hosc-0.16: Haskell Open Sound Control

Safe HaskellSafe




OSC related timing functions. OSC timestamps are NTP values, http://ntp.org/.


Temporal types

type NTPi = Word64 Source #

Type for integer (binary) representation of NTP time.

type Time = Double Source #

NTP time in real-valued (fractional) form (ie. ntpr).

immediately :: Time Source #

Constant indicating a bundle to be executed immediately.

type UT = Double Source #

Unix/Posix epoch time in real-valued (fractional) form.

Time conversion

ntpr_to_ntpi :: RealFrac n => n -> NTPi Source #

Convert a real-valued NTP timestamp to an NTPi timestamp.

fmap ntpr_to_ntpi time

ntpi_to_ntpr :: Fractional n => NTPi -> n Source #

Convert an NTPi timestamp to a real-valued NTP timestamp.

ntp_ut_epoch_diff :: Num n => n Source #

Difference (in seconds) between NTP and UT epochs.

ntp_ut_epoch_diff / (24 * 60 * 60) == 25567

ut_to_ntpi :: UT -> NTPi Source #

Convert a UT timestamp to an NTPi timestamp.

ut_to_ntpr :: Num n => n -> n Source #

Convert Unix/Posix to NTP.

ntpr_to_ut :: Num n => n -> n Source #

Convert NTP to Unix/Posix.

ntpi_to_ut :: NTPi -> UT Source #

Convert NTPi to Unix/Posix.

Time inter-operation.

ut_epoch :: UTCTime Source #

The time at 1970-01-01:00:00:00.

utc_to_ut :: Fractional n => UTCTime -> n Source #

Convert UTCTime to Unix/Posix.

Clock operations

time :: MonadIO m => m Time Source #

Read current real-valued NTP timestamp.

do {ct <- fmap utc_to_ut T.getCurrentTime
   ;pt <- fmap realToFrac T.getPOSIXTime
   ;print (pt - ct,pt - ct < 1e-5)}

Thread operations.

pauseThreadLimit :: Fractional n => n Source #

The pauseThread limit (in seconds). Values larger than this require a different thread delay mechanism, see sleepThread. The value is the number of microseconds in maxBound::Int.

pauseThread :: (MonadIO m, RealFrac n) => n -> m () Source #

Pause current thread for the indicated duration (in seconds), see pauseThreadLimit.

wait :: MonadIO m => Double -> m () Source #

Type restricted pauseThread.

pauseThreadUntil :: MonadIO m => Time -> m () Source #

Pause current thread until the given Time, see pauseThreadLimit.

sleepThread :: (RealFrac n, MonadIO m) => n -> m () Source #

Sleep current thread for the indicated duration (in seconds). Divides long sleeps into parts smaller than pauseThreadLimit.

sleepThreadUntil :: MonadIO m => Time -> m () Source #

Sleep current thread until the given Time. Divides long sleeps into parts smaller than pauseThreadLimit.

Pretty printing

iso_8601_fmt :: String Source #

Detailed 37-character ISO 8601 format, including fractional seconds and '+0000' suffix.

iso_8601_to_utctime :: String -> Maybe UTCTime Source #

Parse time according to iso_8601_fmt

iso_8601_to_utctime "2015-11-26T00:29:37,145875000000+0000"

utctime_to_iso_8601 :: UTCTime -> String Source #

UTC time in iso_8601_fmt.

tm <- fmap (utctime_to_iso_8601 . T.posixSecondsToUTCTime) T.getPOSIXTime
(length tm,sum [4+1+2+1+2,1,2+1+2+1+2,1,12,1,4],sum [10,1,8,1,12,1,4])

ntpr_to_iso_8601 :: Time -> String Source #

ISO 8601 of Time.

tm <- fmap ntpr_to_iso_8601 time
import System.Process {- process -}
rawSystem "date" ["-d",tm]
ntpr_to_iso_8601 (ntpi_to_ntpr 15708783354150518784)

iso_8601_to_ntpr :: String -> Maybe Time Source #

Time of ISO 8601.

fmap ntpr_to_ntpi (iso_8601_to_ntpr "2015-11-26T00:22:19,366058349609+0000")

time_pp :: Time -> String Source #

Alias for ntpr_to_iso_8601.

fmap time_pp time