{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language RankNTypes #-}
{-# language FunctionalDependencies, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}

Module      : Language.Python.Internal.Parse
Copyright   : (C) CSIRO 2017-2018
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : Isaac Elliott <isaace71295@gmail.com>
Stability   : experimental
Portability : non-portable

module Language.Python.Internal.Parse
  ( Parser
  , runParser
    -- * Stream type
  , PyTokens(..)
    -- * Errors
  , AsParseError(..)
  , unsafeFromParseError
    -- * Parsers
  , token
    -- ** Symbols
  , at
  , colon
  , comma
  , dot
  , doubleStar
  , equals
  , rightParen
  , semicolon
  , star
    -- ** Atomic forms
  , identifier
  , bool
  , none
  , ellipsis
  , integer
  , float
  , imag
  , stringOrBytes
    -- ** Compound forms
  , arg
  , binOp
  , commaSep
  , commaSep1
  , commaSep1'
  , commaSepRest
  , compIf
  , compFor
  , compoundStatement
  , decorator
  , decoratorValue
  , decorators
  , expr
  , exprList
  , exprListComp
  , exprNoCond
  , exprComp
  , exprOrStarList
  , lambda
  , lambdaNoCond
  , module_
  , orExpr
  , orExprList
  , orTest
  , smallStatement
  , someParams
  , simpleStatement
  , starExpr
  , statement
  , suite
  , tpPositional
  , tpStar
  , tpDoubleStar
  , tyAnn
  , typedParams
  , untypedParams
  , upPositional
  , upStar
  , upDoubleStar
  , yieldExpr
    -- ** Formatting
  , anySpace
  , space
  , eol
  , continued
  , newline
  , indent
  , dedent
  , level
  , blank
  , comment
    -- ** Miscellaneous combinators
  , sepBy1'

import Control.Applicative (Alternative, (<|>), optional, many, some)
import Control.Lens.Cons (snoc)
import Control.Lens.Getter ((^.), view)
import Control.Lens.Prism (Prism')
import Control.Lens.Review ((#))
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Bifunctor (first, second)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty, some1)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Void (Void)
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import Text.Megaparsec
  ( (<?>), MonadParsec, Parsec, Stream(..), SourcePos(..), eof, try, lookAhead
  , notFollowedBy
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (satisfy)

import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec

import Language.Python.Internal.Lexer (SrcInfo(..), withSrcInfo)
import Language.Python.Internal.Syntax.IR
import Language.Python.Internal.Token
import Language.Python.Syntax.AugAssign
import Language.Python.Syntax.CommaSep
import Language.Python.Syntax.Comment
import Language.Python.Syntax.Ident
import Language.Python.Syntax.Import
import Language.Python.Syntax.ModuleNames
import Language.Python.Syntax.Numbers
import Language.Python.Syntax.Operator.Binary
import Language.Python.Syntax.Operator.Unary
import Language.Python.Syntax.Punctuation
import Language.Python.Syntax.Strings
import Language.Python.Syntax.Whitespace

newtype PyTokens = PyTokens { unPyTokens :: [PyToken SrcInfo] }
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Stream PyTokens where
  type Token PyTokens = PyToken SrcInfo
  type Tokens PyTokens = PyTokens
  tokenToChunk Proxy = PyTokens . pure
  tokensToChunk Proxy = PyTokens
  chunkToTokens Proxy = unPyTokens
  chunkLength Proxy = length . unPyTokens
  chunkEmpty Proxy = null . unPyTokens
  positionAt1 Proxy _ tk =
      ann = pyTokenAnn tk
        (_srcInfoName ann)
        (Megaparsec.mkPos $ _srcInfoLineStart ann)
        (Megaparsec.mkPos $ _srcInfoColStart ann)
  positionAtN Proxy spos (PyTokens tks) =
    case tks of
      [] -> spos
      _ ->
          ann = pyTokenAnn $ last tks
            (_srcInfoName ann)
            (Megaparsec.mkPos $ _srcInfoLineStart ann)
            (Megaparsec.mkPos $ _srcInfoColStart ann)
  advance1 Proxy _ _ tk =
      ann = pyTokenAnn tk
        (_srcInfoName ann)
        (Megaparsec.mkPos $ _srcInfoLineEnd ann)
        (Megaparsec.mkPos $ _srcInfoColEnd ann)
  advanceN Proxy _ spos (PyTokens tks) =
    case tks of
      [] -> spos
      _ ->
          ann = pyTokenAnn $ last tks
            (_srcInfoName ann)
            (Megaparsec.mkPos $ _srcInfoLineEnd ann)
            (Megaparsec.mkPos $ _srcInfoColEnd ann)

  take1_ (PyTokens p) =
    case p of
      [] -> Nothing
      t:ts -> Just (t, PyTokens ts)

  takeN_ n (PyTokens s)
    | n <= 0    = Just (PyTokens [], PyTokens s)
    | null s    = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just (coerce (splitAt n s))

  takeWhile_ f = coerce (span f)

class AsParseError s t | s -> t where
    :: Prism'
         ( NonEmpty SourcePos
         , Maybe (Megaparsec.ErrorItem t)
         , Set (Megaparsec.ErrorItem t)

-- | Convert a concrete 'Megaparsec.ParseError' to a value that has an instance of 'AsParseError'
-- This function is partial because our parser will never use 'Megaparsec.FancyError'
  :: (HasCallStack, AsParseError s t)
  => Megaparsec.ParseError t e
  -> s
unsafeFromParseError Megaparsec.FancyError{} = error "there are none of these"
unsafeFromParseError (Megaparsec.TrivialError pos a b) = _ParseError # (pos, a, b)

type Parser = Parsec Void PyTokens

-- | Run a parser on some input
{-# inline runParser #-}
  :: AsParseError e (PyToken SrcInfo)
  => FilePath -- ^ File name
  -> Parser a -- ^ Parser
  -> [PyToken SrcInfo] -- ^ Input to parse
  -> Either e a
runParser file p input =
  first unsafeFromParseError $ Megaparsec.parse p file (PyTokens input)

eol :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Newline
eol =
  (\(TkNewline nl _) -> nl) <$>
  satisfy (\case; TkNewline{} -> True; _ -> False) <?> "newline"

dedent :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m ()
dedent = () <$ satisfy (\case; TkDedent{} -> True; _ -> False) <?> "dedent"

space :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace
space =
  Space <$ satisfy (\case; TkSpace{} -> True; _ -> False) <|>
  Tab <$ satisfy (\case; TkTab{} -> True; _ -> False) <|>

continued :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace
continued =
  (\(TkContinued nl _) -> Continued nl) <$>
  satisfy (\case; TkContinued{} -> True; _ -> False) <*>
  many space

newline :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Newline
newline = (\(TkNewline nl _) -> nl) <$> satisfy (\case; TkNewline{} -> True; _ -> False)

anySpace :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace
anySpace =
  Space <$ satisfy (\case; TkSpace{} -> True; _ -> False) <|>
  Tab <$ satisfy (\case; TkTab{} -> True; _ -> False) <|>
  continued <|>
  Newline <$> newline <|>
  Comment . void <$> comment

