-- Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in
-- the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An
-- additional grant of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file
-- in the same directory.

-- |
-- Module      : Codec.Compression.Zstd.Efficient
-- Copyright   : (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : bryano@fb.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- These functions allow for pre-allocation and reuse of relatively
-- expensive data structures, such as compression and decompression
-- contexts and dictionaries.
-- If your application mostly deals with small payloads and is
-- particularly sensitive to latency or throughput, using these
-- pre-allocated structures may make a noticeable difference to
-- performance.

module Codec.Compression.Zstd.Efficient
    -- * Basic entry points
    , decompressedSize
    , C.maxCLevel

    -- ** Cheaper operations using contexts
    -- *** Compression
    , CCtx
    , withCCtx
    , compressCCtx

    -- *** Decompression
    , DCtx
    , withDCtx
    , decompressDCtx

    -- * Dictionary-based compression
    , Dict
    , mkDict
    , fromDict
    , trainFromSamples
    , getDictID

    -- ** Basic pure API
    , compressUsingDict
    , decompressUsingDict

    -- ** Pre-digested dictionaries
    , Base.CDict
    , createCDict
    , compressUsingCDict

    , Base.DDict
    , createDDict
    , decompressUsingDDict
    ) where

import Codec.Compression.Zstd.Internal
import Codec.Compression.Zstd.Types (Decompress(..), Dict(..), mkDict)
import Codec.Compression.Zstd.Base.Types (CDict(..), DDict(..))
import Data.ByteString.Internal (ByteString(..))
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import qualified Codec.Compression.Zstd.FFI as C
import qualified Codec.Compression.Zstd.Base as Base

-- | Compress the given data as a single zstd compressed frame.
compressCCtx :: CCtx
             -- ^ Compression context.
             -> Int
             -- ^ Compression level. Must be >= 1 and <= 'C.maxCLevel'.
             -> ByteString
             -- ^ Payload to compress.
             -> IO ByteString
compressCCtx (CCtx cc) level bs =
  compressWith "compressCCtx" (C.compressCCtx cc) level bs

-- | Decompress a single-frame payload of known size.  Typically this
-- will be a payload that was compressed with 'compress'.
-- /Note:/ This function is not capable of decompressing a payload
-- generated by the streaming or lazy compression APIs.
decompressDCtx :: DCtx
               -- ^ Decompression context.
               -> ByteString
               -- ^ Compressed payload.
               -> IO Decompress
decompressDCtx (DCtx cc) bs = decompressWith (C.decompressDCtx cc) bs

-- | Compress the given data as a single zstd compressed frame, using
-- a prebuilt dictionary.
compressUsingDict :: Dict
                  -- ^ Compression dictionary.
                  -> Int
                  -- ^ Compression level. Must be >= 1 and <= 'C.maxCLevel'.
                  -> ByteString
                  -- ^ Payload to compress.
                  -> ByteString
compressUsingDict dict level bs =
  unsafePerformIO . withCCtx $ \(CCtx ctx) ->
    withDict dict $ \dictPtr dictLen ->
      let compressor dp dl sp sl l =
            C.compressUsingDict ctx dp dl sp sl dictPtr dictLen l
      in compressWith "compressUsingDict" compressor level bs

-- | Decompress a single-frame payload of known size, using a prebuilt
-- dictionary.  Typically this will be a payload that was compressed
-- with 'compressUsingDict'.
-- /Note:/ This function is not capable of decompressing a payload
-- generated by the streaming or lazy compression APIs.
decompressUsingDict :: Dict
                    -- ^ Dictionary.
                    -> ByteString
                    -- ^ Payload to decompress.
                    -> Decompress
decompressUsingDict dict bs =
  unsafePerformIO . withDCtx $ \(DCtx ctx) ->
    withDict dict $ \dictPtr dictLen ->
      let decompressor dp dl sp sl =
            C.decompressUsingDict ctx dp dl sp sl dictPtr dictLen
      in decompressWith decompressor bs

-- | Create a pre-digested compression dictionary.
createCDict :: Int              -- ^ Compression level.
            -> Dict             -- ^ Dictionary.
            -> CDict
createCDict level d = unsafePerformIO $
  withDict d $ \dict size -> Base.createCDict dict (fromIntegral size) level

-- | Compress the given data as a single zstd compressed frame, using
-- a pre-built, pre-digested dictionary.
compressUsingCDict :: CCtx
                   -- ^ Compression context.
                   -> CDict
                   -- ^ Compression dictionary.
                   -> ByteString
                   -- ^ Payload to compress.
                   -> IO ByteString
compressUsingCDict (CCtx ctx) (CD fp) bs =
  withForeignPtr fp $ \dict -> do
    let compressor dp dl sp sl _ = C.compressUsingCDict ctx dp dl sp sl dict
    compressWith "compressUsingCDict" compressor 0 bs

-- | Create a pre-digested compression dictionary.
createDDict :: Dict             -- ^ Dictionary.
            -> DDict
createDDict d = unsafePerformIO $
  withDict d $ \dict size -> Base.createDDict dict (fromIntegral size)

-- | Decompress a single-frame payload of known size, using a
-- pre-built, pre-digested dictionary.  Typically this will be a
-- payload that was compressed with 'compressUsingCDict'.
-- /Note:/ This function is not capable of decompressing a payload
-- generated by the streaming or lazy compression APIs.
decompressUsingDDict :: DCtx
                     -- ^ Decompression context.
                     -> DDict
                     -- ^ Decompression dictionary.
                     -> ByteString
                     -- ^ Payload to compress.
                     -> IO Decompress
decompressUsingDDict (DCtx ctx) (DD fp) bs =
  withForeignPtr fp $ \dict -> do
    let decompressor dp dl sp sl = C.decompressUsingDDict ctx dp dl sp sl dict
    decompressWith decompressor bs