hgettext-0.1.6: Bindings to libintl.h (gettext, bindtextdomain)



This library provides basic internationalization capabilities



getText :: String -> IO StringSource

getText wraps GNU gettext function. It returns translated string for the input messages. If translated string not found the input string will be returned.

The most common usage of this function is to declare function __:

 __ = unsafePerformIO . getText

and wrap all text strings into this function, e.g.

 printHello = putStrLn (__ "Hello")



:: String

msgid in singular form

-> String

msgid in plural form

-> Integer

number, used to choose appropriate form

-> IO String

result string, by default if number is 1 than singular form of msgid is returned, otherwise --- plural

nGetText wraps GNU ngettext function. It translates text string in the user's native language, by lookilng up the approppiate plural form of the message.



:: Maybe String

domain name, if Nothing --- default domain will be used

-> String

message id

-> IO String

return value

dGetText wraps GNU dgettext function. It works similar to getText but also could take domain name.



:: Maybe String

domain name, if Nothing --- default domain will be used

-> String

msgid in singular form

-> String

msgid in plural form

-> Integer

number, used to choose appropriate form

-> IO String

result string, by default if number is 1 than singular form of msgid is returned, otherwise --- plural

dnGetText wraps GNU dngettext function. It works similar to nGetText but also takes domain name



:: Maybe String

domain name, if Nothing --- default domain will be used

-> Category

locale facet

-> String

message id

-> IO String

return value

dcGetText wraps GNU dcgettext function. It works similar to dGetText but also takes category id



:: Maybe String

domain name, if Nothing --- default domain will be used

-> Category

locale facet

-> String

msgid in singular form

-> String

msgid in plural form

-> Integer

number, used to choose appropriate form

-> IO String

result string, by default if number is 1 than singular form of msgid is returned, otherwise --- plural

dcnGetText wraps GNU dcngettext function. It works similar to dnGetText but also takes category id



:: String

domain name

-> Maybe String

path to the locale folder or Nothing to return base directory for domain

-> IO (Maybe String)

return value

bindTextDomain sets the base directory of the hierarchy containing message catalogs for a given message domain.



:: Maybe String

domain name, if Nothing than returns current domain name

-> IO (Maybe String)

return value

textDomain sets domain for future getText call