  :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m
  => m Whitespace
  -> (PyToken SrcInfo -> Bool)
  -> String
  -> m (PyToken SrcInfo, [Whitespace])
token ws f label = (,) <$> satisfy f <*> many ws <?> label

identifier :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Ident '[] SrcInfo)
identifier ws =
  (\(TkIdent n ann) -> MkIdent ann n) <$>
  satisfy (\case; TkIdent{} -> True; _ -> False) <*>
  many ws

bool :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
bool ws =
  (\(tk, s) ->
       (pyTokenAnn tk)
       (case tk of
          TkTrue{} -> True
          TkFalse{} -> False
          _ -> error "impossible")
       s) <$>
  (token ws (\case; TkTrue{} -> True; _ -> False) "True" <|>
   token ws (\case; TkFalse{} -> True; _ -> False) "False")

none :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
none ws =
  (\(tk, s) -> None (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
  token ws (\case; TkNone{} -> True; _ -> False) "None"

ellipsis :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
ellipsis ws =
  (\(tk, s) -> Ellipsis (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
  token ws (\case; TkEllipsis{} -> True; _ -> False) "..."

integer :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
integer ws =
  (\(TkInt n) -> Int (_intLiteralAnn n) n) <$>
  satisfy (\case; TkInt{} -> True; _ -> False) <*>
  many ws

float :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
float ws =
  (\(TkFloat n) -> Float (_floatLiteralAnn n) n) <$>
  satisfy (\case; TkFloat{} -> True; _ -> False) <*>
  many ws

imag :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
imag ws =
  (\(TkImag n) -> Imag (_imagLiteralAnn n) n) <$>
  satisfy (\case; TkImag{} -> True; _ -> False) <*>
  many ws

stringOrBytes :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
stringOrBytes ws =
  fmap (\vs -> String (_stringLiteralAnn $ NonEmpty.head vs) vs) . some1 $
     TkString sp qt st val ann -> StringLiteral ann sp qt st val
     TkBytes sp qt st val ann -> BytesLiteral ann sp qt st val
     TkRawString sp st qt val ann -> RawStringLiteral ann sp st qt val
     TkRawBytes sp st qt val ann -> RawBytesLiteral ann sp st qt val
     _ -> error "impossible") <$>
        TkString{} -> True
        TkBytes{} -> True
        TkRawString{} -> True
        TkRawBytes{} -> True
        _ -> False) <*>
  many ws

comment :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m (Comment SrcInfo)
comment =
  (\(TkComment c) -> c) <$>
  satisfy (\case; TkComment{} -> True; _ -> False) <?> "comment"

indent :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m (Indents SrcInfo)
indent =
  (\(TkIndent _ i) -> i) <$> satisfy (\case; TkIndent{} -> True; _ -> False) <?> "indent"

level :: MonadParsec s PyTokens m => m (Indents SrcInfo)
level =
  (\(TkLevel _ i) -> i) <$> satisfy (\case; TkLevel{} -> True; _ -> False) <?> "level indentation"

comma :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (PyToken SrcInfo, Comma)
comma ws = second MkComma <$> token ws (\case; TkComma{} -> True; _ -> False) ","

dot :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (PyToken SrcInfo, Dot)
dot ws = second MkDot <$> token ws (\case; TkDot{} -> True; _ -> False) "."

at :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (PyToken SrcInfo, At)
at ws = second MkAt <$> token ws (\case; TkAt{} -> True; _ -> False) "@"

colon :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (PyToken SrcInfo, Colon)
colon ws = second MkColon <$> token ws (\case; TkColon{} -> True; _ -> False) ":"

equals :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (PyToken SrcInfo, Equals)
equals ws = second MkEquals <$> token ws (\case; TkEq{} -> True; _ -> False) "="

semicolon :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (PyToken SrcInfo, Semicolon SrcInfo)
semicolon ws =
  (\(a, b) -> (a, MkSemicolon (pyTokenAnn a) b)) <$>
  token ws (\case; TkSemicolon{} -> True; _ -> False) ";"

exprList :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
exprList ws =
  (\e -> maybe e (uncurry $ Tuple (e ^. exprAnn) e)) <$>
  expr ws <*>
    ((,) <$>
     (snd <$> comma ws) <*>
     optional (commaSep1' ws $ expr ws))

exprOrStarList :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
exprOrStarList ws =
  (\e -> maybe e (uncurry $ Tuple (e ^. exprAnn) e)) <$>
  (expr ws <|> starExpr ws) <*>
    ((,) <$>
     (snd <$> comma ws) <*>
     optional (commaSep1' ws $ expr ws <|> starExpr ws))

compIf :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m (CompIf SrcInfo)
compIf =
  (\(tk, s) -> CompIf (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
  token anySpace (\case; TkIf{} -> True; _ -> False) "if" <*>
  exprNoCond anySpace

compFor :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m (CompFor SrcInfo)
compFor =
  (\(tk, s) -> CompFor (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
  token anySpace (\case; TkFor{} -> True; _ -> False) "for" <*>
  orExprList anySpace <*>
  (snd <$> token anySpace (\case; TkIn{} -> True; _ -> False) "in") <*>
  orTest anySpace

