hosc-0.18: Haskell Open Sound Control

Safe HaskellNone





class Monad m => MonadIO (m :: Type -> Type) where #

Monads in which IO computations may be embedded. Any monad built by applying a sequence of monad transformers to the IO monad will be an instance of this class.

Instances should satisfy the following laws, which state that liftIO is a transformer of monads:


liftIO :: IO a -> m a #

Lift a computation from the IO monad.

MonadIO IO

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.IO.Class


liftIO :: IO a -> IO a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (ReaderT r m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Reader


liftIO :: IO a -> ReaderT r m a #

type UT = Double Source #

Unix/Posix time in real-valued (fractional) form. The Unix/Posix epoch is January 1, 1970.

type Time = Double Source #

NTP time in real-valued (fractional) form (ie. ntpr). This is the primary form of timestamp used by hosc.

type NTP64 = Word64 Source #

Type for binary (integeral) representation of a 64-bit NTP timestamp (ie. ntpi). The NTP epoch is January 1, 1900. NTPv4 also includes a 128-bit format, which is not used by OSC.

immediately :: Time Source #

Constant indicating a bundle to be executed immediately. It has the NTP64 representation of 1.

ntpr_to_ntpi :: Time -> NTP64 Source #

Convert a real-valued NTP timestamp to an NTPi timestamp.

ntpr_to_ntpi immediately == 1
fmap ntpr_to_ntpi time

ntpi_to_ntpr :: NTP64 -> Time Source #

Convert an NTPi timestamp to a real-valued NTP timestamp.

ntp_ut_epoch_diff :: Num n => n Source #

Difference (in seconds) between NTP and UT epochs.

ntp_ut_epoch_diff / (24 * 60 * 60) == 25567
25567 `div` 365 == 70

ut_to_ntpi :: UT -> NTP64 Source #

Convert a UT timestamp to an NTPi timestamp.

ut_to_ntpr :: Num n => n -> n Source #

Convert Unix/Posix to NTP.

ntpr_to_ut :: Num n => n -> n Source #

Convert NTP to Unix/Posix.

ntpi_to_ut :: NTP64 -> UT Source #

Convert NTPi to Unix/Posix.

ut_epoch :: UTCTime Source #

The time at 1970-01-01:00:00:00.

utc_to_ut :: Fractional n => UTCTime -> n Source #

Convert UTCTime to Unix/Posix.

time :: MonadIO m => m Time Source #

Read current real-valued NTP timestamp.

get_ct = fmap utc_to_ut T.getCurrentTime
get_pt = fmap realToFrac T.getPOSIXTime
(ct,pt) <- get_ct >>= \t0 -> get_pt >>= \t1 -> return (t0,t1)
print (pt - ct,pt - ct < 1e-5)

pauseThreadLimit :: Fractional n => n Source #

The pauseThread limit (in seconds). Values larger than this require a different thread delay mechanism, see sleepThread. The value is the number of microseconds in maxBound::Int.

pauseThread :: (MonadIO m, RealFrac n) => n -> m () Source #

Pause current thread for the indicated duration (in seconds), see pauseThreadLimit.

wait :: MonadIO m => Double -> m () Source #

Type restricted pauseThread.

pauseThreadUntil :: MonadIO m => Time -> m () Source #

Pause current thread until the given Time, see pauseThreadLimit.

sleepThread :: (RealFrac n, MonadIO m) => n -> m () Source #

Sleep current thread for the indicated duration (in seconds). Divides long sleeps into parts smaller than pauseThreadLimit.

sleepThreadUntil :: MonadIO m => Time -> m () Source #

Sleep current thread until the given Time. Divides long sleeps into parts smaller than pauseThreadLimit.

iso_8601_fmt :: String Source #

Detailed 37-character ISO 8601 format, including fractional seconds and '+0000' suffix.

iso_8601_to_utctime :: String -> Maybe UTCTime Source #

Parse time according to iso_8601_fmt

iso_8601_to_utctime "2015-11-26T00:29:37,145875000000+0000"

utctime_to_iso_8601 :: UTCTime -> String Source #

UTC time in iso_8601_fmt.

tm <- fmap (utctime_to_iso_8601 . T.posixSecondsToUTCTime) T.getPOSIXTime
(length tm,sum [4+1+2+1+2,1,2+1+2+1+2,1,12,1,4],sum [10,1,8,1,12,1,4]) == (37,37,37)

ntpr_to_iso_8601 :: Time -> String Source #

ISO 8601 of Time.

