{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeOperators, FlexibleInstances, TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, QuasiQuotes, DataKinds, PolyKinds #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Data.Binding.Hobbits.Mb
-- Copyright   : (c) 2014 Edwin Westbrook
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : emw4@rice.edu
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- This module defines the type-class Liftable for lifting
-- non-binding-related data out of name-bindings. Note that this code
-- is not "trusted", i.e., it is not part of the name-binding
-- abstraction: instead, it is all written using the primitives
-- exported by the Mb

module Data.Binding.Hobbits.Liftable where

import Data.Type.RList
import Data.Binding.Hobbits.Mb
import Data.Binding.Hobbits.Internal.Mb
import Data.Binding.Hobbits.QQ
import Data.Binding.Hobbits.Closed
import Data.Binding.Hobbits.NuMatching
import Data.Binding.Hobbits.NuMatchingInstances

import Data.Ratio
import Data.Proxy
import Numeric.Natural
import Data.Type.Equality

  The class @Liftable a@ gives a \"lifting function\" for a, which can
  take any data of type @a@ out of a multi-binding of type @'Mb' ctx a@.
class NuMatching a => Liftable a where
    mbLift :: Mb ctx a -> a

-- * Lifting instances that must be defined inside the library abstraction boundary

instance Liftable Char where
    mbLift (ensureFreshPair -> (_, c)) = c

instance Liftable Int where
    mbLift (ensureFreshPair -> (_, i)) = i

instance Liftable Integer where
    mbLift (ensureFreshPair -> (_, i)) = i

instance Liftable (Closed a) where
    mbLift (ensureFreshPair -> (_, c)) = c

instance Liftable Natural where
    mbLift (ensureFreshPair -> (_, i)) = i

-- * Lifting instances and related functions that could be defined outside the library

-- README: this requires overlapping instances, because it clashes
-- with Liftable2, but this instance is better because it does not
-- require c nor a to be liftable
instance Liftable (Member c a) where
    mbLift [nuP| Member_Base |] = Member_Base
    mbLift [nuP| Member_Step m |] = Member_Step (mbLift m)

-- | Lift a list (but not its elements) out of a multi-binding
mbList :: NuMatching a => Mb c [a] -> [Mb c a]
mbList [nuP| [] |] = []
mbList [nuP| x : xs |] = x : mbList xs

instance (Integral a, NuMatching a) => NuMatching (Ratio a) where
  nuMatchingProof =
    isoMbTypeRepr (\r -> (numerator r, denominator r)) (\(n,d) -> n%d)
instance (Integral a, Liftable a) => Liftable (Ratio a) where
  mbLift mb_r =
    (\(n,d) -> n%d) $ mbLift $ fmap (\r -> (numerator r, denominator r)) mb_r

instance Liftable a => Liftable [a] where
    mbLift [nuP| [] |] = []
    mbLift [nuP| x : xs |] = (mbLift x) : (mbLift xs)

instance Liftable () where
    mbLift [nuP| () |] = ()

instance (Liftable a, Liftable b) => Liftable (a,b) where
    mbLift [nuP| (x,y) |] = (mbLift x, mbLift y)

instance Liftable Bool where
  mbLift [nuP| True |] = True
  mbLift [nuP| False |] = False

instance Liftable a => Liftable (Maybe a) where
  mbLift [nuP| Nothing |] = Nothing
  mbLift [nuP| Just mb_a |] = Just $ mbLift mb_a

instance (Liftable a, Liftable b) => Liftable (Either a b) where
  mbLift [nuP| Left mb_a |] = Left $ mbLift mb_a
  mbLift [nuP| Right mb_b |] = Right $ mbLift mb_b

instance Liftable (a :~: b) where
  mbLift [nuP| Refl |] = Refl

instance Liftable (Proxy (a :: k)) where
  mbLift [nuP| Proxy |] = Proxy

-- Ideally this would be in the Mb module, but that ends up producing a circular
-- include due to needing `mbLift`
instance Eq a => Eq (Mb ctx a) where
  mb1 == mb2 =
    mbLift $ nuMultiWithElim (\_ (_ :>: a1 :>: a2) ->
                               a1 == a2) (MNil :>: mb1 :>: mb2)

-- README: these lead to overlapping instances...


  The class @Liftable1 f@ gives a lifting function for each type @f a@
  when @a@ itself is @Liftable@.
class Liftable1 f where
    mbLift1 :: Liftable a => Mb ctx (f a) -> f a

instance (Liftable1 f, Liftable a) => Liftable (f a) where
    mbLift = mbLift1

instance Liftable1 [] where
    mbLift1 [nuP| [] |] = []
    mbLift1 [nuP| x : xs |] = (mbLift x) : (mbLift1 xs)

  The class @Liftable2 f@ gives a lifting function for each type @f a b@
  when @a@ and @b@ are @Liftable@.
class Liftable2 f where
    mbLift2 :: (Liftable a, Liftable b) => Mb ctx (f a b) -> f a b

instance Liftable2 (,) where
    mbLift2 [nuP| (x,y) |] = (mbLift x, mbLift y)

instance (Liftable2 f, Liftable a) => Liftable1 (f a) where
    mbLift1 = mbLift2