commaSepRest :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m b -> m ([(Comma, b)], Maybe Comma)
commaSepRest x = do
  c <- optional $ snd <$> comma anySpace
  case c of
    Nothing -> pure ([], Nothing)
    Just c' -> do
      e <- optional x
      case e of
        Nothing -> pure ([], Just c')
        Just e' -> first ((c', e') :) <$> commaSepRest x

exprComp :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
exprComp ws =
  (\ex a ->
     case a of
       Nothing -> ex
       Just (cf, rest) ->
         Generator (ex ^. exprAnn) $
         Comprehension (ex ^. exprAnn) ex cf rest) <$>
  expr ws <*>
  optional ((,) <$> compFor <*> many (Left <$> compFor <|> Right <$> compIf))

star :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (PyToken SrcInfo, [Whitespace])
star sp = token sp (\case; TkStar{} -> True; _ -> False) "*"

starExpr :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
starExpr ws =
  (\(tk, sp) -> StarExpr (pyTokenAnn tk) sp) <$>
  star ws <*>
  orExpr ws

exprListComp :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
exprListComp ws =
  (\e a ->
     case a of
       Left (cf, cfs) ->
           ann = e ^. exprAnn
           Generator ann $ Comprehension ann e cf cfs
       Right (Just (c, cs)) -> Tuple (e ^. exprAnn) e c cs
       Right Nothing -> e) <$>
  (expr ws <|> starExpr ws) <*>
  (Left <$>
   ((,) <$>
    compFor <*>
    many (Left <$> compFor <|> Right <$> compIf)) <|>
   Right <$>
     ((,) <$>
      (snd <$> comma ws) <*>
      optional (commaSep1' ws $ expr ws <|> starExpr ws)))

orExprList :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
orExprList ws =
  (\e -> maybe e (uncurry $ Tuple (e ^. exprAnn) e)) <$>
  (orExpr ws <|> starExpr ws) <*>
    ((,) <$>
     (snd <$> comma ws) <*>
     optional (commaSep1' ws $ orExpr ws <|> starExpr ws))

binOp :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m (BinOp SrcInfo) -> m (Expr SrcInfo) -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
binOp op tm =
  (\t ts ->
      case ts of
        [] -> t
        _ -> foldl (\tm (o, val) -> BinOp (tm ^. exprAnn) tm o val) t ts) <$>
  tm <*>
  many ((,) <$> op <*> tm)

orTest :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
orTest ws = binOp orOp andTest
    orOp =
      (\(tk, ws) -> BoolOr (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
      token ws (\case; TkOr{} -> True; _ -> False) "or"

    andOp =
      (\(tk, ws) -> BoolAnd (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
      token ws (\case; TkAnd{} -> True; _ -> False) "and"
    andTest = binOp andOp notTest

    notTest =
      (\(tk, s) -> Not (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
      token ws (\case; TkNot{} -> True; _ -> False) "not" <*> notTest <|>

    compOp =
      (\(tk, ws) -> maybe (Is (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) (IsNot (pyTokenAnn tk) ws)) <$>
      token ws (\case; TkIs{} -> True; _ -> False) "is" <*>
      optional (snd <$> token ws (\case; TkNot{} -> True; _ -> False) "not")


      (\(tk, ws) -> NotIn (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
      token ws (\case; TkNot{} -> True; _ -> False) "not" <*>
      (snd <$> token ws (\case; TkIn{} -> True; _ -> False) "in")


      (\(tk, ws) -> In (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
      token ws (\case; TkIn{} -> True; _ -> False) "in"


      (\(tk, ws) -> Eq (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
      token ws (\case; TkDoubleEq{} -> True; _ -> False) "=="


      (\(tk, ws) -> Lt (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
      token ws (\case; TkLt{} -> True; _ -> False) "<"


      (\(tk, ws) -> LtEq (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
      token ws (\case; TkLte{} -> True; _ -> False) "<="


      (\(tk, ws) -> Gt (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
      token ws (\case; TkGt{} -> True; _ -> False) ">"


      (\(tk, ws) -> GtEq (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
      token ws (\case; TkGte{} -> True; _ -> False) ">="


      (\(tk, ws) -> NotEq (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
      token ws (\case; TkBangEq{} -> True; _ -> False) "!="

    comparison = binOp compOp $ orExpr ws

yieldExpr :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
yieldExpr ws =
  (\(tk, s) -> either (uncurry $ YieldFrom (pyTokenAnn tk) s) (Yield (pyTokenAnn tk) s)) <$>
  token ws (\case; TkYield{} -> True; _ -> False) "yield" <*>
  (fmap Left
     ((,) <$>
      (snd <$> token ws (\case; TkFrom{} -> True; _ -> False) "from") <*>
      expr ws)
   Right <$> commaSep ws (expr ws))

lambda :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
lambda ws =
  (\(tk, s) -> Lambda (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
  token ws (\case; TkLambda{} -> True; _ -> False) "lambda" <*>
  untypedParams ws <*>
  (MkColon . snd <$> token ws (\case; TkColon{} -> True; _ -> False) ":") <*>
  expr ws

lambdaNoCond :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
lambdaNoCond ws =
  (\(tk, s) -> Lambda (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
  token ws (\case; TkLambda{} -> True; _ -> False) "lambda" <*>
  untypedParams ws <*>
  (MkColon . snd <$> token ws (\case; TkColon{} -> True; _ -> False) ":") <*>
  exprNoCond ws

exprNoCond :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
exprNoCond ws = orTest ws <|> lambdaNoCond ws

expr :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
expr ws =
  (\a -> maybe a (\(b, c, d, e) -> Ternary (a ^. exprAnn) a b c d e)) <$>
  orTest ws <*>
    ((,,,) <$>
     (snd <$> token ws (\case; TkIf{} -> True; _ -> False) "if") <*>
     orTest ws <*>
     (snd <$> token ws (\case; TkElse{} -> True; _ -> False) "else") <*>
     expr ws)
  lambda ws

  :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m
  => m Whitespace
  -> m (PyToken SrcInfo, [Whitespace])
rightParen sp = token sp (\case; TkRightParen{} -> True; _ -> False) ")"

