{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

map f [] = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs

foldr f z [] = z
foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (foldr f z xs)

foldl f z [] = z
foldl f z (x:xs) = foldl f (f z x) xs

f (x:xs) = negate x + f xs ; f [] = 0 -- f xs = foldr ((+) . negate) 0 xs
f (x:xs) = x + 1 : f xs ; f [] = [] -- f xs = map (+ 1) xs
f z (x:xs) = f (z*x) xs ; f z [] = z -- f z xs = foldl (*) z xs
f a (x:xs) b = x + a + b : f a xs b ; f a [] b = [] -- f a xs b = map (\ x -> x + a + b) xs
f [] a = return a ; f (x:xs) a = a + x >>= \fax -> f xs fax -- f xs a = foldM (+) a xs
f (x:xs) a = a + x >>= \fax -> f xs fax ; f [] a = pure a -- f xs a = foldM (+) a xs
foos [] x = x; foos (y:ys) x = foo y $ foos ys x -- foos ys x = foldr foo x ys
f [] y = y; f (x:xs) y = f xs $ g x y -- f xs y = foldl (flip g) y xs
f [] y = y; f (x : xs) y = let z = g x y in f xs z -- f xs y = foldl (flip g) y xs
f [] y = y; f (x:xs) y = f xs (f xs z)

module Hint.ListRec(listRecHint) where

import Hint.Type (DeclHint', Severity(Suggestion, Warning), idea', toSS')

import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either.Extra
import Control.Monad
import Refact.Types hiding (RType(Match))

import SrcLoc
import HsExtension
import HsPat
import HsTypes
import TysWiredIn
import RdrName
import HsBinds
import HsExpr
import HsDecls
import OccName
import BasicTypes

import GHC.Util

listRecHint :: DeclHint'
listRecHint _ _ = concatMap f . universe
        f o = maybeToList $ do
            let x = o
            (x, addCase) <- findCase x
            (use,severity,x) <- matchListRec x
            let y = addCase x
            guard $ recursiveStr `notElem` varss' y
            -- Maybe we can do better here maintaining source
            -- formatting?
            return $ idea' severity ("Use " ++ use) o y [Replace Decl (toSS' o) [] (unsafePrettyPrint y)]

recursiveStr :: String
recursiveStr = "_recursive_"
recursive = strToVar' recursiveStr

data ListCase =
    [String] -- recursion parameters
    (LHsExpr GhcPs)  -- nil case
    (String, String, LHsExpr GhcPs) -- cons case
-- For cons-case delete any recursive calls with 'xs' in them. Any
-- recursive calls are marked "_recursive_".

data BList = BNil | BCons String String
             deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data Branch =
    String  -- function name
    [String]  -- parameters
    Int -- list position
    BList (LHsExpr GhcPs) -- list type/body


matchListRec :: ListCase -> Maybe (String, Severity, LHsExpr GhcPs)
matchListRec o@(ListCase vs nil (x, xs, cons))
    -- Suggest 'map'?
    | [] <- vs, varToStr' nil == "[]", (LL _ (OpApp _ lhs c rhs)) <- cons, varToStr' c == ":"
    , eqNoLoc' (fromParen' rhs) recursive, xs `notElem` vars' lhs
    = Just $ (,,) "map" Hint.Type.Warning $
      appsBracket' [ strToVar' "map", niceLambda' [x] lhs, strToVar' xs]
    -- Suggest 'foldr'?
    | [] <- vs, App2' op lhs rhs <- view' cons, vars' op `disjoint` [x, xs]
    , eqNoLoc' (fromParen' rhs) recursive
    = Just $ (,,) "foldr" Suggestion $
      appsBracket' [ strToVar' "foldr", niceLambda' [x] $ appsBracket' [op,lhs], nil, strToVar' xs]
    -- Suggest 'foldl'?
    | [v] <- vs, view' nil == Var_' v, (LL _ (HsApp _ r lhs)) <- cons
    , eqNoLoc' (fromParen' r) recursive
    , xs `notElem` vars' lhs
    = Just $ (,,) "foldl" Suggestion $
      appsBracket' [ strToVar' "foldl", niceLambda' [v,x] lhs, strToVar' v, strToVar' xs]
    -- Suggest 'foldM'?
    | [v] <- vs, (LL _ (HsApp _ ret res)) <- nil, isReturn' ret, varToStr' res == "()" || view' res == Var_' v
    , [LL _ (BindStmt _ (view' -> PVar_' b1) e _ _), LL _ (BodyStmt _ (fromParen' -> (LL _ (HsApp _ r (view' -> Var_' b2)))) _ _)] <- asDo cons
    , b1 == b2, eqNoLoc' r recursive, xs `notElem` vars' e
    , name <- "foldM" ++ ['_' | varToStr' res == "()"]
    = Just $ (,,) name Suggestion $
      appsBracket' [strToVar' name, niceLambda' [v,x] e, strToVar' v, strToVar' xs]
    -- Nope, I got nothing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
    | otherwise = Nothing