tm <- fmap ntpr_to_iso_8601 time
import System.Process {- process -}
rawSystem "date" ["-d",tm]
t = 15708783354150518784
s = "2015-11-26T00:22:19,366058349609+0000"
ntpr_to_iso_8601 (ntpi_to_ntpr t) == s

iso_8601_to_ntpr :: String -> Maybe Time Source #

Time of ISO 8601.

t = 15708783354150518784
s = "2015-11-26T00:22:19,366058349609+0000"
fmap ntpr_to_ntpi (iso_8601_to_ntpr s) == Just t

time_pp :: Time -> String Source #

Alias for ntpr_to_iso_8601.

time_pp immediately == "1900-01-01T00:00:00,000000000000+0000"
fmap time_pp time

type FP_Precision = Maybe Int Source #

Perhaps a precision value for floating point numbers.

data Datum Source #

The basic elements of OSC messages.


















Eq Datum Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Datum


(==) :: Datum -> Datum -> Bool #

(/=) :: Datum -> Datum -> Bool #

Read Datum Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Datum

Show Datum Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Datum


showsPrec :: Int -> Datum -> ShowS #

show :: Datum -> String #

showList :: [Datum] -> ShowS #

data MIDI Source #

Four-byte midi message: port-id, status-byte, data, data.


MIDI !Word8 !Word8 !Word8 !Word8 
Eq MIDI Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Datum


(==) :: MIDI -> MIDI -> Bool #

(/=) :: MIDI -> MIDI -> Bool #

Read MIDI Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Datum

Show MIDI Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Datum


showsPrec :: Int -> MIDI -> ShowS #

show :: MIDI -> String #

showList :: [MIDI] -> ShowS #

type BLOB = ByteString Source #

Type for Word8 arrays, these are stored with an Datum length prefix.

type ASCII = ByteString Source #

Type for ASCII strings (strict Lexeme8 ByteString).

type Datum_Type = Char Source #

Type enumerating Datum categories.

ascii :: String -> ASCII Source #

Type-specialised pack.

ascii_to_string :: ASCII -> String Source #

Type-specialised unpack.

blob_pack :: [Word8] -> BLOB Source #

Type-specialised pack.

blob_unpack :: BLOB -> [Word8] Source #

Type-specialised unpack.

osc_types_required :: [(Datum_Type, String)] Source #

List of required data types (tag,name).

osc_types_optional :: [(Datum_Type, String)] Source #

List of optional data types (tag,name).

osc_types :: [(Datum_Type, String)] Source #

List of all data types (tag,name).

osc_type_name :: Datum_Type -> Maybe String Source #

Lookup name of type.

osc_type_name_err :: Datum_Type -> String Source #

Erroring variant.

datum_tag :: Datum -> Datum_Type Source #

Single character identifier of an OSC datum.

datum_type_name :: Datum -> (Datum_Type, String) Source #

Type and name of Datum.

datum_integral :: Integral i => Datum -> Maybe i Source #

Datum as Integral if Int32 or Int64.

let d = [Int32 5,Int64 5,Float 5.5,Double 5.5]
map datum_integral d == [Just (5::Int),Just 5,Nothing,Nothing]

datum_floating :: Floating n => Datum -> Maybe n Source #

Datum as Floating if Int32, Int64, Float, Double or TimeStamp.

let d = [Int32 5,Int64 5,Float 5,Double 5,TimeStamp 5]
mapMaybe datum_floating d == replicate 5 (5::Double)

int32 :: Integral n => n -> Datum Source #

Type generalised Int32.

int32 (1::Int32) == int32 (1::Integer)
d_int32 (int32 (maxBound::Int32)) == maxBound
int32 (((2::Int) ^ (64::Int))::Int) == Int32 0

int64 :: Integral n => n -> Datum Source #

Type generalised Int64.

int64 (1::Int32) == int64 (1::Integer)
d_int64 (int64 (maxBound::Int64)) == maxBound

float :: Real n => n -> Datum Source #

Type generalised Float.

float (1::Int) == float (1::Double)
floatRange (undefined::Float) == (-125,128)
isInfinite (d_float (float (encodeFloat 1 256 :: Double))) == True

double :: Real n => n -> Datum Source #

Type generalised Double.