  :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m
  => m Whitespace
  -> m (PyToken SrcInfo, [Whitespace])
doubleStar sp = token sp (\case; TkDoubleStar{} -> True; _ -> False) "**"

orExpr :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Expr SrcInfo)
orExpr ws =
    ((\(tk, ws) -> BitOr (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
     token ws (\case; TkPipe{} -> True; _ -> False) "|")
    xorExpr =
        ((\(tk, ws) -> BitXor (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
         token ws (\case; TkCaret{} -> True; _ -> False) "^")

    andExpr =
        ((\(tk, ws) -> BitAnd (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
         token ws (\case; TkAmpersand{} -> True; _ -> False) "&")

    shiftExpr =
        ((\(tk, ws) -> ShiftLeft (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
         token ws (\case; TkShiftLeft{} -> True; _ -> False) "<<"


         (\(tk, ws) -> ShiftRight (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
         token ws (\case; TkShiftRight{} -> True; _ -> False) ">>")

    arithOp =
      (\(tk, ws) -> Plus (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
      token ws (\case; TkPlus{} -> True; _ -> False) "+"


      (\(tk, ws) -> Minus (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
      token ws (\case; TkMinus{} -> True; _ -> False) "-"

    arithExpr = binOp arithOp term

    termOp =
      (\(tk, ws) -> Multiply (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
      star ws


      (\(tk, ws) -> At (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
      token ws (\case; TkAt{} -> True; _ -> False) "@"


      (\(tk, ws) -> Divide (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
      token ws (\case; TkSlash{} -> True; _ -> False) "/"


      (\(tk, ws) -> FloorDivide (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
      token ws (\case; TkDoubleSlash{} -> True; _ -> False) "//"


      (\(tk, ws) -> Percent (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
      token ws (\case; TkPercent{} -> True; _ -> False) "%"

    term = binOp termOp factor

    factor =
      ((\(tk, s) -> let ann = pyTokenAnn tk in UnOp ann (Negate ann s)) <$>
       token ws (\case; TkMinus{} -> True; _ -> False) "-"
       (\(tk, s) -> let ann = pyTokenAnn tk in UnOp ann (Positive ann s)) <$>
       token ws (\case; TkPlus{} -> True; _ -> False) "+"
       (\(tk, s) -> let ann = pyTokenAnn tk in UnOp ann (Complement ann s)) <$>
       token ws (\case; TkTilde{} -> True; _ -> False) "~") <*> factor

    powerOp =
      (\(tk, ws) -> Exp (pyTokenAnn tk) ws) <$>
      doubleStar ws

    power =
      (\a -> maybe a (uncurry $ BinOp (a ^. exprAnn) a)) <$>
      atomExpr <*>
      optional ((,) <$> powerOp <*> factor)

    subscript = do
      mex <- optional $ expr anySpace
      case mex of
        Nothing ->
          SubscriptSlice Nothing <$>
          (snd <$> colon anySpace) <*>
          optional (expr anySpace) <*>
          optional ((,) <$> (snd <$> colon anySpace) <*> optional (expr anySpace))
        Just ex -> do
          mws <- optional $ snd <$> colon anySpace
          case mws of
            Nothing -> pure $ SubscriptExpr ex
            Just ws ->
              SubscriptSlice (Just ex) ws <$>
              optional (expr anySpace) <*>
              optional ((,) <$> (snd <$> colon anySpace) <*> optional (expr anySpace))

    trailer =
      (\a b c -> Deref (c ^. exprAnn) c a b) <$>
      (snd <$> token ws (\case; TkDot{} -> True; _ -> False) ".") <*>
      identifier ws


      (\a b c d -> Call (d ^. exprAnn) d a b c) <$>
      (snd <$> token anySpace (\case; TkLeftParen{} -> True; _ -> False) "(") <*>
      optional (commaSep1' anySpace arg) <*>
      (snd <$> rightParen ws)


      (\a b c d -> Subscript (d ^. exprAnn) d a b c) <$>
      (snd <$> token anySpace (\case; TkLeftBracket{} -> True; _ -> False) "[") <*>
      commaSep1' anySpace subscript <*>
      (snd <$> token ws (\case; TkRightBracket{} -> True; _ -> False) "]")

    atomExpr =
      (\(mAwait, a) b ->
         let e = foldl' (&) a b
         in maybe e (\(tk, sp) -> Await (pyTokenAnn tk) sp e) mAwait) <$>
        ((,) <$>
         optional (token ws (\case; TkIdent "await" _ -> True; _ -> False) "await") <*>
         atom) <*>
      many trailer
      foldl' (&) <$> atom <*> many trailer

    parensOrUnit =
      (\(tk, s) maybeEx sps ->
       case maybeEx of
         Nothing -> Unit (pyTokenAnn tk) s sps
         Just ex -> Parens (pyTokenAnn tk) s ex sps) <$>
      token anySpace (\case; TkLeftParen{} -> True; _ -> False) "(" <*>
      optional (yieldExpr anySpace <|> exprListComp anySpace) <*>
      (snd <$> rightParen ws)

    list =
      (\(tk, sp1) ->
         maybe (List (pyTokenAnn tk) sp1 Nothing) (\f -> f (pyTokenAnn tk) sp1)) <$>
      token anySpace (\case; TkLeftBracket{} -> True; _ -> False) "[" <*>
        ((\e a ann ws1 ->
          case a of
            Left (cf, cfs) -> ListComp ann ws1 (Comprehension (e ^. exprAnn) e cf cfs)
            Right Nothing -> List ann ws1 (Just $ CommaSepOne1' e Nothing)
            Right (Just (c, Nothing)) -> List ann ws1 (Just $ CommaSepOne1' e $ Just c)
            Right (Just (c, Just cs)) -> List ann ws1 (Just $ CommaSepMany1' e c cs)) <$>
        (expr anySpace <|> starExpr anySpace) <*>
        (Left <$>
        ((,) <$>
          compFor <*>
          many (Left <$> compFor <|> Right <$> compIf)) <|>
        Right <$>
          ((,) <$>
           (snd <$> comma anySpace) <*>
           optional (commaSep1' anySpace (expr anySpace <|> starExpr anySpace))))) <*>
      (snd <$> token ws (\case; TkRightBracket{} -> True; _ -> False) "]")

    doubleStarExpr ws =
      (\(tk, sp) -> DictUnpack (pyTokenAnn tk) sp) <$>
      doubleStar ws <*>
      orExpr ws

