{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}

-- This file is part of the Wire Server implementation.
-- Copyright (C) 2022 Wire Swiss GmbH <opensource@wire.com>
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
-- later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
-- details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
-- with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

module Web.Scim.Class.User
  ( UserDB (..),
    UserSite (..),

import Data.Aeson.Types (FromJSON)
import Servant
import Servant.API.Generic
import Servant.Server.Generic
import Web.Scim.Class.Auth
import Web.Scim.ContentType
import Web.Scim.Filter
import Web.Scim.Handler
import Web.Scim.Schema.Common
import Web.Scim.Schema.ListResponse hiding (schemas)
import Web.Scim.Schema.Meta
import Web.Scim.Schema.PatchOp
import Web.Scim.Schema.User

-- /Users API

type StoredUser tag = WithMeta (WithId (UserId tag) (User tag))

data UserSite tag route = UserSite
  { forall tag route.
UserSite tag route
-> route
   :- (QueryParam "filter" Filter
       :> Get '[SCIM] (ListResponse (StoredUser tag)))
usGetUsers ::
        :- QueryParam "filter" Filter
          :> Get '[SCIM] (ListResponse (StoredUser tag)),
    forall tag route.
UserSite tag route
-> route
   :- (Capture "id" (UserId tag) :> Get '[SCIM] (StoredUser tag))
usGetUser ::
        :- Capture "id" (UserId tag)
          :> Get '[SCIM] (StoredUser tag),
    forall tag route.
UserSite tag route
-> route
   :- (ReqBody '[SCIM] (User tag)
       :> PostCreated '[SCIM] (StoredUser tag))
usPostUser ::
        :- ReqBody '[SCIM] (User tag)
          :> PostCreated '[SCIM] (StoredUser tag),
    forall tag route.
UserSite tag route
-> route
   :- (Capture "id" (UserId tag)
       :> (ReqBody '[SCIM] (User tag) :> Put '[SCIM] (StoredUser tag)))
usPutUser ::
        :- Capture "id" (UserId tag)
          :> ReqBody '[SCIM] (User tag)
          :> Put '[SCIM] (StoredUser tag),
    forall tag route.
UserSite tag route
-> route
   :- (Capture "id" (UserId tag)
       :> (ReqBody '[SCIM] (PatchOp tag)
           :> Patch '[SCIM] (StoredUser tag)))
usPatchUser ::
        :- Capture "id" (UserId tag)
          :> ReqBody '[SCIM] (PatchOp tag)
          :> Patch '[SCIM] (StoredUser tag),
    forall tag route.
UserSite tag route
-> route :- (Capture "id" (UserId tag) :> DeleteNoContent)
usDeleteUser ::
        :- Capture "id" (UserId tag)
          :> DeleteNoContent
  deriving ((forall x. UserSite tag route -> Rep (UserSite tag route) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (UserSite tag route) x -> UserSite tag route)
-> Generic (UserSite tag route)
forall x. Rep (UserSite tag route) x -> UserSite tag route
forall x. UserSite tag route -> Rep (UserSite tag route) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall tag route x.
Rep (UserSite tag route) x -> UserSite tag route
forall tag route x.
UserSite tag route -> Rep (UserSite tag route) x
$cfrom :: forall tag route x.
UserSite tag route -> Rep (UserSite tag route) x
from :: forall x. UserSite tag route -> Rep (UserSite tag route) x
$cto :: forall tag route x.
Rep (UserSite tag route) x -> UserSite tag route
to :: forall x. Rep (UserSite tag route) x -> UserSite tag route

-- Methods used by the API

class (Monad m, AuthTypes tag, UserTypes tag) => UserDB tag m where
  -- | Get all users, optionally filtered by a 'Filter'.
  getUsers ::
    AuthInfo tag ->
    Maybe Filter ->
    ScimHandler m (ListResponse (StoredUser tag))

  -- | Get a single user by ID.
  -- Should throw 'notFound' if the user doesn't exist.
  getUser ::
    AuthInfo tag ->
    UserId tag ->
    ScimHandler m (StoredUser tag)

