hnix-store-nar- NAR file format
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Encoding and Decoding NAR archives

buildNarIO :: NarEffects IO -> FilePath -> Handle -> IO () Source #

Pack the filesystem object at FilePath into a NAR and stream it into the IO.Handle The handle should aleady be open and in WriteMode.

unpackNarIO :: NarEffects IO -> Handle -> FilePath -> IO (Either String ()) Source #

Read NAR formatted bytes from the IO.Handle and unpack them into file system object(s) at the supplied FilePath


parseNar :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => NarParser m () Source #

Parse a NAR byte string, producing (). Parsing a NAR is mostly used for its side-effect: producing the file system objects packed in the NAR. That's why we pure ()

testParser :: m ~ IO => NarParser m a -> ByteString -> m (Either String a) Source #

Filesystem capabilities used by NAR encoder/decoder

narEffectsIO :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => NarEffects m Source #

A particular NarEffects that uses regular POSIX for file manipulation You would replace this with your own NarEffects if you wanted a different backend

data NarOptions Source #

Options for configuring how NAR files are encoded and decoded.




  • optUseCaseHack :: Bool

    Whether to enable a case hack to support case-insensitive filesystems. Equivalent to the 'use-case-hack' option in the Nix client.

    The case hack rewrites file names to avoid collisions on case-insensitive file systems, e.g. APFS and HFS+ on macOS. Enabled by default on macOS (Darwin).


streamNarIO :: forall m. MonadIO m => NarEffects IO -> FilePath -> NarSource m Source #

This implementation of Nar encoding takes an arbitrary yield function from any streaming library, and repeatedly calls it while traversing the filesystem object to Nar encode

runParser Source #


:: forall m a. (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) 
=> NarEffects m

Provide the effects set, usually narEffectsIO

-> NarParser m a

A parser to run, such as parseNar

-> Handle

A handle the stream containg the NAR. It should already be open and in ReadMode

-> FilePath

The root file system object to be created by the NAR

-> m (Either String a) 

Run a NarParser over a byte stream This is suitable for testing the top-level NAR parser, or any of the smaller utilities parsers, if you have bytes appropriate for them

runParserWithOptions Source #


:: forall m a. (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) 
=> NarOptions 
-> NarEffects m

Provide the effects set, usually narEffectsIO

-> NarParser m a

A parser to run, such as parseNar

-> Handle

A handle the stream containg the NAR. It should already be open and in ReadMode

-> FilePath

The root file system object to be created by the NAR

-> m (Either String a) 

dumpString Source #


:: forall m. MonadIO m 
=> ByteString

the string you want to dump

-> NarSource m

The nar result in CPS style

dumpString dump a string to nar in CPS style. The function takes in a ByteString, and build a `NarSource m`.

dumpPath Source #


:: forall m. MonadIO m 
=> FilePath

path for the file you want to dump to nar

-> NarSource m

the nar result in CPS style

dumpPath shorthand build a Source that turn file path to nar using the default narEffectsIO.


type NarSource m = (ByteString -> m ()) -> m () Source #

NarSource The source to provide nar to the handler `(ByteString -> m ())`. It is isomorphic to ByteString by Yoneda lemma if the result is meant to be m (). It is done in CPS style so IO can be chunks.