{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} -- | 'HoistError' extends 'MonadError' with 'hoistError', which enables lifting -- of partiality types such as 'Maybe' and @'Either' e@ into the monad. -- -- For example, consider the following @App@ monad that may throw @BadPacket@ -- errors: -- -- @ -- data AppError = BadPacket 'String' -- -- newtype App a = App ('EitherT' AppError 'IO') a -- deriving ('Functor', 'Applicative', 'Monad', 'MonadError' AppError, 'MonadIO') -- @ -- -- We may have an existing function that parses a 'String' into a @'Maybe' Packet@ -- -- @ -- parsePacket :: 'String' -> 'Maybe' Packet -- @ -- -- which can be lifted into the @App@ monad with 'hoistError' -- -- @ -- appParsePacket :: 'String' -> 'App' Packet -- appParsePacket s = 'hoistError' (\\() -> BadPacket "no parse") (parsePacket s) -- @ -- -- Similar instances exist for @'Either' e@ and @'EitherT' e m@. module Control.Monad.Error.Hoist ( HoistError(..) , (<%?>) , (<%!?>) , (<?>) , (<!?>) ) where import Control.Monad ((<=<)) import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError (..)) import Data.Either (Either, either) #if MIN_VERSION_mtl(2,2,2) import Control.Monad.Except (Except, ExceptT, runExcept, runExceptT) #else import Control.Monad.Error (Error, ErrorT, runErrorT) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_either(5,0,0) -- Control.Monad.Trans.Either was removed from @either@ in version 5. #else import Control.Monad.Trans.Either (EitherT, eitherT, runEitherT) #endif -- | A tricky class for easily hoisting errors out of partiality types (e.g. -- 'Maybe', @'Either' e@) into a monad. The parameter @e@ represents the error -- information carried by the partiality type @t@, and @e'@ represents the type -- of error expected in the monad @m@. -- class Monad m ⇒ HoistError m t e e' | t → e where -- | Given a conversion from the error in @t α@ to @e'@, we can hoist the -- computation into @m@. -- -- @ -- hoistError :: 'MonadError' e m -> (() -> e) -> 'Maybe' a -> m a -- hoistError :: 'MonadError' e m -> (a -> e) -> 'Either' a b -> m b -- hoistError :: 'MonadError' e m -> (a -> e) -> 'ExceptT' a m b -> m b -- @ hoistError ∷ (e → e') → t α → m α instance MonadError e m ⇒ HoistError m Maybe () e where hoistError f = maybe (throwError $ f ()) return instance MonadError e' m ⇒ HoistError m (Either e) e e' where hoistError f = either (throwError . f) return #if MIN_VERSION_either(5,0,0) -- Control.Monad.Trans.Either was removed from @either@ in version 5. #else instance (m ~ n, MonadError e' m) ⇒ HoistError m (EitherT e n) e e' where hoistError f = eitherT (throwError . f) return #endif #if MIN_VERSION_mtl(2,2,2) instance MonadError e' m ⇒ HoistError m (Except e) e e' where hoistError f = either (throwError . f) return . runExcept instance MonadError e' m ⇒ HoistError m (ExceptT e m) e e' where hoistError f = either (throwError . f) return <=< runExceptT #else -- 'ErrorT' was renamed to 'ExceptT' in mtl 2.2.2 instance MonadError e' m ⇒ HoistError m (ErrorT e m) e e' where hoistError f = either (throwError . f) return <=< runErrorT #endif -- | A flipped synonym for 'hoistError'. -- -- @ -- '<%?>' :: 'MonadError' e m => 'Maybe' a -> (() -> e) -> m a -- '<%?>' :: 'MonadError' e m => 'Either' a b -> (a -> e) -> m b -- '<%?>' :: 'MonadError' e m => 'ExceptT' a m b -> (a -> e) -> 'ExceptT' a m b -- @ (<%?>) ∷ HoistError m t e e' ⇒ t α → (e → e') → m α (<%?>) = flip hoistError infixl 8 <%?> {-# INLINE (<%?>) #-} -- | A version of '<%?>' that operates on values already in the monad. -- -- @ -- '<%!?>' :: 'MonadError' e m => m ('Maybe' a) -> (() -> e) -> m a -- '<%!?>' :: 'MonadError' e m => m ('Either' a b) -> (a -> e) -> m b -- '<%!?>' :: 'MonadError' e m => 'ExceptT' a m b -> (a -> e) -> 'ExceptT' a m b -- @ (<%!?>) ∷ HoistError m t e e' ⇒ m (t α) → (e → e') → m α m <%!?> e = do x ← m x <%?> e infixl 8 <%!?> {-# INLINE (<%!?>) #-} -- | A version of 'hoistError' that ignores the error in @t α@ and replaces it -- with a new one in @e'@. -- -- @ -- '<?>' :: 'MonadError' e m => 'Maybe' a -> e -> m a -- '<?>' :: 'MonadError' e m => 'Either' a b -> e -> m b -- '<?>' :: 'MonadError' e m => 'ExceptT' a m b -> e -> 'ExceptT' a m b -- @ (<?>) ∷ HoistError m t e e' ⇒ t α → e' → m α m <?> e = m <%?> const e infixl 8 <?> {-# INLINE (<?>) #-} -- | A version of '<?>' that operates on values already in the monad. -- -- @ -- '<!?>' :: 'MonadError' e m => m ('Maybe' a) -> e -> m a -- '<!?>' :: 'MonadError' e m => m ('Either' a b) -> e -> m b -- '<!?>' :: 'MonadError' e m => 'ExceptT' a m b -> e -> 'ExceptT' a m b -- @ (<!?>) ∷ HoistError m t e e' ⇒ m (t α) → e' → m α m <!?> e = do x ← m x <?> e infixl 8 <!?> {-# INLINE (<!?>) #-}