  -- | Create a new user.
  -- Should throw 'conflict' if uniqueness constraints are violated.
  postUser ::
    AuthInfo tag ->
    User tag ->
    ScimHandler m (StoredUser tag)

  -- | Overwrite an existing user.
  -- Should throw 'notFound' if the user doesn't exist, and 'conflict' if
  -- uniqueness constraints are violated.
  putUser ::
    AuthInfo tag ->
    UserId tag ->
    User tag ->
    ScimHandler m (StoredUser tag)

  -- | Modify an existing user.
  -- Should throw 'notFound' if the user doesn't exist, and 'conflict' if
  -- uniqueness constraints are violated.
  --  https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7644#section-3.5.2
  --    If the target location already contains the value specified, no changes
  --    SHOULD be made to the resource, and a success response SHOULD be
  --    returned.  Unless other operations change the resource, this operation
  --    SHALL NOT change the modify timestamp of the resource.
  --  Given that PUT has the same constraints, we can implement PATCH in terms
  --  of some magic in this library, GET and PUT.
  --  SCIM's Patch semantics are hard to get right. So we advice using the
  --  library built-in implementation.  we implement PATCH in terms of a GET
  --  followed by a PUT.  GET will retrieve the entire record; we then modify
  --  this record by a series of PATCH operations, and then PUT the entire
  --  record.
  patchUser ::
    AuthInfo tag ->
    UserId tag ->
    -- | PATCH payload
    PatchOp tag ->
    ScimHandler m (StoredUser tag)
  default patchUser ::
    (Patchable (UserExtra tag), FromJSON (UserExtra tag)) =>
    AuthInfo tag ->
    UserId tag ->
    -- | PATCH payload
    PatchOp tag ->
    ScimHandler m (StoredUser tag)
  patchUser AuthInfo tag
info UserId tag
uid PatchOp tag
op' = do
    (WithMeta Meta
_ (WithId UserId tag
_ (User tag
user :: User tag))) <- AuthInfo tag -> UserId tag -> ScimHandler m (StoredUser tag)
forall tag (m :: * -> *).
UserDB tag m =>
AuthInfo tag -> UserId tag -> ScimHandler m (StoredUser tag)
getUser AuthInfo tag
info UserId tag
    (User tag
newUser :: User tag) <- User tag -> PatchOp tag -> ExceptT ScimError m (User tag)
forall tag (m :: * -> *).
(Patchable (UserExtra tag), FromJSON (UserExtra tag),
 MonadError ScimError m, UserTypes tag) =>
User tag -> PatchOp tag -> m (User tag)
applyPatch User tag
user PatchOp tag
    AuthInfo tag
-> UserId tag -> User tag -> ScimHandler m (StoredUser tag)
forall tag (m :: * -> *).
UserDB tag m =>
AuthInfo tag
-> UserId tag -> User tag -> ScimHandler m (StoredUser tag)
putUser AuthInfo tag
info UserId tag
uid User tag

  -- | Delete a user.
  -- Should throw 'notFound' if the user doesn't exist.
  deleteUser ::
    AuthInfo tag ->
    UserId tag ->
    ScimHandler m ()

