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hpio- Monads for GPIO in Haskell

Copyright(c) 2017 Quixoftic LLC
MaintainerDrew Hess <dhess-src@quixoftic.com>
Safe HaskellTrustworthy




A mock MonadSysfs instance, for testing GPIO programs.

Note that this monad only mocks the subset of sysfs functionality required for GPIO programs. It does not mock the entire sysfs filesystem.


SysfsMock types

data MockWorld Source #

The global state of a mock Linux GPIO subsystem with a sysfs interface. It consists of the mock sysfs GPIO filesystem state, along with the state of every mock pin.

An actual Linux sysfs GPIO filesystem is not like a general-purpose filesystem. The user cannot create files or directories directly; they can only be created (or modified) via prescribed operations on special conrol files, which are themselves created by the kernel.

Likewise, the kernel and hardware platform together determine which GPIO pins are exposed to the user via the sysfs GPIO filesystem.

To preserve the illusion of an actual sysfs GPIO filesystem, the MockWorld type is opaque and can only be manipulated via the handful of actions that are implemented in this module. These actions have been designed to keep the internal state of the mock sysfs GPIO filesystem consistent with the behavior that would be seen in an actual sysfs GPIO filesystem.

The high/low signal level on a real GPIO pin can, of course, be manipulated by the circuit to which the pin is conected. A future version of this implementation may permit the direct manipulation of mock pin values in order to simulate simple circuits, but currently the only way to manipulate pin state is via the mock sysfs GPIO filesystem.

data MockPinState Source #

A mock pin.




defaultMockPinState :: MockPinState Source #

Default initial state of mock pins.

>>> defaultMockPinState
MockPinState {_direction = Out, _userVisibleDirection = True, _activeLow = False, _value = Low, _edge = Just None}

logicalValue :: MockPinState -> PinValue Source #

Linux sysfs GPIO natively supports active-low logic levels. A pin's "active" level is controlled by the pin's active_low attribute. The pin's value relative to its active_low attribute is called its logical value. This function returns the mock pin's logical value.

>>> logicalValue defaultMockPinState
>>> logicalValue defaultMockPinState { _value = High }
>>> logicalValue defaultMockPinState { _activeLow = True }
>>> logicalValue defaultMockPinState { _activeLow = True, _value = High }

setLogicalValue :: PinValue -> MockPinState -> MockPinState Source #

This function sets the MockPinState signal level to the given logical value.

>>> _value $ setLogicalValue High defaultMockPinState
>>> _value $ setLogicalValue High defaultMockPinState { _activeLow = True }

data MockGpioChip Source #

A mock GPIO "chip." In the Linux sysfs GPIO filesystem, a GPIO chip is a set of one or more GPIO pins.

Note that the _initialPinStates list is used to construct the pin state for a MockWorld (see runSysfsMockT). For each MockPinState value in the list, a mock pin will be created in the mock filesystem such that, when that pin is exported, its path is /sys/class/gpio/gpioN, where N is _base + the pin's index in the _initialPinStates list.




type MockPins = Map Pin MockPinState Source #

A type alias for a strict map of Pin to its MockPinState.

mockWorldPins :: MockWorld -> MockPins Source #

Get the pin map from a MockWorld.

initialMockWorld :: MockWorld Source #

The initial MockWorld, representing a sysfs filesystem with no pins.

The SysfsMock monad

newtype SysfsMockT m a Source #

A monad transformer which adds mock sysfs computations to an inner monad m.




MonadTrans SysfsMockT Source # 


lift :: Monad m => m a -> SysfsMockT m a #

MonadTransControl SysfsMockT Source # 

Associated Types

type StT (SysfsMockT :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) a :: * #


liftWith :: Monad m => (Run SysfsMockT -> m a) -> SysfsMockT m a #

restoreT :: Monad m => m (StT SysfsMockT a) -> SysfsMockT m a #

MonadBaseControl b m => MonadBaseControl b (SysfsMockT m) Source # 

Associated Types

type StM (SysfsMockT m :: * -> *) a :: * #


liftBaseWith :: (RunInBase (SysfsMockT m) b -> b a) -> SysfsMockT m a #

restoreM :: StM (SysfsMockT m) a -> SysfsMockT m a #

MonadBase b m => MonadBase b (SysfsMockT m) Source # 


liftBase :: b α -> SysfsMockT m α #

MonadWriter w m => MonadWriter w (SysfsMockT m) Source # 


writer :: (a, w) -> SysfsMockT m a #

tell :: w -> SysfsMockT m () #

listen :: SysfsMockT m a -> SysfsMockT m (a, w) #

pass :: SysfsMockT m (a, w -> w) -> SysfsMockT m a #

Monad m => MonadState MockWorld (SysfsMockT m) Source # 
MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (SysfsMockT m) Source # 


