Hetero List
This module contains a datatype Field and sone type classes. It is used to construct record-like datatypes.
data Field c a = Field {
getField :: (c -> a)
setField :: ((a -> a) -> c -> c)
(<>) :: Field a b -> Field c a -> Field c b
fstField :: Field (a, b) a
sndField :: Field (a, b) b
data UpdateField c
= forall a . (:=) (Field c a) a
| forall a . (:$) (Field c a) (a -> a)
| If (CheckField c) [UpdateField c] [UpdateField c]
data CheckField c
= forall a . (:?) (Field c a) (a -> Bool)
| And [CheckField c]
| Or [CheckField c]
updateField :: UpdateField c -> c -> c
checkField :: CheckField c -> c -> Bool
applyField :: [UpdateField c] -> c -> c
withField :: [UpdateField a] -> (a -> b) -> a -> b
data Group c a = Group {
isGroup :: (c -> Maybe a)
mkGroup :: (a -> c)
leftGroup :: Group (Either a b) a
rightGroup :: Group (Either a b) b
(><) :: Group a b -> Group c a -> Group c b
data LM a b m = (:>>) (m a) (b m)
data NilM m = NilM
class PushFields m where
pushFields :: m (Field c) -> m (Field (x, c))
class ToFields a r where
toFields :: a -> r (Field a)
class PushGroups m where
pushGroups :: m (Group c) -> m (Group (Either x c))
class ToGroups a r where
toGroups :: a -> r (Group a)


To create a "record" with the accessors/modificators first you have to define the type of the record, It must be a right-associative list of pairs, just like a LISP list. The rightmost element must be () . The following Example defines a record with information for music generation.

 type DefaultNote = (Int, (Double, (Char, ())))     

Then a default value should be defined.

 defaultNote = (0, (1.0, ('a' , ())))
 defaultNote :: DefaultNote 

For each "datafield" the Field must be declared.

 pitch :: Field DefaultNote Int 
 volume :: Field DefaultNote Double 
 channel :: Field DefaultNote Char 

Creating the fields is done with toField applied to a value of the "record" type.

 pitch :>> volume :>> channel :>> NilM = toFields defaultNote 

Is is recommended to declare all types and match all results of toFields incl. the NilM at the end.


 pitch :>> volume :>> channel :>> NilM = toFields (undefined :: DefaultNote)

should work too.

data Field c a
A Field record field is an interface to access a type field which is part of a type record . A Field is used to access and modify subtypes ("datafields") of a record-like datastructure. In this module, a right-associative pair structure is taken as record-type with "datafields" in the fst parts of the pairs.
getField :: (c -> a)
setField :: ((a -> a) -> c -> c)
(<>) :: Field a b -> Field c a -> Field c b
fstField :: Field (a, b) a
sndField :: Field (a, b) b
data UpdateField c
forall a . (:=) (Field c a) a
forall a . (:$) (Field c a) (a -> a)
If (CheckField c) [UpdateField c] [UpdateField c]
data CheckField c
forall a . (:?) (Field c a) (a -> Bool)
And [CheckField c]
Or [CheckField c]
updateField :: UpdateField c -> c -> c
checkField :: CheckField c -> c -> Bool
applyField :: [UpdateField c] -> c -> c
withField :: [UpdateField a] -> (a -> b) -> a -> b
data Group c a
isGroup :: (c -> Maybe a)
mkGroup :: (a -> c)
leftGroup :: Group (Either a b) a
rightGroup :: Group (Either a b) b
(><) :: Group a b -> Group c a -> Group c b
Hetero List
data LM a b m
(:>>) (m a) (b m)
(PushFields b) => PushFields (LM a b)
(PushFields b', ToFields b b') => ToFields (a, b) (LM a b')
(PushGroups b) => PushGroups (LM a b)
(ToGroups b b', PushGroups b') => ToGroups (Either a b) (LM a b')
data NilM m
The correct type is: data NilM (m :: * -> *) = NilM . (But Haddock rejects this definition. GHC will need it)
PushFields NilM
ToFields () NilM
PushGroups NilM
ToGroups () NilM
class PushFields m where
pushFields :: m (Field c) -> m (Field (x, c))
PushFields NilM
(PushFields b) => PushFields (LM a b)
class ToFields a r where
toFields :: a -> r (Field a)
ToFields () NilM
(PushFields b', ToFields b b') => ToFields (a, b) (LM a b')
class PushGroups m where
pushGroups :: m (Group c) -> m (Group (Either x c))
PushGroups NilM
(PushGroups b) => PushGroups (LM a b)
class ToGroups a r where
toGroups :: a -> r (Group a)
ToGroups () NilM
(ToGroups b b', PushGroups b') => ToGroups (Either a b) (LM a b')
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