double (1::Int) == double (1::Double)
double (encodeFloat 1 256 :: Double) == Double 1.157920892373162e77

string :: String -> Datum Source #

ASCII_String of pack.

string "string" == ASCII_String (Char8.pack "string")

midi :: (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8) -> Datum Source #

Four-tuple variant of Midi . MIDI.

midi (0,0,0,0) == Midi (MIDI 0 0 0 0)

descriptor :: [Datum] -> ASCII Source #

Message argument types are given by a descriptor.

descriptor [Int32 1,Float 1,string "1"] == ascii ",ifs"

descriptor_tags :: ASCII -> ASCII Source #

Descriptor tags are comma prefixed.

floatPP :: RealFloat n => Maybe Int -> n -> String Source #

Variant of showFFloat that deletes trailing zeros.

map (floatPP (Just 4)) [1,pi] == ["1.0","3.1416"]

timePP :: FP_Precision -> Time -> String Source #

Pretty printer for Time.

timePP (Just 4) (1/3) == "0.3333"

vecPP :: Show a => [a] -> String Source #

Pretty printer for vectors.

vecPP [1::Int,2,3] == "<1,2,3>"

blobPP :: BLOB -> String Source #

Pretty printer for blobs, two-digit zero-padded hexadecimal.

datumPP :: FP_Precision -> Datum -> String Source #

Pretty printer for Datum.

let d = [Int32 1,Float 1.2,string "str",midi (0,0x90,0x40,0x60)]
map (datumPP (Just 5)) d ==  ["1","1.2","\"str\"","<0,144,64,96>"]

datum_pp_typed :: FP_Precision -> Datum -> String Source #

Variant of datumPP that appends the datum_type_name.

parse_datum :: Datum_Type -> String -> Maybe Datum Source #

Given Datum_Type attempt to parse Datum at String.

parse_datum 'i' "42" == Just (Int32 42)
parse_datum 'h' "42" == Just (Int64 42)
parse_datum 'f' "3.14159" == Just (Float 3.14159)
parse_datum 'd' "3.14159" == Just (Double 3.14159)
parse_datum 's' "\"pi\"" == Just (string "pi")
parse_datum 'b' "[112,105]" == Just (Blob (blob_pack [112,105]))
parse_datum 'm' "(0,144,60,90)" == Just (midi (0,144,60,90))

data Packet Source #

An OSC Packet is either a Message or a Bundle.

Eq Packet Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Packet


(==) :: Packet -> Packet -> Bool #

(/=) :: Packet -> Packet -> Bool #

Read Packet Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Packet

Show Packet Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Packet

data Bundle Source #

An OSC bundle, a Time and a sequence of Messages.


Eq Bundle Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Packet


(==) :: Bundle -> Bundle -> Bool #

(/=) :: Bundle -> Bundle -> Bool #

Ord Bundle Source #

OSC Bundles can be ordered (time ascending).

Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Packet

Read Bundle Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Packet

Show Bundle Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Packet

data Message Source #

An OSC message, an Address_Pattern and a sequence of Datum.


Eq Message Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Packet


(==) :: Message -> Message -> Bool #

(/=) :: Message -> Message -> Bool #

Read Message Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Packet

Show Message Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Packet

type Address_Pattern = String Source #

OSC address pattern. This is strictly an ASCII value, however it is very common to pattern match on addresses and matching on ByteString requires OverloadedStrings.

message :: Address_Pattern -> [Datum] -> Message Source #

Message constructor. It is an error if the Address_Pattern doesn't conform to the OSC specification.

bundle :: Time -> [Message] -> Bundle Source #

Bundle constructor. It is an error if the Message list is empty.

packetTime :: Packet -> Time Source #

The Time of Packet, if the Packet is a Message this is immediately.

packetMessages :: Packet -> [Message] Source #

Retrieve the set of Messages from a Packet.

packet_to_bundle :: Packet -> Bundle Source #

If Packet is a Message add immediately timestamp, else id.

packet_to_message :: Packet -> Maybe Message Source #

If Packet is a Message or a Bundle with an immediate time tag and with one element, return the Message, else Nothing.

packet_is_immediate :: Packet -> Bool Source #

Is Packet immediate, ie. a Bundle with timestamp immediately, or a plain Message.