-- API handlers

userServer ::
  forall tag m.
  (AuthDB tag m, UserDB tag m) =>
  Maybe (AuthData tag) ->
  UserSite tag (AsServerT (ScimHandler m))
userServer :: forall tag (m :: * -> *).
(AuthDB tag m, UserDB tag m) =>
Maybe (AuthData tag) -> UserSite tag (AsServerT (ScimHandler m))
userServer Maybe (AuthData tag)
authData =
    { usGetUsers :: AsServerT (ExceptT ScimError m)
:- (QueryParam "filter" Filter
    :> Get '[SCIM] (ListResponse (StoredUser tag)))
usGetUsers = \Maybe Filter
mbFilter -> do
        AuthInfo tag
auth <- forall tag (m :: * -> *).
AuthDB tag m =>
Maybe (AuthData tag) -> ScimHandler m (AuthInfo tag)
authCheck @tag Maybe (AuthData tag)
        forall tag (m :: * -> *).
UserDB tag m =>
AuthInfo tag
-> Maybe Filter -> ScimHandler m (ListResponse (StoredUser tag))
getUsers @tag AuthInfo tag
auth Maybe Filter
      usGetUser :: AsServerT (ExceptT ScimError m)
:- (Capture "id" (UserId tag) :> Get '[SCIM] (StoredUser tag))
usGetUser = \UserId tag
uid -> do
        AuthInfo tag
auth <- forall tag (m :: * -> *).
AuthDB tag m =>
Maybe (AuthData tag) -> ScimHandler m (AuthInfo tag)
authCheck @tag Maybe (AuthData tag)
        forall tag (m :: * -> *).
UserDB tag m =>
AuthInfo tag -> UserId tag -> ScimHandler m (StoredUser tag)
getUser @tag AuthInfo tag
auth UserId tag
      usPostUser :: AsServerT (ExceptT ScimError m)
:- (ReqBody '[SCIM] (User tag)
    :> PostCreated '[SCIM] (StoredUser tag))
usPostUser = \User tag
user -> do
        AuthInfo tag
auth <- forall tag (m :: * -> *).
AuthDB tag m =>
Maybe (AuthData tag) -> ScimHandler m (AuthInfo tag)
authCheck @tag Maybe (AuthData tag)
        forall tag (m :: * -> *).
UserDB tag m =>
AuthInfo tag -> User tag -> ScimHandler m (StoredUser tag)
postUser @tag AuthInfo tag
auth User tag
      usPutUser :: AsServerT (ExceptT ScimError m)
:- (Capture "id" (UserId tag)
    :> (ReqBody '[SCIM] (User tag) :> Put '[SCIM] (StoredUser tag)))
usPutUser = \UserId tag
uid User tag
user -> do
        AuthInfo tag
auth <- forall tag (m :: * -> *).
AuthDB tag m =>
Maybe (AuthData tag) -> ScimHandler m (AuthInfo tag)
authCheck @tag Maybe (AuthData tag)
        forall tag (m :: * -> *).
UserDB tag m =>
AuthInfo tag
-> UserId tag -> User tag -> ScimHandler m (StoredUser tag)
putUser @tag AuthInfo tag
auth UserId tag
uid User tag
      usPatchUser :: AsServerT (ExceptT ScimError m)
:- (Capture "id" (UserId tag)
    :> (ReqBody '[SCIM] (PatchOp tag)
        :> Patch '[SCIM] (StoredUser tag)))
usPatchUser = \UserId tag
uid PatchOp tag
patch -> do
        AuthInfo tag
auth <- forall tag (m :: * -> *).
AuthDB tag m =>
Maybe (AuthData tag) -> ScimHandler m (AuthInfo tag)
authCheck @tag Maybe (AuthData tag)
        forall tag (m :: * -> *).
UserDB tag m =>
AuthInfo tag
-> UserId tag -> PatchOp tag -> ScimHandler m (StoredUser tag)
patchUser @tag @m AuthInfo tag
auth UserId tag
uid PatchOp tag
      usDeleteUser :: AsServerT (ExceptT ScimError m)
:- (Capture "id" (UserId tag) :> DeleteNoContent)
usDeleteUser = \UserId tag
uid -> do
        AuthInfo tag
auth <- forall tag (m :: * -> *).
AuthDB tag m =>
Maybe (AuthData tag) -> ScimHandler m (AuthInfo tag)
authCheck @tag Maybe (AuthData tag)
        forall tag (m :: * -> *).
UserDB tag m =>
AuthInfo tag -> UserId tag -> ScimHandler m ()
deleteUser @tag AuthInfo tag
auth UserId tag
        NoContent -> ExceptT ScimError m NoContent
forall a. a -> ExceptT ScimError m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure NoContent