hls-test-utils- Utilities used in the tests of Haskell Language Server
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Test Capabilities

Environment specifications

data OS Source #




Instances details
Show OS Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Hls.Util


showsPrec :: Int -> OS -> ShowS #

show :: OS -> String #

showList :: [OS] -> ShowS #

Eq OS Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Hls.Util


(==) :: OS -> OS -> Bool #

(/=) :: OS -> OS -> Bool #

data EnvSpec Source #


HostOS OS 
GhcVer GhcVersion 


Instances details
Show EnvSpec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Hls.Util

Eq EnvSpec Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Hls.Util


(==) :: EnvSpec -> EnvSpec -> Bool #

(/=) :: EnvSpec -> EnvSpec -> Bool #

ignoreInEnv :: [EnvSpec] -> String -> TestTree -> TestTree Source #

IgnoreTest if any of environmental spec mathces the current environment.

onlyRunForGhcVersions :: [GhcVersion] -> String -> TestTree -> TestTree Source #

Ignore the test if GHC does not match only work versions.

knownBrokenInEnv :: [EnvSpec] -> String -> TestTree -> TestTree Source #

Mark as broken if any of the environmental specs matches the current environment.

knownBrokenInSpecificEnv :: [EnvSpec] -> String -> TestTree -> TestTree Source #

Mark as broken if all environmental specs match the current environment.

onlyWorkForGhcVersions :: (GhcVersion -> Bool) -> String -> TestTree -> TestTree Source #

Mark as broken if GHC does not match only work versions.

Extract code actions

Session Assertion Helpers

expectNoMoreDiagnostics :: Seconds -> TextDocumentIdentifier -> String -> Session () Source #

wait for timeout seconds and report an assertion failure if any diagnostic messages arrive in that period

waitForDiagnosticsFromSourceWithTimeout :: Seconds -> TextDocumentIdentifier -> String -> Session [Diagnostic] Source #

wait for timeout seconds and return diagnostics for the given document and source. If timeout is 0 it will wait until the session timeout

Temporary directories

withCurrentDirectoryInTmp :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO a Source #

Like withCurrentDirectory, but will copy the directory over to the system temporary directory first to avoid haskell-language-server's source tree from interfering with the cradle.

Ignores directories containing build artefacts to avoid interference and provide reproducible test-behaviour.

withCurrentDirectoryInTmp' :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO a -> IO a Source #

Like withCurrentDirectory, but will copy the directory over to the system temporary directory first to avoid haskell-language-server's source tree from interfering with the cradle.

You may specify directories to ignore, but should be careful to maintain reproducibility.

Extract positions from input file.

extractCursorPositions :: Text -> (Text, [PosPrefixInfo]) Source #

Given a in-memory representation of a file, where a user can specify the current cursor position using a ^ in the next line.

This function allows to generate multiple tests for a single input file, without the hassle of calculating by hand where there cursor is supposed to be.

Example (line number has been added for readability):

  0: foo = 2
  1:  ^
  2: bar =
  3:      ^

This example input file contains two cursor positions (y, x), at

  • (1, 1), and
  • (3, 5).

extractCursorPositions will search for ^ characters, and determine there are two cursor positions in the text. First, it will normalise the text to:

  0: foo = 2
  1: bar =

stripping away the ^ characters. Then, the actual cursor positions are:

  • (0, 1) and
  • (2, 5).

mkParameterisedLabel :: PosPrefixInfo -> String Source #

Pretty labelling for tests that use the parameterised test helpers.

trimming :: QuasiQuoter #

Trimmed quasiquoter variation. Same as untrimming, but also removes the leading and trailing whitespace.