{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
module Math.HiddenMarkovModel.Distribution (
T(..), Trained(..), Emission,
Show(..), NFData(..), Format(..),
Info(..), Generate(..), EmissionProb(..),
Estimate(..), accumulateEmissionVectors,
Discrete, discreteFromList,
Gaussian, gaussian, gaussianTrained,
ToCSV(..), FromCSV(..), HMMCSV.CSVParser, CSVSymbol(..),
) where
import qualified Math.HiddenMarkovModel.CSV as HMMCSV
import Math.HiddenMarkovModel.Utility (randomItemProp, vectorDim)
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.HermitianPositiveDefinite as HermitianPD
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Hermitian as Hermitian
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Triangular as Triangular
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Shape as MatrixShape
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Array as ArrMatrix
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix as Matrix
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Vector as Vector
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Format as Format
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Output as Output
import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix ((-*#), (-/#), (#/\), (|*-), (#!))
import Numeric.LAPACK.Vector (Vector)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Format (FormatArray)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Output (Output)
import qualified Numeric.Netlib.Class as Class
import Foreign.Storable (Storable)
import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Storable as StorableArray
import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Shape as Shape
import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Boxed as Array
import Data.Array.Comfort.Boxed (Array, (!))
import Data.Array.Comfort.Shape ((:+:)((:+:)))
import qualified System.Random as Rnd
import qualified Text.CSV.Lazy.String as CSV
import Text.Read.HT (maybeRead)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import qualified Control.Monad.Exception.Synchronous as ME
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Class as MT
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as MS
import qualified Control.DeepSeq as DeepSeq
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import qualified Data.NonEmpty.Map as NonEmptyMap
import qualified Data.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Sg
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.List.HT as ListHT
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(Identity), runIdentity)
import Data.Tuple.HT (snd3)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import qualified Prelude as P
import Prelude2010 hiding (Show, showsPrec)
data family T typ sh prob
data family Trained typ sh prob
type family Emission typ prob
class Show typ where
showsPrec ::
(Shape.C sh, P.Show sh, P.Show prob, Storable prob) =>
Int -> T typ sh prob -> ShowS
showsPrecTrained ::
(Shape.C sh, P.Show sh, P.Show prob, Storable prob) =>
Int -> Trained typ sh prob -> ShowS
(Show typ, Shape.C sh, P.Show sh, P.Show prob, Storable prob) =>
P.Show (T typ sh prob) where
showsPrec = showsPrec
(Show typ, Shape.C sh, P.Show sh, P.Show prob, Storable prob) =>
P.Show (Trained typ sh prob) where
showsPrec = showsPrecTrained
class NFData typ where
rnf ::
(DeepSeq.NFData sh, DeepSeq.NFData prob, Shape.C sh) =>
T typ sh prob -> ()
rnfTrained ::
(DeepSeq.NFData sh, DeepSeq.NFData prob, Shape.C sh) =>
Trained typ sh prob -> ()
(NFData typ, DeepSeq.NFData sh, DeepSeq.NFData prob, Shape.C sh) =>
DeepSeq.NFData (T typ sh prob) where
rnf = rnf
(NFData typ, DeepSeq.NFData sh, DeepSeq.NFData prob, Shape.C sh) =>