ask :: SysfsMockT m r #

local :: (r -> r) -> SysfsMockT m a -> SysfsMockT m a #

reader :: (r -> a) -> SysfsMockT m a #

MonadError e m => MonadError e (SysfsMockT m) Source # 


throwError :: e -> SysfsMockT m a #

catchError :: SysfsMockT m a -> (e -> SysfsMockT m a) -> SysfsMockT m a #

Monad m => Monad (SysfsMockT m) Source # 


(>>=) :: SysfsMockT m a -> (a -> SysfsMockT m b) -> SysfsMockT m b #

(>>) :: SysfsMockT m a -> SysfsMockT m b -> SysfsMockT m b #

return :: a -> SysfsMockT m a #

fail :: String -> SysfsMockT m a #

Functor m => Functor (SysfsMockT m) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> SysfsMockT m a -> SysfsMockT m b #

(<$) :: a -> SysfsMockT m b -> SysfsMockT m a #

MonadFix m => MonadFix (SysfsMockT m) Source # 


mfix :: (a -> SysfsMockT m a) -> SysfsMockT m a #

Monad m => Applicative (SysfsMockT m) Source # 


pure :: a -> SysfsMockT m a #

(<*>) :: SysfsMockT m (a -> b) -> SysfsMockT m a -> SysfsMockT m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> SysfsMockT m a -> SysfsMockT m b -> SysfsMockT m c #

(*>) :: SysfsMockT m a -> SysfsMockT m b -> SysfsMockT m b #

(<*) :: SysfsMockT m a -> SysfsMockT m b -> SysfsMockT m a #

MonadPlus m => Alternative (SysfsMockT m) Source # 


empty :: SysfsMockT m a #

(<|>) :: SysfsMockT m a -> SysfsMockT m a -> SysfsMockT m a #

some :: SysfsMockT m a -> SysfsMockT m [a] #

many :: SysfsMockT m a -> SysfsMockT m [a] #

MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (SysfsMockT m) Source # 


mzero :: SysfsMockT m a #

mplus :: SysfsMockT m a -> SysfsMockT m a -> SysfsMockT m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (SysfsMockT m) Source # 


liftIO :: IO a -> SysfsMockT m a #

MonadThrow m => MonadThrow (SysfsMockT m) Source # 


throwM :: Exception e => e -> SysfsMockT m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (SysfsMockT m) Source # 


catch :: Exception e => SysfsMockT m a -> (e -> SysfsMockT m a) -> SysfsMockT m a #

MonadMask m => MonadMask (SysfsMockT m) Source # 


mask :: ((forall a. SysfsMockT m a -> SysfsMockT m a) -> SysfsMockT m b) -> SysfsMockT m b #

uninterruptibleMask :: ((forall a. SysfsMockT m a -> SysfsMockT m a) -> SysfsMockT m b) -> SysfsMockT m b #

MonadLogger m => MonadLogger (SysfsMockT m) Source # 


monadLoggerLog :: ToLogStr msg => Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> msg -> SysfsMockT m () #

MonadLoggerIO m => MonadLoggerIO (SysfsMockT m) Source # 


askLoggerIO :: SysfsMockT m (Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -> IO ()) #

MonadCont m => MonadCont (SysfsMockT m) Source # 


callCC :: ((a -> SysfsMockT m b) -> SysfsMockT m a) -> SysfsMockT m a #

MockM m => MonadSysfs (SysfsMockT m) Source # 
type StT SysfsMockT a Source # 
type StM (SysfsMockT m) a Source # 

runSysfsMockT :: MockM m => SysfsMockT m a -> MockWorld -> [MockGpioChip] -> m (a, MockWorld) Source #

Run a mock sysfs computation in monad m with an initial mock world and list of MockGpioChips; and return a tuple containing the computation's value and the final MockWorld. If an exception occurs in the mock computation, a MockFSException is thrown.