    dictItem =
      (\a -> DictItem (a ^. exprAnn) a) <$>
      expr anySpace <*>
      (snd <$> colon anySpace) <*>
      expr anySpace
      doubleStarExpr anySpace

    compRHS = (,) <$> compFor <*> many (Left <$> compFor <|> Right <$> compIf)

    dictOrSet = do
      (a, ws1) <- token anySpace (\case; TkLeftBrace{} -> True; _ -> False) "{"
      let ann = pyTokenAnn a
      maybeExpr <-
        optional $
          Left . Left <$> expr anySpace <|>
          Left . Right <$> starExpr anySpace <|>
          Right <$> doubleStarExpr anySpace
      (case maybeExpr of
         Nothing -> pure $ Dict ann ws1 Nothing
         Just (Left (Left ex)) -> do
           maybeColon <-
             optional $ MkColon . snd <$> token anySpace (\case; TkColon{} -> True; _ -> False) ":"
           case maybeColon of
             Nothing ->
               -- The order of this choice matters because commaSepRest is implemented
               -- in a slightly odd way
               (\(c, d) -> SetComp ann ws1 (Comprehension (ex ^. exprAnn) ex c d)) <$>

               (\(rest, final) -> Set ann ws1 ((ex, rest, final) ^. _CommaSep1')) <$>
               commaSepRest (expr anySpace <|> starExpr anySpace)
             Just clws ->
               (\ex2 a ->
                   dictItemAnn = ex ^. exprAnn
                   firstDictItem = DictItem dictItemAnn ex clws ex2
                 case a of
                   Left (c, d) ->
                     DictComp ann ws1 (Comprehension dictItemAnn firstDictItem c d)
                   Right (rest, final) ->
                     Dict ann ws1 (Just $ (firstDictItem, rest, final) ^. _CommaSep1')) <$>
               expr anySpace <*>
               (Left <$> compRHS <|> Right <$> commaSepRest dictItem)
         Just (Left (Right ex)) ->
           ((\(c, d) -> SetComp ann ws1 (Comprehension (ex ^. exprAnn) ex c d)) <$>


            (\(rest, final) -> Set ann ws1 ((ex, rest, final) ^. _CommaSep1')) <$>
            commaSepRest (expr anySpace <|> starExpr anySpace))
         Just (Right ex) ->
           ((\(c, d) -> DictComp ann ws1 (Comprehension (_dictItemAnn ex) ex c d)) <$>


            (\(rest, final) -> Dict ann ws1 (Just $ (ex, rest, final) ^. _CommaSep1')) <$>
            commaSepRest dictItem)) <*>

        (snd <$> token ws (\case; TkRightBrace{} -> True; _ -> False) "}")

    atom =
      dictOrSet <|>
      list <|>
      none ws <|>
      bool ws <|>
      ellipsis ws <|>
      integer ws <|>
      float ws <|>
      imag ws <|>
      stringOrBytes ws <|>
      Ident <$> identifier ws <|>

simpleStatement :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m (SimpleStatement SrcInfo)
simpleStatement =
  returnSt <|>
  passSt <|>
  breakSt <|>
  continueSt <|>
  globalSt <|>
  nonlocalSt <|>
  delSt <|>
  importSt <|>
  raiseSt <|>
  exprOrAssignSt <|>
  yieldSt <|>
    assertSt =
      (\(tk, s) -> Assert (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
      token space (\case; TkAssert{} -> True; _ -> False) "assert" <*>
      expr space <*>
      optional ((,) <$> (snd <$> comma space) <*> expr space)

    yieldSt = (\a -> Expr (a ^. exprAnn) a) <$> yieldExpr space

    returnSt =
      (\(tkReturn, retSpaces) -> Return (pyTokenAnn tkReturn) retSpaces) <$>
      token space (\case; TkReturn{} -> True; _ -> False) "return" <*>
      optional (exprList space)

    passSt =
      uncurry (Pass . pyTokenAnn) <$>
      token space (\case; TkPass{} -> True; _ -> False) "pass"

    breakSt =
      uncurry (Break . pyTokenAnn) <$>
      token space (\case; TkBreak{} -> True; _ -> False) "break"

    continueSt =
      uncurry (Continue . pyTokenAnn) <$>
      token space (\case; TkContinue{} -> True; _ -> False) "continue"

    augAssign =
      (\(tk, s) -> MkAugAssign PlusEq (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
      token space (\case; TkPlusEq{} -> True; _ -> False) "+="


      (\(tk, s) -> MkAugAssign MinusEq (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
      token space (\case; TkMinusEq{} -> True; _ -> False) "-="


      (\(tk, s) -> MkAugAssign AtEq (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
      token space (\case; TkAtEq{} -> True; _ -> False) "@="


      (\(tk, s) -> MkAugAssign StarEq (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
      token space (\case; TkStarEq{} -> True; _ -> False) "*="


      (\(tk, s) -> MkAugAssign SlashEq (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
      token space (\case; TkSlashEq{} -> True; _ -> False) "/="


      (\(tk, s) -> MkAugAssign PercentEq (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
      token space (\case; TkPercentEq{} -> True; _ -> False) "%="


      (\(tk, s) -> MkAugAssign AmpersandEq (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
      token space (\case; TkAmpersandEq{} -> True; _ -> False) "&="


      (\(tk, s) -> MkAugAssign PipeEq (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
      token space (\case; TkPipeEq{} -> True; _ -> False) "|="


      (\(tk, s) -> MkAugAssign CaretEq (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
      token space (\case; TkCaretEq{} -> True; _ -> False) "^="


      (\(tk, s) -> MkAugAssign ShiftLeftEq (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
      token space (\case; TkShiftLeftEq{} -> True; _ -> False) "<<="


      (\(tk, s) -> MkAugAssign ShiftRightEq (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
      token space (\case; TkShiftRightEq{} -> True; _ -> False) ">>="


      (\(tk, s) -> MkAugAssign DoubleStarEq (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
      token space (\case; TkDoubleStarEq{} -> True; _ -> False) "**="


      (\(tk, s) -> MkAugAssign DoubleSlashEq (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
      token space (\case; TkDoubleSlashEq{} -> True; _ -> False) "//="

    exprOrAssignSt =
      (\a ->
           (Expr (a ^. exprAnn) a)
              (Assign (a ^. exprAnn) a)
              (uncurry $ AugAssign (a ^. exprAnn) a))) <$>
      exprOrStarList space <*>
        (Left <$>
           ((,) <$>
            (snd <$> equals space) <*>
            (yieldExpr space <|> exprOrStarList space))