DeepSeq.NFData (Trained typ sh prob) where
rnf = rnfTrained
class Format typ where
format ::
(Shape.C sh, Output out, Class.Real prob) =>
String -> T typ sh prob -> out
(Format typ, Shape.C sh, Class.Real prob) =>
Format.Format (T typ sh prob) where
format = format
class Info typ where
statesShape :: (Shape.C sh) => T typ sh prob -> sh
statesShapeTrained :: (Shape.C sh) => Trained typ sh prob -> sh
class Generate typ where
generate ::
(Shape.Indexed sh, Class.Real prob, Rnd.Random prob, Rnd.RandomGen g) =>
T typ sh prob -> Shape.Index sh -> MS.State g (Emission typ prob)
class EmissionProb typ where
mapStatesShape ::
(Shape.C sh0, Shape.C sh1) =>
(sh0 -> sh1) -> T typ sh0 prob -> T typ sh1 prob
emissionProb ::
(Shape.C sh, Class.Real prob) =>
T typ sh prob -> Emission typ prob -> Vector sh prob
emissionStateProb ::
(Shape.Indexed sh, Class.Real prob) =>
T typ sh prob -> Emission typ prob -> Shape.Index sh -> prob
emissionStateProb distr e s = emissionProb distr e StorableArray.! s
class (EmissionProb typ) => Estimate typ where
accumulateEmissions ::
(Shape.Indexed sh, Class.Real prob, Shape.Index sh ~ state) =>
sh -> NonEmpty.T [] (state, Emission typ prob) -> Trained typ sh prob
trainVector ::
(Shape.C sh, Eq sh, Class.Real prob) =>
Emission typ prob -> Vector sh prob -> Trained typ sh prob
combine ::
(Shape.C sh, Eq sh, Class.Real prob) =>
Trained typ sh prob -> Trained typ sh prob -> Trained typ sh prob
normalize ::
(Shape.C sh, Eq sh, Class.Real prob) =>
Trained typ sh prob -> T typ sh prob
accumulateEmissionVectors ::
(Estimate typ, Shape.C sh, Eq sh, Class.Real prob) =>
NonEmpty.T [] (Emission typ prob, Vector sh prob) -> Trained typ sh prob
accumulateEmissionVectors = NonEmpty.foldl1Map combine (uncurry trainVector)
(Estimate typ, Shape.C sh, Eq sh, Class.Real prob) =>
Sg.Semigroup (Trained typ sh prob) where
(<>) = combine
data Discrete symbol
newtype instance T (Discrete symbol) sh prob =
Discrete (Matrix.General (Set symbol) sh prob)
newtype instance Trained (Discrete symbol) sh prob =
DiscreteTrained (NonEmptyMap.T symbol (Vector sh prob))
type instance Emission (Discrete symbol) prob = symbol
instance (P.Show symbol, Ord symbol) => Show (Discrete symbol) where
showsPrec prec (Discrete m) = P.showsPrec prec m
showsPrecTrained prec (DiscreteTrained m) = P.showsPrec prec m
instance (DeepSeq.NFData symbol) => NFData (Discrete symbol) where
rnf (Discrete m) = DeepSeq.rnf m
rnfTrained (DiscreteTrained m) = DeepSeq.rnf m
instance (P.Show symbol, Ord symbol) => Format (Discrete symbol) where
format fmt (Discrete m) =
Output.formatAligned $
map (\(sym,v) ->
map (Identity . Output.text) $
(show sym ++ ":") : map (printFmt fmt) (Vector.toList v)) $
Array.toAssociations $ Matrix.toRowArray m
newtype Flip f b a = Flip {getFlip :: f a b}
printFmt :: (Class.Real a) => String -> a -> String
printFmt fmt =
getFlip $ Class.switchReal (Flip $ printf fmt) (Flip $ printf fmt)
instance (Ord symbol) => Info (Discrete symbol) where
statesShape (Discrete m) = Matrix.width m
statesShapeTrained (DiscreteTrained m) = discreteStateShape m
instance (Ord symbol) => Generate (Discrete symbol) where
generate (Discrete m) =
randomItemProp . StorableArray.toAssociations . Matrix.takeColumn m
instance (Ord symbol) => EmissionProb (Discrete symbol) where
mapStatesShape f (Discrete m) = Discrete $ Matrix.mapWidth f m
emissionProb (Discrete m) = Matrix.takeRow m
emissionStateProb (Discrete m) x s = m #! (x,s)
instance (Ord symbol) => Estimate (Discrete symbol) where
accumulateEmissions sh =
DiscreteTrained .
(StorableArray.reshape sh .
StorableArray.fromAssociations 0 (Shape.Deferred sh) .
Map.toList) .
