{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

-- | This module provides a "reducing" expression evaluator, which reduces
--   away pure, non self-referential aspects of an expression tree, yielding a
--   new expression tree. It does not yet attempt to reduce everything
--   possible, and will always yield a tree with the same meaning as the
--   original. It should be seen as an opportunistic simplifier, but which
--   gives up easily if faced with any potential for ambiguity in the result.

module Nix.Reduce (reduceExpr, reducingEvalExpr) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Arrow (second)
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Catch
import           Control.Monad.Fix
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Control.Monad.Reader
import           Control.Monad.State.Strict
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT(..))
import           Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT(..))
import           Data.Fix
-- import           Data.Foldable
import           Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
-- import           Data.HashSet (HashSet)
-- import qualified Data.HashSet as S
import           Data.IORef
import           Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import           Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe, catMaybes)
import           Data.Text (Text)
import           Nix.Atoms
import           Nix.Exec
import           Nix.Expr
import           Nix.Frames
import           Nix.Options (Options, reduceSets, reduceLists)
import           Nix.Parser
import           Nix.Scope
import           Nix.Utils
import           System.Directory
import           System.FilePath

newtype Reducer m a = Reducer
    { runReducer :: ReaderT (Maybe FilePath, Scopes (Reducer m) NExprLoc)
                           (StateT (HashMap FilePath NExprLoc) m) a }
    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadPlus,
              MonadFix, MonadIO,
              MonadReader (Maybe FilePath, Scopes (Reducer m) NExprLoc),
              MonadState (HashMap FilePath NExprLoc))

    :: forall e m.
      (MonadIO m, Scoped e NExprLoc m,
       MonadReader (Maybe FilePath, Scopes m NExprLoc) m,
       MonadState (HashMap FilePath NExprLoc) m)
    => SrcSpan -> FilePath -> m NExprLoc
staticImport pann path = do
    imports <- get
    case M.lookup path imports of
        Just expr -> pure expr
        Nothing -> go
    go = do
        mfile <- asks fst
        path  <- liftIO $ pathToDefaultNixFile path
        path' <- liftIO $ pathToDefaultNixFile =<< canonicalizePath
            (maybe path (\p -> takeDirectory p </> path) mfile)

        liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Importing file " ++ path'

        eres <- liftIO $ parseNixFileLoc path'
        case eres of
            Failure err  -> error $ "Parse failed: " ++ show err
            Success x -> do
                let pos  = SourcePos "Reduce.hs" (mkPos 1) (mkPos 1)
                    span = SrcSpan pos pos
                    cur  = NamedVar (StaticKey "__cur_file" :| [])
                        (Fix (NLiteralPath_ pann path')) pos
                    x'   = Fix (NLet_ span [cur] x)
                modify (M.insert path x')
                local (const (Just path',
                              emptyScopes @m @NExprLoc)) $ do
                    x'' <- cata reduce x'
                    modify (M.insert path x'')
                    return x''

-- gatherNames :: NExprLoc -> HashSet VarName
-- gatherNames = cata $ \case
--     NSym_ _ var -> S.singleton var
--     Compose (Ann _ x) -> fold x

reduceExpr :: MonadIO m => Maybe FilePath -> NExprLoc -> m NExprLoc
reduceExpr mpath expr
    = (`evalStateT` M.empty)
    . (`runReaderT` (mpath, emptyScopes))
    . runReducer
    $ cata reduce expr

reduce :: forall e m.
           (MonadIO m, Scoped e NExprLoc m,
            MonadReader (Maybe FilePath, Scopes m NExprLoc) m,
            MonadState (HashMap FilePath NExprLoc) m)
       => NExprLocF (m NExprLoc) -> m NExprLoc

reduce (NSym_ ann var) = lookupVar var <&> \case
    Nothing -> Fix (NSym_ ann var)
    Just v  -> v

reduce (NUnary_ uann op arg) = arg >>= \x -> case (op, x) of
    (NNeg, Fix (NConstant_ cann (NInt n))) ->
        return $ Fix $ NConstant_ cann (NInt (negate n))
    (NNot, Fix (NConstant_ cann (NBool b))) ->
        return $ Fix $ NConstant_ cann (NBool (not b))
    _ -> return $ Fix $ NUnary_ uann op x

reduce (NBinary_ bann NApp fun arg) = fun >>= \case
    f@(Fix (NSym_ _ "import")) -> arg >>= \case
        -- Fix (NEnvPath_     pann origPath) -> staticImport pann origPath
        Fix (NLiteralPath_ pann origPath) -> staticImport pann origPath
        v -> return $ Fix $ NBinary_ bann NApp f v

    Fix (NAbs_ _ (Param name) body) -> do
        x <- arg
        pushScope (M.singleton name x) (cata reduce body)

    f -> Fix . NBinary_ bann NApp f <$> arg

reduce (NBinary_ bann op larg rarg) = do
    lval <- larg
    rval <- rarg
    case (op, lval, rval) of
        (NPlus, Fix (NConstant_ ann (NInt x)), Fix (NConstant_ _ (NInt y))) ->
            return $ Fix (NConstant_ ann (NInt (x + y)))
        _ -> pure $ Fix $ NBinary_ bann op lval rval