Before running the computation, the MockWorld is populated with the GPIO pins as specified by the list of MockGpioChips. If any of the chips' pin ranges overlap, a MockFSException is thrown.

Typically, you will only need this action if you're trying to mock Linux sysfs GPIO computations using a custom monad transformer stack. For simple cases, see runSysfsGpioMock or runSysfsGpioMockIO.

evalSysfsMockT :: MockM m => SysfsMockT m a -> MockWorld -> [MockGpioChip] -> m a Source #

Like runSysfsMockT, but returns only the computation's value.

execSysfsMockT :: MockM m => SysfsMockT m a -> MockWorld -> [MockGpioChip] -> m MockWorld Source #

Like runSysfsMockT, but returns only the final MockWorld.

Run mock GPIO computations

type SysfsGpioMock = SysfsGpioT SysfsMock Source #

A specialization of SysfsGpioT which runs (pure, fake) GPIO computations via a mock sysfs.

runSysfsGpioMock :: SysfsGpioMock a -> MockWorld -> [MockGpioChip] -> Either SomeException (a, MockWorld) Source #

Run a SysfsGpioMock computation with an initial mock world and list of MockGpioChips, and return a tuple containing the computation's value and the final MockWorld. Any exceptions that occur in the mock computation are returned as a Left value.

Before running the computation, the MockWorld is populated with the GPIO pins as specified by the list of MockGpioChips. If any of the chips' pin ranges overlap, a MockFSException is returned in a Left value.

>>> import System.GPIO.Monad
>>> let mockChip = MockGpioChip "chip0" 0 (replicate 16 defaultMockPinState)
>>> fst <$> runSysfsGpioMock pins initialMockWorld [mockChip]
Right [Pin 0,Pin 1,Pin 2,Pin 3,Pin 4,Pin 5,Pin 6,Pin 7,Pin 8,Pin 9,Pin 10,Pin 11,Pin 12,Pin 13,Pin 14,Pin 15]
>>> fst <$> runSysfsGpioMock (openPin (Pin 32)) initialMockWorld [mockChip]
Left InvalidPin (Pin 32)

evalSysfsGpioMock :: SysfsGpioMock a -> MockWorld -> [MockGpioChip] -> Either SomeException a Source #

Like runSysfsGpioMock, but returns only the computation's value.

type SysfsGpioMockIO = SysfsGpioT SysfsMockIO Source #

Like SysfsGpioMock, but wraps IO so that you can mix IO actions and GPIO actions in a mock GPIO environment.

runSysfsGpioMockIO :: SysfsGpioMockIO a -> MockWorld -> [MockGpioChip] -> IO (a, MockWorld) Source #

Run a SysfsGpioMockIO computation with an initial mock world and list of MockGpioChips, and return a tuple containing the computation's value and the final MockWorld.

Before running the computation, the MockWorld is populated with the GPIO pins as specified by the list of MockGpioChips. If any of the chips' pin ranges overlap, a MockFSException is thrown.

>>> import System.GPIO.Monad
>>> let mockChip = MockGpioChip "chip0" 0 (replicate 16 defaultMockPinState)
>>> fst <$> runSysfsGpioMockIO pins initialMockWorld [mockChip]
[Pin 0,Pin 1,Pin 2,Pin 3,Pin 4,Pin 5,Pin 6,Pin 7,Pin 8,Pin 9,Pin 10,Pin 11,Pin 12,Pin 13,Pin 14,Pin 15]
>>> fst <$> runSysfsGpioMockIO (openPin (Pin 32)) initialMockWorld [mockChip]
*** Exception: InvalidPin (Pin 32)

evalSysfsGpioMockIO :: SysfsGpioMockIO a -> MockWorld -> [MockGpioChip] -> IO a Source #

Like runSysfsGpioMockIO, but returns only the computation's value.

Mock sysfs exceptions.

data MockFSException Source #

Exceptions that can be thrown by mock sysfs filesystem operations.

Note that, as much as is reasonably possible, when an error occurs, the mock filesystem implementation throws the same exception as would occur in an actual sysfs filesystem (i.e., IOErrors). However, in a few cases, there are exceptions that are specific to the mock sysfs implementation; in these cases, a MockFSException is thrown.