NonEmptyMap.fromListWith (Map.unionWith (+)) .
fmap (\(state,sym) -> (sym, Map.singleton (Shape.deferIndex sh state) 1))
trainVector sym = DiscreteTrained . NonEmptyMap.singleton sym
combine (DiscreteTrained distr0) (DiscreteTrained distr1) =
DiscreteTrained $ NonEmptyMap.unionWith Vector.add distr0 distr1
normalize (DiscreteTrained distr) =
Discrete $ normalizeProbColumns $ discreteFromMap distr
normalizeProbColumns ::
(Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Eq width, Class.Real a) =>
Matrix.General height width a -> Matrix.General height width a
normalizeProbColumns m = m #/\ Matrix.columnSums m
discreteStateShape ::
(Shape.C sh) => NonEmptyMap.T symbol (Vector sh prob) -> sh
discreteStateShape =
StorableArray.shape . snd . fst . NonEmptyMap.minViewWithKey
discreteFromMap ::
(Ord symbol, Shape.C sh, Eq sh, Class.Real prob) =>
NonEmptyMap.T symbol (Vector sh prob) -> Matrix.General (Set symbol) sh prob
discreteFromMap m =
Matrix.fromRowArray (discreteStateShape m) $
Array.fromMap $ NonEmptyMap.flatten m
discreteFromList ::
(Ord symbol, Shape.C sh, Eq sh, Class.Real prob) =>
NonEmpty.T [] (symbol, Vector sh prob) -> T (Discrete symbol) sh prob
discreteFromList = Discrete . discreteFromMap . NonEmptyMap.fromList
data Gaussian emiSh
newtype instance T (Gaussian emiSh) stateSh a =
Gaussian (Array stateSh (a, Vector emiSh a, Triangular.Upper emiSh a))
newtype instance Trained (Gaussian emiSh) stateSh a =
(StorableArray.Array (stateSh, MatrixShape.Hermitian (():+:emiSh)) a)
type instance Emission (Gaussian emiSh) a = Vector emiSh a
instance (Shape.C emiSh, P.Show emiSh) => Show (Gaussian emiSh) where
showsPrec prec (Gaussian m) = P.showsPrec prec m
showsPrecTrained prec (GaussianTrained m) = P.showsPrec prec m
instance (DeepSeq.NFData emiSh) => NFData (Gaussian emiSh) where
rnf (Gaussian params) = DeepSeq.rnf params
rnfTrained (GaussianTrained params) = DeepSeq.rnf params
instance (FormatArray emiSh) => Format (Gaussian emiSh) where
format = runFormatGaussian $ Class.switchReal formatGaussian formatGaussian
newtype FormatGaussian out emiSh stateSh a =
{runFormatGaussian :: String -> T (Gaussian emiSh) stateSh a -> out}
formatGaussian ::
(FormatArray emiSh, Shape.C stateSh,
Class.Real a, Format.Format a, Output out) =>
FormatGaussian out emiSh stateSh a
formatGaussian =
FormatGaussian $ \fmt (Gaussian params) ->
Format.format fmt $ Array.toList params
instance Info (Gaussian emiSh) where
statesShape (Gaussian params) = Array.shape params
statesShapeTrained (GaussianTrained params) =
fst $ StorableArray.shape params
instance (Shape.C emiSh, Eq emiSh) => Generate (Gaussian emiSh) where
generate (Gaussian allParams) state = do
let (_c, center, covarianceChol) = allParams ! state
seed <- MS.state Rnd.random
return $
Vector.add center $
Vector.random Vector.Normal (StorableArray.shape center) seed
-*# covarianceChol
instance (Shape.C emiSh, Eq emiSh) => EmissionProb (Gaussian emiSh) where
mapStatesShape f (Gaussian m) = Gaussian $ Array.mapShape f m
emissionProb (Gaussian allParams) x =
StorableArray.fromBoxed $ fmap (gaussianEmissionProb x) allParams
emissionStateProb (Gaussian allParams) x s =
gaussianEmissionProb x $ allParams ! s
gaussianEmissionProb ::
(Shape.C emiSh, Eq emiSh, Class.Real a) =>
Vector emiSh a -> (a, Vector emiSh a, Triangular.Upper emiSh a) -> a
gaussianEmissionProb x (c, center, covarianceChol) =
c * expSquared (Vector.sub x center -/# covarianceChol)
expSquared :: (Shape.C sh, Class.Real a) => Vector sh a -> a
expSquared =
getNorm $ Class.switchReal (Norm expSquaredAux) (Norm expSquaredAux)
newtype Norm f a = Norm {getNorm :: f a -> a}
expSquaredAux ::
(Shape.C sh, Class.Floating a, Vector.RealOf a ~ ar, Class.Real ar) =>
Vector sh a -> ar
expSquaredAux x = exp ((-1/2) * Vector.norm2Squared x)
instance (Shape.C emiSh, Eq emiSh) => Estimate (Gaussian emiSh) where
accumulateEmissions sh xs =
let emiSh = StorableArray.shape $ snd $ NonEmpty.head xs
hermSh = MatrixShape.hermitian MatrixShape.RowMajor (():+:emiSh)
in GaussianTrained $
Matrix.toRowMajor . Matrix.fromRowArray hermSh . Array.reshape sh .