-- reduce (NSelect aset attr alt) = do

-- reduce (NHasAttr aset attr) =

reduce e@(NSet_ ann binds) = do
    let usesInherit = flip any binds $ \case
            Inherit {} -> True
            _ -> False
    if usesInherit
        then clearScopes @NExprLoc $
            Fix . NSet_ ann <$> traverse sequence binds
        else Fix <$> sequence e

-- Encountering a 'rec set' construction eliminates any hope of inlining
-- definitions.
reduce (NRecSet_ ann binds) =
    clearScopes @NExprLoc $ Fix . NRecSet_ ann <$> traverse sequence binds

-- Encountering a 'with' construction eliminates any hope of inlining
-- definitions.
reduce (NWith_ ann scope body) =
    clearScopes @NExprLoc $ fmap Fix $ NWith_ ann <$> scope <*> body

reduce (NLet_ ann binds body) = do
    s <- fmap (M.fromList . catMaybes) $ forM binds $ \case
        NamedVar (StaticKey name :| []) def _pos -> def >>= \case
            d@(Fix NAbs_ {})      -> pure $ Just (name, d)
            d@(Fix NConstant_ {}) -> pure $ Just (name, d)
            d@(Fix NStr_ {})      -> pure $ Just (name, d)
            _ -> pure Nothing
        _ -> pure Nothing
    body' <- pushScope s body
    binds' <- traverse sequence binds
    -- let names = gatherNames body'
    -- binds' <- traverse sequence binds <&> \b -> flip filter b $ \case
    --     NamedVar (StaticKey name _ :| []) _ ->
    --         name `S.member` names
    --     _ -> True
    pure $ Fix $ NLet_ ann binds' body'
  -- where
  --   go m [] = pure m
  --   go m (x:xs) = case x of
  --       NamedVar (StaticKey name _ :| []) def -> do
  --           v <- pushScope m def
  --           go (M.insert name v m) xs
  --       _ -> go m xs

reduce e@(NIf_ _ b t f) = b >>= \case
    Fix (NConstant_ _ (NBool b')) -> if b' then t else f
    _ -> Fix <$> sequence e

reduce e@(NAssert_ _ b body) = b >>= \case
    Fix (NConstant_ _ (NBool b')) | b' -> body
    _ -> Fix <$> sequence e

reduce (NAbs_ ann params body) = do
    params' <- sequence params
    -- Make sure that variable definitions in scope do not override function
    -- arguments.
    let args = case params' of
            Param name -> M.singleton name (Fix (NSym_ ann name))
            ParamSet pset _ _ ->
                M.fromList $ map (\(k, _) -> (k, Fix (NSym_ ann k))) pset
    Fix . NAbs_ ann params' <$> pushScope args body

reduce v = Fix <$> sequence v

-- newtype FlaggedF f r = FlaggedF { flagged :: (IORef Bool, f r) }
newtype FlaggedF f r = FlaggedF (IORef Bool, f r)
    deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Show (f r) => Show (FlaggedF f r) where
    show (FlaggedF (_, x)) = show x

type Flagged f = Fix (FlaggedF f)

flagExprLoc :: (MonadIO n, Traversable f)
            => Fix f -> n (Flagged f)
flagExprLoc = cataM $ \x -> do
    flag <- liftIO $ newIORef False
    pure $ Fix $ FlaggedF (flag, x)

-- stripFlags :: Functor f => Flagged f -> Fix f
-- stripFlags = cata $ Fix . snd . flagged

pruneTree :: MonadIO n => Options -> Flagged NExprLocF -> n (Maybe NExprLoc)
pruneTree opts = cataM $ \(FlaggedF (b, Compose x)) -> do
    used <- liftIO $ readIORef b
    pure $ if used
           then Fix . Compose <$> traverse prune x
           else Nothing
    prune :: NExprF (Maybe NExprLoc) -> Maybe (NExprF NExprLoc)
    prune = \case
        NStr str                  -> Just $ NStr (pruneString str)
        NHasAttr (Just aset) attr -> Just $ NHasAttr aset (NE.map pruneKeyName attr)
        NAbs params (Just body)   -> Just $ NAbs (pruneParams params) body

        NList l       | reduceLists opts -> Just $ NList   (catMaybes l)
                      | otherwise        -> Just $ NList   (map (fromMaybe nNull) l)
        NSet binds    | reduceSets opts  -> Just $ NSet    (mapMaybe sequence binds)
                      | otherwise        -> Just $ NSet    (map (fmap (fromMaybe nNull)) binds)
        NRecSet binds | reduceSets opts  -> Just $ NRecSet (mapMaybe sequence binds)
                      | otherwise        -> Just $ NRecSet (map (fmap (fromMaybe nNull)) binds)

