Copyright | (C) Frank Staals |
License | see the LICENSE file |
Maintainer | Frank Staals |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Functions that help reading geometric values from ipe images.
- _asPoint :: Prism' (IpeSymbol r) (Point 2 r)
- _asLineSegment :: Prism' (Path r) (LineSegment 2 () r)
- _asRectangle :: forall r. (Num r, Ord r) => Prism' (Path r) (Rectangle () r)
- _asTriangle :: Prism' (Path r) (Triangle 2 () r)
- _asPolyLine :: Prism' (Path r) (PolyLine 2 () r)
- _asSomePolygon :: Prism' (Path r) (SomePolygon () r)
- _asSimplePolygon :: Prism' (Path r) (Polygon Simple () r)
- _asMultiPolygon :: Prism' (Path r) (MultiPolygon () r)
- _withAttrs :: Prism' (IpeObject r) (i r :+ IpeAttributes i r) -> Prism' (i r) g -> Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes i r)
- class HasDefaultFromIpe g where
- type DefaultFromIpe g :: * -> *
- defaultFromIpe :: r ~ NumType g => Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) r)
- readAll :: (HasDefaultFromIpe g, r ~ NumType g) => IpePage r -> [g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) r]
- readAllFrom :: (HasDefaultFromIpe g, r ~ NumType g, Coordinate r, Eq r) => FilePath -> IO [g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) r]
Individual readers
_asPoint :: Prism' (IpeSymbol r) (Point 2 r) Source #
Extracts the point from a Symbol. When creating a symbol this creates a disk that supports a stroke color.
_asLineSegment :: Prism' (Path r) (LineSegment 2 () r) Source #
Try to convert a path into a line segment, fails if the path is not a line segment or a polyline with more than two points.
_asRectangle :: forall r. (Num r, Ord r) => Prism' (Path r) (Rectangle () r) Source #
Tries to convert a path into a rectangle.
_asPolyLine :: Prism' (Path r) (PolyLine 2 () r) Source #
Convert to a polyline. Ignores all non-polyline parts
testPath ^? _asPolyLine
Just (PolyLine {_points = LSeq (fromList [Point2 [0,0] :+ (),Point2 [10,10] :+ (),Point2 [200,100] :+ ()])})
_asSomePolygon :: Prism' (Path r) (SomePolygon () r) Source #
_asMultiPolygon :: Prism' (Path r) (MultiPolygon () r) Source #
Convert to a multipolygon
Dealing with Attributes
_withAttrs :: Prism' (IpeObject r) (i r :+ IpeAttributes i r) -> Prism' (i r) g -> Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes i r) Source #
Use the first prism to select the ipe object to depicle with, and the second how to select the geometry object from there on. Then we can select the geometry object, directly with its attributes here.
testObject ^? _withAttrs _IpePath _asPolyLine
Just (PolyLine {_points = LSeq (fromList [Point2 [0,0] :+ (),Point2 [10,10] :+ (),Point2 [200,100] :+ ()])} :+ Attrs {NoAttr, NoAttr, NoAttr, NoAttr, Attr IpeColor (Named "red"), NoAttr, NoAttr, NoAttr, NoAttr, NoAttr, NoAttr, NoAttr, NoAttr, NoAttr, NoAttr, NoAttr})
Default readers
class HasDefaultFromIpe g where Source #
Associated Types
type DefaultFromIpe g :: * -> * Source #
defaultFromIpe :: r ~ NumType g => Prism' (IpeObject r) (g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) r) Source #
Reading all elements of a particular type
readAll :: (HasDefaultFromIpe g, r ~ NumType g) => IpePage r -> [g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) r] Source #
Read all g's from some ipe page(s).
readAllFrom :: (HasDefaultFromIpe g, r ~ NumType g, Coordinate r, Eq r) => FilePath -> IO [g :+ IpeAttributes (DefaultFromIpe g) r] Source #
Convenience function from reading all g's from an ipe file. If there is an error reading or parsing the file the error is "thrown away".