         Right <$> ((,) <$> augAssign <*> (yieldExpr space <|> exprList space)))

    globalSt =
      (\(tk, s) -> Global (pyTokenAnn tk) $ NonEmpty.fromList s) <$>
      token space (\case; TkGlobal{} -> True; _ -> False) "global" <*>
      commaSep1 space (identifier space)

    nonlocalSt =
      (\(tk, s) -> Nonlocal (pyTokenAnn tk) $ NonEmpty.fromList s) <$>
      token space (\case; TkNonlocal{} -> True; _ -> False) "nonlocal" <*>
      commaSep1 space (identifier space)

    delSt =
      (\(tk, s) -> Del (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
      token space (\case; TkDel{} -> True; _ -> False) "del" <*>
      commaSep1' space (orExpr space)

    raiseSt =
      (\(tk, s) -> Raise (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
      token space (\case; TkRaise{} -> True; _ -> False) "raise" <*>
        ((,) <$>
         expr space <*>
           ((,) <$>
            (snd <$> token space (\case; TkFrom{} -> True; _ -> False) "from") <*>
            expr space))

    importSt = importName <|> importFrom
        moduleName =
          makeModuleName <$>
          identifier space <*>
            ((,) <$>
             (snd <$> token space (\case; TkDot{} -> True; _ -> False) ".") <*>
             identifier space)

        importAs ws getAnn p =
          (\a -> ImportAs (getAnn a) a) <$>
          p <*>
            ((,) <$>
             (NonEmpty.fromList . snd <$> token ws (\case; TkAs{} -> True; _ -> False) "as") <*>
             identifier ws)

        importName =
          (\(tk, s) -> Import (pyTokenAnn tk) $ NonEmpty.fromList s) <$>
          token space (\case; TkImport{} -> True; _ -> False) "import" <*>
          commaSep1 space (importAs space _moduleNameAnn moduleName)

        dots =
          fmap concat . some $
          pure . snd <$> dot space


          (\(_, ws) -> [MkDot [], MkDot [], MkDot ws]) <$>
          token space (\case; TkEllipsis{} -> True; _ -> False) "..."

        relativeModuleName =
          RelativeWithName [] <$> moduleName


          (\a -> maybe (Relative $ NonEmpty.fromList a) (RelativeWithName a)) <$>
          dots <*>
          optional moduleName

        importTargets =
          (\(tk, s) -> ImportAll (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
          star space


          (\(tk, s) -> ImportSomeParens (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
          token anySpace (\case; TkLeftParen{} -> True; _ -> False) "(" <*>
          commaSep1' anySpace (importAs anySpace _identAnn (identifier anySpace)) <*>
          (snd <$> rightParen space)


          (\a -> ImportSome (commaSep1Head a ^. importAsAnn) a) <$>
          commaSep1 space (importAs space _identAnn (identifier space))

        importFrom =
          (\(tk, s) -> From (pyTokenAnn tk) s) <$>
          token space (\case; TkFrom{} -> True; _ -> False) "from" <*>
          relativeModuleName <*>
          (snd <$> token space (\case; TkImport{} -> True; _ -> False) "import") <*>

sepBy1' :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m a -> m sep -> m (a, [(sep, a)], Maybe sep)
sepBy1' val sep = go
    go =
      (\a b ->
         case b of
           Nothing -> (a, [], Nothing)
           Just (sc, b') ->
             case b' of
               Nothing -> (a, [], Just sc)
               Just (a', ls, sc') -> (a, (sc, a') : ls, sc')) <$>
      val <*>
      optional ((,) <$> sep <*> optional go)

  :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m
  => m (SmallStatement SrcInfo)
smallStatement =
  (\(a, b, c) d -> MkSmallStatement a b c d) <$>
  sepBy1' simpleStatement (snd <$> semicolon space) <*>
  optional comment <*>
  optional eol

  :: (Alternative m, MonadParsec e PyTokens m)
  => m (Indents SrcInfo)
  -> Indents SrcInfo
  -> m (Statement SrcInfo)
statement pIndent indentBefore =
  -- It's important to parse compound statements first, because the 'async' keyword
  -- is actually an identifier and we'll have to backtrack
  CompoundStatement <$> compoundStatement pIndent indentBefore <|>
  SmallStatement indentBefore <$> smallStatement

blank :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m (Blank SrcInfo)
blank =
  withSrcInfo $
  (\b c a -> Blank a b c) <$>
  some space <*>
  optional comment


  (\b a -> Blank a [] b) <$> optional comment

suite :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m (Suite SrcInfo)
suite =
  (\(tk, s) ->
       (SuiteOne (pyTokenAnn tk) s)
       (\(a, b,c ) -> SuiteMany (pyTokenAnn tk) s a b c)) <$>
  colon space <*>
  (Left <$> smallStatement


   (fmap Right $
    (,,) <$>
    optional comment <*>
    eol <*>
    (Block <$>
     many ((,) <$> blank <*> eol) <*>
     (statement level =<< indent) <*>
     many (line level)) <*

    line i =
      Left <$> ((,) <$> blank <*> eol) <|>
      Right <$> (statement level =<< i)

commaSep :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m a -> m (CommaSep a)
commaSep ws pa =
  (\a -> maybe (CommaSepOne a) (uncurry $ CommaSepMany a)) <$>
  pa <*>
  optional ((,) <$> (snd <$> comma ws) <*> commaSep ws pa)


  pure CommaSepNone

commaSep1 :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m a -> m (CommaSep1 a)
commaSep1 ws val = go
    go =
      (\a -> maybe (CommaSepOne1 a) (uncurry $ CommaSepMany1 a)) <$>
      val <*>
      optional ((,) <$> (snd <$> comma ws) <*> go)

commaSep1' :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m a -> m (CommaSep1' a)
commaSep1' ws pa =
  (\(a, b, c) -> from a b c) <$> sepBy1' pa (snd <$> comma ws)
    from a [] b = CommaSepOne1' a b
    from a ((b, c) : bs) d = CommaSepMany1' a b $ from c bs d