-- Very limited attempt to convert >>= to do, only useful for
-- 'foldM' / 'foldM_'.
asDo :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> [LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
asDo (view' ->
       App2' bind lhs
         (LL _ (HsLam _ MG {
            , mg_alts=LL _ [
                 LL _ Match {  m_ctxt=LambdaExpr
                            , m_pats=[LL _ v@VarPat{}]
                            , m_grhss=GRHSs _
                                        [LL _ (GRHS _ [] rhs)]
                                        (LL _ (EmptyLocalBinds _))}]}))
      ) =
  [ noLoc $ BindStmt noExt v lhs noSyntaxExpr' noSyntaxExpr'
  , noLoc $ BodyStmt noExt rhs noSyntaxExpr' noSyntaxExpr'     ]
asDo (LL _ (HsDo _ DoExpr (LL _ stmts))) = stmts
asDo x = [noLoc $ BodyStmt noExt x noSyntaxExpr' noSyntaxExpr']


findCase :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> Maybe (ListCase, LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsDecl GhcPs)
findCase x = do
  -- Match a function binding with two alternatives.
  (LL _ (ValD _ FunBind {fun_matches=
              MG{mg_origin=FromSource, mg_alts=
                     (LL _
                            [ x1@(LL _ Match{..}) -- Match fields.
                            , x2]), ..} -- Match group fields.
          , ..} -- Fun. bind fields.
      )) <- return x

  Branch name1 ps1 p1 c1 b1 <- findBranch x1
  Branch name2 ps2 p2 c2 b2 <- findBranch x2
  guard (name1 == name2 && ps1 == ps2 && p1 == p2)
  [(BNil, b1), (BCons x xs, b2)] <- return $ sortOn fst [(c1, b1), (c2, b2)]
  b2 <- transformAppsM' (delCons name1 p1 xs) b2
  (ps, b2) <- return $ eliminateArgs ps1 b2

  let ps12 = let (a, b) = splitAt p1 ps1 in map strToPat' (a ++ xs : b) -- Function arguments.
      emptyLocalBinds = noLoc $ EmptyLocalBinds noExt -- Empty where clause.
      gRHS e = noLoc $ GRHS noExt [] e :: LGRHS GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs) -- Guarded rhs.
      gRHSSs e = GRHSs noExt [gRHS e] emptyLocalBinds -- Guarded rhs set.
      match e = Match{m_ext=noExt,m_pats=ps12, m_grhss=gRHSSs e, ..} -- Match.
      matchGroup e = MG{mg_alts=noLoc [noLoc $ match e], mg_origin=Generated, ..} -- Match group.
      funBind e = FunBind {fun_matches=matchGroup e, ..} :: HsBindLR GhcPs GhcPs -- Fun bind.

  return (ListCase ps b1 (x, xs, b2), noLoc . ValD noExt . funBind)

delCons :: String -> Int -> String -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs)
delCons func pos var (fromApps' -> (view' -> Var_' x) : xs) | func == x = do
    (pre, (view' -> Var_' v) : post) <- return $ splitAt pos xs
    guard $ v == var
    return $ apps' $ recursive : pre ++ post
delCons _ _ _ x = return x

eliminateArgs :: [String] -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> ([String], LHsExpr GhcPs)
eliminateArgs ps cons = (remove ps, transform f cons)
    args = [zs | z : zs <- map fromApps' $ universeApps' cons, eqNoLoc' z recursive]
    elim = [all (\xs -> length xs > i && view' (xs !! i) == Var_' p) args | (i, p) <- zip [0..] ps] ++ repeat False
    remove = concat . zipWith (\b x -> [x | not b]) elim

    f (fromApps' -> x : xs) | eqNoLoc' x recursive = apps' $ x : remove xs
    f x = x


findBranch :: LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> Maybe Branch
findBranch (L _ x) = do
  Match { m_ctxt = FunRhs {mc_fun=(L _ name)}
            , m_pats = ps
            , m_grhss =
              GRHSs {grhssGRHSs=[L l (GRHS _ [] body)]
                        , grhssLocalBinds=L _ (EmptyLocalBinds _)
            } <- return x
  (a, b, c) <- findPat ps
  return $ Branch (occNameString $rdrNameOcc name) a b c $ simplifyExp' body

findPat :: [LPat GhcPs] -> Maybe ([String], Int, BList)
findPat ps = do
  ps <- mapM readPat ps
  [i] <- return $ findIndices isRight ps
  let (left, [right]) = partitionEithers ps

  return (left, i, right)

readPat :: Pat GhcPs -> Maybe (Either String BList)
readPat (view' -> PVar_' x) = Just $ Left x
readPat (LL _ (ParPat _ (LL _ (ConPatIn (L _ n) (InfixCon (view' -> PVar_' x) (view' -> PVar_' xs))))))
 | n == consDataCon_RDR = Just $ Right $ BCons x xs
readPat (LL _ (ConPatIn (L _ n) (PrefixCon [])))
  | n == nameRdrName nilDataConName = Just $ Right BNil
readPat _ = Nothing