type ImportSpec     = HS.ImportSpec Annotation
type ImportSpecList = HS.ImportSpecList Annotation
type Name           = HS.Name Annotation
type CName          = HS.CName Annotation
type Module         = HS.Module Annotation
type ModuleName     = String
type ErrorMessage   = String

data ParseResult = ParseResult
   { -- | the parse result
     result :: HS.ParseResult Module

     -- | if the source file isn't completely parsable, because e.g.
     --   it contains incomplete Haskell code, then 'lastValidLine'
     --   contains the last line till the source is parsable
   , lastValidLine :: Maybe Int

firstSrcLine :: Annotation -> SrcLine
firstSrcLine = minimum . map HS.srcSpanStartLine . srcSpans

lastSrcLine :: Annotation -> SrcLine
lastSrcLine = maximum . map HS.srcSpanEndLine . srcSpans

firstSrcColumn :: Annotation -> SrcColumn
firstSrcColumn = minimum . map HS.srcSpanStartColumn . srcSpans

lastSrcColumn :: Annotation -> SrcColumn
lastSrcColumn = maximum . map HS.srcSpanEndColumn . srcSpans

srcSpan :: Annotation -> SrcSpan
srcSpan ann@(HS.SrcSpanInfo srcSpan _, _) =
   srcSpan { HS.srcSpanStartLine   = firstSrcLine ann
           , HS.srcSpanStartColumn = firstSrcColumn ann
           , HS.srcSpanEndLine     = lastSrcLine ann
           , HS.srcSpanEndColumn   = lastSrcColumn ann

srcSpans :: Annotation -> [SrcSpan]
srcSpans (HS.SrcSpanInfo srcSpan _, comments) = srcSpan : commentSrcSpans
      commentSrcSpans = map (\(HS.Comment _ srcSpan _) -> srcSpan) comments

noAnnotation :: Annotation
noAnnotation = (HS.noSrcSpan, [])