Array.accumulate Vector.add
(Array.replicate (Shape.Deferred sh) (Vector.zero hermSh)) .
map (\(state,v) -> (Shape.deferIndex sh state, extendedHermitian v)) .
$ xs
trainVector xs probs =
GaussianTrained $ Matrix.toRowMajor $ probs |*- extendedHermitian xs
combine (GaussianTrained m0) (GaussianTrained m1) =
GaussianTrained $ Vector.add m0 m1
normalize (GaussianTrained m) =
let params (weight, centerSum, covarianceSum) =
let c = recip (weight#!((),()))
center = Vector.scale c $ Matrix.flattenRow centerSum
in (center,
(Matrix.scaleRealReal c covarianceSum)
(Hermitian.outer MatrixShape.RowMajor center))
in Gaussian $
fmap (gaussianParameters . params .
Hermitian.split . ArrMatrix.fromVector) $
Matrix.toRowArray $ Matrix.fromRowMajor m
extendedHermitian ::
(Shape.C emiSh, Class.Floating a) =>
StorableArray.Array emiSh a ->
StorableArray.Array (MatrixShape.Hermitian (():+:emiSh)) a
extendedHermitian =
ArrMatrix.toVector .
Hermitian.outer MatrixShape.RowMajor . Vector.append (Vector.one ())
gaussianTrained ::
(Shape.C emiSh, Eq emiSh, Shape.C stateSh, Class.Real prob) =>
Array stateSh (prob, Vector emiSh prob, Matrix.Hermitian emiSh prob) ->
Trained (Gaussian emiSh) stateSh prob
gaussianTrained =
GaussianTrained . Matrix.toRowMajor .
matrixFromRowArray "HMM.Distribution.gaussianTrained" .
(\(weight, center, covariance) ->
ArrMatrix.toVector $
(Hermitian.fromList MatrixShape.RowMajor () [weight])
(Matrix.singleRow MatrixShape.RowMajor center)
matrixFromRowArray ::
(Shape.C width, Eq width, Shape.C height, Class.Real a) =>
String ->
Array height (StorableArray.Array width a) ->
Matrix.General height width a
matrixFromRowArray name xs =
case Array.toList xs of
[] -> error $ name ++ ": empty array"
x:_ -> Matrix.fromRowArray (StorableArray.shape x) xs
gaussian ::
(Shape.C emiSh, Shape.C stateSh, Class.Real prob) =>
Array stateSh (Vector emiSh prob, Matrix.Hermitian emiSh prob) ->
T (Gaussian emiSh) stateSh prob
gaussian = Gaussian . fmap gaussianParameters
gaussianParameters ::
(Shape.C emiSh, Class.Real prob) =>
(Vector emiSh prob, Matrix.Hermitian emiSh prob) ->
(prob, Vector emiSh prob, Triangular.Upper emiSh prob)
gaussianParameters (center, covariance) =
gaussianFromCholesky center $ HermitianPD.decompose covariance
gaussianFromCholesky ::
(Shape.C emiSh, Class.Real prob) =>
Vector emiSh prob -> Triangular.Upper emiSh prob ->
(prob, Vector emiSh prob, Triangular.Upper emiSh prob)
gaussianFromCholesky center covarianceChol =
let covarianceSqrtDet =
Vector.product $ Triangular.takeDiagonal covarianceChol
in (recip (sqrt2pi ^ vectorDim center * covarianceSqrtDet),
center, covarianceChol)
sqrt2pi :: (Class.Real a) => a
sqrt2pi = runIdentity $ Class.switchReal sqrt2piAux sqrt2piAux
sqrt2piAux :: (Floating a) => Identity a
sqrt2piAux = Identity $ sqrt (2*pi)
class ToCSV typ where
toCells ::
(Shape.C sh, Class.Real prob, P.Show prob) =>