at_packet :: (Message -> a) -> (Bundle -> a) -> Packet -> a Source #

Variant of either for Packet.

bundle_has_address :: Address_Pattern -> Bundle -> Bool Source #

Do any of the Messages at Bundle have the specified Address_Pattern.

messagePP :: FP_Precision -> Message -> String Source #

Pretty printer for Message.

bundlePP :: FP_Precision -> Bundle -> String Source #

Pretty printer for Bundle.

packetPP :: FP_Precision -> Packet -> String Source #

Pretty printer for Packet.

build_packet :: Packet -> Builder Source #

Builder for an OSC Packet.

encodeMessage :: Message -> ByteString Source #

Encode an OSC Message, ie. encodePacket of Packet_Message.

let m = [47,103,95,102,114,101,101,0,44,105,0,0,0,0,0,0]
encodeMessage (Message "/g_free" [Int32 0]) == L.pack m

encodeBundle :: Bundle -> ByteString Source #

Encode an OSC Bundle, ie. encodePacket of Packet_Bundle.

let m = [47,103,95,102,114,101,101,0,44,105,0,0,0,0,0,0]
let b = [35,98,117,110,100,108,101,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,16] ++ m
encodeBundle (Bundle immediately [Message "/g_free" [Int32 0]]) == L.pack b

decodeMessage :: ByteString -> Message Source #

Decode an OSC Message from a lazy ByteString.

let b = B.pack [47,103,95,102,114,101,101,0,44,105,0,0,0,0,0,0]
decodeMessage b == Message "/g_free" [Int32 0]

decodeBundle :: ByteString -> Bundle Source #

Decode an OSC Bundle from a lazy ByteString.

decodePacket :: ByteString -> Packet Source #

Decode an OSC packet from a lazy ByteString.

let b = B.pack [47,103,95,102,114,101,101,0,44,105,0,0,0,0,0,0]
decodePacket b == Packet_Message (Message "/g_free" [Int32 0])

decodePacket_strict :: ByteString -> Packet Source #

Decode an OSC packet from a strict ByteString.

timeout_r :: Double -> IO a -> IO (Maybe a) Source #

Variant of timeout where time is given in fractional seconds.

untilPredicate :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a Source #

Repeat action until predicate f is True when applied to result.

untilMaybe :: Monad m => (a -> Maybe b) -> m a -> m b Source #

Repeat action until f does not give Nothing when applied to result.

type Connection t a = ReaderT t IO a Source #

Transport connection.

class (DuplexOSC m, MonadIO m) => Transport m Source #

Transport is DuplexOSC with a MonadIO constraint.

(Transport t, MonadIO io) => Transport (ReaderT t io) Source #

Transport over ReaderT.

Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Transport.Monad

class (SendOSC m, RecvOSC m) => DuplexOSC m Source #

DuplexOSC is the union of SendOSC and RecvOSC.

(Transport t, MonadIO io) => DuplexOSC (ReaderT t io) Source #

DuplexOSC over ReaderT.

Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Transport.Monad

class Monad m => RecvOSC m where Source #

Receiver monad.


recvPacket :: m Packet Source #

Receive and decode an OSC packet.

(Transport t, MonadIO io) => RecvOSC (ReaderT t io) Source #

RecvOSC over ReaderT.

Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Transport.Monad

class Monad m => SendOSC m where Source #

Sender monad.


sendPacket :: Packet -> m () Source #

Encode and send an OSC packet.

(Transport t, MonadIO io) => SendOSC (ReaderT t io) Source #

SendOSC over ReaderT.

Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Transport.Monad


sendPacket :: Packet -> ReaderT t io () Source #

withTransport :: Transport t => IO t -> Connection t r -> IO r Source #

Bracket Open Sound Control communication.

sendMessage :: SendOSC m => Message -> m () Source #

Type restricted synonym for sendOSC.

sendBundle :: SendOSC m => Bundle -> m () Source #

Type restricted synonym for sendOSC.

recvBundle :: RecvOSC m => m Bundle Source #

Variant of recvPacket that runs packet_to_bundle.

recvMessage :: RecvOSC m => m (Maybe Message) Source #

Variant of recvPacket that runs packet_to_message.

recvMessage_err :: RecvOSC m => m Message Source #

Erroring variant.

recvMessages :: RecvOSC m => m [Message] Source #

Variant of recvPacket that runs packetMessages.

