{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Data.Binding.Hobbits.NameMap (
NameMap(), NameAndElem(..)
, empty, singleton, fromList
, insert, delete, adjust, update, alter
, lookup, (!), member, null, size
, union, difference, (\\), intersection
, map, foldr, foldl
, assocs
, liftNameMap
) where
import Prelude hiding (lookup, null, map, foldr, foldl)
import qualified Prelude as Prelude (map)
import Data.IntMap.Strict (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Data.Binding.Hobbits.Internal.Name
import Data.Binding.Hobbits.Mb
import Data.Binding.Hobbits.NuMatching
import Data.Binding.Hobbits.NuMatchingInstances
import Data.Binding.Hobbits.QQ
data NMElem (f :: k -> *) where
NMElem :: f a -> NMElem f
coerceNMElem :: NMElem f -> f a
coerceNMElem (NMElem x) = unsafeCoerce x
newtype NameMap (f :: k -> *) =
NameMap { unNameMap :: IntMap (NMElem f) }
mapNMap1 :: (IntMap (NMElem f) -> IntMap (NMElem f)) -> NameMap f -> NameMap f
mapNMap1 f (NameMap m) = NameMap $ f m
mapNMap2 :: (IntMap (NMElem f) -> IntMap (NMElem f) -> IntMap (NMElem f)) ->
NameMap f -> NameMap f -> NameMap f
mapNMap2 f (NameMap m1) (NameMap m2) = NameMap $ f m1 m2
empty :: NameMap f
empty = NameMap IntMap.empty
singleton :: Name a -> f a -> NameMap f
singleton (MkName i) x = NameMap $ IntMap.singleton i $ NMElem x
data NameAndElem f where
NameAndElem :: Name a -> f a -> NameAndElem f
fromList :: [NameAndElem f] -> NameMap f
fromList =
NameMap . IntMap.fromList .
Prelude.map (\ne ->
case ne of
NameAndElem (MkName i) f -> (i, NMElem f))
insert :: Name a -> f a -> NameMap f -> NameMap f
insert (MkName i) f = mapNMap1 $ IntMap.insert i (NMElem f)
delete :: Name a -> NameMap f -> NameMap f
delete (MkName i) = mapNMap1 $ IntMap.delete i
adjust :: (f a -> f a) -> Name a -> NameMap f -> NameMap f
adjust f (MkName i) = mapNMap1 $ IntMap.adjust (NMElem . f . coerceNMElem) i
update :: (f a -> Maybe (f a)) -> Name a -> NameMap f -> NameMap f
update f (MkName i) = mapNMap1 $ IntMap.update (fmap NMElem . f . coerceNMElem) i
alter :: (Maybe (f a) -> Maybe (f a)) -> Name a -> NameMap f -> NameMap f
alter f (MkName i) =
mapNMap1 $ IntMap.alter (fmap NMElem . f . fmap coerceNMElem) i
lookup :: Name a -> NameMap f -> Maybe (f a)
lookup (MkName i) (NameMap m) = fmap coerceNMElem $ IntMap.lookup i m
(!) :: NameMap f -> Name a -> f a
(NameMap m) ! (MkName i) = coerceNMElem $ m IntMap.! i
member :: Name a -> NameMap f -> Bool
member (MkName i) (NameMap m) = IntMap.member i m
null :: NameMap f -> Bool
null (NameMap m) = IntMap.null m
size :: NameMap f -> Int
size (NameMap m) = IntMap.size m
union :: NameMap f -> NameMap f -> NameMap f
union = mapNMap2 IntMap.union
difference :: NameMap f -> NameMap f -> NameMap f
difference = mapNMap2 IntMap.difference
(\\) :: NameMap f -> NameMap f -> NameMap f
(\\) = difference
intersection :: NameMap f -> NameMap f -> NameMap f
intersection = mapNMap2 IntMap.intersection
map :: (forall a. f a -> g a) -> NameMap f -> NameMap g
map f (NameMap m) =
NameMap $ IntMap.map (\e -> case e of
NMElem x -> NMElem $ f x) m
foldr :: (forall a. f a -> b -> b) -> b -> NameMap f -> b
foldr f b (NameMap m) =
IntMap.foldr (\e -> case e of
NMElem x -> f x) b m
foldl :: (forall b. a -> f b -> a) -> a -> NameMap f -> a
foldl f a (NameMap m) =
IntMap.foldl (\a e -> case e of
NMElem x -> f a x) a m
assocs :: NameMap f -> [NameAndElem f]
assocs (NameMap m) =
Prelude.map (\(i, e) -> case e of
NMElem f -> NameAndElem (MkName i) f) $
IntMap.assocs m
$(mkNuMatching [t| forall f. NuMatchingAny1 f => NameAndElem f |])
liftNameMap :: forall ctx f a. NuMatchingAny1 f =>
(forall a. Mb ctx (f a) -> Maybe (f a)) ->
Mb ctx (NameMap f) -> NameMap f
liftNameMap lifter = helper . fmap assocs where
helper :: Mb ctx [NameAndElem f] -> NameMap f
helper [nuP| [] |] = empty
helper [nuP| (NameAndElem mb_n mb_f):mb_elems |]
| Right n <- mbNameBoundP mb_n
, Just f <- lifter mb_f
= insert n f (helper mb_elems)
helper [nuP| _:mb_elems |] = helper mb_elems