GpioChipOverlap Pin

The user has defined defined at least two MockGpioChips with the same pin number, which is an invalid condition

InternalError Text

An internal error has occurred in the mock sysfs interpreter, something which should "never happen" and should be reported to the package maintainer.

Run mock sysfs computations.

Generally speaking, you should not need to use these types, as they're not very useful on their own. They are primarily exported for unit testing.

If you want to run mock GPIO computations, use SysfsMockT for buildling transformer stacks, or either SysfsGpioMock or SysfsGpioMockIO for simple computations that are pure or mix with IO, respectively.

type SysfsMock = SysfsMockT Catch Source #

The simplest possible (pure) mock sysfs monad.

NB: this monad cannot run GPIO computations; its only use is to mock sysfs operations on an extremely limited mock sysfs simulator.

You probably do not want to use this monad; see either SysfsGpioMock or SysfsGpioMockIO, which adds GPIO computations to this mock sysfs environment.

runSysfsMock :: SysfsMock a -> MockWorld -> [MockGpioChip] -> Either SomeException (a, MockWorld) Source #

A pure version of runSysfsMockT which returns errors in a Left, and both the computation's value and the final state of the MockWorld in a Right.

>>> let mockChip = MockGpioChip "chip0" 0 (replicate 16 defaultMockPinState)
>>> fst <$> runSysfsMock (getDirectoryContents "/sys/class/gpio") initialMockWorld [mockChip]
Right ["gpiochip0","export","unexport"]
>>> runSysfsMock (getDirectoryContents "/sys/class/does_not_exist") initialMockWorld [mockChip]
Left /sys/class/does_not_exist: Mock.Internal.cd: does not exist

evalSysfsMock :: SysfsMock a -> MockWorld -> [MockGpioChip] -> Either SomeException a Source #

Like runSysfsMock, but returns only the computation's value.

type SysfsMockIO = SysfsMockT IO Source #

The simplest possible (IO-enabled) mock sysfs monad. Like SysfsMock, but allows you to mix IO operations into your sysfs computations, as well.

NB: this monad cannot run GPIO computations; its only use is to mock sysfs operations on an extremely limited mock sysfs simulator.

You probably do not want to use this monad; see either SysfsGpioMock or SysfsGpioMockIO, which adds GPIO computations to this mock sysfs environment.

runSysfsMockIO :: SysfsMockIO a -> MockWorld -> [MockGpioChip] -> IO (a, MockWorld) Source #

An IO version of runSysfsMockT. Errors are expressed as exceptions.

>>> let mockChip = MockGpioChip "chip0" 0 (replicate 16 defaultMockPinState)
>>> fst <$> runSysfsMockIO (getDirectoryContents "/sys/class/gpio") initialMockWorld [mockChip]
>>> runSysfsMockIO (getDirectoryContents "/sys/class/does_not_exist") initialMockWorld [mockChip]
*** Exception: /sys/class/does_not_exist: Mock.Internal.cd: does not exist

evalSysfsMockIO :: SysfsMockIO a -> MockWorld -> [MockGpioChip] -> IO a Source #

Like runSysfsMockIO, but returns only the computation's value.

Mock sysfs actions

Generally speaking, you should not need these actions. They are primarily exported for unit testing.

doesDirectoryExist :: MockM m => FilePath -> SysfsMockT m Bool Source #

Check whether the specified directory exists in the mock filesystem.

doesFileExist :: MockM m => FilePath -> SysfsMockT m Bool Source #

Check whether the specified file exists in the mock filesystem.

getDirectoryContents :: MockM m => FilePath -> SysfsMockT m [FilePath] Source #

Get a directory listing for the specified directory in the mock filesystem.

readFile :: MockM m => FilePath -> SysfsMockT m ByteString Source #

Read the contents of the specified file in the mock filesystem.

writeFile :: MockM m => FilePath -> ByteString -> SysfsMockT m () Source #

Write the contents of the specified file in the mock filesystem.

unlockedWriteFile :: MockM m => FilePath -> ByteString -> SysfsMockT m () Source #

For the mock filesystem, this action is equivalent to writeFile.

pollFile :: MockM m => FilePath -> Int -> SysfsMockT m CInt Source #

Polling is not implemented for the mock filesystem, so this action always returns the value 1.