hjsonschema- JSON Schema library

Safe HaskellNone




data Fail err Source #

Validators shouldn't know more about the schema they're going to be used with than necessary. If a validator throws errors using the error sum type of a particular schema, then it can't be used with other schemas later that have different error sum types (at least not without writing partial functions).

Because of this we make Fail a higher order type, so each validator can return a sum type describing only the failures that can occur in that validator (or '()' if that validator can only fail in one way).

It's the job of a schema's validate function to unify the errors produced by the validators it uses into a single error sum type for that schema. The schema's validate function will return a Fail with that sum type as its type argument.

The slightly weird naming (Fail and Failure) is so that we can define a 'type Failure = Fail SchemaErrorType' for each of our schemas, and export it along with 'Fail(..)'. This way the users of the library only use Failure, not Fail.




  • _failureValidatorsCalled :: !err

    E.g. Items UniqueItems during draft 4 validation.

  • _failureFinalValidator :: !Value

    The value of the validator that raised the error (e.g. the value of "uniqueItems" in the above example.

  • _failureOffendingPointer :: !Pointer

    A pointer to the part of the data that caused invalidation.

  • _failureOffendingData :: !Value

    The part of the data that caused invalidation. Usually this is identical to the result of resolving _invalidOffendingPointer against the starting data, but not always (e.g. in the case of additionalItems where _invalidOffendingData will be the items in the array that were not allowed, instead of the entire array).


Functor Fail Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Fail a -> Fail b #

(<$) :: a -> Fail b -> Fail a #

Eq err => Eq (Fail err) Source # 


(==) :: Fail err -> Fail err -> Bool #

(/=) :: Fail err -> Fail err -> Bool #

Show err => Show (Fail err) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Fail err -> ShowS #

show :: Fail err -> String #

showList :: [Fail err] -> ShowS #