-- | Translate the hints to Haskell and run with GHC.
module Test.Translate(testTypeCheck, testQuickCheck) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.List.Extra
import System.IO.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import System.Process
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath

import Config.Type
import HSE.All
import Test.Util

runMains :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> Test ()
runMains datadir tmpdir xs = do
    res <- liftIO $ (if tmpdir == "" then withTempDir else ($ tmpdir)) $ \dir -> do
        ms <- forM (zip [1..] xs) $ \(i,x) -> do
            let m = "I" ++ show i
            writeFile (dir </> m <.> "hs") $ replace "module Main" ("module " ++ m) x
            return m
        writeFile (dir </> "Main.hs") $ unlines $
            ["import qualified " ++ m | m <- ms] ++
            ["main = do"] ++
            ["    " ++ m ++ ".main" | m <- ms]
        system $ "runhaskell -i" ++ dir ++ " -i" ++ datadir ++ " Main"
    replicateM_ (length xs) $ tested $ res == ExitSuccess

-- | Given a set of hints, do all the HintRule hints type check
testTypeCheck :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [[Setting]] -> Test ()
testTypeCheck = wrap toTypeCheck

-- | Given a set of hints, do all the HintRule hints satisfy QuickCheck
testQuickCheck :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [[Setting]] -> Test ()
testQuickCheck = wrap toQuickCheck

wrap :: ([HintRule] -> [String]) -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [[Setting]] -> Test ()
wrap f datadir tmpdir hints = runMains datadir tmpdir [unlines $ body [x | SettingMatchExp x <- xs] | xs <- hints]
        body xs =
            ["{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, ExtendedDefaultRules, ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable #-}"
            ,"{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}"
            ,"module Main(main) where"] ++
            concat [map (prettyPrint . hackImport) $ scopeImports $ hintRuleScope x | x <- take 1 xs] ++
            f xs

        -- Hack around haskell98 not being compatible with base anymore
        hackImport i@ImportDecl{importAs=Just a,importModule=b}
            | prettyPrint b `elem` words "Maybe List Monad IO Char" = i{importAs=Just b,importModule=a}
        hackImport i = i


toTypeCheck :: [HintRule] -> [String]
toTypeCheck hints =
    ["import HLint_TypeCheck hiding(main)"
    ,"main = return ()"] ++
    ["{-# LINE " ++ show (startLine $ ann rhs) ++ " " ++ show (fileName $ ann rhs) ++ " #-}\n" ++
     prettyPrint (PatBind an (toNamed $ "test" ++ show i) bod Nothing)
    | (i, HintRule _ _ _ lhs rhs side _) <- zip [1..] hints, "noTypeCheck" `notElem` vars (maybeToList side)
    , let vs = map toNamed $ nubOrd $ filter isUnifyVar $ vars lhs ++ vars rhs
    , let inner = InfixApp an (Paren an lhs) (toNamed "==>") (Paren an rhs)
    , let bod = UnGuardedRhs an $ if null vs then inner else Lambda an vs inner]


toQuickCheck :: [HintRule] -> [String]
toQuickCheck hints =
    ["import HLint_QuickCheck hiding(main)"
    ,"default(Maybe Bool,Int,Dbl)"
    ,prettyPrint $ PatBind an (toNamed "main") (UnGuardedRhs an $ toNamed "withMain" $$ Do an tests) Nothing]
        str x = Lit an $ String an x (show x)
        int x = Lit an $ Int an (toInteger x) (show x)
        app = App an
        a $$ b = InfixApp an a (toNamed "$") b
        tests =
            [ Qualifier an $
                Let an (BDecls an [PatBind an (toNamed "t") (UnGuardedRhs an bod) Nothing]) $
                (toNamed "test" `app` str (fileName $ ann rhs) `app` int (startLine $ ann rhs) `app`
                 str (prettyPrint lhs ++ " ==> " ++ prettyPrint rhs)) `app` toNamed "t"
            | (i, HintRule _ _ _ lhs rhs side note) <- zip [1..] hints, "noQuickCheck" `notElem` vars (maybeToList side)
            , let vs = map (restrict side) $ nubOrd $ filter isUnifyVar $ vars lhs ++ vars rhs
            , let op = if any isRemovesError note then "?==>" else "==>"
            , let inner = InfixApp an (Paren an lhs) (toNamed op) (Paren an rhs)
            , let bod = if null vs then Paren an inner else Lambda an vs inner]

        restrict (Just side) v
            | any (=~= App an (toNamed "isNegZero") (toNamed v)) (universe side) = PApp an (toNamed "NegZero") [toNamed v]
            | any (=~= App an (toNamed "isNat") (toNamed v)) (universe side) = PApp an (toNamed "Nat") [toNamed v]
            | any (=~= App an (toNamed "isCompare") (toNamed v)) (universe side) = PApp an (toNamed "Compare") [toNamed v]
        restrict _ v = toNamed v

isRemovesError :: Note -> Bool
isRemovesError RemovesError{} = True
isRemovesError _ = False