waitUntil :: RecvOSC m => (Packet -> Bool) -> m Packet Source #

Wait for a Packet where the supplied predicate is True, discarding intervening packets.

waitFor :: RecvOSC m => (Packet -> Maybe a) -> m a Source #

Wait for a Packet where the supplied function does not give Nothing, discarding intervening packets.

waitImmediate :: RecvOSC m => m Packet Source #

waitUntil packet_is_immediate.

waitMessage :: RecvOSC m => m Message Source #

waitFor packet_to_message, ie. an incoming Message or immediate mode Bundle with one element.

waitAddress :: RecvOSC m => Address_Pattern -> m Packet Source #

A waitFor for variant using packet_has_address to match on the Address_Pattern of incoming Packets.

waitReply :: RecvOSC m => Address_Pattern -> m Message Source #

Variant on waitAddress that returns matching Message.

waitDatum :: RecvOSC m => Address_Pattern -> m [Datum] Source #

Variant of waitReply that runs messageDatum.

data UDP Source #

The UDP transport handle data type.




Transport UDP Source #

UDP is an instance of Transport.

Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Transport.FD.UDP

udpPort :: Integral n => UDP -> IO n Source #

Return the port number associated with the UDP socket.

upd_send_packet :: UDP -> Packet -> IO () Source #

Send packet over UDP.

udp_recv_packet :: UDP -> IO Packet Source #

Receive packet over UDP.

udp_close :: UDP -> IO () Source #

Close UDP.

with_udp :: IO UDP -> (UDP -> IO t) -> IO t Source #

Bracket UDP communication.

udp_socket :: (Socket -> SockAddr -> IO ()) -> String -> Int -> IO UDP Source #

Create and initialise UDP socket.

set_udp_opt :: SocketOption -> Int -> UDP -> IO () Source #

Set option, ie. Broadcast or RecvTimeOut.

get_udp_opt :: SocketOption -> UDP -> IO Int Source #

Get option.

openUDP :: String -> Int -> IO UDP Source #

Make a UDP connection.

udpServer :: String -> Int -> IO UDP Source #

Trivial UDP server socket.

import Control.Concurrent 
let u0 = udpServer "" 57300
t0 <- forkIO (FD.withTransport u0 (\fd -> forever (FD.recvMessage fd >>= print)))
let u1 = openUDP "" 57300
FD.withTransport u1 (\fd -> FD.sendMessage fd (Packet.message "/n" []))

udp_server :: Int -> IO UDP Source #

Variant of udpServer that doesn't require the host address.

sendTo :: UDP -> Packet -> SockAddr -> IO () Source #

Send variant to send to specified address.

recvFrom :: UDP -> IO (Packet, SockAddr) Source #

Recv variant to collect message source address.

data TCP Source #

The TCP transport handle data type.




Transport TCP Source #

TCP is an instance of Transport.

Instance details

Defined in Sound.OSC.Transport.FD.TCP

tcp_send_packet :: TCP -> Packet -> IO () Source #

Send packet over TCP.

tcp_recv_packet :: TCP -> IO Packet Source #

Receive packet over TCP.

tcp_close :: TCP -> IO () Source #

Close TCP.

with_tcp :: IO TCP -> (TCP -> IO t) -> IO t Source #

Bracket UDP communication.

tcp_socket :: (Socket -> SockAddr -> IO ()) -> Maybe String -> Int -> IO Socket Source #

Create and initialise TCP socket.

tcp_handle :: (Socket -> SockAddr -> IO ()) -> String -> Int -> IO TCP Source #

Create and initialise TCP.

openTCP :: String -> Int -> IO TCP Source #

Make a TCP connection.

import Sound.OSC.Datum 
import Sound.OSC.Time 
let t = openTCP "" 57110
let m1 = Packet.message "/dumpOSC" [Int32 1]
let m2 = Packet.message "/g_new" [Int32 1]
FD.withTransport t (\fd -> let f = FD.sendMessage fd in f m1 >> pauseThread 0.25 >> f m2)

tcp_server_f :: Socket -> (TCP -> IO ()) -> IO () Source #

accept connection at s and run f.

repeatM_ :: Monad m => m a -> m () Source #

tcp_server :: Int -> (TCP -> IO ()) -> IO () Source #

A trivial TCP OSC server.