        NLet binds (Just body@(Fix (Compose (Ann _ x)))) ->
            Just $ case mapMaybe pruneBinding binds of
                [] -> x
                xs -> NLet xs body

        NSelect (Just aset) attr alt ->
            Just $ NSelect aset (NE.map pruneKeyName attr) (join alt)

        -- These are the only short-circuiting binary operators
        NBinary NAnd (Just (Fix (Compose (Ann _ larg)))) _ -> Just larg
        NBinary NOr  (Just (Fix (Compose (Ann _ larg)))) _ -> Just larg

        -- If the function was never called, it means its argument was in a
        -- thunk that was forced elsewhere.
        NBinary NApp Nothing (Just _) -> Nothing

        -- The idea behind emitted a binary operator where one side may be
        -- invalid is that we're trying to emit what will reproduce whatever
        -- error the user encountered, which means providing all aspects of
        -- the evaluation path they ultimately followed.
        NBinary op Nothing (Just rarg) -> Just $ NBinary op nNull rarg
        NBinary op (Just larg) Nothing -> Just $ NBinary op larg nNull

        -- If the scope of a with was never referenced, it's not needed
        NWith Nothing (Just (Fix (Compose (Ann _ body)))) -> Just body

        NAssert Nothing _ ->
            error "How can an assert be used, but its condition not?"

        NAssert _ (Just (Fix (Compose (Ann _ body)))) -> Just body
        NAssert (Just cond) _ -> Just $ NAssert cond nNull

        NIf Nothing _ _ ->
            error "How can an if be used, but its condition not?"

        NIf _ Nothing (Just (Fix (Compose (Ann _ f)))) -> Just f
        NIf _ (Just (Fix (Compose (Ann _ t)))) Nothing -> Just t

        x -> sequence x

    pruneString :: NString (Maybe NExprLoc) -> NString NExprLoc
    pruneString (DoubleQuoted xs) =
        DoubleQuoted (mapMaybe pruneAntiquotedText xs)
    pruneString (Indented n xs)   =
        Indented n (mapMaybe pruneAntiquotedText xs)

        :: Antiquoted Text (Maybe NExprLoc)
        -> Maybe (Antiquoted Text NExprLoc)
    pruneAntiquotedText (Plain v)             = Just (Plain v)
    pruneAntiquotedText EscapedNewline        = Just EscapedNewline
    pruneAntiquotedText (Antiquoted Nothing)  = Nothing
    pruneAntiquotedText (Antiquoted (Just k)) = Just (Antiquoted k)

        :: Antiquoted (NString (Maybe NExprLoc)) (Maybe NExprLoc)
        -> Maybe (Antiquoted (NString NExprLoc) NExprLoc)
    pruneAntiquoted (Plain v)             = Just (Plain (pruneString v))
    pruneAntiquoted EscapedNewline        = Just EscapedNewline
    pruneAntiquoted (Antiquoted Nothing)  = Nothing
    pruneAntiquoted (Antiquoted (Just k)) = Just (Antiquoted k)

    pruneKeyName :: NKeyName (Maybe NExprLoc) -> NKeyName NExprLoc
    pruneKeyName (StaticKey n) = StaticKey n
    pruneKeyName (DynamicKey k)
        | Just k' <- pruneAntiquoted k = DynamicKey k'
        | otherwise = StaticKey "<unused?>"

    pruneParams :: Params (Maybe NExprLoc) -> Params NExprLoc
    pruneParams (Param n) = Param n
    pruneParams (ParamSet xs b n)
        | reduceSets opts =
              ParamSet (map (second (maybe (Just nNull) Just
                                     . fmap (fromMaybe nNull))) xs) b n
        | otherwise =
              ParamSet (map (second (fmap (fromMaybe nNull))) xs) b n

    pruneBinding :: Binding (Maybe NExprLoc) -> Maybe (Binding NExprLoc)
    pruneBinding (NamedVar _ Nothing _)  = Nothing
    pruneBinding (NamedVar xs (Just x) pos) =
        Just (NamedVar (NE.map pruneKeyName xs) x pos)
    pruneBinding (Inherit _ [] _)  = Nothing
    pruneBinding (Inherit (join -> Nothing) _ _) = Nothing
    pruneBinding (Inherit (join -> m) xs pos) =
        Just (Inherit m (map pruneKeyName xs) pos)

    :: (Framed e m, Has e Options, Exception r, MonadCatch m, MonadIO m)
    => (NExprLocF (m a) -> m a)
    -> Maybe FilePath
    -> NExprLoc
    -> m (NExprLoc, Either r a)
reducingEvalExpr eval mpath expr = do
    expr'  <- flagExprLoc =<< liftIO (reduceExpr mpath expr)
    eres   <- catch (Right <$> cata (addEvalFlags eval) expr') (pure . Left)
    opts :: Options <- asks (view hasLens)
    expr'' <- pruneTree opts expr'
    return (fromMaybe nNull expr'', eres)
    addEvalFlags k (FlaggedF (b, x)) = liftIO (writeIORef b True) *> k x