Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Michael Buchler. "Relative Saturation of Subsets and Interval Cycles as a Means for Determining Set-Class Similarity". PhD thesis, University of Rochester, 1998
- of_c :: Integral n => n -> [a] -> Bool
- sc_table_n :: Integral n => n -> [[Int8]]
- icv_minmax :: (Integral n, Integral b) => n -> ([b], [b])
- data R
- type D n = (R, n)
- r_pp :: R -> String
- satv_f :: Integral n => ((n, n, n) -> D n) -> [Int8] -> [D n]
- satv_e_pp :: Show i => [D i] -> String
- type SATV i = ([D i], [D i])
- satv_pp :: Show i => SATV i -> String
- satv_a :: Integral i => [Int8] -> [D i]
- satv_b :: Integral i => [Int8] -> [D i]
- satv :: Integral i => [Int8] -> SATV i
- satv_minmax :: SATV i -> ([i], [i])
- abs_dif :: Num a => a -> a -> a
- satv_n_sum :: Num c => SATV c -> [c]
- two_part_difference_vector :: Integral i => [D i] -> SATV i -> [i]
- two_part_difference_vector_set :: Integral i => SATV i -> SATV i -> ([i], [i])
- satsim :: Integral a => [Int8] -> [Int8] -> Ratio a
- satsim_table :: Integral i => [(([Int8], [Int8]), Ratio i)]
- satsim_table_histogram :: Integral i => [(Ratio i, i)]
sc_table_n :: Integral n => n -> [[Int8]] Source #
Set classes of cardinality n.
sc_table_n 2 == [[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[0,4],[0,5],[0,6]]
icv_minmax :: (Integral n, Integral b) => n -> ([b], [b]) Source #
Minima and maxima of ICV of SCs of cardinality n.
icv_minmax 5 == ([0,0,0,1,0,0],[4,4,4,4,4,2])
satv_f :: Integral n => ((n, n, n) -> D n) -> [Int8] -> [D n] Source #
element measure with given funtion.
satv_e_pp :: Show i => [D i] -> String Source #
Pretty printer for SATV element.
satv_e_pp (satv_a [0,1,2,6,7,8]) == "<-1,+2,+0,+0,-1,-0>"
satv_a :: Integral i => [Int8] -> [D i] Source #
satv_e_pp (satv_a [0,1,2,6,7,8]) == "<-1,+2,+0,+0,-1,-0>" satv_e_pp (satv_a [0,1,2,3,4]) == "<-0,-1,-2,+0,+0,+0>"
satv_b :: Integral i => [Int8] -> [D i] Source #
satv_e_pp (satv_b [0,1,2,6,7,8]) == "<+4,-4,-5,-4,+4,+3>" satv_e_pp (satv_b [0,1,2,3,4]) == "<+4,+3,+2,-3,-4,-2>"
satv :: Integral i => [Int8] -> SATV i Source #
satv_pp (satv [0,3,6,9]) == "(<+0,+0,-0,+0,+0,-0>,<-3,-3,+4,-3,-3,+2>)" satv_pp (satv [0,1,3,4,8]) == "(<-2,+1,-2,-1,-2,+0>,<+2,-3,+2,+2,+2,-2>)" satv_pp (satv [0,1,2,6,7,8]) == "(<-1,+2,+0,+0,-1,-0>,<+4,-4,-5,-4,+4,+3>)" satv_pp (satv [0,4]) == "(<+0,+0,+0,-0,+0,+0>,<-1,-1,-1,+1,-1,-1>)" satv_pp (satv [0,1,3,4,6,9]) == "(<+2,+2,-0,+0,+2,-1>,<-3,-4,+5,-4,-3,+2>)" satv_pp (satv [0,1,3,6,7,9]) == "(<+2,+2,-1,+0,+2,-0>,<-3,-4,+4,-4,-3,+3>)" satv_pp (satv [0,1,2,3,6]) == "(<-1,-2,-2,+0,+1,-1>,<+3,+2,+2,-3,-3,+1>)" satv_pp (satv [0,1,2,3,4,6]) == "(<-1,-2,-2,+0,+1,+1>,<+4,+4,+3,-4,-4,-2>)" satv_pp (satv [0,1,3,6,8]) == "(<+1,-2,-2,+0,-1,-1>,<-3,+2,+2,-3,+3,+1>)" satv_pp (satv [0,2,3,5,7,9]) == "(<+1,-2,-2,+0,-1,+1>,<-4,+4,+3,-4,+4,-2>)"
satv_minmax :: SATV i -> ([i], [i]) Source #
satv_n_sum :: Num c => SATV c -> [c] Source #
Sum of numerical components of a
and b
parts of SATV
satv_n_sum (satv [0,1,2,6,7,8]) == [5,6,5,4,5,3] satv_n_sum (satv [0,3,6,9]) == [3,3,4,3,3,2]
satsim :: Integral a => [Int8] -> [Int8] -> Ratio a Source #
satsim [0,1,2,6,7,8] [0,3,6,9] == 25/46 satsim [0,4] [0,1,3,4,6,9] == 25/34 satsim [0,4] [0,1,3,6,7,9] == 25/34 satsim [0,1,2,3,6] [0,1,2,3,4,6] == 1/49 satsim [0,1,3,6,8] [0,2,3,5,7,9] == 1/49 satsim [0,1,2,3,4] [0,1,4,5,7] == 8/21 satsim [0,1,2,3,4] [0,2,4,6,8] == 4/7 satsim [0,1,4,5,7] [0,2,4,6,8] == 4/7
satsim_table :: Integral i => [(([Int8], [Int8]), Ratio i)] Source #
Table of satsim
measures for all SC
length satsim_table == 24310
satsim_table_histogram :: Integral i => [(Ratio i, i)] Source #
Histogram of values at satsim_table
satsim_table_histogram == T.histogram (map snd satsim_table)