  :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m
  => m (Param SrcInfo)
  -> m (Param SrcInfo)
  -> m (Param SrcInfo)
  -> m (CommaSep (Param SrcInfo))
someParams paramPositional paramStar paramDoubleStar =
  fmap (view _CommaSep) . optional $

  (\a b c ->
     case c of
       Just (d, e) ->
         case e of
           Nothing -> (a, b, Just d)
           Just f ->
             case f of
               Left (g, h, i) -> (a, b ++ (d, g) : maybe h (snoc h) i, Nothing)
               Right g -> (a, snoc b (d, g), Nothing)
       Nothing -> (a, b, Nothing)) <$>

  paramPositional <*>

  many commaPositional <*>

    ((,) <$>
     (snd <$> comma anySpace) <*>
       (Left <$>
        ((,,) <$> paramStar <*> many commaPositional <*> optional commaDoubleStar)


        Right <$> paramDoubleStar))


  (\a b -> (a, b, Nothing)) <$>
  paramStar <*>
  ((\a -> maybe a (a `snoc`)) <$>
   many commaPositional <*>
   optional commaDoubleStar)


  (\a -> (a, [], Nothing)) <$> paramDoubleStar

    commaPositional =
        ((,) <$>
         fmap snd (comma anySpace) <*
           (star anySpace <|>
            doubleStar anySpace <|>
            rightParen space)) <*>

    commaDoubleStar =
      (,) <$> (snd <$> comma anySpace) <*> paramDoubleStar

upPositional :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Param SrcInfo)
upPositional ws =
  (\a ->
      (PositionalParam (_identAnn a) a Nothing)
      (uncurry $ KeywordParam (_identAnn a) a Nothing)) <$>
  identifier ws <*>
    ((,) <$>
    (snd <$> token ws (\case; TkEq{} -> True; _ -> False) "=") <*>
    expr ws)

upStar :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Param SrcInfo)
upStar ws =
  (\(a, b) ->
      (UnnamedStarParam (pyTokenAnn a) b)
      (uncurry $ StarParam (pyTokenAnn a) b)) <$>
  star ws <*>
  optional ((\a -> (a, Nothing)) <$> identifier ws)

upDoubleStar :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m Whitespace -> m (Param SrcInfo)
upDoubleStar ws =
  (\(a, b) c -> DoubleStarParam (pyTokenAnn a) b c Nothing) <$>
  doubleStar ws <*>
  identifier ws

  :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m
  => m Whitespace
  -> m (CommaSep (Param SrcInfo))
untypedParams ws = someParams (upPositional ws) (upStar ws) (upDoubleStar ws)

tyAnn :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m (Colon, Expr SrcInfo)
tyAnn =
  (,) <$>
  (MkColon . snd <$> token anySpace (\case; TkColon{} -> True; _ -> False) ":") <*>
  expr anySpace

tpPositional :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m (Param SrcInfo)
tpPositional =
  (\a b ->
      (PositionalParam (_identAnn a) a b)
      (uncurry $ KeywordParam (_identAnn a) a b)) <$>
  identifier anySpace <*>
  optional tyAnn <*>
    ((,) <$>
    (snd <$> token anySpace (\case; TkEq{} -> True; _ -> False) "=") <*>
    expr anySpace)

tpStar :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m (Param SrcInfo)
tpStar =
  (\(a, b) ->
      (UnnamedStarParam (pyTokenAnn a) b)
      (uncurry $ StarParam (pyTokenAnn a) b)) <$>
  star anySpace <*>
  optional ((,) <$> identifier anySpace <*> optional tyAnn)

tpDoubleStar :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m (Param SrcInfo)
tpDoubleStar =
  (\(a, b) -> DoubleStarParam (pyTokenAnn a) b) <$>
  doubleStar anySpace <*>
  identifier anySpace <*>
  optional tyAnn

typedParams :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m (CommaSep (Param SrcInfo))
typedParams = someParams tpPositional tpStar tpDoubleStar

arg :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m (Arg SrcInfo)
arg =
      e <- exprComp anySpace
      case e of
        Ident ident -> do
          eqSpaces <-
            optional $ snd <$> token anySpace (\case; TkEq{} -> True; _ -> False) "="
          case eqSpaces of
            Nothing -> pure $ PositionalArg (e ^. exprAnn) e
            Just s -> KeywordArg (e ^. exprAnn) ident s <$> expr anySpace
        _ -> pure $ PositionalArg (e ^. exprAnn) e)


  (\a -> PositionalArg (a ^. exprAnn) a) <$> expr anySpace


  (\(a, b) -> StarArg (pyTokenAnn a) b) <$>
  star anySpace <*>
  expr anySpace


  (\(a, b) -> DoubleStarArg (pyTokenAnn a) b) <$>
  doubleStar anySpace <*>
  expr anySpace

decoratorValue :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m (Expr SrcInfo)
decoratorValue = do
  id1 <- identifier space
  ids <-
      ((,) <$>
       (snd <$> token space (\case; TkDot{} -> True; _ -> False) ".") <*>
       identifier space)
  args <-
    optional $
    (,,) <$>
    (snd <$> token anySpace (\case; TkLeftParen{} -> True; _ -> False) "(") <*>
    optional (commaSep1' anySpace arg) <*>
    (snd <$> rightParen space)
    derefs =
        (\b (ws, a) -> Deref (b ^. exprAnn) b ws a)
        (Ident id1)
  pure $
    case args of
      Nothing -> derefs
      Just (l, x, r) -> Call (derefs ^. exprAnn) derefs l x r

  :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m
  => Indents SrcInfo
  -> m (Decorator SrcInfo)
decorator indentBefore =
  (\(tk, spcs) a b -> Decorator (pyTokenAnn tk) indentBefore spcs a b) <$>
  at space <*>
  decoratorValue <*>
  optional comment <*>
  eol <*>
  many ((,) <$> blank <*> eol)

  :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m
  => m (Indents SrcInfo)
  -> Indents SrcInfo
  -> m [Decorator SrcInfo]
decorators pIndent indentBefore =
  (:) <$>
  decorator indentBefore <*>
  many (try i >>= decorator)
    i =
      pIndent <*
      lookAhead (token space (\case; TkAt{} -> True; _ -> False) "@")

