module Trace.Hpc.Codecov.Report
, CoverageEntry(..)
, LineHits
, Hit(..)
, genReport
, genCoverageEntries
, emitCoverageJSON
) where
import Control.Exception (ErrorCall, handle, throwIO)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import Data.List (foldl', intersperse)
import System.IO (IOMode (..), hPutStrLn, stderr, stdout,
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Array.Base (unsafeAt)
import Data.Array.IArray (bounds, listArray, range, (!))
import Data.Array.MArray (newArray, readArray, writeArray)
import Data.Array.ST (STUArray, runSTUArray)
import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder, char7, hPutBuilder, intDec,
string7, stringUtf8)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))
import Trace.Hpc.Mix (BoxLabel (..), Mix (..), MixEntry, readMix)
import Trace.Hpc.Tix (Tix (..), TixModule (..), readTix)
import Trace.Hpc.Util (HpcPos, fromHpcPos)
import Trace.Hpc.Codecov.Error
data Report = Report
{ reportTix :: FilePath
, reportMixDirs :: [FilePath]
, reportSrcDirs :: [FilePath]
, reportExcludes :: [String]
, reportOutFile :: Maybe FilePath
, reportVerbose :: Bool
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data CoverageEntry =
CoverageEntry { ce_filename :: FilePath
, ce_hits :: LineHits
} deriving (Eq, Show)
type LineHits = [(Int, Hit)]
data Hit
= Missed
| Partial
| Full
deriving (Eq, Show)
genReport :: Report -> IO ()
genReport rpt =
do entries <- genCoverageEntries rpt
let mb_out = reportOutFile rpt
oname = maybe "stdout" show mb_out
say rpt ("Writing JSON report to " ++ oname)
emitCoverageJSON mb_out entries
say rpt "Done"
genCoverageEntries :: Report -> IO [CoverageEntry]
genCoverageEntries rpt =
readTixFile rpt (reportTix rpt) >>= tixToCoverage rpt
emitCoverageJSON ::
Maybe FilePath
-> [CoverageEntry]
-> IO ()
emitCoverageJSON mb_outfile entries = wrap emit
wrap = maybe ($ stdout) (`withFile` WriteMode) mb_outfile
emit = flip hPutBuilder (buildJSON entries)
buildJSON :: [CoverageEntry] -> Builder
buildJSON entries = contents
contents =
braced (key (string7 "coverage") <>
braced (listify (map report entries))) <>
char7 '\n'
report ce =
key (stringUtf8 (ce_filename ce)) <>
braced (listify (map hit (ce_hits ce)))
key x = dquote x <> char7 ':'
dquote x = char7 '"' <> x <> char7 '"'
braced x = char7 '{' <> x <> char7 '}'
listify xs = mconcat (intersperse comma xs)
comma = char7 ','
hit (n, tag) =
case tag of
Missed -> k <> char7 '0'
Partial -> k <> dquote (char7 '1' <> char7 '/' <> char7 '2')
Full -> k <> char7 '1'
k = key (intDec n)
tixToCoverage :: Report -> Tix -> IO [CoverageEntry]
tixToCoverage rpt (Tix tms) = mapM (tixModuleToCoverage rpt)
(excludeModules rpt tms)
tixModuleToCoverage :: Report -> TixModule -> IO CoverageEntry
tixModuleToCoverage rpt tm@(TixModule name _hash _count _ixs) =
do say rpt ("Search mix: " ++ name)
Mix path _ _ _ entries <- readMixFile (reportMixDirs rpt) tm
say rpt ("Found mix: "++ path)
let Info _ min_line max_line hits = makeInfo tm entries
lineHits = makeLineHits min_line max_line hits
path' <- ensureSrcPath rpt path
return (CoverageEntry { ce_filename = path'
, ce_hits = lineHits })
excludeModules :: Report -> [TixModule] -> [TixModule]
excludeModules rpt = filter exclude
