module Data.List.Alternating(
, withNeighbours
, mergeAlternating
, insertBreakPoints
, reverse
) where
import Prelude hiding (reverse)
import Control.Lens
import Data.Bifoldable
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Ext
import qualified Data.List as List
data Alternating a b = Alternating a [b :+ a] deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
instance Bifunctor Alternating where
bimap = bimapDefault
instance Bifoldable Alternating where
bifoldMap = bifoldMapDefault
instance Bitraversable Alternating where
bitraverse f g (Alternating a xs) = Alternating <$> f a <*> traverse (bitraverse g f) xs
withNeighbours :: Alternating a b -> [(a,b :+ a)]
withNeighbours (Alternating a0 xs) = let as = a0 : map (^.extra) xs
in zipWith (\a ba -> (a,ba)) as xs
mergeAlternating :: Ord t
=> (t -> a -> b -> c)
-> Alternating a t -> Alternating b t -> [t :+ c]
mergeAlternating f (Alternating a00 as0)
(Alternating b00 bs0) = go a00 b00 as0 bs0
go a _ [] bs = map (\(t :+ b) -> t :+ f t a b) bs
go _ b as [] = map (\(t :+ a) -> t :+ f t a b) as
go a0 b0 as@((t :+ a):as') bs@((t' :+ b):bs') = case t `compare` t' of
LT -> (t :+ f t a b0) : go a b0 as' bs
EQ -> (t :+ f t a b) : go a b as' bs'
GT -> (t' :+ f t' a0 b) : go a0 b as bs'
insertBreakPoints :: Ord t => [t] -> Alternating a t -> Alternating a t
insertBreakPoints ts a@(Alternating a0 _) =
Alternating a0 $ mergeAlternating (\_ _ a' -> a') (Alternating undefined (ext <$> ts)) a
reverse :: Alternating a b -> Alternating a b
reverse p@(Alternating s xs) = case xs of
[] -> p
((e1 :+ _):tl) -> let ys = (e1 :+ s) : List.zipWith (\(_ :+ v) (e :+ _) -> e :+ v) xs tl
t = (last xs)^.extra
in Alternating t (List.reverse ys)