  :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m
  => m (Indents SrcInfo)
  -> Indents SrcInfo
  -> m (CompoundStatement SrcInfo)
compoundStatement pIndent indentBefore =
  ifSt <|>
  whileSt <|>
  trySt <|>
  decorated <|>
  asyncSt <|>
  classSt indentBefore [] <|>
  fundef indentBefore Nothing [] <|>
  withSt Nothing <|>
  forSt Nothing
    decorated = do
      ds <- decorators pIndent indentBefore
      i <- pIndent
      (do; a <- doAsync; fundef i (Just a) ds) <|>
        fundef i Nothing ds <|>
        classSt i ds

    classSt ib decs =
      (\(tk, s) a b c ->
          (pyTokenAnn tk)
          (NonEmpty.fromList s) a b c) <$>
      token space (\case; TkClass{} -> True; _ -> False) "class" <*>
      identifier space <*>
        ((,,) <$>
         (snd <$> token anySpace (\case; TkLeftParen{} -> True; _ -> False) "(") <*>
         optional (commaSep1' anySpace arg) <*>
         (snd <$> rightParen space)) <*>

    ifSt =
      (\(tk, s) a b c d -> If (pyTokenAnn tk) indentBefore s a b c d) <$>
      token space (\case; TkIf{} -> True; _ -> False) "if" <*>
      expr space <*>
      suite <*>
           ((,,,) <$>
            pIndent <*>
            (snd <$> token space (\case; TkElif{} -> True; _ -> False) "elif")) <*>
         expr space <*>
         suite) <*>
           ((,,) <$>
            pIndent <*>
            (snd <$> token space (\case; TkElse{} -> True; _ -> False) "else")) <*>

    whileSt =
      (\(tk, s) a b -> While (pyTokenAnn tk) indentBefore s a b) <$>
      token space (\case; TkWhile{} -> True; _ -> False) "while" <*>
      expr space <*>
      suite <*>
           ((,,) <$>
            pIndent <*>
            (snd <$> token space (\case; TkElse{} -> True; _ -> False) "else")) <*>

    exceptAs =
      (\a -> ExceptAs (a ^. exprAnn) a) <$>
      expr space <*>
        ((,) <$>
         (snd <$> token space (\case; TkAs{} -> True; _ -> False) "as") <*>
         identifier space)

    trySt =
      (\(tk, s) a d ->
         case d of
           Left (e, f, g) -> TryFinally (pyTokenAnn tk) indentBefore s a e f g
           Right (e, f, g) -> TryExcept (pyTokenAnn tk) indentBefore s a e f g) <$>
      token space (\case; TkTry{} -> True; _ -> False) "try" <*>
      suite <*>
      (fmap Left
            ((,,) <$>
             pIndent <*>
             (snd <$> token space (\case; TkFinally{} -> True; _ -> False) "finally")) <*>


        fmap Right
          ((,,) <$>
                ((,,,) <$>
                 pIndent <*>
                 (snd <$> token space (\case; TkExcept{} -> True; _ -> False) "except")) <*>
              optional exceptAs <*>
              suite) <*>
                ((,,) <$>
                 pIndent <*>
                 (snd <$> token space (\case; TkElse{} -> True; _ -> False) "else")) <*>
              suite) <*>
                ((,,) <$>
                 pIndent <*>
                 (snd <$> token space (\case; TkFinally{} -> True; _ -> False) "finally")) <*>

    doAsync = token space (\case; TkIdent "async" _ -> True; _ -> False) "async"

    asyncSt = do
      a <-
        try $
        doAsync <*
          (token space (\case; TkDef{} -> True; _ -> False) "def" <|>
           token space (\case; TkWith{} -> True; _ -> False) "with" <|>
           token space (\case; TkFor{} -> True; _ -> False) "for")
      fundef indentBefore (Just a) [] <|>
        withSt (Just a) <|>
        forSt (Just a)

    fundef ib async decs =
      (\(tkDef, defSpaces) a b c d e f ->
         (maybe (pyTokenAnn tkDef) (pyTokenAnn . fst) async)
         (NonEmpty.fromList . snd <$> async)
         (NonEmpty.fromList defSpaces)
         a b c d e f) <$>
      token space (\case; TkDef{} -> True; _ -> False) "def" <*>
      identifier space <*>
      fmap snd (token anySpace (\case; TkLeftParen{} -> True; _ -> False) "(") <*>
      typedParams <*>
      fmap snd (rightParen space) <*>
        ((,) <$>
         (snd <$> token space (\case; TkRightArrow{} -> True; _ -> False) "->") <*>
         expr space) <*>

    withSt async =
      (\(tk, s) a b ->
            (maybe (pyTokenAnn tk) (pyTokenAnn . fst) async)
            (NonEmpty.fromList . snd <$> async)
            s a b) <$>
      token space (\case; TkWith{} -> True; _ -> False) "with" <*>
        ((\a -> WithItem (a ^. exprAnn) a) <$>
         expr space <*>
           ((,) <$>
            (snd <$> token space (\case; TkAs{} -> True; _ -> False) "as") <*>
            orExpr space)) <*>

    forSt async =
      (\(tk, s) a b c d e ->
          (maybe (pyTokenAnn tk) (pyTokenAnn . fst) async)
          (NonEmpty.fromList . snd <$> async)
          s a b c d e) <$>
      token space (\case; TkFor{} -> True; _ -> False) "for" <*>
      orExprList space <*>
      (snd <$> token space (\case; TkIn{} -> True; _ -> False) "in") <*>
      commaSep1' space (expr space) <*>
      suite <*>
           ((,,) <$>
            pIndent <*>
            (snd <$> token space (\case; TkElse{} -> True; _ -> False) "else")) <*>

module_ :: MonadParsec e PyTokens m => m (Module SrcInfo)
module_ =
  ModuleStatement <$> (statement tlIndent =<< tlIndent) <*> module_


  (\bl rest ->
     case rest of
       Left (nl, md) -> ModuleBlank bl nl md
       Right{} -> ModuleBlankFinal bl) <$>
  blank <*>
  (Left <$> ((,) <$> newline <*> module_) <|> Right <$> eof)


  ModuleEmpty <$ eof

    tlIndent = level <|> withSrcInfo (pure $ Indents [])