exclude (TixModule pkg_slash_name _ _ _) =
let modname = case break (== '/') pkg_slash_name of
(_, '/':name) -> name
(name, _) -> name
in notElem modname (reportExcludes rpt)
readTixFile :: Report -> FilePath -> IO Tix
readTixFile rpt path =
do mb_tix <- readTix path
case mb_tix of
Nothing -> throwIO (TixNotFound path)
Just tix -> say rpt ("Found tix file: " ++ path) >> return tix
readMixFile :: [FilePath] -> TixModule -> IO Mix
readMixFile dirs tm@(TixModule name _h _c _i) =
handle handler (readMix dirs (Right tm))
handler :: ErrorCall -> IO a
handler _ = throwIO (MixNotFound name dirs')
dirs' = map (</> (name <.> "mix")) dirs
ensureSrcPath :: Report -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
ensureSrcPath rpt path = go [] (reportSrcDirs rpt)
go acc [] = throwIO (SrcNotFound path acc)
go acc (dir:dirs) =
do let path' = dir </> path
exist <- doesFileExist path'
if exist
then do say rpt ("Found source: " ++ path')
return path'
else go (path':acc) dirs
say :: Report -> String -> IO ()
say rpt msg = when (reportVerbose rpt) (hPutStrLn stderr msg)
type Tick = Int
data Info =
Info {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
{-# UNPACK #-} !Int
{-# UNPACK #-} !Int
![(HpcPos, Tick)]
makeLineHits :: Int -> Int -> [(HpcPos, Tick)] -> LineHits
makeLineHits min_line max_line hits = ticksToHits (runSTUArray work)
work =
do arr <- newArray (min_line, max_line) ignored
mapM_ (updateHit arr) hits
return arr
updateHit arr (pos, hit) =
let (ls, _, _, _) = fromHpcPos pos
in updateOne arr hit ls
updateOne :: STUArray s Int Int -> Tick -> Int -> ST s ()
updateOne arr hit i =
do prev <- readArray arr i
writeArray arr i (mergeEntry prev hit)
mergeEntry prev hit
| isIgnored prev = hit
| isMissed prev, isMissed hit = missed
| isFull prev, isFull hit = full
| otherwise = partial
ticksToHits :: UArray Int Tick -> LineHits
ticksToHits arr = foldr f [] (range (bounds arr))
f i acc =
case arr ! i of
tck | isIgnored tck -> acc
| isMissed tck -> (i, Missed) : acc
| isFull tck -> (i, Full) : acc
| otherwise -> (i, Partial) : acc
ignored, missed, partial, full :: Tick
ignored = -1
missed = 0
partial = 1
full = 2
isIgnored :: Int -> Bool
isIgnored = (== ignored)
isMissed :: Int -> Bool
isMissed = (== missed)
isFull :: Int -> Bool
isFull = (== full)
notTicked, tickedOnlyTrue, tickedOnlyFalse, ticked :: Tick
notTicked = missed
tickedOnlyTrue = partial
tickedOnlyFalse = partial
ticked = full
makeInfo :: TixModule -> [MixEntry] -> Info
makeInfo tm = foldl' f z
z = Info 0 maxBound 0 []
f (Info i min_line max_line acc) (pos, boxLabel) =
let binBox = case (isTicked i, isTicked (i+1)) of
(False, False) -> acc
(True, False) -> (pos, tickedOnlyTrue) : acc
(False, True) -> (pos, tickedOnlyFalse) : acc
(True, True) -> acc
tickBox = if isTicked i
then (pos, ticked) : acc
else (pos, notTicked) : acc
acc' = case boxLabel of
ExpBox {} -> tickBox
TopLevelBox {} -> tickBox
LocalBox {} -> tickBox
BinBox _ True -> binBox
_ -> acc
(ls, _, le, _) = fromHpcPos pos
in Info (i+1) (min ls min_line) (max le max_line) acc'
isTicked n = unsafeAt arr_tix n /= 0
arr_tix :: UArray Int Int
arr_tix = listArray (0, size - 1) (map fromIntegral tixs)
TixModule _name _hash size tixs = tm