T typ sh prob -> [[String]]
class FromCSV typ where
parseCells ::
(Shape.C sh, Eq sh, Class.Real prob, Read prob) =>
sh -> HMMCSV.CSVParser (T typ sh prob)
class (Ord symbol) => CSVSymbol symbol where
cellFromSymbol :: symbol -> String
symbolFromCell :: String -> Maybe symbol
instance CSVSymbol Char where
cellFromSymbol = (:[])
symbolFromCell = listToMaybe
instance CSVSymbol Int where
cellFromSymbol = show
symbolFromCell = maybeRead
instance (CSVSymbol symbol) => ToCSV (Discrete symbol) where
toCells (Discrete m) =
(\(symbol, probs) ->
cellFromSymbol symbol : HMMCSV.cellsFromVector probs) $
Array.toAssociations $ Matrix.toRowArray m
instance (CSVSymbol symbol) => FromCSV (Discrete symbol) where
parseCells n =
let p = parseSymbolProb n
in fmap discreteFromList $
liftA2 NonEmpty.Cons (HMMCSV.getRow >>= p) (HMMCSV.manyRowsUntilEnd p)
parseSymbolProb ::
(Shape.C sh, Class.Real prob, Read prob, CSVSymbol symbol) =>
sh -> CSV.CSVRow -> HMMCSV.CSVParser (symbol, Vector sh prob)
parseSymbolProb sh row =
case row of
[] -> MT.lift $ ME.throw "missing symbol"
c:cs ->
liftM2 (,)
(let str = CSV.csvFieldContent c
in MT.lift $ ME.fromMaybe (printf "unknown symbol %s" str) $
symbolFromCell str)
(do v <- HMMCSV.parseVectorFields cs
let n = Shape.size sh
let m = vectorDim v
HMMCSV.assert (n == m)
(printf "number of states (%d) and size of probability vector (%d) mismatch"
n m)
return $ StorableArray.reshape sh v)
instance (Shape.Indexed emiSh) => ToCSV (Gaussian emiSh) where
toCells (Gaussian params) =
List.intercalate [[]] $
(\(_, center, covarianceChol) ->
HMMCSV.cellsFromVector center :
HMMCSV.cellsFromSquare (Triangular.toSquare covarianceChol)) $
Array.toList params
instance (emiSh ~ Matrix.ShapeInt) => FromCSV (Gaussian emiSh) where
parseCells sh = do
let n = Shape.size sh
gs <- HMMCSV.manySepUntilEnd parseSingleGaussian
HMMCSV.assert (length gs == n) $
printf "number of states (%d) and number of Gaussians (%d) mismatch"
n (length gs)
let sizes = map (vectorDim . snd3) gs
HMMCSV.assert (ListHT.allEqual sizes) $
printf "dimensions of emissions mismatch: %s" (show sizes)
return $ Gaussian $ Array.fromList sh gs
parseSingleGaussian ::
(emiSh ~ Matrix.ShapeInt, Class.Real prob, Eq prob, Read prob) =>
HMMCSV.CSVParser (prob, Vector emiSh prob, Triangular.Upper emiSh prob)
parseSingleGaussian = do
center <- HMMCSV.parseNonEmptyVectorCells
covarianceCholSquare <-
HMMCSV.parseSquareMatrixCells $ StorableArray.shape center
let covarianceChol = Triangular.takeUpper covarianceCholSquare
(isUpperTriang covarianceCholSquare covarianceChol)
"matrices must be upper triangular"
return $ gaussianFromCholesky center covarianceChol
isUpperTriang ::
(Shape.C sh, Class.Real a, Eq a) =>
Matrix.Square sh a -> Triangular.Upper sh a -> Bool
isUpperTriang m mt =
Vector.toList (ArrMatrix.toVector m)
Vector.toList (ArrMatrix.toVector (Triangular.toSquare mt))